Veganism general

please logically explain why you eat meat. theres not a single argument for eating meat besides "its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care". hundred of millions of animal die every year for our collective taste pleasure. we dont need any animal products to be healthy, we just eat them because its tasty and we prefer our temporary taste pleasure over a lifetime of an animal's suffering

animals like pigs and cows dont want to die for your taste preferences. strictly speaking, humans dont need any animal products to survive. theres not a single nutrient that cant be gotten from a vegan diet thats exclusively found in meat. and going vegan is great for your health. going vegan reduces your chances for diabetes, being overweight, cancer and heart attacks. vegans live the longest and consistently have the lowest rates of disease and cancers

all real robots should go vegan, because its hypocritical of your to complain about the suffering you endure in life, the pain you feel due to being a virgin and bullied by chad, normies and your unloving parents, yet inflict much more suffering unto innocent animals for your taste pleasure and "yummy in my tummy tum tum"

try a 22 day vegan diet challenge and see for yourself

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Other urls found in this thread:

violence, power and the tears of weak men make me happy and thats all the justification i ever need.

You're stilI going?

why should i give a fuck about some soulless being's perceived suffering
also it taste delicious
fuck off tranny

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>noooo you can't just murder, rape and steal thats what bad guys do!!!!
-you with that faggoty autistic lisp of yours.
I hate you

you sad fucking virgin. you and I are opposites. you desperatly want to look sweet and nice to women and don't attract anyone. I get flirted on constantly and i fucking hate it. i hate humans.

I like farm animals and don't want to cause mass extinction. Why are vegans so genocidal?

the Jow Forums thread as well if you want to see just how truly stupid the posters of that board are

honestly dude, i dont plan on ever stopping. ive been making sporadic threads on r9k about veganism since january of this year. i just didnt decide to make an active campagin to do so, but i felt the same need. they were all different in their style and how i approached it, but they were all motivated by the same thing; to stop animal abuse

so, you'd be okay with a superior race of humans were to enslave and kill your race? if your sisters and siblings were killed by someone stronger?

are you saying might is right, even if you're the victim?

>why should i give a fuck about some soulless being's perceived suffering
its been repeatedly scientifically shown that animals are sentient and conscious and can perceive emotions as complex as suffering, love, hate and boredom just as deeply as humans can. they have moral value, and they dont want to die for your tasty snack
FUCK they moved my Jow Forums thread. THEY ARE SILENCING ME
im not doing this for pussy im doing this to stop animal abuse

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You faggot. Vegans don't consume nearly as much protein as a meat eater. Have you seen how much veganism/vegetarianism stunts a child's growth? All the vegans I've met have been pale and unhealthy. Fuck off with this bullshit.

I only eat meat once a week and drink almond milk. As farm as I'm concerned that's enough. If everyone did something similar it would be better.

>so, you'd be okay with a superior race of humans were to enslave and kill your race? if your sisters and siblings were killed by someone stronger?
>are you saying might is right, even if you're the victim?

Vegans don't realize that animal husbandry is critical to (plant)food production.
Without farmed bees how are your precious fruits and seeds gonna get pollinated?
close to 75 percent of the world's crops producing fruits and seeds for human consumption depend, at least in part, on bees.
Wild pollinators can't do the job because, guess what? the acres of monocultures we call 'fields' lack the diversity of plantlife needed to sustain these insects.
the only way to get those monofloral insect deadzones pollinated is to bring in farmed bees and supplement thier food supply(give them extra sugar and protein) so they can survive in the artificial environments of orchards and farms

tl;dr but to answer your question: i don't care
i like animals, they are cute, but also they lost and that they exist at all is a mercy and privilege granted upon them by us
the only reason cows or pigs or chickens or cats or dogs even exist is because we desire them and they conveniently have historically performed a service for us or been otherwise useful

nothing has a right to live or be happy. there is no universal law that requires that we treat anything with kindness or civility at all. that we suffer the existence of those we find distasteful is an expression of a concept, morality, that we invented. animals don't care. animals are brutal, largely unconcerned with empathy.

i do not have time to care about twenty million dead retarded animals

vegans literally have higher blood protein levels. vegan bodybuilders and lifters lift weights just fine. heres clarence lifting heavy stuff that you could only wish you could

>but also they lost and that they exist at all is a mercy and privilege granted upon them by us
so in your opinion, slavery of niggers was okay because we bred those nigger slaves into existence to serve us?

