Why do people try to stop suicides?

why is it that people try to stop someone trying to commit suicide? They're clearly suffering, so why do you prevent them from freeing themselves from that pain?

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Because it's hard to accept that you lost someone you know
And because it's hard to accept that a person you may like is feeling so horrible

one of the ways they prevent suicide is by guilt tripping them
>think of the people you will leave behind
>its selfish to make them sad
its all about everyone else

They don't want you to use a long-term solution to solve a short-term problem. Most people who survive suicide attempts regret the attempt.

Well you have to consider the effect it would have on society if suicide was acceptable behaviour.

It's always selfish reasons, they can claim they saved a life or they're a good person that tries etc.
In essence they couldn't care less if someone claimed they'd kill them selves here, it's just a facade, once the thread 404 they won't even remember the person they tried to talk out of it but they can collect good boi points with their peers and how "kind hearted" they are
In actuality they're more selfish then the one trying to kill themselves as they know nothing about the person nor try to learn anything, they just instantly start with "don't do it, it's not worth it" shitposts

For families and friends the answer is obvious why they would. They actually care about them and would be heartbroken to lose them.
But for everyone else its all just to stroke their saviorcomplex ego that tells them that they are good people, it lets them ignore and deny the fact that the way they have treated ether the person in question them or other people they've known has helped create the environment that has become so excruciatingly awful for some that someone in it would rather be dead then continue suffering on the way things are. So they offer up hallow promises of how things will get better someday yet they have not intent of every changing themselves. They remind you of the people that should care about you and tell you how bad you'd make things for them by leaving never mind they themselves wouldn't shed a tear at your departure all for the sake of a guilt trip that only tacks on a greater suffering to the person in question.
Suicide is a horrible thing but to tell the suffering continue to grin and bear it for your vain sense of pride is worse.

The real reason society looks down on suicide is because dead people can't pay taxes.

>me: i feel suicidal
>normies: "oh no user why??? You have everything to live for! I want to help"
>me: i want to follow my passions but instead i have to wageslave and all jobs make me miserable
>normies: "oh lol bye"

It's that simple. Just say wageslaving is why you want to die and only NEET will allow you to regain the will to live

They'll hand you the gun and bullets

What's worse is they often leave the person who said they wanted to die alone.

Most do it over fleeting pain.
My brain is stupid and contradictory so i want to not be alive but they cant tell the difference.

Because only small percent of percent of suicides are not caused by emotional impulsiveness.

But that's because of the brain's survival instinct desperately trying to save itself from impending death. Simply failing a suicide attempt does not make the pain go away. It just freaks you out to make you live more. How many people who are dead regret their suicide? None, because you can't regret anything once you're dead. A lot probably did as they were about to die like those who failed, but the difference is their suffering ended very quickly afterwards. The "long-term solution to a short-term problem" thing is silly because when you're dead literally none of that matters.

Prove it faggot

I would assume most are a result of prolonged misery

Because suicide is the wrong choice, and people always try to make the right choice.

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Of course you're right that the successful can't regret their decision. But it still matters because life isn't just suffering. There are positive experiences in life that they miss out on.

>There are positive experiences in life that they miss out on.
But the dead can't 'miss out' on anything. They don't have any concept of positive experiences or missing out. When you're dead, it's as if you were never alive. So it doesn't matter if you had positive or negative experiences in life, or what you 'could' have had. The only reason people are attached to life is because they're alive. When you're dead, you have no concept of those things because you don't exist.

>life isn't just suffering.

For you, not everyone

>There are positive experiences in life that they miss out on.
Like what?
Prove it
I have nothing to live for. I can't afford to be NEET

subconscious envy

>the dead can't 'miss out' on anything
Yes they can. They miss out on everything. They don't /feel/ the fact that they are missing out, but they are still missing out. They aren't participating or experiencing.

>For you, not everyone
Agreed. If someone was theoretically in a situation of suffering that they knew for sure they could not escape by any means except death, suicide would be reasonable. I'm not trying to argue here that suicide is always bad, only that it's bad in most cases.
> Like what?
>Prove it
>I have nothing to live for. I can't afford to be NEET
I don't know much about your situation, but I think there are plenty of positive experiences left. Even if you find work to be a drag you can do some sort of subsistence living work (e.g. McDonalds) and at least afford an internet connection. And there's all kinds of fun stuff on the internet- you're here after all. There's plenty of more rewarding things too like major accomplishments and relationships, but even if you don't feel like you're able to do those sorts of things right now there are plenty of other small positives and sources of entertainment.

