Make yourself and assume things about each other

make yourself and assume things about each other

Attached: 94c5538c14adacc9e4767ff2beadb0c7.jpg (450x450, 17K)

These creators are neat.
Yours looks like Xion from Kingdom Hearts lole

Attached: download20190805062209.png (600x600, 209K)

my hair is bleached right now, but there wasn't an option for bleached hair with roots growing back, so i compromised with an in between color (natural is dark brown)

Attached: download20190805002316.png (600x600, 190K)


you like to make yourself in anime making sites
you kinda like kingdom hearts but think it went too crazy with dream drop distance or haven't even kept up with the recent games that much
your hair is dark brown

Attached: download.png (600x600, 158K)

too specific to just go with the next closest thing (my roots are coming in too but it's stil 97% blonde)
super shy ant introverted

Attached: 37328_bf4UADvc.png (600x600, 186K)

likes indie music
discord tran
smokes weed
uses twitter

Attached: download20190805063812.png (600x600, 234K)

I liked DDD but 3 was fucking wack
yeah indie music's cool, nice trips

>super shy ant introverted
i don't smoke weed, no

>5/6 posters are female so far


picrew is so cute I luv it

shy and introverted

super preppy

tired and shy to a fault

really gay

really optimistic


Attached: 37328_Mc6sMwXQ.png (600x600, 256K)

>Yours looks like Xion from Kingdom Hearts lole
I don't get this post, you said that OP looks like someone from Kingdom Hearts but left a blank space after "looks like"instead of naming somebody, I think you forgot to say who they reminded you of.

You are a woman

You are a hikkikomori and also might be a woman

You post smug anime girls shitposts

Enjoys the idea of prostate orgasms but for the life of him could never achieve one.
Will tell others that he isn't gay.

>I liked DDD but 3 was fucking wack
A brother; 3 is such a fucking mess story-wise and gameplay wise.
I was having fun for a while on critical when they released it but I just can't find it in me to finish it.

Honestly DDD had Fantasia World and the broken flowmotion to fly over everything and I had a fair amount of fun and it was at least still the same story somewhat having the young Xehanort Mysterious figure tie-in.
I couldn't give two fucking shits about this whole Master of Masters and the shoe-horned in Xehanort/Drake Bell le dark vs light and I'm a good guy just misinformed bullshit.

Well I'm not so don't worry, we have a dick in here to start evening out the numbers.

Oi, you as well.
You definitely take it up the butt and enjoy it.
Massive cocklust and you like to blush and stutter when an user has a big willy.

Attached: 37328_pZyGWwvJ.png (600x600, 174K)

yes >:3

Nigga I may have long hair, but that doesn't mean I'm a girl

you look like the overly positive girl that thinks she can solve all world problems writing a poem
you look like you wanna kill yourself
(i do too)

Attached: 37328_PjXeuzIT.png (600x600, 259K)

this is pretty accurate actually. where's my gf to go to shows with

Attached: download20190805065921.png (600x600, 204K)

Yeah Xehanort being a "good guy" was fucking retarded, but at least the boss fights in the second half of the game were cool

Damn it, why I'm not a 2-D girl

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>you look like you wanna kill yourself
i guess
you look more annoyed in a bitchy way than sad and misanthropic to me

Filler text for filling the textbox

Attached: 37328_k2X4oHGy.png (600x600, 200K)

i don't actually know what my face looks like

mommy i made cringe

Attached: 37328_VnECGA7S.png (600x600, 206K)

Never used twitter, but I am smoking weed.

i mean i look preppy but really no

my entire life is a shitpost

Ehh, close enough I guess, had to add facial hair through my snipping tool since they lacked a facial hair area.


Depressed, and also introverted.

Someone who's happy with life.

Paranoid a lot I assume? Most likely introverted.

Trap, I don't know why, but alarm bells are ringing for me in this area.

Introverted. Plus 1 for glasses.