>nothing has a right to live or be happy
so you'd be okay with niggers abusing your race and raping your women because they are stronger than you?

you'd be okay with a superior race of aliens or smarter humans enslaving and killing your race because they are stronger than you?

>animals don't care
well they obviously do. they dont want to die and are capable of suffering

>animals are brutal, largely unconcerned with empathy
wow, so many anti-scientific quack statements. its been repeatedly proven that animals are capable of being empathetic and have a wide range set of emotions, from greed to pride to envy to hate, to love to compassion to boredom

>i do not have time to care about twenty million dead retarded animals
you dont need to care for them to stop supporting their enslavement and murder. personally i dont really care for niggers, but i strongly believe that slavery was wrong

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heres some scientific proof that animals are sentient, conscious, and are capable of empathy. please stop spouting this anti-scientic quack horseshit. you havent provided any scientific evidence that animals arent capable of empathy, where as i have provided evidence to show that animals are capable of emptahy

>i do not have time to care about twenty million dead retarded animals
you dont need to go out protesting for them. you just need to stop paying for their abuse and murder. veganism is actually a morally neural position. you're literally doing nothing. you're just not supporting animal abuse

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i don't disagree with you that animals feel a complete range of emotion
but life itself is brutal and unforgiving. we are one of the few outliers, in that, as evidenced by your most noble goal to protect things that do not even belong to your species.

however, your base and degenerate opinion towards another of your own species reveals your naivete. this explains why you would think you could ever effect change in a place like this. alternatively, this whole thread is some elaborate sort of bait that you find stimulating.

if i ever go vegan, it will be because i believe my minimal effort towards reducing pollution of this planet's atmosphere outweighs my own personal enjoyment of life.

i am telling you not that you are wrong, but that i don't care. you asked why we aren't vegans. i'm telling you why i'm not - i don't care. i believe certain things, and i know that generally what you say is demonstrably true, but i just don't give a fuck right now and i'm gonna continue eating meat as it suits me. this is simply not a conflict of morality that i care to participate in.

because not a single person outside of your little niche group of autists cares for your moral pageantry and circle-jerking. faggot

Shouldnt you be talking about how you used the bible to justify cutting of your balls you fucking retard ,atleast you cant reproduce

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>using peta as a source
okay faggot, go chew some grass

>but life itself is brutal and unforgiving
okay, but that does that make it okay for you to do whatever unethical thing you want?

does that make it okay for you to go around raping children to death because life is brutal?

does that make it okay for you to go around killing dogs for fun because life is brutal? how is this a justification for needless murder and enslavement?

>however, your base and degenerate opinion towards another of your own species reveals your naivete
i stand guilty as charged, i hate human beings. but what does that have to do with animals? this is just some childish ad hominen attack

>if i ever go vegan, it will be because i believe my minimal effort towards reducing pollution of this planet's atmosphere outweighs my own personal enjoyment of life

great, you can still enjoy all the taste of meat if you go vegan. try beyond burgers or other high quality imitation meat. personally i dont like it, but still it is available

>i am telling you not that you are wrong, but that i don't care. you asked why we aren't vegans. i'm telling you why i'm not - i don't care. i believe certain things, and i know that generally what you say is demonstrably true, but i just don't give a fuck right now and i'm gonna continue eating meat as it suits me. this is simply not a conflict of morality that i care to participate in

im glad you are telling me the truth, this is more than most meat eaters. but please be aware of just how hypocritical it is for you to do so. in most religious and in spiritual practises, it is heavily looked down upon to be a hypocrite. and eating meat is exceptionally hypocritical. if you want to reduce your hypocrisy, consider trying a vegan diet for 30 days

you'll lose weight and feel better and have less depression statistically. try it!

