Why do white women bully white men online?

Why do white women bully white men online?

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why do incels bait incels online. we will never know

What else? They won't suffer any consequences for it and women in general hate weak men.

Because they're too afraid to do it irl

America feels like some sort of failed experiment we need to reset it.

it's a test, they're trying to see who reacts to weed out the submissive beta male types, either incels who flame them or beta orbiters. easy to know who not to bang when you can always keep an eye on them. and the ones who ignore them are deemed worthy of their attention. funny how that works right?

This post is low quality,and needs ro be deleted or moved to but jannies do it for free so theres no chance in hell thats happening.

Why do white men rape women IRL?

Black and brown men do it more though

how could you not know this? Just look around you.

Please just tell me.

Are women really that conniving? Like everything they say is like a test? Where can I find a woman who will admit to this so I can understand it? Or is it so natural to them that they aren't even aware they're doing it?

>Or is it so natural to them that they aren't even aware they're doing it?
unfortunately this is it. everybody rationalizes their behavior to some level, and women are the same. just something about their biology is naturally conniving. none of them will ever admit to you why they treat others like shit, it's just part of the mate selection process.

Because white men bully white women online.

Attached: braincels.png (921x879, 182K)

id pay to see this landwhale try to "hit" someone in real life

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....on anonymous forum. Normies literally use their identities and are openly racist without social repercutions.

>Reminder everybody wants you dead if you're an ugly male
Are they wrong tho?

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user, don't pretend. We're all from r/braincels.

>Are women really that conniving? Like everything they say is like a test?
>Where can I find a woman who will admit to this so I can understand it?
Anywhere on the internet?

Are you a woman?

Honestly though I don't think women talk like this, I've never heard woman admit that their speech is a tool for selection, for example, if you confronted the woman in OP's picture about her retarded comment she would maintain that she hates white men because of what her professor told her about Colonialism/ Neo-Colonialism or something along these lines.

Nice tip user, some great memes on there

Attached: OtherGirlsEatSaladButIHaveDiaperRash.jpg (640x569, 54K)

>If you are a white male, you will, by default, be targeted for violence
>everybody: why is white nationalism on the rise???
Is it possible to really be this stupid? Like, it has to be some inside joke they're all in on. right?

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It's because the hate themselves, they insult white men and they like white men at the same time, in other words they're retarded

I dont know about that one chief