Mfw I've finally outgrown racism

>mfw I've finally outgrown racism
When did you realise that normans and foids are the problem?

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>I'm a weird loner, everyone else is the problem!!!

Yeah, buddy, sure

One of the reason foids are the problem is their total lack, or rather, opposition of racism. There are real racial differences as well as typical (shitty) cultures that certain races harbor, and ignoring this fact does not make you a better person, nevermind a smarter one. Of course you should allow individuals to prove themselves to be the exceptions, but when talking about large groups and populations, you have to recognize problems that are inherent to certain races.

>outgrown racism

>outgrown the very thing that modern universities, political institutions, and large corporations also denounce

wow real BRAVE of you

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pick fucking one, leftard. Also this obviously.

>R-r-racism badddddd!!11
*tsk* *tsk* *tsk* nice try red'dit.

Yeah I outgrew trying to be a contrarian for the sake of it. Hating a common idea doesn't make you a more interesting person

>if you're not racist you're a lefty
The absolute state

Except this is objectively the case. Left wing belief boils down to the idea that everyone is equal. Right wing ideology boils down to the reality that people are not equal. Given that lefties think that the idea that people are unequal are racist, then by definition, if you aren't racist then you're a lefty.

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*Given that lefties think that the idea that people are unequal is racist

Well I just think it depends less on race than I bought. IQ in my opinion is a result of education. The average IQ in the US is higher than it was a century ago despite there being less white people and more people from places with lower average IQs. It's just a matter of people's places in society and most blacks are conditioned to skip school. I think if a white person grew in the same household and neighborhood he would be the same

Jow Forums tier racism is retarded.
Sjw tier anti racism is retarded.
Just be rational person that doesn't pretend race isn't a factor but not the entire cause.

*than I thought.
All in all, the rabble is less successful regardless of race, and people with either the right connections or the ambition to strive for something other than middle class life and be original are better than others.

>Right wing ideology boils down to the reality
>Left wing ideology is idealism and Right wing ideology is objective fact
nice false dichotomy, first year community college flunkie.
Right wing ideology boils down to the Earth being 6000 years old

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To be fair blacks probably aren't as smart right now, but I don't think it's because they evolved that way. I think it's because of the culture or society they take part in

Not him but the meme that rural people are dumb is untrue. Most college graduates are pre-meds who won't make it to med school, psychology majors who just like reading the results of studies because they're pretty fun to read, or business majors wholl end up in a middle management office or hr depending on the gender. It doesn't take a lot of intellect to get into college and as a college student myself I respect farmers and tradesmen way more than the dumbasses over here who'll end up being replaceable unless they're the 10% who are really good at their subject or choose a profitable major

IQ is mix between genetic predispositions nurture. In economically strong regions of the world, where parents can invest time and money into the mental developement of their children, there will be more above average and highly intelligent people. This also works vice versa.

I wish I was this enlightened and centrist.

The races are unequal. This is demonstrable and provable. Calling denial of objective fact 'idealism' is not a false dichotomy.

I grew out of being right wing. Kek looking back at myself when I was an edgy 16 year old capitalist rightist makes me mega cringe.

Take the socialist, left pill.

is hard to stop being racist with blacks. when you think they are cool people. one of them acts up and makes you hate them again. some black guy made threats against my company and now my company is in high alert.

Centrism is more rational than your neo nazi bullshit

Being alive is the problem

always but niggers are still filled with normalfags
>I'm a weird loner, everyone else is the problem
yes that's right you faggot now go kill yourself npc

Right wingers are naturally racist, who are you trying to fool Jow Forumstard?

The actual definition of racism is the belief that there are genetic differences in groups that influence behavior. You don't have to use this knowledge to oppress a given group.

Yeah this. It's dumb to stop believing scientific fact because all the brainwashed normies also don't believe it. Just pretend you are also a non-racist while being aware of the truth.

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I love how you people think 'Nazi' is an insult