2nd pol thread i made to expose the idiocy of that shit board

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give more like this, good content

God gave us animals to use and eat.

didn't spend all that evolving, learning and climbing to the top of the food chain just to get cucked by a fucking chicken

any context?


im glad i will never have children. my entire life i knew i never wanted children. when i was 16 i was the only kid in class who didnt raise his hand up for the question "who wants to have children when they grow up?"

ive always been like this. and i have my libido back because i just inject test. wow so difficult

here you go

so if i think that god gave me your newlyborn child to rape and kill, and its written in my religious textbook, does that make it okay for me to do?

is it okay to abuse the weak because it says so in a religious textbook? is it okay to circumsize children or kill people of other races or kill gays or women because the bible says so?
their screams are quite exuisit. pretty sure they were unable to be sold so they killed them

so, just as long as a group of people are more advanced than another group, does that make it okay for them to exploit others?

is it okay for whites to bring back slavery and kill niggers again, because whites are more intelligent and more advanced? are you saying slavery of niggers needs to come back?

where do you draw the line as to who is okay to enslave and who isnt?

is it okay to enslave niggers? how about monkeys? how about the evolutionary link between monkeys and humans?

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it doesn't make it okay, but i also don't care about doing the right thing in this case.
i am not justified. i just don't care.

i've tried your alternatives, and they don't taste like meat. in fact, i was also vegan for three months, because it upset the person i was dating so badly.

i'm also not a hypocrite - i'm fully aware of the incongruence in what i say. people - and of course life - are more complicated than black and white statements.

i am not a hypocrite if i knowingly decide to do something morally reprehensible. i am morally reprehensible. it's that simple. i accept it, and i am telling you these things because your efforts here are wasted. if you intend to make change, you need to leave this place. not because this thread is bad. i have no ulterior motive in telling you to leave. this is a much higher quality thread than most. however, you're wasting your time, and you have a real goal in mind to pursue.

try to broaden your perspective, though. arguments of morality and hypocrisy will never sway people like me. the most compelling argument i have ever encountered claimed that it's simply inefficient to cultivate and consume meat. according to that person's claims, which i never bothered to verify, something like 98% of all our crops are used to feed livestock, and in the end we're able to enjoy just over a percent of the original caloric value of those crops. it's uneconomical, and creates many more pollutants than would be necessary to feed humanity.

this is almost enough to make me care, but it still falls just short. see, the problem is my individual actions do not matter on the grand scale of humanity. i have to consider this whenever i try to make an effort, somewhere. is this worth my effort, for such an insignificant effect?

in this case, no. it's not worth it, to me. i'll try to do something good in some other way, but it will not be this way until lab-grown meat is widely available and economically feasible.

and stfu with bias statistic about longevity

>it's not moral
>these animals have feelings and thoughts too
>don't do with your property as you please you selfish bastard!!
you my friend are spooked by a neoliberal view on ethics

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These animals are bred for the sole purpose to feed us, their numbers would be a lot less if we suddenly stopped farming them for meat. Plus it's tasty, yummy yummy bacon in my tummy!

There you go OP doesnt even deny his mental retardation

>so if i think that god gave me your newlyborn child to rape and kill, and its written in my religious textbook, does that make it okay for me to do?
To you perhaps but not me. I believe my faith is true and yours is false. I will do whatever I can to prevent you and other followers of your religion from doing that.

>is it okay to abuse the weak because it says so in a religious textbook?
I do my best to not abuse the weak but help them. But on animals, slaughtering an animal for food or clothing is different than beating it with a hammer for no reason and to leaving its corpse to rot away. One is permitted by God to do the other is not.

>is it okay to circumsize children or kill people of other races or kill gays or women because the bible says so?
The Bible doesn't say to do any of those things. But if your religion does I would oppose it like how I stated previously.

