Fembots/femanons, tell us what makes you horny right now
Fembots/femanons, tell us what makes you horny right now
nothing. I'm on anti-depressants
when he has a chest full of diamonds
Handholding originally
forearms are sexy
I concur and a pair of nice hands aswell.
Thinking about my sweet incel(ex?) whos virginity I took. Not bait
What if he has skinny forearms and small wrists
Chad makes me horny
a flat stomach. he doesn't need a 6 pack but not a skinny guy either
I'm not interested in feminine qualities on a man, user, they repel me.
I'm on drugs and so fucking horny.
My body is literally shaking and thinking about cuddling or sitting on a lap while a hand is grabbing my ass turns me even more on.
Fuck it i'm so fucking horny i would touch myself only to receive kisses.
At least you are honest, hehe
I don't get horny, fortunately.
HOW ?! I would love to stop getting turned on so easily
It's so annoying
this thread: also originality
biggest turn on for me is intelligence.
nothing since i am on SSRI and install adblock to get rid of those nasty porn ads
the idea of being a little puppy, get tamed and forced to be obedient
Having a guy serve and worship me. buying me clothes and gifts in exchange for my love and some pics...
on the other hand... i wanna be someones doll that they dress and take care of.
futanari and Rando from lisa
So stephen hawkins was your sex fantasy?
Tell us about your relationship with your father.
me and my dad are very close!! i actually have mommy issues instead.
i think the daddy issue thingie is a meme, my father is really cool and laxist with me
no clue whete my degenerate fantasies are from
desu holding hands already make me horny
Jesus Christ are there any fembots here with fucking normal turn ons Jesus
I'm sitting on a floor in a train right now next to a toilet. (the train is full, that's why). I want to get fucked in this toilet.
Funfact: I DID get severely turned on while reading his "a brief history of time". Not going into details here though.
That's the thing, back in the day before smartphones, only women from really shitty families with alcoholism, beatings, incestuous rape, prostitution, and that sort of thing, would have nasty personalities like you two, but now due to all the Jew propaganda, even the ones that would have otherwise grown into normal people, are brainwashed into becoming shit people. It's really sad, what used to be 1-5% of women from the absolute bottom rung of society, is now the default female personality.
whats wrong with me wanting to be spoiled a bit?
Absolutely nothing, if a guy doesnt spoil you hes not worth keeping around
So whos your INT crush?
ive met a million girls who say this.
until the reality of dealing with somebody who can help them fix their problems, corrects them or has to take over when helping them do something hits home. even something as unimportant as turning a car around faster or finishing a crossword can caust the societal conditioning to in, then its
hum i can enjoy normal sex, i don't see why it's wrong having a weird fetish
i'd only maybe realize that with my future husband if he's into it , if not i wouldn't mind
could you please move out of the way? i have to pee and i will probably forget to lock the door so please do not accidentally enter, thank you very much.
>said no girl ever
youd have to put your phone down first
Depends on what I read at that moment. Atm I am developing an int-crush on the author of a brilliantly written scientific book I am reading. Who is dead since maybe 10 years? Classic philosophers often triggered a crush as well.
Yeah, it is frustrating to live with someone who is way smarter than you. For men and women both. It makes the less intelligent partner feel dumb and inferior and unhappy with themselves. But since I am rather smart myself I have yet to encounter a guy who makes me feel dumb. But I did met enough guys who treated me like an idiot despite me being more qualified. That did make me go REEEEEEEEE. Not because I actually felt inferior in that situation, but because they tried to push me into that inferiority while talking and doing the dumbest shit imaginable.
Btw I can tell you from personal experience that men also go "reeeeeeee" when I correct them or solve problems quicker than they do. They don't call it femsplaining or shit, but they see it as an attack on their masculinity.
>They don't call it femsplaining or shit, but they see it as an attack on their masculinity.
this is a fair comment and perspective, i based the post before this one on anecdotal memories, its frustrating to have to deal with brainlets of any gender who believe they are in the right even when x or y is irrefutable so z must be true.
what i will add though, is i see a lot less stupid men in the world out there saying they find intelligence a turn on and a lot more stupid women saying as much. theres less pressure on men to outwardly appear to want something different than society in general would say people should find attractive (ie less men saying 'oh im not like the others!') but again that might just be from my limited experience, of not being a woman being bombarded by thirsty men.
fucking ads on this fucking board
why is that thread making you horny user?
>fucking ads on this fucking board
And which one makes you the most horny?
I think women can deal better with not being the "smarter/stronger" part, since they are raised to think that way. So they might in fact be attracted to intelligence, even if they can't live with it every day.
When I was in school, other girls lost to guys on purpose in games or whatever. Or played dumb all the time in order to make the guys help them and thus feel attracted to them. It is a sad fact that playing a dumb toddler is a legit way to get guys interested in you. I never did that and you'd be amazed how much that impacts the interest guys have in a woman.
