Who the fuck actually WANTS a gf in this kind of sexual economy?

Who the fuck actually WANTS a gf in this kind of sexual economy?

Women literally have no reason to care about you or stay with you nowadays, if this was about any other field dedicating yourself to a relationship would be seen as madness.

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At least whores burn in hell, so, whatever

damn that is a twist

HAHAHAHAHAAHAA why is this post describing what happend to me this summer with this girl....

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My coworker does this. There have been a couple weeks recently where she will set up a date with a different guy EVERY single night.

She will come into work the next day and either say the guy is meh or gush about how amazing he was and say they have another date set up. The "perfect" guy rotates to the top of her stack of 5+ dudes she is dating at once and she always talks about how amazing he is. Then like a month later she loses interest and dumps him, and goes on Hinge to find a few new guys to restock her collection.

She's 28 so you think she'd be trying to find something steady with a little bit more urgency but I guess not. She's like a 5/10 Asian by the way, textbook average and gets a dozen potential white suitors per day.

I just laugh because her criteria are too selective. She wants a fit white guy, 30-35 years old with a full head of hair and a 6 figure income. Most white guys are balding by that age though, and guys making that kind of money seem to have either already settled down or know they can do better.

Because they all do it.

Every day at work the unmarried girls gather up at lunch and talk about their dating apps. They're all dating 5+ guys at once and continuously cycling dudes in and out so they can keep riding the cock carousel.

The absolute state of dating. I'm glad I've become more or less indifferent to women, sex, relationships, etc. Through no conscious effort of my own. It just happened over the past year or so.

Nice heresy you got there fren, you know Gods judgement?

>>no reason to care about you or stay with you

That implies you don't value yourself. If someone loves you, there are innumerable reasons to stay with you and care about you.

Remember, 99% of the guys that contact such girls are trash. And girls will be anxious and want to make sure they didn't accidentally picked the trash. Also the endless options will be a burden and will keep them from being happy in a relationship. Just as men who watch porn all the time and then complain about their relationship not fulfilling their desensitized needs.
People need to stop chasing rainbows, seriously. And focus on the golden coin they might already have in their hands.

This post implies that women are capable of love, as such it should be ignored for being a falsehood

I genuinely can't wait to see the Tinder Generations hit the wall.

It's going to be a spectacular explosion to see all these woman suddenly finding out aisle invaluable they are out of nowhere

Expect a lot more articles about women breaking down and how men need to stand up and take they're positions for these sad woman.

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how come women don't even have a shred of humility

The only women I've met online were all into having 5-10 bfs at once. A few even acted like I was a pig for talking to other women while they were fucking 2-3 guys a day. Most women are evil and narcissistic. I been dating since the 90s and I wish I had better news for ya.

Because they don't have to, men who go through life on easy mode don't have it either

This is called settling and it's for fucking losers.

There's no reason some one with options in life shouldn't always strive for some thing better.

>There's no reason some one with options in life shouldn't always strive for some thing better.
Except for long term sustainability

imagine not having to work because people will pay you money for pictures of your feet or just sitting around on stream playing video games, while also claiming that you're oppressed because of your gender.

>he believes in hell

Lmfao cute little brainlet

God, imagine if they were getting those guys together and being gangbanged every night, just going to work with their rectums and pussies and stomachs full of Chad and Brads cum. Imagine talking to your coworker and you can smell the cum on her breath bc she got throatfucked after breakfast GOD DAMN Im fucking hard

Lmaoooo nice cope incel. Theyll get provider husbands while you fuck pillows

>provider husbands
in other words, they'll settle for a guy they aren't attracted to and won't be happy with
but nice trips

...no shit? Meanwhile youll be alone

No thanks. I work in engineering so 75% of the girls are downright ugly and the remainder are average.

literally same here bot bro

the gall of that woman, those feet are crap

>look at me I'm saying atheist stuff on the internet!
This hasn't made you look smart since 2004 when saying hell wasn't used figuratively. Now you're bragging about thinking the way everyone does, making you the new early 2000s Christian. Congrats, you became what you hate.

Nah thats not it fagboi, nice cope tho

>And girls will be anxious and want to make sure they didn't accidentally picked the trash.
In what world? You can be an escaped convict but if you look good enough girls will like you.

I'm not the guy you originally responded to, so not sure why you're so mad at me
but I don't see the difference, the women who are only with a guy for his money are really never that happy, so it's not that different from being alone.
in fact being alone might be better because it means you're not financially dependent on anyone

not everything has to be done for the purpose of being a contrarian you christcuck

You see, unlike you retards, I don't meet girls on the internet. I do something called talking to them in person. You know, it's a good way to filter out the bad ones who ride the cock carousel like the Stacie's they are and sort out the women that are worth being with.
But that being said, I don't need a woman in my life. I could live without one and, probably happier too.

Unless your "real life" woman doesn't have social media, she's subject to the exact same thing but in a different format

We can't just decide to stop wanting a gf, it's biological. But I do agree with you that men today are extremely disposable, and unless you're really hot, you probably shouldn't bother with dating.

>Remember, 99% of the guys that contact such girls are trash.

I love it when bluepilled guys say this. Who's that 99%? The guys in this thread? Your friends? Your male relatives? Yourself? Why are you so willing to call 99% of men trash just to justify women's shallowness and dishonesty? You'll do anything just to avoid blaming women, it's pathetic.

