Why don't you lift?

Why don't you lift?
It would literally solve all your problems.

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It won't fix my low IQ.

Actually it will. Exercise is healthy as fuck not only for your body, but also for your brain. There is a reason why most dumb people are fat and vice versa.

lifting sucks

t. Low test fag

I am been struggling on my bench doe any tips?

5 years of lifting, 2g of protein per kg, plenty of vitamins and sleep routine.
it does NOT get any better. if you want to go to the gym to grow muscles and have a good looking body, so be it. but if you want to lift because some memelord said that you'll get mentally better, just don't.

I've actually been getting back into it, sadly for these past 2 days I've been very sick, my body felt all weird causing me to not be able to do it.

Any tips though?

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theres literally no reason do anything other than bodyweight exercises, lifting is big gay

Lifting won't fix my face.

It won't fix my shitty internet

Go every 2nd day.
Take creatine.
Take whey.
Eat oatmeals.
Do squats.
Sleep plenty.
Eat plenty of healthy stuff.
Push yourself as hard as possible.

That's literally it.

Oh and don't smoke/drink.

Forget about building muscles if you're a drinker.

Don't want to lift any heavy ass weights.

I'm good with yoga and cardio

You just got back in. Start with low weight. Get hydrated. Are you eating good?

How does it feel being a massive pussy?

Lifting is all I do.

Lifting in my early teens might have solved many of my problems but it's largely just a cope now but a good pump is the best feeling. I hit PBs in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk on Saturday and people who don't lift couldn't imagine how amazing it feels.

I lift but see every faggot saying you must lift. There are many other exercises. I was a dancenigger for example. Got kicked out for staring at females and looking creepy though.

>people who don't lift couldn't imagine how amazing it feels
I don't want to be miserable, sweaty, and sore all the time

Oh, I lift. My balls alone weigh three thousand pounds. But that's not all I lift. I lift planets. I lift galaxies. And I lift... the BADDEST bitches. *dun dun dunnnn*

That's fair. It's worth it to push through that.

I lift. I'm still miserable, KHHV and unemployed

I lift everyday. I'm a fit aspie neet. it improves mental well being for sure but it's touted too much by normalfags as a cure all.

Thanks for the tips.

I'm working on eating right, high metabolism really makes you go crazy.

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I lift but I don't think I eat enough for it, I'm just not hungry and get full immediately

closest gym to me is the YMCA and it's $60 a month, I can't afford that

inhale cannabis smoke

wont ffix my misantrpic personality, tried it for a year i just became a bigger prick

I back is fucked I can barely bend over. What now op?

Not OP, but do you know what's wrong with it? Is it from sitting too much? If that's why, then stretching your psoas/legs in general for 30 seconds a day can help a lot.

it prevents me from falling asleep at a 'reasonable time' and i'm on the third round of sleep drugs my doctor prescribed to fix this problem

i am payaing a doctor hundreds of dollars so i can actually go back to lifting weights (despite being a miserable wagecuck)

i need something that will make me sleep on command. i basically want to wake up, eat, go to work, eat, lift, eat, sleep

if i lift, i can't sleep for 6-8 hours after. what's the point of lifting if you can only get like 3 hours of sleep?


I have the body of young Mark Wahlberg but it hasn't really done anything for me. Exercising is only a diversion from the harsh reality, at least for me.
Of course for most people exercising will benefit them, but if you are truly ugly like me then exercising is a pointless struggle.

I'm too depressed and my skin is fucked up
what's the point

I don't see how it will fix my anger issues and misophonia. In fact I usually get more pissed after a strenuous weightlifting routine.

>Taking Creatine. Ever.
>Taking protein supps like Whey when natty
You're a moron. You can get more than enough protein from food naturally. You'll never need more than 200g of protein naturally, that's even when you're surpassing 1/2/3/4. Don't be a fucking idiot.

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What's the point of looking like Zyzz when all western women are degenerates and you have no interest in boipucci?

Fuck yourself, you stupid gay non lifting son of a bitch

i plan to get back into it, but this time i'll do at home workouts like scooby

I do weighted calisthenics at home, its more convenient and im a poorfag that can't afford gym membership.

I just put textbooks in my backpack and do pullups, pushups, squats, lunges, and after weeks when it gets easy, i put in more textbooks.

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My elbow joints are loose. They haven't popped yet but everytime I lift something significantly heavy I can feel them loosening up. Does regular exercise help this or am I fucked?

Speak for yourself nigga, I'm poor as fuck.

