Friendly reminder that you need to be in 99th percentile to have a shot at a girl like pic related.
Friendly reminder that you need to be in 99th percentile to have a shot at a girl like pic related
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Here is the tinder data for her. Why haven't you guys just lowered your standards yet.
As female I got to say this:
Why? She looks like female Eggie.
to be fair, there's a lot of ugly dudes
Welcome to hypergamy and pussy inflation in 2019.
Apparently 99% of them.
Funny thing about this: people are just gonna keep denying it until it's too late. And it's all just because incels discovered it and nobody wants to believe them or take them seriously . Marriage rates are dropping as we speak boys so it's only gonna get worse than this
Some women do use tinder to get laid and then dumped by the few dudes that are in the 9/10 or 10/10 department. That is true. But most girls and women have a completely different dating behavior, don't use tinder and are not under the false impression that they can or should score someone way above their own looks. And if a girl is a 6/10 like the picture you posted, she will have a 5-7/10 bf.
It is the most comfortable relationship, because if someone is way above or below you, look-wise, there will always be jealousy and doubt and fear to lose the partner. Either on your side or on their side.
I'm in for the ride at this point. It's gonna be one big comfy happening until our dumb hairless ape asses are blotted of the face of the universe forever. Good riddance.
Ofc they don't date way above their looks. They just fuck Chad and then glob on to some soiboy 2/10 and betabux their way into retirement.
it's already pretty bad. i still believe that this is unironically the reason incels even exist. blaming shit like video games and their parents doesn't make sense since that shit can't change so quick for it to create so many unwanted men.
Im in the top 20%.. ri.. right guys???
Are there any practical benefits to marriage?
I don't know where you live and what your peer group is, but in mine this sort of behavior is simply not happening. Really. Of all the people I know only one girl sort of behaved like you describe and that only happened after a bad (but very long) relationship ended and fucked her up. She then had a polygamous phase for about a year (no chads though, just regular tinder losers and assholes) and finally settled again after realizing how fucked up that path was. But that already is the exotic odd one out in my circle of aquaintances. The rest is and always was monogamous with at least the intention of it lasting forever. And with people in their own league.
You two are dumb. That data doesn't mean that all the women rate the SAME men as attractive. Tastes vary. It just means that each individual woman has a more specific taste than a guy.
Also character does affect the percieved attractiveness a lot. So just showing pictures to estimate attraction doesn't really work the same way with women as it does with men.
They don't publicize their one night cum-and-dumps, dumbass.
>The rest is and always was monogamous
>Also character does affect the percieved attractiveness a lot. So just showing pictures to estimate attraction doesn't really work the same way with women as it does with men.
The logical dance cucks do to defend women is astounding. If anything women have less varied taste then men. Look at Jow Forumsladyboners sometime. It's the same jaw line as far as the eye can see.
False. Even if you are in the 100th percentile she will have your baby then divorce you and take half your shit, and then get a restraining order against you.
Why would 100 percentile Chad marry this hob goblin when he has an endless supply?
I can explain this with evolutionary biology
its physically possible for a man to impregnate as many women as he wants in as short a time frame as he wants, without consequences
a woman can only get pregnant once per year, with extreme physical strain and consequences
men evolved to find attractiveness in as many women as possible to branch out and spread their genes
women evolved to be more selective and only pick a mate when she's sure he is the best match for her genes
that's why men are swiping right on everybody and women are swiping left on everybody
and just because women pick less men on average, it doesn't mean you're doomed as a probably fit a niche for whatever woman does find you attractive
>Jow Forumsladyboners
might as well be called trannyboners.
You would know.
>you probably fit a niche for whatever woman does find you attractive
That "niche" is supporting her spawn like a good cuck and hope that one of her bi-yearly pitty sex sessions spawns you doomed underclass offspring.
Looks like a hapa I know. Her boyfriend is a literal white, blonde square jawed Chad.