Imagine being this big of a retard ,even admit you cut you balls off and thinking your opinion matters. Cant you follow the example of 40% of the trannies and kill yourself Instead of spamming vegan threads you fucking abomination

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can you link a video on english please? i know im from canada but i dont speak french
>The Bible doesn't say to do any of those things. But if your religion does I would oppose it like how I stated previously

okay, but why is it okay for your religion to allow you to abuse animals, yet not to my religion to abuse people? and the bible says shit like circumcision is okay, and murder of gays and whores is okay, and it literally gave provisions on how to keep slaves and never taught against slavery, and moses committed genocide against other races

the entire bible is a massive fucking contradiction, and you are being morally inconsistent when you are okay with doing otherwise unethical things because your bible said so, but wouldnt accept that from me

if the muslim quran said its okay to rape and kill non-muslims, does that make it okay for muslims to do? because non-muslims arent considered human beings?

so just as long as we decide what the animal's purpose is, that makes it okay to kill and abuse?

if i breed a baby into existence and rape it and kill it, does that make it okay, because the only reason why it was bred into existence was because i wanted to rape it and kill it?

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there there. I get flirted on a lot but am bordering on asexuality. sorry to hear about your Jow Forums thread getting removed.

ment for this person
Im going to go take a walk as im not in a right state of mind today.

religion is retarded, don't listen to these smoothbrained idiots
muslims, christians, jews, and all else are fucking morons and plebeians, content with their failure to engage their most excellent human trait, curiosity.

Yeah obiously you enjoy it why else would you be on Jow Forums making vegan bait threads almost every fucking week .also you promting veganism while having a stockpile of animal abuse videos makes you the same as an anti pedphile that has child porn.Just admit you enjoy watching animals suffer

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Bitch, steaks are delicious.

A man of culture you enjoy humans being rekt as well?

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>okay, but why is it okay for your religion to allow you to abuse animals, yet not to my religion to abuse people?
If by abusing animals you mean just beating them for no reason then no God does not allow that. But if by abuse you mean the suffering they endure when they are being farmed and slaughtered so they could be used for food and clothing then God does permit it. God gave us animals to use for these purposes that's why its okay to "abuse" them in this way. God gave us dominion over them. And again, your faith is false, mine is true. You can believe whatever you want but to myself and followers of my faith we do not.

>the bible says shit like circumcision is okay, and murder of gays and whores is okay, and it literally gave provisions on how to keep slaves and never taught against slavery, and moses committed genocide against other races
Quick google search for you can explain these things more quickly and better than I can. You seem like an intelligent and well read guy so this shouldnt be an issue.

>if the muslim quran said its okay to rape and kill non-muslims, does that make it okay for muslims to do? because non-muslims arent considered human beings?
See my previous responses please.

Muslims and Christians pioneered the university system. They taught and learned mathematics, science, etc has things created by God for us to discover and understand.

>why else would you be on Jow Forums making vegan bait threads almost every fucking week

i try making them every other day. i get burnt out real fucking quick, its too much to ask me to do it everyday. making vegan threats on Jow Forums is honestly the most productive thing ive ever done in my life, most of my life ive just been a shitposting procrastinating neet

>Just admit you enjoy watching animals suffer
can you do anything besides resorting to adhoms and character attacks? even if i hated animals and enjoyed watching them get killed, what difference does that make? im strongly against animal abuse thats why i make these threads

fucking groce. saved

>appealing to sensory pleasure as a justification for killing an animal who doesnt want to die
>being this much of a primitive ape

so its okay for niggers to kill whites just as long as its pleasureable for the niggers?
is it okay for me to kick dogs until they die, just as long as it amuses me?

>don't listen to these smoothbrained idiots
LOL. im stealing that insult
and im honestly so ashamed of my past dogmatic religious beliefs. its so shameful. like its so cringe to think about. it really tought me to be patient with religious people, because i used to be like that myself. man its so cringe of me

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>animals like pigs and cows dont want to die for your taste preferences.

Neither do the animals that get killed so they don't eat the soibeans for your homoburger but you don't give a shit about them do you? No, killing animals is just fine when it benefits YOUR agenda.

How do you explain all of the evolutionary developments in humans to eat and consume meats?

To be fair humans are omnivorous. Unlike most animals who have more limited diets and are fucked if their food source goes away for whatever reason, humans can go anywhere on the planet and find SOMETHING they can eat.