I don't have mommy around to make help me bulking and getting all the protein from food is simply not realistic unless you are willing to literally cook every single fucking day, which I am absolutely not.

This. Also creatine is hella bad for you

Tbh I would love to start, except I literally dont know how to begin, and I am also kinda shy.
Do I just walk into the gym, look at the machines and ask strangers for help ? Wtf, I cant do that!
Wat do ?

Are you retarded? No legitimately, are you actually full on retarded? Lifting is basic physics and biology. Maybe look up something on youtube and approach it logically and with a sound mind.
Fokken normies fuckin up this place

Actually, not retarded. Thats why I wont lift according to some fucking youtube tutorial, you millenial degenerate.

I'm afraid to go to the gym, everyone in town knows who I am so watching me lift pathetically small weights would be quite embarassing.

It didn't solve my nogf feeling.

Jacked and ripped zoomer here you stupid fuck. I simply used logic and three years after I achieved a great body of Mark Wahlberg. So I know what I talk about, read a biology book about the body and read some rudimentary physics

no it really wont
exercise is unironically a nice cope though

Because I fucked up my arm and got biceps tendonitis by bench pressing too much weight and now it hurts even when I lift a fucking 6kg dumbbell and I have no idea when I will be fully recovered.

That's silly, if anything it's a good conversation topic unless you have bad relations with them.

Every gym is different but generally just walk up to the counter and tell the receptionist you're new and ask for a session. Some gyms give you free trials so you can take those.

Look buddy, good for you, but i dont fucking care how retarded you were, I am not gonna pick one of the ways someone on the internet recommends when you got 30 pages and they each contradict one another. Thats not even the main problem tho fucktard, its that I am shy and I would have to go by myself, especially problematic on the first fucking time.

What's wrong with creatine? I agree it's probably not worthwhile, but how is it bad for you? Consensus from everything I've read is it's one of the safest supplements.

But she would refer me to a personal trainer no? I am a wagie, in a poor country to make matters worse, no way I can afford that.

Jow Forums will tell you to read Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. Great book, great exercises, but you need someone around to spot for you and critique your form. Finding a lifting buddy isn't easy (I'm still looking myself).

As a lonely beginner you'll be fine just fucking around with isolation machines. Leg press, chest press, overhead press, flys, anything else you can find that will help main muscle groups. Pulldown bar is good too since you can work both chest and back. Do sets of five repetitions, increasing the weight of each set until you can't reliably complete the movements five times. These machines aren't as good as compound movements with a bar but it's better than nothing and you will see results.

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Don't take creatine. Took that stuff when I started lifting and within 1 year i went from a full set of Amazing hair to bald spots and thinning hair so bad you can see my whole scalp. Before that i never had hair problems in my life, not even receding hairline or anything.

I already lift. Reached 1/2.5/3/4
Got more nihilistic than ever but at least i enjoy going to the gym and put sone music. Is a good escapism but nothing has change except my body. You cannot change your mind sadly

Because lifting, counting calories, preparing meals, keeping this whole schedule is fucking hard user

I had few episodes where I lifted regularly for several months, but eventually lost motivation everytime

I did lift for a year and it fixed literally none of my problems

I lift and I look good but I'm still morbidly depressed and planning on killing myself. Did I miss something?

too much anxiety to enter a gym

just pick up some heavy stuff and put it back down again

it's not exactly rocket science

I lifted for 5years and she left me an aryan male for a spicy

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Lifting requires a certain focus that many here dont have. This focus cannot be practiced or disciplined, it is innate in those who dont have much to think about in their heads.

When i lift, i immediately think about several things that distract me from the workout. Of course, you will say you have overcome this reaction but that's a self selection relative to you.

Your experience and situation is not the same as other men, and your desire to project it, reveals your intent behind shaming any man that does not conform to your lifestyle.

ThinkingApe just made a video talking about the phenomenon of men who love to give advise, thinking it will work for anyone, and getting a certain psychological kick out of "helping" others.

"The worst kind of vice is advise."

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Hard cringe at not cooking everdy day, you'll never make it user

Is it gonna make my dick bigger tho?

I don't know how, and I don't know where to find a good teacher or the right information. Maybe I should have another look at Jow Forums

adviCe you fucking retard, with a C not an S, you fucking illiterate piece of shit, and btw what did you want to achieve with your post

I'm gonna start soon once I get my new car. Any tips or advice for a new gymbro?

affirmative, a year or two ago I had been lifting for 6 months aprox. taking some supplements like bcaa, whey protein, creatine and vitamins, can confirm dick was bigger due to a better bloodflow