>Even if you find work to be a drag you can do some sort of subsistence living work (e.g. McDonalds) and at least afford an internet connection
If i do not work full time my family will terrorize me

Well then either find a full-time job, try to explain to your family that that's not what you want, or try to live independently from your family.

>Yes they can. They miss out on everything. They don't /feel/ the fact that they are missing out, but they are still missing out. They aren't participating or experiencing.
That does not make any sense at all. Analyze the concept of 'missing out'. The only reason the feeling of 'missing out' exists is because of our brains and their desire to experience things before time runs out. Think about all the billions of years you haven't experienced because you weren't born yet. You didn't feel like you missed out at all because you weren't alive. Now that you are alive, you probably feel like you're missing out on a few things, maybe even things from before you were born. But that is only because you are alive. Once you are dead, it will be back to how it was before where you don't exist. Think about it; if you don't /feel/ that you're missing out, you're not missing out, because missing out is a feeling. You might think dead people are missing out on things, but that's because you are alive, so you still hang on to that concept.

>try to explain to your family that that's not what you want
I did. They said it's better that i am miserable 24/7 and pray for death than be happy as a NEET

>try to live independently from your family
they own the condo i live in. I pay then $800 a month rent. I would be homeless otherwise.
If i didnt pay them rent i could live off my savings for years

I just told you, I'm not talking about the /feeling/ of missing out. I'm talking about actually missing out. Not being there.

Yes, I did miss out on the billions of years before I was born. I would have liked to have lived some of those too (at least the ones which were pleasant and hospitable to life, not before the Earth was formed or during the Black Plague or something) but it's not possible for me. So I just try to live as long as I can and not miss out on ~80-100 years, if I'm lucky.

No, you're not getting it. Without /feeling/ things, they don't matter at all. Everything we care about is because of feeling. The literal idea of missing out, that is, not being there for something that is finite or limited, would be applicable to a dead person not being alive for something. But seriously think about it; why does that matter? It is because of how we feel about it. The reason missing out is bad is because it feels bad. When you are dead, you do not exist. No feelings. You're not even aware of the literal idea of missing out, never mind having the chemical and biological means to experience a feeling of sadness because you missed out on something. Once again, you feel like you missed out on some good years before you were born, or certain events during your life, and that feeling carries over to not wanting to miss out on future events. But, listen: you will not be able to experience that feeling once you are dead. It will not matter. This is just a basic fact.

Because of the harm causes to those who are close to them.

>you deserve to suffer because other people might pretend to care if you stopped it

Fuck off

To a normal person the idea of suicide is foreign. It doesn't even occur to them. They cannot even comprehend the circumstances behind it. People always think they know better than others. Strong opinions are a sign of a healthy mind, even though there is no real evidence to believe what they do. Doubt, uncertainty, acknowledging things as unknowable leads to ruin.

I lived in a single apartment cheaper than $800 a month. I don't think you really need them.

>Doubt, uncertainty, acknowledging things as unknowable leads to ruin.
So those people are defective?

>Everything we care about is because of feeling.
Right. So if I can continue to exist and extend my capacity to experience /positive/ feelings, then that's a rational decision. To ignore that data because "you wouldn't care about it if you killed yourself" is fallacious. You are alive right now and you care about all your potential future feelings right now and you are making the decision /right now/. You aren't deciding to kill yourself after you are already dead, you are making that decision as a living person.

I don't doubt that you did.
But where i live (only place i could find work) apartment costs skyrocketed because most were destroyed by the hurricane

Also i need a 3-4x income to rent ratio or they don't let you live there

Because depression is a parasite that affects the brain. It's literally as if you're possessed. You are no longer you. People can come back from that state and still enjoy life (depending on how much money they have), but yeah turning a blind eye on someone suffering with that parasite is pure evil.

>So if I can continue to exist and extend my capacity to experience /positive/ feelings, then that's a rational decision.
That depends on whether you consider the balance of negative and positive feelings to be worth it. Furthermore, once you are dead, your memories and comprehension of positive feelings will disappear, so while it is a valid option to continue to live for positive feelings, when you're dead it doesn't really matter either way, so you would be right to choose either.
>To ignore that data because "you wouldn't care about it if you killed yourself" is fallacious. You are alive right now and you care about all your potential future feelings right now and you are making the decision /right now/. You aren't deciding to kill yourself after you are already dead, you are making that decision as a living person.
No, it isn't fallacious. Why does it matter if you are making that decision as a living person? Sure, if you like being alive, then live. No one said anything about happy people having to kill themselves. But if you don't have hope for your future feelings, then killing yourself is a valid option because you are letting yourself enter a state where they don't matter. Even if people who do have hope for the future or are happy were to suddenly die without knowing it, they wouldn't care because they wouldn't realize they are dead. Furthermore, this is besides the point. You were contending that people who are dead will miss out on things. They will not. People who are alive will. However, if you are able to think that it won't matter once you are dead, or don't care while you're alive, then killing yourself is not 'fallacious'.

