Are you an emphatic robot?

Are you an emphatic robot?

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>70 out of a possible 80
and yet, i find the patience for Jow Forums most nights. but i suppose that's the point after all

>Your score was 11 out of a possible 80.
>Scores of 30 or less indicate a lack of empathy common in people with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome.

Its hard for me to feel connection with other people.

ooks are everything

do I have Aspergers? I never really got diagnosed

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on the contrary i have no idea what ooks even are

>12 out of 80
>Scores of 30 or less indicate a lack of empathy common in people with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome.
about what i expected

looks, you need to take the blackpill even a chad autist can get a gf

14 might be autistic
Or I might have aspergers

23 since aspd

I expected less, although I feel I exaggerated a bit when answering some questions.

Got 47 here. I'm usually the therapist for my friends or even strangers but I can't relate at all to superficial and mundane issues so those make me feel nothing.


I expected higher. I don't know why.

Some of these questions are obvious bullshit that has absolutely nothing to do with empathy of any kind, and the entire quiz overall is biased against analytical personalities. It's basically a score of how much you project your feelings on everyone around you, and also how many friends you've got.
2/10 from me.
>t. INTJ
because without telling you about my personality the test is fucking useless.

some of it seems to be tied to introversion, which i don't necessarily agree with

31 wtf I thought I would get like 70 or 60

-no toxicity

join the new cutehouse


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>Implying analytical personalities aren't automatically less emotional

They will make decisions more rationally, but that doesn't mean they are emotionless machines, nor does it speak to their ability to pick up social cues regarding the emotions of others.

That's not what I'm implying, dummy dum dum. Yes they are, but in a way that drops their rating on this shitty test way more than necessary. Notice how only like 2 people itt are around the 40-50 mark, nearly everyone is either way low or way high.

It's empathetic you fucking retard.

17. I'm not an autist tho, I'm just an asshole.

Wasn't Myers-Briggs debunked as Facebook-tier pseudoscience years ago?

>18. When I was a child, I enjoyed cutting up worms to see what would happen.

kids are very well-known to do this kind of stuff. barbecuing ants, electrocuting moths, drowning pool bugs, etc

The '80s incarnation of it, as seen through the shitty commercialized miracle tests like 16p*rsonalities, sure.
Haters seem to ignore the fact that it's come a long way since then, however. It also simply seems true no matter how I look at it. "INTJ" is just me. (Yes I know about the Barnum effect, no this is not a case of the Barnum effect, I've actually put some time and effort into reading about this.) You'd have a hard time convincing me MBTI isn't at least a little bit real, there's no way literally everything that's said about "my type" would line up with reality like that if it were pure astrology-tier bullshit.

Probably like me (41/80) because I tend to find a lot of people with milktoast tastes to be boring.

here's some toxic, all of you should neck yourselves with your discord servers

I honestly thought I would have a higher score since I care alot about people. I can relate to people extremely well, but I just can't understand most of them. If I saw a person in trouble I would ask them if they need any help, but if they say no (when they are actually in pain) then I see no reason to bother. Say yes if you want help, otherwise I can't help you fren. If I saw a stranger being lonely in a conversation, I would invite him into our conversation and ask the stranger a bunch of questions to make the stranger feel like he has a place in my group.

I did this stuff, was cool

>I come here
>on par with Autism and assburgers
Sounds about right lads.

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The test asks such basic bitch questions that I can just make my own conclusions if I think about my behaviour. You could boil it all down to literally just asking if you're empathic or not. I guess it might be useful in a medical context to understand a patient's character more precisely, but it is useless if you want it to say something you're not already mostly aware of.
Also dumb ass and vague questions
> 5. I dream most nights.
Everyone dreams every night. I am conscious of my dreams much more during holidays, when I remember them every other night. What the fuck does that mean and what answer should I pick? I'm more empathic during the holidays?

15 out of 80. i really care about animals but i have aspergers and im disagreeable

if any of you have any empathy people come to my room with a loaded shotgun and end my misery

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Its different for me. Im interested in their lifes and hobbies even if they're different from mine but i find no connection with them as in no unity.

How about some random user comes around to your house with a shotgun and takes you out of the house on a hunting trip? Shall we do that user?

> and takes you out of the house on a hunting trip?
no, i want to be the prey thats shot. use me as target practice, i dont want to participate in killing animals, i want to be the killed animal

all you meat eaters are always saying how you'd eat vegans, well here your opportunity. honestly if i could, i woudlnt be against giving someone legal permission to kill and eat me

No user, it's nature to hunt and eat meat.

See you later incels

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Just slightly above being autistic

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Couldn't give less shit

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It amuses me to no end to watch you all suffer because of forces you cannot control. And then I feel kinda bad about it.

>suffer because of forces you cannot control.
What do you mean?

niggres tounge my angus. Another pic for the CIA to profile me through.

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Another aspd user here. Got 28. I really don't get why the "do you understand how other people are feeling" type questions are in an empathy chart. I don't need empathy to read body language and see patterns in how people speak.

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fuck i didnt concider this when taking the test

>9 out of a possible 80
Funnily enough I can be a rather helpful and cheery lad when I want to be, and always try to be somewhat polite if only out of principle, with exceptions of course. Doesnt mean I have to like the person on the other end though, more often than not I dont. Whatever though, enjoy the free data collection.


I'm pretty sure anyone who is below 10 or over 60 on this test is a fucking liar

Get fucked robots

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jokes on them i have aspergers

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cognitive empathy is actually stronger in people with aspd than in NTs

>26 out of 80
apparently someone already had 26 out of 80

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I got 14 but I have asd and social communication disorder so I know it's not being a psycho/sociopath

Yeah but did you consciously teach yourself social conventions or just pick it up naturally

tfw I actually do have autism

both, but i never put effort into it

9 out of 80

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>What do you mean?
This metaphor isn't perfect, but imagine the social world as a busy street that you have to cross to get just about anything you need, from food to sex to jobs, the list goes on. Most people have empathy, which, in the metaphor, is the ability to see the cars on that street, know how fast they're going, and understand the right time to cross. People with the scores in this thread either see the social "cars" as vague blurs without a clear position or they can't seem them at all. Unsurprisingly, they end up divided into three groups - those that cross the street pretty much at random ("just talk to girls bro") and who wear the many injuries they suffer with pride, apparently unaware that other people don't need to risk being ostracized to get a pack of crisps. The second group refuses to cross the street even if they're dying of starvation (">tfw no friends, tfw no gf"). The third group lashes out at any imaginary enemy it can find in the hopes that they're somehow linked to the cars hitting them all the time ("THE JEWS DID THIS! 1488 RACE WAR NOW!").