Yeah I agree, but that still means we've evolved to eat both kinds. That's my whole point.

It's probably our discovery of fire that lead to us becoming the dominant species. Cooked meat is easier to digest than raw flesh, so the body (and brain) gets more nutrients, encouraging further growth.

you have a choice. choose compassion and tasty vegan snacks!

>Neither do the animals that get killed so they don't eat the soibeans for your homoburger
this is not a fair comparison, because ruminant animals who eat our crops are thieves who are stealing form us. if we dont kill them, they will literally reproduce a million times and eat all of our food. im okay with shooting niggers who do home invasions as well

>No, killing animals is just fine when it benefits YOUR agend
im against slavery of animals and breeding them into existence. but im not against killing them defensively. i think if a lion is trying to eat you, then you can shoot it in self defense. same thing with a bear. same thing with rabbits who are eating your food

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nobody cares, stop making this shit thread, faggot

Yeah my guy I've been checking back for your response every now and then but its getting late and I got to go to bed. Im actually not Christian or even religious I just thought itd be fun to argue for eating meat from a religious standpoint. Do some searching on religion and veganism as I think its one of the few arguments that can effectively stand for meat eating. Its pretty full proof I think. Been fun talking. Good night.

Of fucking course.

I didn't ask if I had a choice. I asked how do you explain that we have them.

It tastes good, I don't need another reason
I've tried vegan food and it's not bad either and I have it sometimes but I would never replace my meat

How the fuck do you know what pigs and cows want? Are you a pig/cow whisperer?

This dipshit ob have never worked on a ranch. Cows literally have adapted to survive for the slaughter. So much so that if the domesticated cows were to be released into the wild they would all fucking GO EXTINCT because they dont know how to sruvive anymore

>this is not a fair comparison, because ruminant animals who eat our crops are thieves who are stealing form us.

It's the same thing. Animals die so you can eat.

>if we dont kill them, they will literally reproduce a million times and eat all of our food.

So let them. Animals deserve to live free and do what they want, right? They don't deserve to be killed so we can eat. Your words, not mine.You hate humans anyway, wouldn't seeing everyone starve make you happy?

They'd be eaten by the first wolves that found them. They've been bred to be fat and docile.

Meat tastes good and that's the only reason. Since you're a vegan I have a serious question for you, not trolling. Let's just imagine for a second that everyone in the world goes vegan. What do you expect to happen to all these farm animals? Cows are too big to be allowed loose and pigs would all need to be killed since wild pigs are already a huge problem that require killing. The way I see it, if we don't eat these animals then all of them would need to be exterminated which would turn them into an endangered or maybe even extinct species. Don't misunderstand me though, I understand your arguments and even support it in some degree since it would be more efficient and agriculture would take up less space. If we're going to colonize the solar system then going vegan will be necessary so experimenting now is good. Objectively speaking, I think vegans need to give up any morality arguments and focus on efficiency.

>What do you expect to happen to all these farm animals?

I asked OP the same question in a previous thread and his answer was "kill them all lol". This isn't about saving animals. This is just about OP being a miserable cunt who jerks his tiny castrated penis (not making that up, he had his balls cut off) to the thought of enforcing his will on the world and making everyone as miserable as he is.

>What do you expect to happen to all these farm animals?
to go exinct or to go to animal santuaries until they die. veganism is anti-natalism for animals

we are advocating the extinction of animals, because non-existence is preferable to endless hellish torture

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>we are advocating the extinction of animals, because non-existence is preferable to endless hellish torture

Translation: "killing animals is okay when it's for OUR cause!"

You're such a hypocrite.

Hey, I can respect that. My solution would be to kill most of them for consumption like usual and put the rest in domesticated wildlife preserves. This process shouldn't be compulsory through the government though. Just make a meat substitute that actually tastes good, looks edible, and is cheaper than meat. Seriously though, just stop with the moral crusade. The solution of just killing them all makes you sound like a hypocrite.

>Just make a meat substitute that actually tastes good, looks edible, and is cheaper than meat.