Not everyone who is suicidal is depressed.

Yeah but once you inform them that you're "depressed" because wageslaving makes you miserable and only NEET can cure it, they immediately lose all interest

Funny how that works

>they'll miss out
No we won't user, at 30 most things that will happen has happened, what I'll miss out on is dying alone, I'll miss out on drinking my loneliness away on weekends and I'll miss out on a job I've been doing for almost 6 years

Quite frankly I can live without all of those

>just do something new bruh, experience something
Yeah, not gonna happen, I'm a social retard with crippling anxiety that makes stuttering fools seem like wordsmiths, I literally cannot socialize even if I wanted to as I cannot speak to humans

I've gone through the alphabet of medications to try and fix this over the years and they do nothing
What they do is mix poorly with alcohol which was my second suicide attempt and before that I tried to bleed to death, both times I ended up at the hospital as people could not phantom that I want to die.

I don't regret either of the attempts beyond that I failed them but make no mistake, I'm planning carefully for my 3rd and I see zero reason to not go through with it once I've worked out the details

In short, your pathetic attempt to be a moralfag is quite frankly offensive and merely reaffirms that the exit is the better choice when false vapid humans try to fake compassion for their own selfish reason to use you to seem like a good person in front of their friends and family, you sicken me

>That depends on whether you consider the balance of negative and positive feelings to be worth it.
I agree with you there, you have to make a long term assessment. So would you walk back your previous comment about
>The "long-term solution to a short-term problem" thing is silly
>But if you don't have hope for your future feelings, then killing yourself is a valid option because you are letting yourself enter a state where they don't matter.
Again, I agree here. I originally brought up the idea that most people regret attempting suicide to convince people that there is hope, and to suggest that they should actually go through the assessment that you suggest here to see if it is actually worth it, rather than making an impulse decision to off themselves.

>But if you don't have hope for your future feelings, then killing yourself is a valid option because you are letting yourself enter a state where they don't matter.
Yes. And they will, in the same sense that I missed out on the 80s before I was born.

>However, if you are able to think that it won't matter once you are dead, or don't care while you're alive, then killing yourself is not 'fallacious'.
It's not really about convincing yourself that it won't matter. it's about being not having a minimum level of hope during your life.

What would you do if you came across a guy hanging by his neck?

my natural impulse would be to immediately get him down, but at the same time brain damage from oxygen deprivation is a fate worse than death. But if you leave him there you could be charged with involuntary manslaughter, and it's a bit of a psycho move to think you have the authority over someone's life to decide they'd be better off dead. I guess I'd try to save him, and if he ended up a vegetable I'd just tell myself it's his own fault

It's either by depression or an in the moment overwhelming sense of dread or agony that pushes people to that extreme. Either way there are ways to get out of it so that you may find "peace" once more, or maybe for the first time. Like killing people.

Being neet is the worst mistake anyone can make unless they are rich.

Suicide is the most selfish act imaginable. You're not suffering because of other people who care about you. You're suffering despite them. If you don't like your life change it, and swallow your pride to allow other to help you.

>most things that will happen has happened
I disagree, but even assuming this is true, you can miss out on things even if they aren't new.
Surely there are events from your past that you enjoyed, and would enjoy repeating? Some game you like, a relationship, a book...? You'd miss out on that if you died.

I'm not gonna tell you that it's definitely worth it to live, for some people it isn't. But there is /something/ you'd be missing out on. Maybe it's a worthwhile tradeoff, maybe not. But you have to at least admit that it's a tradeoff.

>I agree with you there, you have to make a long term assessment. So would you walk back your previous comment?
No, and for the same reason I disagree with this:
>Again, I agree here. I originally brought up the idea that most people regret attempting suicide to convince people that there is hope, and to suggest that they should actually go through the assessment that you suggest here to see if it is actually worth it, rather than making an impulse decision to off themselves.
It doesn't matter if someone kills themselves on an impulse decision, because they won't be able to regret it. What I was getting at was you can't expect happy people to be okay with the idea of killing themselves, because they are too attached to life. However, even if theoretically someone has a short-term problem, which is up for debate, even if they kill themselves over it, it wouldn't matter because they wouldn't be able to regret it.
>Yes. And they will, in the same sense that I missed out on the 80s before I was born.
No, they won't matter, it is completely different. You miss out on the 80s because you went from a state of non-existence to existence. Existence brings you the feeling of missing out. People who kill themselves go from existence to non-existence. Therefore, it will not matter one bit because even the concept of something mattering will not exist to them.
>It's not really about convincing yourself that it won't matter. it's about being not having a minimum level of hope during your life.
What do you mean by that? A minimum level of hope? Even if someone has hope but doesn't realize it or doesn't feel it or doesn't even care to follow it through, killing themselves is fine because they won't care that they are dead once they are dead.