If we apply the dumb rating system, I'd say I am a low-to-medium 7/10 (depending on the taste of the person) yet I was never "bombarded by thirsty men". Being smart also means I want to fix my own shit and not get pampered. Else I will BECOME dumb, over the time, since there is no challenge. Many guy did not want to have such a relationship and prefered girls who were more dependent on them.
So it is really weird to see men here complain about a behavior in girls that male preferences have shaped to begin with.
>flat stomach
>not skinny
choose one faggot
Addionally: There are more highly intelligent men than there are highly intelligent women. True. But also more very dumb men than very dumb women, if we trust the IQ data. Male bell curve is broader. That means many women do live with a partner that has a lower IQ than them. So they pretend to be dumb to have a happy relationship. And after a while the mask becomes their true face.
dating dudes with small dick and then cucking them with my bull who has a huge cock.
this has some truth to it, since i have seen it happen with my aunt. a dumb husband creates a dumb wife. but mostly it is because female intelligence doesn't survive puberty. all girls are brighter than boys up until puberty, where everything turns around. after puberty all they want is to be fucked by a chad. it truly is a shame, because the world would be a lot better if there were actual intelligent women, not just the ones that get a degree in sociology and pretend they are smart to cope with their average looks.
Men in labcoats make me so fucking hot.
lmao is this actually a fetish for women
i feel like a male cuck wrote this
Femanon here. My new boyfriend.
thats cute. are you guys both white?
Uh huh. But he lives in another country right now.
that's great. go make lots of white babies, the world needs it. i wish you two the best.
Like I said, stop chasing dumb girls and the smart girls will realize that their success in life is not based on them larping stupid bimbos.
And no, this chad thing is a myth. At least in my peer groups and social circles. Also I know many intelligent women with degrees in actual science. And some highly intelligent ones with degrees in soft sciences as well, btw.
Pursueing education and science is not a way for women to "deal with their looks", but we do this because we love it and we have the same intellectual drive that our male counterparts have, to create new knowledge a field, find out new stuff and learn more about the world.
Are you the same user from the earlier posts in this convo? If yes I am a bit disappointed in you for making those statements.
holding hands with a cute nervous sweaty boy except that it doesn't make me horny it makes me want to marry them and love them profusely
fuck off tease
where are the pee fetish femanons at? I just want to watch a nice qt pee (when I tell her to).
you havent posted anything that can be disagreed with, its all true (including how flat the male IQ bell curve is compared to women) besides this part missing something important.
>I think women can deal better with not being the "smarter/stronger" part, since they are raised to think that way.
what wider society conditions all people (especially young women who are more susceptible to consensus seeking) into believing are desirable traits/attitudes or life goals are malleable, the conditioning of women into being naturally subservient to the opinions of men has long been obliterated on the societal scale. actively standing up to the patriarchal oppression with all of its attributed evil, spending all of their young lives proving themselves in the face of it like theyre living in the marvel universe, is seen as the embodiment of the potential a WOMAN has. no quarter can be given.
how that plays out in reality, when sometimes being subservient (this is for all genders now) to somebody with more experience or knowledge on a problems nuances, is that very often no ground is given on the part of the person looking to 'prove' themselves. contention for contentions sake is seen as some sort of valiant stand in the great superhero struggle regardless of the issue at hand being resolved.
what are you talking about. my wife has a decently high iq but she still wants to be a mother way more than getting a degree.
i do not really believe there is any distinction between the sexes when it comes to passion. but, that does not change the fact that most women are desperate for status. whether by marrying chad, becoming some kind of coke addicted celebrity or indeed by getting nice sheet of paper showing how much they know of a certain pseudoscience.
chad is not a myth, some average girls with inflated egos want someone that is way more attractive than them. sometimes it happens but mostly average people are with other average people.
also, no i am not the user from the earlier posts
man, being in a long term relationship really melted my brain.
all i really know is that i love my wife. no one except for her is attractive anymore in my eyes.
I like younger guys generally around 15-17 is ideal. I'm also curious about bestiality but just a dog though. I can't have pets so that isn't really in the cards right now.
the wider metric for intelligence is also malleable, in the past it was recognised as being the ability to manage and solve complex problems or creative innovation, anyone could be called intelligent if they demonstrated it regardless of background. now the right piece of paper is enough to validate a person and an appeal to its authority alone being the basis of an opinions validity (and thus the persons intelligence).
even just agreeing with an unquestionable laundry list of ideas (climate change, liberalism, equality of peoples etc) despite knowing nothing of the details behind whatever it is youre showing conviction in stating as 'your' opinion, is enough for median IQlets to feel confident enough to dismiss somebody who thinks differently based on facts rather than fiction. its a mindset that extends into other situations people will face in the world and its trickling down from the loftiest surreal worlds of academia into wider society is very much a new thing.
