We're regressing

Why do you guys insist we're advancing, progressing and developing as a species and society?
It's the exact opposite: we're going backwards by the year.

>your proof?
We're becoming more and more sensitive. Just watched a movie from the 70's, Papillon, and it showed animal deaths and naked preteen tits. You couldn't do that today. Why? Because we'd get offended. Sensitivity = weakness. Weakness = regression.

Attached: chris.png (582x678, 373K)

??? game of thrones shows dudes getting their dicks cut off, porn is widespread and rampant, death and sex are staples of all forms of media now
you're retarded and you live under a rock, if anything we're becoming desensitized

OP's post is just a thinly veiled jab at arguing that pre-teen nudity should be commonplace.

Everything in it is CGI and shit. Imaginary deaths aren't the measure of sensitivity.

So you're triggered by everything related to minors huh?
You prove my point then. 2000's is the first time in the history of mankind when being hebe is the ultimate taboo.
We ARE more sensitive.

In a way you're right, but also wrong.
What our society is doing is being incrediby hypocritical.
It's confusing.
On the other hand sexuality and porn has become so normal it has numbed us, but then again you can't have consensual sex with a 17-year-old because suddenly that's more horrible than gangraping 18-year-olds.

I literally do not understand this society. Either be immoral or moral, not both simultaneously for fucks sake.

A live chicken is killed in Papillon, a Hollywood blockbuster from the 70's.
Not a CGI chicken.
Imagine the reaction if it happened today. It would cause an uproar. It caused nothing back in the day.

>??? game of thrones shows dudes getting their dicks cut off
It wasn't shown.

>porn is widespread and rampant
Uhh maybe on your computer. Not mine.

>death and sex are staples of all forms of media now
Not the media I'm watching.

>you're retarded and you live under a rock, if anything we're becoming desensitized
If you're desensitized to immoral shit why are you triggered by an innocent picture of a child's face posted by an adult male.

>being hebe

Imagine being this NEET.
> mfw

Attached: pedobearwut.jpg (126x100, 3K)

>claims we're not more sensitive these days

Have you not seen the rise of feminists and SJW?
You're the one living under a rock. Nowadays everything offends women and they get their way.
Car air fresheners that have sexy women on them were banned from my country because they were "objectifying" women.

user are you retarded? That is not how regression works. If you wanted to take examples of how our modern society is regressing you should have taken examples of how western societies accept the flood of immigrants and encourage their backwards beliefs. Rape and crime statistics are at rise in so many developed countries due to this -- that is regression. Emotional response is not. Even if it were, your post is incorrect as it implies the opposite of the truth, we are being desensitized.
The outrage would be justified (depending on context) as we have the means to not kill anything living today, while making it seem just as realistic.

>If you wanted to take examples of how our modern society is regressing you should have taken examples of how western societies accept the flood of immigrants and encourage their backwards beliefs. Rape and crime statistics are at rise in so many developed countries due to this -- that is regression

I agree that that is regression too. Sorry for not including every fucking example of regression, moron.
I wanted to provide a new perspective - we all mock immigrants day in day out and agree they were a mistake, it's not even worthy of discussing.

>we are being desensitized
Then explain why pictures of minors in a bikini trigger an emotional outrage from you in 2019 but not in 1979.

>well, i didn't do the things you're saying!
sounds like you're the sensitive one. i'm describing reality, and you are evading it. fuck you, you're retarded, stop breathing my air.

>explain why pictures of minors in a bikini trigger an emotional outrage in 2019 but not in 1979
You seem to not understand that social norms and morals change constantly. We had literal witch hunts in medieval times due to people being overly sensitive. Women were not allowed to wear lipstick until the 20th century because men were so sensitive about it. The simple answer to your question is: morals have changed, it's no longer acceptable to sexualize minors in such ways.

Tbh you sound more triggered than me.
I haven't even resorted to 90% of my post being ad hominem
Are you even capable of posting anything else than
>durr you're retarded durrrr
Protip, that's how people know you're mad.

It makes no sense though. We're so much smarter now. Shoudln't we conclude with our magnificent 2019 intellect that a 17-year-old in a bikini literally isn't offensive in any way?

I understand that people in the 1500s had witch hunts but the pedo taboo is just a 21st century witch hunt. Are we just as stupid as people back then?

The legal age of consent in most developed countries is around 15. However, the laws that minors shouldn't be sexualized in media is to protect them as they aren't mentally mature enough to not be exploited by the adult market. If a minor is being sexualized, it's most likely a result of exploitation in some kind of way and this is why there is an outrage. I don't see how you are too fucking retared to see that. user, are you a pedo trying to rationalize and excuse having 5TB cp on your computer?

You're just a pedo, dude. Stop trying to justify it.

>Why do you guys insist we're advancing, progressing and developing as a species and society?

Who on this board ever said that?

Are you fucking kidding me OP?
You are fucking sub-IQ or a child. The fuck made you think this way? Watching some Ben-Shapiro or your mum bitched too much? I am curious. Here is the answer.

Think about this. Would you call stone age times advanced? I don't think anyone really gave a fuck about rape or killing in those times. There are no real records of course.

Alternatively take a look at societies that we think are less advanced and we do have records of. Think people gave a fuck about capital punishment or slavery centuries back? No. This is one of the biggest shit threads I've seen in this month. How can you be so moronic?

You've just adopted a shitty view of the world, dunno why though. The fact is things are getting better across the board for everyone, I sometimes forget how many people here are lost causes but hopefully you stop letting your pessimistic attitude prevent you from seeing reality. Easy times creates weak men, there is truth in that, so the west is suffering but there are plenty of more than competent people still around, try being one of them.

>also NEET
damn, you got me

I've been claiming we're going backwards in development for years
We should be striving for technological advancements and to shred our emotions which stands in our way, instead we're going backwards to windmill tier power.. and feefees have a higher value then factual proof
Wonder how long before we demand horse carriages again and a ban on cars