>Looks like a hapa I know
Looks half filipino
I am a woman. We are rather open about such stuff towards each other. Also, since some do like gossip, I'd have heard about it :D
I am a woman, monigamous and in a long relationship. And I do not think those "chads" attractive. Never have.
But it is not surprising that most women adapt media propagated ideals, just as males do with female beauty. But that doesn't mean ALL women think like that. Or all men. Only the shallow idiots who post "10/10" pictures online to drool over them. And those luckily are not the majority of human beings :D
>blaming shit like video games and their parents doesn't make sense
it doesnt make sense as theres a hell of a lot of above average in looks, reasonably well put together and available men who havent had any sort of influence from the trite bullshit tropes rolled out to dismiss anyone complaining about women.
I work in an office with 6 other men, all of us are in our late 20s-30s, all hold down a decent job, all in reasonable shape, all smart, yet only one of us is married and only one other has had a girlfriend in the 2 years ive worked there.
none of them are 'mothers basement dwelling neckbeard permavirgin fatasses'
Tax breaks, and if we're talking a healthy marriage, stability, emotional support, good environment for kids, and a division of responsibilities.
I'm married myself, but I'd say my situation is far from typical. Long story short, because of our situations in life we decided it would be mutually beneficial to get married. It was a convenient marriage based on practical matters more than 'love'.
It's a lot like living with a good friend, only with sex and occasionally getting dragged to their family get togethers the world over. I wouldn't say we 'loved' each other romantically prior to getting married, but after we started putting work in, going on dates and the like, and Id say we've slowly started to develop those more intimate feelings.
Honestly I've started to think people are going at marriage the wrong way. They should be looking for financial stability and personal reliability. Once you have those things to takes away from a lot of stress in your life and make a it much easier to put time aside to build a more intimate bond with your partner.
>But it is not surprising that most women adapt media propagated ideals
and its not surprising that those women are also the most unhappy by every metric and the ones who actually use these stupid apps.
theres millions of decent, clever and very pretty women out there who dont use them, its just that they are all happily in relationships and never available.
>I'm not like the other girls
Typical roastie. Where is your guardian?
It amazes me what some of you consider fuckable and still say you can't get sex.
Bullshit. First of all, the incels here who complain about not getting 10/10 gf and rejecting girls in their own league are just as unhappy as those tinder girls.
And as to available women: I knew many smart, cool, pretty women who were single for quite some time. It is just as hard to find a decent guy as it is to find a decent girl. The "trash" (male and female) is much more readily available. I cannot count how often I heard girls say "all the good guys are taken already, where can I find a decent guy these days?"
But I am trying to make you understand that I AM like most girls, silly :D The ones you think "normal" are actually the untypical ones. Because they have so much presence online you get your numbers wrong here.
What media propagated ideals? If you are speaking about actors then you're not paying attention because most of them are ugly or short.
Anyway for me chad plays football in HS and popular because of it and extra points if he's blond. A lineman is fine unless he's one of the fat ones.
Data shows most modern relationships started online. So, sorry sweety, no.
>It is just as hard to find a decent guy as it is to find a decent girl.
Guys complain about not finding _any_ girl though. You're projecting your hypergamous whore thoughts on the other gender.
>the incels here who complain about not getting 10/10 gf and rejecting girls in their own league are just as unhappy as those tinder girls.
as the other user said, people on here are typically not complaining about being rejected by 10/10's but rather solid 1-5's (whatever these numbers mean, the laundry list of credentials used to 'score' people is subjective and varies pretty fucking wildly between posters).
whenever a thread is started on what are the minimum requirements for a robot to give a woman a chance, half the replies are a two word answer, 'not fat'.
>Guys complain about not finding _any_ girl though. You're projecting your hypergamous whore thoughts on the other gender.
That's horseshit and you know it. One of my friends, who's not that bad-looking but is not much more than a 7/10 at best, was complaining that girls kept rejecting him. So we checked out how he used tinder and he turned down any girl who wasn't at least a 9/10.