>just make a scientific breakthrough bro

Is it vegan if animals are used to harvest/plant the plants. Also what about things like fertilizer that has animal poo. It's in your food no?

That's why I'm not jumping on board with vegans. It's just not practical yet.

It's very tasty and alternatives would be very annoying to cook and taste like shit. Though i do eat a lot of vegan dishes i guess- beans, lentils, potatoes etc. A balanced diet like this is convenient, tasty and healthy imo.

Meat eating meat is normal. It's the circle of life and it's been that way for several generations. Would you push that veganism ideology to other omni/carnivorous animals? They kill to live, for the ultimate purpose of all living beings, procreation(which you've obviously failed to do so). I've just read that, like humans, animals also have morals(I didn't know that, I have always assumed that they don't), so you mean to say that what they're doing is also wrong and that they should die instead? What about the people living in the not-so-civilised places? They hunt so they can eat and live for another day. I know that as human beings, we are expected to perform human acts, but eating meat is neither moral nor immoral, it's merely an act of man.

I believe that you're attacking the wrong people here. Some places treats their animals poorly, but don't forget that some places treats their animals well. That's because of the thing called money. Shit places sell cheaper meat while good places sell expensive meat. And guess what will people buy instead? That's one reason why a salad costs more than a Big Mac. Not many people can afford your "moral" lifestyle. Just look at the place you're posting in. Do you really think these people living paycheck to payckeck can afford it? What about people living in third world countries?

-oh gawd, I just refreshed the thread and took a good look of what an extremist hypocrite OP really is. I now feel really stupid writing this but I posted it anyways.

I just want to ask you one question OP, if you just don't want the animals to suffer, what about the HUMAN BEINGS that will be affected by killing off all the suffering animals? Many people depend on cheap nutrients, and they're not gonna get it from plants. Do you really value animal feelings more than human life? If yes, then what you're fighting for is not exactly moral either. Consumerism runs deep OP, and attacking consumers themselves isn't really helping it.

OP doesn't give a shit about humans, he doesn't give a shit about any living being. He's an anti-natalist, he thinks life is suffering and we should all just quietly lay down and die.

Could we one day grow animal muscle and flesh in vats?

Well damn, if I genuinely thought of life that way I would've just offed my self and not try to bring others down with me.

>what about the HUMAN BEINGS that will be affected by killing off all the suffering animals?

im sorry, but i dont think the pleasure you derive from eating animals justifies the continued practise of breeding them into existence and killing them

you're like a serial rapists who says "what about my needs to rape? every think about me?"

>Many people depend on cheap nutrients, and they're not gonna get it from plants
veganism is cheaper you fucking turbo nigger

>Do you really value animal feelings more than human life?
this is a false dichotomy. human beings wont die if they stop eating meat. we can be perfectly healthy on a vegan diet

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Tasty steak is tasty
Also if the planet burns what do I fuckin' care. I'm here for about 100 years max

Apparently lab-grown meat is already a thing but it's expensive as fuck and not very good.

Killing himself isn't enough. he wants to drag everyone down with him.

>human beings wont die if they stop eating meat. we can be perfectly healthy on a vegan diet

What you don't get is that a vegan diet is a luxury that only a relatively small percentage of the population can afford. In many parts of the world they depend on hunting and raising animals for meat to survive. Just because you have twenty vegan restaurants and three Whole Foods in spitting distance of the charming little San Francisco apartment you share with your boyfriend doesn't mean everyone does.

those animals only exist because we breed them into existence. your example also isn't very realistic. the world isn't going to go vegan overnight. it'll be a gradual change meaning farmers and companies won't be breeding as many animals into existence and the problem will slowly fix itself. the ideal solution for the meantime would be animal sanctuaries for the ones that can be rescued.
>The way I see it, if we don't eat these animals then all of them would need to be exterminated which would turn them into an endangered or maybe even extinct species
the demand for their bodies is what has created the problem in the first place. i sincerely doubt they will go extinct like that. you make it sound like it'd be worse than all the horrible things we do to them.
>Objectively speaking, I think vegans need to give up any morality arguments and focus on efficiency
then it would no longer be veganism. the moral arguments ARE what make veganism what it is and they are important for people to hear.
no it's not antinatalism for animals. veganism is just about recognizing that animals have moral worth and that it's unethical to use or view them like they're just a commodity. i would agree the arguments/principles/motivations are very similar but they're not the same. don't conflate the two, or else you risk giving people the wrong idea.

