Are you an alpha or beta male?

Are you an alpha or beta male?

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Why is this terminology burned into your brain? Just say "man" or "faggot" like we used to in civilized times. You have all been brainwashed into using these euphemisms.
beta obv

I've heard people use "alpha" and "beta" in public, and it's always some pale scrawny faggot who has no friends.

Alpha all the way.
I hate these insecure betafags

the one that's below beta. I think it's omega. that's what I am

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neither desu, i ain't even humn

Why don't you just ask:

Are you sheep or a lion?
Are you cool or a dork?

Same mechanic also doesn't say jackshit about wolf society or human. In wolf oldest is by default alpha. So suck my dick.

I'm sterile and have boobs from injecting estrogen into my body. .......idk figure it out dude

I am an omega male.

kappa male reporting in

At least I'm not a noiger.

He's real alpha baby, yeah

who else /fuckingthesehoestosleep/ here?

I'm a Papa male. I just originally sit back, cuddle & relax with my homegirls while we watch entertainment together. And if there's any sex involved it's all quick and passive like an ad.

I'm alfalfa.

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Neither. I'm probably gamma. Sigma is the one you want to be

Tau. Take it or leave it

what is Omega then? There is Alpha (Chad) and Beta (Virgin), then what is Omega in that spectrum?

Betas aren't necessarily virgins. Betas make up the majority of normie guys. They're just subordinate to alphas

A - Chad
B- Cuck
O - Virgin


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