worth noting that medium IQ men are just as likely to be guilty of this, theyre the new breed of s oygoys who will react with an appeal to x or y authority when you prove them wrong on something, be you male or female, reacting with a smirk rather than a response.
people of all genders will always be pissed off when a retard tries to correct them but women being more accepting of the arrangement is no longer the default, which isnt a negative itself but the pendulum has swung way out of balance in the other direction, where women arent allowed to be corrected at all.
i guess ignoring all of this text i shouldve just said that i can now appreciate what women have had to put up with from stupid men for the past 20,000 years but it doesnt make the reality of what we have to deal today fair by way of reparations, the whole trope about everyone being entitled to an opinion on the basis that they personally should always deserve a say regardless of experience has always been retarded.
I'm being originally serious
>But since I am rather smart myself I have yet to encounter a guy who makes me feel dumb.
That's called being a stuck up bitch, not being smart.
You'd think so, seeing all the movies and how equality is championed. But on the other hand boys mainly consume media where the traditional male role-model is embodied, including dumb porn. And most movies, books etc also still feature traditional roles. You are just thinking of the high-profile movies etc. that are by far not the shaping factors in most people's lifes. And when the dating craze starts for teenagers, most girls will learn from watching their peers and by copying succesful strategies. And sadly the most succesful strategy is larping a sexually available bimbo, that doesn't threaten the developing egos of the boys. Especially in groups with lower socioeconomic status. Equality trickles down but veeery slowly.
and, well, why can't she have both?
men are just as desperate for status. Most humans are.
Really white and pale cocks. Especially if the heads bright and pink.
im not the guy with the high iq wife, hes wrong to say that women go into education to make up for being ugly but youre also wrong to say
>Pursueing education and science is not a way for women to "deal with their looks", but we do this because we love it and we have the same intellectual drive that our male counterparts have, to create new knowledge a field, find out new stuff and learn more about the world.
the reasons people go into higher education will vary pretty wildly, theres an awful lot of women who do it to prove themselves for other reasons (daddy issues, always treated as a pretty wittle child, big bro getting the attention etc) in the same way a lot of semi retarded men will seek the academic validation to make up for other things they lacked growing up (being a wimp, not being into sports, not being the smartest despite doing tons of work).
you saying
multiple times is glossing over the obvious that not everyone will go into higher education (male or female) with the right motivations or intentions, simply seeing it as the next step they are expected to take because reasons.
>But on the other hand boys mainly consume media where the traditional male role-model is embodied, including dumb porn. And most movies, books etc also still feature traditional roles.
in the past perhaps, now the primary influence on a stupid young mans life is the number of upvotes a reddit post has. more young men watch fortnite streams than the nfl and learning their dances, posting them online and generally s oying themselves into complete servitude of their corporate masters are now seen as major plotpoints in their developing years rather than when they got into their first fight, when they first kissed and fucked a girl, when they first got a job etc.
zoomers ive employed this past couple of years all seem like complete faggots to me, things have changed.
Robots making fembots thread. It get my pussy juices flowing in way Chad couldn't even imagine.
>Tfw wristlet
Why did God make me this way. I am the complete opposite of what desire.
It's pleb-tier, but physical contact. I'm starved desu.
So touch a guy.
I can give you plenty of that if you know what I mean *winks*
What if my hands are soft and girly?
if can i be on a leash while u tell me to pee then yes
I cannot say that I experience the treatment of women that you describe there. Really. Nor can I say that the definition of intelligence has changed. Not in my experience. I still get patronizing treatment, am not taken as seriously as male colleagues. At least here where I live, there is still a long way to equality.
In my hobby-sphere it is the same. I like e.g. video games. If I play online I will either be harassed or patronizingly pampered, which both sucks. That's why I larp as male there to be able to play in peace and fairness. If I go to conventions, I viewed as a tourist.
In my personal life I still experience a lot of hindrances to pursue paths outside the "traditional" female role.
And intelligence is traditionally defined by most people as "someone I agree with". Has always been that way. Only that dumber people now have means to chime in and spread their bullshit via the internet.
What are you mad ahahah, I can't just touch a guy, that's impossible hahaha
Agree with you on this. I am biased here by my own experiences and my peer groups. Of course you are right to say that some people do it just for fame etc.
It is implied in "same motivations as male peers" but I also was too idealistic about my male peers there. 100% agreed.
You can touch me, but I touch back
having a guy ride a strap on in my lap
what about hugging, degenerate user?
well if all we're doing is comparing personal anecdotes as proof of x or y trend then we're both brainlets.