a vegan diet is LITERALLY CHEAPER my dude. i save a lot of money being a vegan

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I'm not just talking about the money, I'm talking about what food is physically available in a given area.

because you need animal foods to be healthy

>What you don't get is that a vegan diet is a luxury that only a relatively small percentage of the population can afford
a plant-based diet can be one of the most cheapest diets around. rice, legumes, oats, grains, bread, in season veges/fruits are some of the most cheapest things you can get from your local supermarket. unless you think being vegan is about eating animal product alternatives all day then you might have a point.
there's a difference between doing something out of necessity and doing something that isn't necessary for your own benefit. a tribe/person/whatever needing to hunt animals to survive is different to someone having access to a grocery store full of many different options and purchasing something that is unecessary and harmful.

Point is everyone going vegan isn't economically feasible, we have enough difficulty ensuring everyone has enough food without striking options off the list. The problem isn't even that we don't have enough food, it's that our distribution systems aren't capable of supplying food to the entire planet. For many people eating meat is a necessity. For many other people it's a preference. People are going to keep eating meat, you can't stop them, deal with it or kill yourself. Go to the zoo, slather yourself in barbecue sauce and throw yourself into the lion enclosure. I'm sure Mother Nature will applaud you for it.

i don't think any sane vegan is going to criticize someone who relies on meat to sustain themselves. i think that's a situation that can be considered morally permissible if done out of necessity and most vegans would agree. however the point is if you can go vegan and have the option to, there's no real argument aside from some preference or just straight up not caring but it's still obvious which position position produces less harm.

>Point is everyone going vegan isn't economically feasible
plants are cheaper to grow than animals and are more affordable so i disagree.
>The problem isn't even that we don't have enough food, it's that our distribution systems aren't capable of supplying food to the entire planet
i can't really comment on whether we have enough food for the entire planet or not but raising animals for slaughter is much more wasteful and inefficient. it'd be better if we used all that land and all those resources to feed ourselves a plant-based diet instead. it would benefit ourselves, the environment, but most importantly the animals.
>People are going to keep eating meat, you can't stop them
people will, especially if you never challenge them on their beliefs. i'm not naive enough to think i can change everyone but i would ideally like to see a world where more people are vegan and the only way to do that is by being an activist.

>plants are cheaper to grow than animals and are more affordable so i disagree.

It's not just about the money you fucking moron. Crops need arable land to be grown, animals don't.

>people will, especially if you never challenge them on their beliefs. i'm not naive enough to think i can change everyone but i would ideally like to see a world where more people are vegan and the only way to do that is by being an activist.

For every person you successfully convince to go vegan there's a thousand people who will just tell you to fuck off. All you're really accomplishing is making your side look like a bunch of annoying cunts with nothing better to do than whine and pissing everyone off.

Not him, but cow's diets in the modern age consist mainly of wheat, s*y or corn. Feeding cows like that takes exponentially more arable land versus just feeding humans.

Yeah but cows can be raised pretty much anywhere. Crops can only be grown in regions where conditions allow it. Plus the Americans grow so much corn that corn syrup is in fucking everything, so corn being used to feed cows means less corn to make corn syrup from.

as for the video, I can't. I hope the auto translation works fine.

basically the video says, you can't have sustainable agriculture without animals.
If you don't use animals you need to use insecticide, which kills far more animals (insect, birds, etc...), oil, which produce a damn lot of CO2, amonia, which kills a lot of fish, etc...

As for your statistic, basically, there are no poor vegan, only rich ones, and of course, the rich are more healthy then the poor. So of course, vegan have more healthy because of the bias of there group.
Also statistic don't compare all the diet, just the main ones. And if you live in north america, you eat shit, so ofc it s unhealthy...