>too fat
>too short
>too tall
>too skinny
>Boobs and hips not in balance
>Not an actual blonde
>I don't like brown eyes
>etc etc etc
Of course he'd be rejected. If he asked out girls who were 7/10s then he'd get to at least the dating stage.
Our ideas of what "beauty" is have varied during the ages. In china 200 years ago men used to go nuts for crippled feet. Some things are biological and permanent, true, but experience and socialization play a role as well. I think pale lanky guys more attractive than muscular tan guys.
Oh, mine did too. But not on tinder but in a special interest forum. Friends of mine found their bfs on dating apps for mathematicians or dating sites for academics. That is the difference. This stuff happens. But it is just not as public as the tinder bullshit and more behind "closed doors". Because people using those ways won't post screenshots on Jow Forums for you to see.
>Funny thing about this: people are just gonna keep denying it until it's too late
Its because everyone knows a short fat balding guy with mad charisma who is dating a model, so they think all short fat balding men can do the same, not realizing they simply observed an outlier.
Its way harder for women to find a decent guy. One of the main criteria for a woman is a guy with a full time steady job, whatever it is, and that is nearly impossible. If you guys were gainfully employed you would vastly improve your odds. I work so why don't you.
Reminds me of when my sister turned down a church going man with a job for a gang banger who sold drugs.
Thats an exception and you know it or fabricated and you should be ashamed. Do you have a full time job?
>a gang banger who sold drugs.
As opposed to a gangbanger who installed solar panels or a gangbanger who worked for a non-profit?
Do you have a full time job?
>One of the main criteria for a woman is a guy with a full time steady job
Yes, because women cannot love. A man is a domestic slave to her.
>turned down a church going man
smart girl. That dude was probably a pedophile.
I could fuck her if I met her on the street
>It's real, you just have to trust and believe
Nice larp, tranny.
Yes. I am a gangbanger who imports drugs from Canada.
Men will fuck anything that's not hideously deformed then we blame women for our lack of standards.
I have a full time job so its not much to ask of a man to have one too. It shows they can commit and contribute and pay their own way in life.
So, do you have a full time job?
The starving will eat anything too.
or one of you that decided they could find a practice virgin gf to defile
Gangbangers have normal jobs a lot of the time user. I work as a delivery driver for a paint company and I run into painters and construction workers with gang tattoos all the time.
They ask for a man to have a better one than they have. This is a well documented behavior.
No thanks loser but I think you're lying
If men just raised our standards for who we'd fuck and turned women down for the fickle things they lose attraction to us for, they'd be powerless.
men have always fucked anything. their penis has no shame. their penis will compel them to pay a prostitute for a place to put it
If I may quote Frasier Crane:
>Men _CAN'T_ use sex to get what they want. Sex _IS_ what they want!
Yes, but it's the prisoners dilemma. The only true solution is to bring back arranged marriages. Romantic love is a cuck's game.
>raised our standard
Enjoy never having sex
Men have always been hungry for companionship. This is why your family tree has more unique women in it then men, despite needing a man and a woman at every pair. Women would rather share Chad.
thats not true and there is no guarantee over time that either the woman or the man will have the higher income. that can change quickly
>thats not true
Okay, honey.
> there is no guarantee over time that either the woman or the man will have the higher income. that can change quickly
Yes, and it also tends to affect the relationship. Luckily, they always have the option to divorce-rape their husband because of their pussy.
>Men have always been hungry for companionship
now thats a joke. men want sex and when they get it they run if commitment is asked for, even if they impregnate the woman they run. there are single mothers because a cowardly man runs from his responsibility so he can play all day and screw other girls every night
>The only true solution is to bring back arranged marriages
Then you'd still have men losing out when they or their parents are unable to arrange good marriages. The bride's family still has to agree to give their daughter to you.
I earn more money than my guy. And it is no problem for us. Grow up.
Apex fallacy. You roasties only see the chads that have the ability to do this because all of you are getting wet over the same guys.