>Yes, women only swipe right on 1% of men, but that's just their preference, who are you to judge?
>Yes, women have unrealistic expectations for men, but it's just evolution, so it's totally fine!
>Yes, women have a ridiculous advantage in the dating game, but that's just how the game is, it's not women's fault!

Goddamnit, I hate cucks like you.

The next 30 years will be interesting, that's for sure. I predict lots of lonely old cunts and a sharp rise in suicide among both males and females. And the crazy thing is, mainstream society still won't talk about the real problem (hypergamy).

They grow up being told that anyone who criticizes them is 'misogynist' and they never have to experience the real harshness of life and loneliness.

Will it ever really change? Women's SMV I mean. I'm 30 now so it's over for me but it would be fun to see things changing

not likely. men have always been extremely horny (prostitution has been around for as long as society) but the reason there's been such a big change recently is because the internet can instantly connect people. now a woman has instant access to every guy in the area who wants to fuck her which is a lot of guys, which in turn inflates her ego. it makes it hard for women to stick to one guy since they have dozens of better choices available at all times. not to mention the girls like who can rake in hundreds of dollars a month from simple pictures.

Honestly, I doubt it. Some people think high-quality sex dolls will make a difference, but even today, in an age when men have access to infinite amounts of free porn, some guys still pay a female for her pictures, or even just her attention. Men crave more than just sex, they want to be noticed, to feel validated, and only a real female can satisfy that kind of hunger. The fact that lots of women take advantage of lonely men is just another reason to hate them, but of course most people will prefer to blame their male victims.

Imagine being paid hundreds of dollars just for existing. They're literally royalty, and we're supposed to believe that they're oppressed. It's truly a clown world.

>be neet
>want gf, but can't have

>become wagie
>have no desire to interact or deal with a female


based, they all go there along with sandniggers, kikes, and any other heretic

the copeyest of cope

To all the guys in this thread feeling depressed because being a man sucks... I suggest that you start reading reddit.com/r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/

I promise it'll make you feel better.

>We can't just decide to stop wanting a gf, it's biological.
You can if you're rational

Being rational simply means that you can think and act rationally, not that you have the power to magically make your basic instincts go away.

no fucking shit. cell phones are a bag of dicks for women and women give out their dms while dating. don't fucking trust them.

>describing what happend to me
this is what life is like for any non-deformed woman on a dating app.
even for older women. pic related

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Stop being a fucking retard and practice some self-control. Either that or cut off your balls.

Dude there are women who literally kill themselves because they can no longer get a boyfriend/husband after a certain age.

>I do something called talking to them in person.
just lmao if you think that means a woman can't/doesn't get side internet dick

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The wall exists. Any woman can get laid of course, but once women are over 30 and single they start to realize that they will probably never have a family and kids

Lad, If I get a stacey then I will feel more powerful than all other men trying to get her ass.

>Why are you so willing to call 99% of men trash just to justify women's shallowness and dishonesty? You'll do anything just to avoid blaming women, it's pathetic.
preach brother. we need way more cuck-shaming before this hotwife/polyamory stuff reaches critical mass. once that happens, society is done for

this makes me sad, why do women grow up thinking that this is acceptable?

>6 figure income
Guys making that probably understand ROI and a 5/10 azn slut probably not worth much investment.

because you fuckers kill the good women who remain loyal to their husband during conquering and tribal times. so women evolved to betray men.

This is why 90% of millennials are gay, honestly. Men were naturally born gay, marriage is a scam.

He got 0 likes in a month because he's ugly, not because he's a man. Good looking men have options and women know it.

Good looking men, rich men, funny men, confident men all have options. The rest shouldn't even call themselves men.

>Men were naturally born gay
Why are faggots constantly deluding themselves with this sort of brain vomit? Is the need to fit in so overwhelming that you'll tell yourselves these lies in order not to feel so shunned by literally everyone?

roasty getting toasty as fuck. men don't want you, whore. they want true love which is only possible between two men. women aren't even human.

>good looking

No. Women are not attracted to funny men; they find attractive men funnier, that's why they want someone 'who makes me laugh', it's just another way of saying they want Chad. Same for confidence. Ugly confident man = creep. Handsome confident man = attractive.

It really all comes down to looks, money and status. If you're not handsome, rich or famous, you may just as well not exist to women.

>stupid gold digging whore trying to tell me anything when i see how easy it is every day for a funny guy to get laid
keep digging

One of the reasons I'm against gay rights is because, now that faggots can be open about their faggotry, straight men are afraid of showing affection to other men because it might be seen as gay.

>straight men who are gay are afraid of doing gay shit
this is why straight men are fucking morons. they should stop white knighting women and join the right side

lmao that her idea of "doing things right" is telling a guy that she's so sore from her threesome the night before

>sexual economy?

Hmmm...does that mean incels are sexual NEETs?

There is a solution to all of this that most men won't accept. It has always been there, waiting for them to embrace their primal side. You don't need to date or court a female. Older females are called "courgars" but does that really describe their behavior? Men should become cougars, you pickin' up what I'm putting down, anons?

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>with a full head of hair

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>Be this lonely incel faggot
>projecting this hard, holy shit

Try again, faggot.

Also samefagging this hard.

ah yes just become a rapist that will make my life so much better

Is the concept of hell just cope?
>y-you degenerates have it coming once you die I'm gonna live in the clouds forever you will all burn
Makes sense when you realise that priests and monks were the original incels.