How can a man prefer tits over ass?
How can a man prefer tits over ass?
I don't know man how do women prefer dicks over vagina. Its just biological
I am only able to realize on LSD how all this asshole, body parts ordeal is such disgusting bug in our brain.
I can't wait till artifical Woombs come and when we reprogram our brains to stop pursuing Shit Hole and disgusting yiest Vaginas.
That will be first step into intergalactic space travel.
Just think about it logically!
It means he is still infantile at heart, he wants to be sucking on Mommys titties again
>How can a man prefer tits over ass?
By not being a nigger
This is interesting thought. For me boobs are not that important as ass/tights/whole figure.
So people with big dicks like ass?
Basically yes
But why would you want a big dick
Too much effort just to make a roastie feel good
>tfw chode and like ass
well shit
this shit is wrong, im slav and im an ass man.
Back when we still walked on all fours, we always had in front of us.. The butt. Then from the time mankined started walking on two leggs we stopped having butts stuck in our faces all the time, and in their place, what appeard in front of our faces.. were boobs! Women grew larger breasts to take teh place of buttocks. The original source of life is the buttocks! BOOBS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A PALE IMITATION OF THE BUTTOCKS! IF ASKED WHAT YOU'D RATHER HAVE, A COPY OR AN ORIGINAL, NATURALLY, I WOULD CHOOSE THE ORIGINAL
As a woman, I'd be completely down for a guy with a vagina
>what are averages?
So boobs are asses but more evolved
Truly a patrician taste
why have a preference? both are equally important
personally i'd rather have a gf with medium sized tits and ass over having just big tits or ass
never seen slav who choose boobs over ass. Never. Only some clueless retards who have literally negative IQ choose boobs more than ass.
The europeans have way bigger average dicks than americans though and they still prefer boobs? As for me, I do prefer ass and I do have a moderately big dick. Maybe it's just culture.
>prison school
>now you remember the ending
>I am only able to realize on LSD
>Just think about it logically!
looks nasty as fuck.. that asshole and pussy yuck. Arousal truly is the removal of disgust.
that hole body looks beautiful . i dont choose parts , i will take everything .
>user can you help mommy get Chadson's used condom?
face is most important, whether you realize it consciously or not
as for big tits - I never thought I was that kinda guy, until I met a woman with majestic, perfect, heavenly fun bags.
Each one was more than a handful. Tear-drop shaped. Big. She'd jerk me off into her tits and lap up the cum.
I'll see those tits on my deathbed.
God damn...
>How can a man prefer tits over ass?
Assuming no plastic surgery or obesity, big tits is simply a genetic lottery.
Any girl can have a great ass, but she has to work at it by eating right and going to the gym.
If you see a girl with a great ass, you know she takes care of herself and has put effort into her appearance. A girl with big tits may also do that, or she may simply use her tits as a replacement for any other redeeming quality.
This is actually true for me, I just want my mom's plump milkers in my mouth. I'm just too much of a pussy to seduce her.
What is going in in north korea?
Americans have smaller dicks due to malnutrition.
Tits are ass plus nips
Butts looks heavenly, and hypnotizing
I would bury my face in this jiggly ass and french kiss her shithole
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>tfw prefer dat V-shaped pubic bone and dem slender hips
>surrounded by ass/tits/f**t
life is suffering
It's just a circle, dull, round, an oversaturated market in society today. Boobs feel like rebelliona nd there's two to play with and they come in all shapes and sizes so no pair are the same as some may be firmer and some softer. There's just much more variety in boobs user.
The only countries with above replacement level birthrates are red.
i was going to ask the same
how did they get stats for north corea?
>How can a man prefer tits over ass?
- Oedipal complex
- Low test
- Manchild still in need of moma's milk
Once again white proven to be low test
In my opinion boobs look much better when clothed and butts look much better when nude.
By that logic the more you fuck/see naked women the more you'll prefer butts.
If you only ever see clothed women you'll prefer boobs.
thats a huge asshole, could easily insert your head.
The best position is when they lay on their stomach and you just flop on top of them. The chunkier the ass the better.
>blue: People with mommy issues(soulless chink moms/selfish or slutty European moms who don't give their children enough love/rampant divorce and parental issues/Indians)
>red: Real men
>As a woman,
fuck off reddit tranny