And that doesn't even take into account the vindictive bitches that use the courts to deny fathers their ability to be in their children's lives.
Honestly the women are right. 80% of guys (if not more) are completely unfuckable. The good news is the bar is so fucking low that it's easy to be Top 20%.
Youre standards are so high. Thats why most guys struggle to find relationships.
>Be a woman.
>Hold the reproductive keys to species.
>Hold far more sexual capital than male peers.
>Actively ignore relationship building.
>Actively choose to have sex with unreliable men.
>Actively ignore reliable men.
>Get knocked up by unreliable men.
>Unreliable men don't suddenly act like the reliable ones when it's convenient for you.
>Act surprised and upset when the unreliable men drop you like a bag of flaming shit.
Really makes one think.
Robots and inc*ls have high standards. Normalfags don't. A normie will fuck a girl at his level or below his level. Women will only fuck men at their level or above their level.
Women's standards nowadays are too high particularly in the US. Maybe it's regional but there are thirsty girls everywhere, they just want a guy who will act like a man and do whatever they want as opposed to a pussy whipped cuck. Every man here should exercise and build up his body, mind, and career.
In the end women lose, theres already like 8-9 million more women than men in the US. The answer is to import women that arent indoctrinated by feminism, make families with them and let the feminist die out
>be man
>bigger physically
>dismiss any attempt at decency
>see one, knock her in head
And half of that 20% are probably just douchebags who "know what they want" and are used as filler so I'd argue it's even easier.
what an incel
Raise them realistically. 10/10 Chads and Tyrones need to stop fucking average looking girls so that the best an average girl can get is an average guy. Average looking guys need to stop fucking ugly girls so the best an ugly girl can get is an ugly guy.
So your way to debunk this is just saying the 1 guy of the 117 swipes out of 12500 people is 5-7/10?
Do goverment benefits count as a way to contribute and pay my own way in life
most """""""rape""""""" is the woman regretting it later. In the first world violent rape is an oddity.
The thread got fucking locked
>The thread got fucking locked
the boyim know, shut it down.
Somewhat paradoxically, straight men have to raise their standards if we are ever going to fix this. However, it's like we are in a massive prisoner's dilemma with every other single man. No one wants to raise their standards first if it will deny them some pussy.
I mean clearly thats not true because the world is populated with humans
Only a handful of men are required to do that.
>Only a handful of men are required to give birth to 7 billion people
Just fucking man up already, do something better for yourself, get a goddamn job, CARE ABOUT YOUR PHYSICAL APPEARANCE, there youve done more than 95% of men
The problem is that the top 20% exists in the first place. Humans have equalized everything about our lives and made things easier for everyone, irrigation (now everyone can have delicious vegetables), electric light (now we can do things at night), medicine (now everyone can live to 60 at least), but when it comes to women suddenly everyone becomes ayn rand mixed with charles darwin and insists its the natural order that must be kept. Too bad so sad, women are right and you are wrong, don't even try to change the system.
> there youve done more than 95% of men
Roastie logic.
>Every man is ugly to me because he's not Chad
>therefor they must not be trying
Romantic love was a mistake.
Are you dumb enough to believe there are women roaming around this shithole?
By definition of fuckikg BEING HERE, you're not trying.
Proposing roastie logic doesn't make one a roastie. Don't be stupid.
You really think being here and sucking up all the propoganda will help you?
You really think you know better?
Compared to people like you? Fuck yeah, I actively rebel against propoganda instead of letting it control me.
Life is just insanely unfair. Being born a woman really is just playing on tutorial mode. Being a man is like playing a permadeath roguelike in which you are supposed to lose if you don't make exactly the right decisions and do it perfectly, only we don't get to restart.
>I actively rebel against propoganda
Is that why you misspell it? A form a protest perhaps?
Sorry perhaps I should look for the Edit button so you can read it properly, cunt
>i wish i was a woman
its possible with HRT
Sorry perhaps l should look for the Edit button so you can read it properly, cunt