>Being neet is the worst mistake anyone can make unless they are rich.
Why? It allowed me to regain the will to live. I miss it every day. I am a wagie again. I pray for death
This is not a life worth living. Period. Why haven't I killed myself? Because i can quit this job and go back to NEETdom

>Suicide is the most selfish act imaginable. You're not suffering because of other people who care about you. You're suffering despite them. If you don't like your life change it, and swallow your pride to allow other to help you.

So if I quit my job, refuse to work, sabotage any effort to force me to wageslave... that is less selfish than killing myself?

Wageslaving and happiness are incompatible. I didnt ask to be born, i didnt consent. But i'm still punished for it by having to wageslave

noooooo don't kill yourself you'll embarrass the family haha

>If you don't like your life change it, and swallow your pride to allow other to help you.

They wont help. Wageslaving makes me want to die. Period

If i quit my job they just terrorize me because of it.

There is no winning

Others didn't consent to supporting your lazy ass as a NEET.
Working is a means to an end. If you can't enjoy work then use it to support something you can enjoy. Otherwise you're little more than a leech.

>Others didn't consent to supporting your lazy ass as a NEET.
He doesn't consent to having to work to live. Therefore it's selfish to expect him to.

fucking this. Normalshits often do this type of thing.

The only acceptable suicide is brought on by health issues outside of your control that eliminate any chance of happiness and inevitably end in death anyway.

I'll take my chances to not experience more dreadfulness and break free from a day that seems to repeat endlessly
user.. this is r9k, I may be 30 but that doesn't mean I've seen a naked girl outside of images online let alone touched one
I can't concentrate enough to read, it's not fun for me and if a pen dropped on the floor across the street I'd hear that instead
That was a decade ago I remotely enjoyed a game, now they just squeeze out sequels for profit, same with movies, the mystery and adventure is gone in favor of profit, I don't need that

Overall even the game I enjoyed I could be without, it didn't balance out the nightmare called, high school nor did it do me any favors, in fact it ruined my grades and led me to a dead end job and seeing as I no longer can focus I cannot go back and fix my grades and I despise school and all it stands for

You know that bad day you have once in a while where things that is astronomically improbable to happen, happens and you jokingly say "I should buy a lottery ticket, lol" that's my daily life and when it feels like the universe is fighting against you as if you were a disease that needs to be removed or contained in misery, then you eventually will give up and just plan for what needs to happen, that will happen to us all eventually, death

Because when you're a mostly shuttin neet for close to 20 years your mind deteriorates in such a way as to make reality seem so unreal that everything is maddening.

I was using "relationship" more broadly than just romantic. It could be a family member, a friend, or even someone you connected with online.

You're reading here, aren't you?

Even if you don't like new games, what about replaying old games or old movies? Surely you haven't tried all the good ones yet, and even if you have sometimes a replay is pretty good.

Sorry to hear about the high school thing, I think society definitely overemphasizes educational credentialism, and the general experience of high school can also suck for some non-normies.


cutegen formerly known cutehouse


>Others didn't consent to supporting your lazy ass as a NEET.
>Working is a means to an end. If you can't enjoy work then use it to support something you can enjoy. Otherwise you're little more than a leech.

Wrong bud. My parents chose to reproduce. They have a place to live. Actually they own 3 properties. I can live there and not ask for any money. I can pay utilities internet and food for over a year on my savings alone

I did not choose to be born THEY DID

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The assumption in creating life is that, barring severe disability, that life will eventually be able to supports its own existence.

If you're not causing any harm by relying on your parents then who cares? That's fine. However, the typical family will experience unnecessary suffering by supporting any NEET offspring.

Probably because most of the people who apparently want to commit it almost advertise it as some defining aspect of their person to garner attention and sympathy, even when it's obvious they have no actual desire to go through with suicide. If someone genuinely wants to kill themselves then they aren't going to willingly let any potential interlopers know about it.

was meant for this response

"Whoever saves one life saves the world entire"

life is a gift
suicidal people are tempted by satan
it's a fight against evil

Most people have never been suicidal so they have a hard time putting themselves in the shoes of someone who wants to die.