>there are no poor vegan, only rich ones, and of course, the rich are more healthy then the poor.

This, it's so easy to ask why everyone isn't vegan when you live in an upper class white neighborhood with seventeen Whole Foods and twenty BILLION vegan restaurants and have never set one foot past the big wall they built around the place to keep the riff-raff out, unless it's to go on vacation and spend the Whole time in an expensive resort virtually identical to your own neighborhood.

I eat meat because it tastes good and also to give insufferable faggots like you something to cry about. That way people in real life don't have to deal with you, because you're busy literally shitting out of your mouth on the internet.
If you ever decide to neck yourself, you have my full support, tripcunt.

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>As for your statistic, basically, there are no poor vegan, only rich ones, and of course, the rich are more healthy then the poor. So of course, vegan have more healthy because of the bias of there group.

>This, it's so easy to ask why everyone isn't vegan when you live in an upper class white neighborhood with seventeen Whole Foods and twenty BILLION vegan restaurants

im LITERALLY below poverty. i recieve welfare and am a neet. i LITERALLY am exceptionally poor and uneducated and live a life thats identically to the lowest socioeconomic people. compared to other people my age, im in the bottom 1% of income. im exceptionally poor, and my vegan diet is exceptionally cheap. beans, corn, potatoes, lentils, buckwheat, rice vegetables, frozen broccoli, are all CHEAP AS FUCK

i could easily live on 100$ a month, without really trying. im sure i could live on 50$ a month without trying that hard. but i do splurge on dates, ngl. i spend a good 50$ on dried dates alone, i love sweets

>I eat meat because it tastes good
but animals suffer tremendiously as a result of your dietery preferences

life is a mistake, you guys. honestly, if god put me in paradise with a million teenage virgins, i think i will refuse to reproduce with them. human life is a mistake, because it breeds people like you

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you being educated about food isn't a point. we are talking about demographic here.
poor people are uneducated about food, don't give a shit about preparing it, and would rather eat at mc donalds....
eating is cheap as dirt, even if you eat meat. but people don't want to prepare it. so you go either to fast or to cheap restaurant (which are not vegan).

>poor people are uneducated about food, don't give a shit about preparing it, and would rather eat at mc donalds....
do you have any statistics to back that up? or any science or any studies that deal with poor people and cooking food and food literacy and a vegan diet? because im pretty sure poor people understand how to cook food. they may be stupid as a brick, but they understand the concept of cooking.

they may not understand which food are the healthiest, but neither do most people. most people still contest the health detriments of eating meat. literally most people think that bacon and eggs are healthy, regardless of income bracket

but poor people are not financially restricted from being vegan, they know how to cook. its just that most are too stupid to go vegan in the first place

i d say they are too lazy to cook. they d rather buy something and microwave it. and they buy meat because meat tastes good (ow shit humans are animals and follow their instincts, who would have know?!)

and a lot of people don't know anything about food, else there would not be so many whales.

(studies about self diagnosed cooking skills are funny as hell)

as for the MEAT IS EVIL,

>It's not just about the money you fucking moron. Crops need arable land to be grown, animals don't
it's still more inefficient and wasteful compared to just feeding ourselves a plant-based diet. do you have any arguments on the morality of eating meat beside the fact some people don't have access to enough plant foods for their survival?
>For every person you successfully convince to go vegan there's a thousand people who will just tell you to fuck off
people are actually more open than that from what i've found. i've never had anyone tell me to fuck off for being vegan irl but that's because i only ever really talk about it if someone asks me or brings it up. and besides that's much better than not convincing anyone. even just getting 1 person to go vegan will prevent thousands of animals from being brought into this existence only to suffer and have their life taken against their will. i'd say that's very worth it.
>All you're really accomplishing is making your side look like a bunch of annoying cunts with nothing better to do than whine and pissing everyone off.
if you can't handle someone trying to have an open and honest debate free of any immaturity then that's your own problem.


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It tastes good. Most people just find guys like you annoying, you're not gonna convince anyone not to eat meat.