Attached: closeenough.jpg (498x413, 26K)

Im tiny and a boy i promise

Attached: download20190805060841.png (600x600, 178K)

mentally ill
plays undertale
listens to anime music
likes death grips
owns plants
watches contrapoints
has a reddit account
reads books
hasnt showered all day

Attached: download20190805070316.png (600x600, 169K)

You are correct, I haven't showered all day. I shower every other day because I don't want to get dry skin.

Attached: drinkingtime.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

am boy

definitely a bottom

Attached: 6E76A1AF-D52E-4D21-92DB-EDE7B32646BF.png (600x600, 186K)

fuck me i just googled what contrapoints was. this channel is a shithole

>likes death grips
i enjoyed exm/tms/nldw back when they released but i never kept up with the rest of their stuff, one day maybe.....

> And so user continued on his journey to find the long lost tomboys.

Attached: funfunfun2.png (975x1400, 327K)

can someone recommend a webpage translator? I can't read chink symbols

>owns plants

fuck yes I love my plants. I've been digging up and splitting my hostas and lilies and replanting them in new flower beds I made for them :)

Depressed cunts

egotist cunts

Happy cunts (or maybe not)

serious cunts

slightly less depressed cunts

Attached: download20190805230158.png (600x600, 164K)

Idk I'm bored and tired

Attached: 37328_r4tnWrrb.png (600x600, 177K)

okay i'm back with snacks. moving on:
you're that girl from code of princess i used to have a crush on
you like people watching at anime cons
you're most of the things you listed
INFPs i would like to know
very decorative homemaker
has pressure from parents. hates/enjoys getting teased
thoughtful, not likely to reeee often, probably here for contrarian points of view

Attached: home_02.png (453x486, 527K)

my smug evil clone

Attached: download20190805232440.png (600x600, 167K)

not the best waifu maker, but looks cute.
screw making pictures of myself. I'm not an anime.

Attached: C9D025B4-596D-4980-8BA1-ADE5800AE619.png (600x600, 262K)

>INFPs i would like to know
damn is my mbti that obvious. thank you for the interest.

It's missing a shitty looking mustache but you get the idea.

shes cute I wish she had more tiddy tho

Attached: CC086787-7569-4E3D-A6D2-C35E741F2878.png (311x333, 166K)

Of course I'd forget the fucking image god damn it

Attached: download20190805073220.png (600x600, 150K)

due to my shitty internet i get a dialog box when trying to click the finished button which makes me feel like this

Attached: ywe3tufvj.png (404x441, 114K)

I always get intp when I take those tests, but close enough, right?

maybe... how'd you know

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Everything in this pic has some meaning. Try to decode me

Attached: 37328_HzPBpxqy.png (600x600, 262K)

nazi tranny slav tomboy?

This is give or take what i look like irl
Except glasses are alot thicker
>tfw 20/280
God end me

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I'm not good at assuming things so I will assume your ages. I hope thats okay. These types of things are fun to do though

Attached: download20190805220231.png (600x600, 250K)

I'm 23 not 17

54051847 here, you were close user, I am actually 18.

If I have to guess on what you're about, I would say you're probably a trap.

Attached: sss.jpg (196x211, 16K)

Yup, you're right, I'm 19

Close enough. I barely remember I'm 28 now anyway.

nazi femboy
nice and tries to help everyone
peaked in middle school

your into futa arnt you?
you like helicopters and sneks.

Attached: download20190805051241.png (600x600, 245K)

close but bit older

I dont know which one you are sorry

Thank you for your assumption. I'm not a trap but I appreciate the guess.
I'm the same with my age

getting oldest when im 19 seems concerning

I really want to change my looks
cute ones
cool ones

Attached: 37328_sN3sEThc.png (600x600, 181K)

>Not a trap

Hmm, it appears there's still hope, mind telling me more or will I have to use my last 2 turns to find out?

Attached: chocolateposing2.jpg (260x374, 29K)

you are incorrect. won't be long now tho

>Nice and tries to help everyone
Thats correct!
Second oldest* my apologies!
Thank you, youre cute too!
Your last 2 what, user?