They think from their own experience that the suicidal person must be suffering from some short term that will be resolved and then they will be able to go back to enjoying their lives. They don't understand someone coming to a rational decision that their life isn't worth it. So kinda what this guy said .

I am not suicidal and for the most part I am alright with my life now but I used to be very depressed so I have empathy for people who are suicidal. Ultimately, I don't think it is anyone else's choice except for the individual. If someone has made a resolved and committed decision to die because they are suffering - whether that's because of physical or mental illness - I think it is more cruel for us to insist that they stay than to let them go if that's what they truly want.

but what if they were your ACTUAL friend someone who you would never want to lose or have harm come unto them, at least if you successfully talk them out of 404'ing there is the possibility of shit getting less shit

I figured as much as I hit post, part about "relationship" so yeah, no parents(dead) and no friends(the blizz of being an outcast through life), no my games consisted of single player games, admittedly they had multiplayer support on AoE, WC3 etc. but I never used it, I didn't feel the need to. So my relationship life in all aspects is just as void as my life, I don't count co-workers as friends as I don't hang out with them and we do not talk, we simply exist in the same building for a few hours during the weeks
I've overheard enough to know I don't fit into their group as I have zero interest for sports or cars and that is the subjects discussed daily even after all these years, you'd think they'd described every bolt and screw and sweat drop on some players forehead at this point but they still manage

>you're reading here, right
I am, as I saw a topic that needed an answer and as I scrolled down I saw moralfags trying to justify their actions for guilt tripping sad people to stay alive for a quick thrill and soon to be forgotten as this thread 404

I did replay c&c 95 and red alert, total anihilation and various other old games I grew up with, they distracted me for about an hour or so but quickly became mundane and I quit out and I haven't booted them since
They're not bad, but nostalgia clearly got the better of me as I cannot sit down half a day as I used to

School seemed fine for most but not for all, sadly we don't have a choice in the matter, it's forced upon you and no matter how many times you describe the hell you're going through, they nonchalantly tell you to "be friends with them instead" as if asking a bully if they want to be friends suddenly would 180 their behavior and magically fix everything, ignorant adults but what did they care, they had a family to go home to I bet and a loving household and not a foster family that couldn't care less if you stuck around as they got their free money from the government each month

The only thing they need to do is stop charging me rent for being on their property. Then i can live off my savings for over a year and regain my health and ability to enjoy life, rather than wishing i was dead daily

They dont like the IDEA of me enjoying life. They would rather me volunteer and be miserable doing bullshit "work" then be happy doing my hobbies interests and passions.

My plan is to wagecuck 6 more months, then quit and tell them i was fired for being miserable and looking like i wanted to die every day

When i was NEET i was happy
Now as a wagie i am suicidal and fantasize about hurting myself and others. My health is deteriorating. I am chronically sleep deprived. as a NEET i exercised and slept well

NEET merely means you don't sell your labor

Some people hate it. Some people can't handle it. Some people need to work to feel a purpose

I am not one of those people
I had sex as a neet. Now i don't talk to anyone. I wallow in misery and think of ways to enact revenge against my boomer parents who orchestrated this misery against me

>the typical family will experience unnecessary suffering by supporting any NEET offspring.

So i have to suffer because my parents chose to reproduce but failed to consider the fact that i might need to stay in one of their properties while not asking for any money at all.

I might as well kill myself. Why not? I am miserable and DESERVE PERMANENT MISERY for merely being born

This is an anonymous imageboard, sadest corner of it too, I know there are worse forums but once this 404 and you get a good nights rest, tomorrow you won't even remember this thread ever existed nor care for anyone in it even if they threatened to kill themselves

As for those with friends I cannot put myself in that position, I could imagine people would be sad if you had friends but personally I don't and even if I did, I'd lost the ability to feel guilt with my life gone so as selfish as that sound, you lose nothing either way
Point being that the word of a stranger has no value here and is just annoying and any friend trying to stop you irl (if you have those) has a greater impact on your decision as you have a connection of some kind and not just a blank name and a one liner "don't do it" to send you off as you psyche yourself up

Everybody realises it's a failure on society when a suicidal person feels like they can't get any help from anything. No one should have to feel that way.

oh you meant people telling you not to kill yourself on Jow Forums. Oh yeah, I don't really think there words would stop anyone honestly the person isn't invested in you and wouldn't give a shit if they made you upset for 5 minutes

Is what I meant, I assumed that was what OP meant but maybe he did mean irl people and I get that they'd care a bit more if you told them about it or attempted it