Why does the saying "people have it way worse than you" not make me feel better ?
Why does the saying "people have it way worse than you" not make me feel better ?
Because it's bullshit normalfag talk and it implies only the person in the worst situation on the whole planet has the right to feel bad about his life.
Because it's just something the normal people say to surpress you and devalidate any of your suffering. By this logic only the person who has it the worst in the world should be allowed to feel bad. How is it even supposed to help? Make you more grateful for your situation? Only a sadist would enjoy hearing that.
>the poor african children user
>they're hungry and poor
>think of the all the poor stray cats and dogs
>who will love them
>the poor jews user
>look what Germany did to them
>the slaves user don't forget the african slaves
its just normalfag talk, and it has no logic whatsoever. how are you supposed to feel better by hearing that other people have it worse? that doesn't change the fact that your life is still shit. yeah, "it could've been worse", but thats just cope, not something to make you feel better
Because I have empathy and start to feel bad for those people too
because all it accomplishes is making you feel guilty
if you're talking about it in the context of depression the "other people have it way worse than you" should actually be in SUPPORT of you. you should say "yes, you're exactly right. lots of people have it way worse than me so I shouldn't be feeling this way, something is obviously wrong"
the problem is that normalfags who have never experienced depression think it's a choice and just means feeling sad
because you're not a sociopath. keep being human
People who claim people can't understand them because of their suffering are simply using their inferiorities as an excuse to feel better about themselves; to create a false sense of superiority.
It actually infuriates me because I can view the world on such an abstract scale that I almost reach the plank root of consciousness in my discernng, and at such levels all is in it's own infinite and connected at the same time. The concept of comparing is on the level of murder. At that moment the person unconsciously uttering at you has the clear intent of killing you, but we are supposed to believe that it is discussion as they (and about 99.9% of the population) are cognie-lathargy and so it's deemed "constructive." It makes me smile to know that the coral reefs are all but dead as that is the truest signifier that the world will be a scorched out hell hole in 100-150 years.
youre no older than 21
18 to be exact
Does thinking people should accept their insecurities and strive to improve instead of wallowing in self-pity make me naive and stupid?
you are naive and stupid because of your age, no matter how "smart and wise for your age" you think you are. you simply don't have enough life experience.
also telling people "you have no right to feel bad because there are others worse off than you" does nothing to help people accept their insecurities and in fact does the opposite, so I'm not sure what your argument is here
Yes, very much so actually. As you are superimposing your own ideals on reality as if to say all key factors in character building can boil down to I'm weak Rocky - I'm strong Rocky. Life, and the human mind is a lot more malleable and complex than that. Living is a lot more complex than that. There's a reason why the saying "walk a mile in my shoes" exists. Life isn't that simple. For some it is, but for those of us who find us in a spiral of misery it's as if we're being restrained and tortured by force.
So on top of feeling bad myself, I should also feel bad for them, compounding my own bad feeling?
Because their situation has nothing to do with you
Exactly, telling people to not feel bad because others have it worse indeed doesn't do anything to help their insecurities. Think of "I have it bad, so you can't have it bad" or "other people have it worse, so quit bitching".
Maybe they do have it bad, but claiming others can't come close to understanding your suffering is a mistake. Having those feelings of inferiority is perfectly normal, but trying to make yourself feel special through suffering instead fighting that spiral of misery is a pathway to stagnation.
Then it doesn't matter how many years you've walked on Earth, you're just confirming your biases instead of actually gaining any wisdom.
that's not even the topic of this thread though. OP is talking about people who tell you you shouldn't be allowed to feel bad because others have it worse
and there is a good chance that the average normalfag doesn't understand what depression is like so it is justified to think that they can't understand your suffering
>Then it doesn't matter how many years you've walked on Earth, you're just confirming your biases instead of actually gaining any wisdom.
I'm never going to be able to convince you that it does matter that you're too young to understand because that's how I was at your age, insisting that I definitely am wise for my age. you'll realise when you're older that you were never some young sage, you just lacked enough life experience to be able to make statements about people and the world like that. you haven't even been an adult for a year for fucks sake
OP asked why other people denying his suffering does not make him happy, I answered why I think they do it, why that's a mistake and how doing something else instead can improve your situation rather than staying in that downwards spiral of misery.
But fair enough, I'll just have to see how my views change in 10 to 20 years. For the record, I'm not arrogant enough to think I've even scratched the surface.
I feel like my life is already beyond repair. Ima try it anyway but I guess I'll see.
Each and every person only cares about himself. Anything else is secondary. And it's logical that we are like this because you know that your time in this planet is approximately 90 laps (if you have good health) around the Sun. By the lap number 30 you are no longer a young person and you can't go back and do the things you didn't do in your youth. By the lap number 65 you are old and just awaiting death. And by lap number 80 onward you are a piece of rooting meat that will be lucky if you can clean yourself, go out of the house, etc. And then you will never exist anymore.
And regarding that expression, as many on this thread have said is something that a normie will say because he can't even imagine how is to live in your mind and have never lived something even similar to what you have lived and are living.