27 and 17.
wrong 20

Most of you got me wrong.
Yea, I am slavic, you got it right. Bravo
Kinda overshot it, I'm 24

Basically, the tracksuit is my Slavic background, uniform implies that I've served in the military (now I'm still in itz just moved from usual infantry to Rosgvardiya, basically badass chads who go and beat up the libtard protesters for good cash), earrings mean I'm a bit fucking gay, but I myself believe that I'm bi (never fucked a guy, only had sex with girls), patch on my nose for being sick

My last 2 attempts at guessing, before I strike out.

Allow me to use one in the comment, you're an extrovert girl?

my girlfriend made one for me a while ago

Attached: received_2274705562800256.png (600x600, 187K)


The official r9k Discord

gg N7b3yMy

54051822, nothing to be sorry about

kinda everything in the pic convinced me

I'm sorry that I overshot, it seems like I did that with alot of people
Ohh. No I'm very introverted. I'm a hermit apart from work, I dont like being out in public. You?

Not completely accurate, but close enough

Attached: 37328_Dwlmeg84.png (600x600, 201K)


just turned 24 but close tho

sad/lonely. i want to hug you

"very high IQ"

nerdy/generally nice

apologetic and shy but ambitious

probably likes cool music

I need to kill myself. Originally.

Attached: 68586585845875.png (600x600, 199K)

bingo, you got me. 54051902

likes /mu/core
qt bottom who needs a hug

very tsun tsun gayboi

Attached: 1542326975928.png (600x600, 186K)

futa is great, I think I prefer traps nowadays tho. what gave it away?

Huh, well I messed up on that one. Guess that means one more shot.

Before doing so, let me answer the "You?" part of your post.

I consider myself half and half of intro and extro, as different situations require different versions. I'm fine with being in public and private places. While I do stay inside all day, I do try to improve myself.

Alright now for the last attempt at guessing at least one thing about you correctly..

You open up to people when you know they can be trusted?

Sorry for overaging
>apologetic and shy but ambitious
Sadly I'm not very ambitious at all :/
Finally one I got right!

Don't go on /mu/ much, just find music on my own honestly

I understand. I'm able to function outside but I really dont like it.
Yeah I open up when I trust, do you?

ur a cutie tho

smug af you think you are attractive
low energy and flat affect
a bit racist
you secretly like dress up games so you have made a thread trying to normalise this behaviour
gay, probably diagnosed autism
wears pyjamas always

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>1st part
Well, maybe it'll become natural for you like it has for me one of these days.
>2nd part
Yes! I've answered correctly. Sadly 1/3 is a pretty bad score. :^(
>3 part
It's somewhat easy for me to open up online because I do not expect to meet the person on the other end in real life. In real life however, I would be more cautious. I mostly keep to myself, and just try to act like nothing of importance.

Don't worry, I'm not racist at all, because I do like Asian and black women.

Dunno. Im a whore for them on chats and sl so I just got that "bend over slut" vibe from you.

>you secretly like dress up games so you have made a thread trying to normalise this behaviour

dress up games are good

lol it's ok. I sure got apologetic right, but hey you are too ambitious, or at least you could be if you weren't so hard on yourself

Why is this the comfiest thread on Jow Forums in ages

Probably because it allows us to kind of see who we're speaking to.

nope straight. if I have autism it's gone undiagnosed.

dom gf?

i dont really look like that i got carried away
I would top you
annoying but lovable girl-core
listens to shit music thinking theyre superior
antisocial anarchist
no confidence
INTP but kinda lovable
cute but no boy likes you
the smug rich kid
listens to emo or metal

Attached: download20190805161055.png (600x600, 242K)

Sorta, I listen to prog metal and djent, but a lot of vaporwave and all of its subgeneres.

Not exactly how I look at this moment, this is how I looked yesterday before the haircut.
Now I look somewhat boomer-esqe because I've failed to communicate "how long do I want to keep it".

Fuck, forgot the image.

Attached: download20190805161509.png (600x600, 187K)

I wish I had someone to play league of legends with on na server. I'm stuck gold.

Attached: 37328_Tce2giTH.png (600x600, 288K)

The most original active thread right now, truly.

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tranny zoomer

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