>there is still a long way to equality.
until we have open source gene editing and transhumanism, there wont ever be equality, intelligence is innate and genetic and there will always be stupid people around to get in the way of the more capable.
im in the UK in current year. wherever you are, you have a different experience of higher education, maybe where you are the barrier to entry is purely merit based whereas thats not the case here, also how women are traditionally raised may not have changed for you in the past few years as it has here.
this is all a dead end, going back full circle i find intelligence attractive, i find retardation unattractive, stubbornness is akin to somebody having aids to me.
This too is vastly different from the reality I experience. While the zoomer boys do dance and definitely struggle with finding a new concept of masculinity, they still have this feeling of superiority going on and it shows. At least here. I am not debating that experiences may vary depending on where you live. Or on your peer group.
Can we please do "name-fag"-lite here? Because it is difficult to distinguish if you are the user I started this convo with or the one with the wife that he says has about the same IQ as he has. I enjoy the discussion and would like to untangle it a bit to make it more enjoyable. So, can you please say "i am the wife dude" or "i am the guy from the beginning" when you respond, thanks :D
it is a bit annoying on here when longer posts start getting posted with multiple people using the same typing style (like these super low effort no-caps posts me and the wife guy have).
ive enjoyed your posts too and you were right to say that men inappropriately correct women more than the reverse happens, you should definitely email me your discord though as this thread is on its way out, we killed it.
[email protected]
>talking the dumbest shit imaginable
English isn't your native language, is it?
aaaaa please be real
That is what I am trying to say. Not all things are the same everywhere. Just trying to contrast your experiences with mine to show you that anecdotal based interpretation of the world is not a promising way to go. I live in a country where two identical applications for a job will land the job for the one with the male picture in the majority of cases. Still. And maybe without the "non-merit based" equality thingy this still would happen. While the "prefer a woman over a man with identical skills" might be a political regulation, interfering with the process from the outside, the "prefer a male over a female with identical skills" thing is just as real. And not less terrible just because it is not government-made.
If we as a society allow that the reproductive tasks of women (which make them more unattractive as employees due to pregnancy breaks etc) gives them a disadvantage in jobs, then we cannot complain about low birth rates and academic women having not enough children. So imho some regulation needs to happens, since me "making mankind survive" should not lead to me being rejected in favor of an equally skilled guy.
good bait you got me
Where you from? I like letting girls touch my abs and feel my biceps lol
ok! [something original here]
Why are women so fucking weird with what you find hot? and why is so much of it abstract.
I look at a pusi or a cock and I get turned on. Do women even do this? or is it all about "wow the candles smell so nice and I like the way the light bounces off his oddly shaped earlobe, makes me think of flowers and and happy fluffy clouds"
Women don't make sense.
Hands and forearms are easy to understand though, they look big and and manly compared to ours and that's the hot thing about it.
I wonder if any femanons would be turned on by my 10 inch cock? It's impractical for normal sex but maybe good as a fetish object?
I buy size 9 gloves. Would you fuck me?
My forearms are just flabby and fat though because I haven't worked out a single day in my life. But yeah, anyways, do you want my dick? My penis is 4.5 inches "long" and I have small testicles because of what I assume is some hormonal deficiency.
Chad makes me horny. You virgins are good for rubbing feet.
>If we as a society allow that the reproductive tasks of women (which make them more unattractive as employees due to pregnancy breaks etc) gives them a disadvantage in jobs, then we cannot complain about low birth rates and academic women having not enough children.
>If we as a society
we as a society didnt decide to measure success (and intelligence?) by progress in the professional world, this is something that was taught to us once the industrial revolution reached its third stage and the machines became so complex that pulling from the wider genepool for machine turners was a necessity (finance, IT, law, infrastructure). some of the most brilliant male minds in history died penniless, in prison and with no accolades because they rejected the financial worlds corruption and pettiness.
just because the best female minds of the past were rejected out of hand entirely it doesnt give the system they were rejected from any more validity in measuring a persons true value.
traditional gender roles can only be maintained in fields that arent complex enough that meritocracy is demanded, in the same way that nepotism and hiring your friends son to fill just any old job is suicidal economically. if i was a woman who felt she was struggling to prove herself in an area because men around them appear to be preferred, i wouldnt let myself get hung up on it, as if the roles they are being chosen to fill were worth anything to begin with then the only people who could hold them down deserve to be there regardless of gender.
you wont see affirmative action taking place anytime soon in aerospace or within cern, financial institutions would hire a high IQ dog over any gender of brainlet if they thought they could make them more money.
it works both ways,the only jobs youll be denied for even if individually ability isnt in question are the same shit theyll use for virtue signalling, if you feel its happening to you then you need to move to where youll be challenged.
Please please please let me rub your feet
May as well lick them while at it. And my sweaty ass for desert :)
user I said big not gigantic. As for the forearms I'm sure they're nice regardless.
I wouldn't do it just because of those tho (doesn't make it less attractive).