How do I get a good personality
How do I get a good personality
>good personality
How would define good personality?
>How do I get a good personality
Just Be Yourself
>How would define good personality?
no normal person would ever ask that kind of question
I think anyone would as its a very subjective matter.
I wish I knew
The only personality traits I have are toxic
idk I just wanna get some friends and a nice gf. I have too much social anxiety and wanna know how to start a good convo.
Spin around 4 times,sing the magic words, and bam you have it.
A good personality is a complete and developed personality, free from contradictions and bias. If you're an adult and can't claim to have ownership of that description already then it's beyond you.
im not an adult
There is only one good personality: the go-getter. Do and get what you want, don't care about what other people think.
Time for you to leave then.
nice, my anxiety always prevented that but fuck it. Im doing whatever the fuck I want.
Just make one up. A character with strong opinions and interesting hobbies. Try it out for awhile. If it fails or you don't like it, make a new one up and try it somewhere else. Eventually you get good at it and can be anyone.
Idk, seems kinda gay for me
How do you stop being a nice guy? How can you balance being nice at times and being a asshole? Do I just act normally and not look thirsty but at the same time occasionally talk to a girl or what? This personality shit is confusing and I don't know what girls really want.
By making good lifestyle choices, eventually when you do it enough that just becomes who you are.
Kinda like
People usually say im nice and quiet, idfk I feel like im messing something. I wanna be something more, Im tired of being in the background. I occasionally talk to girls but its meh. Girls are confusing but I don't think i found the one yet.
Think about the qualities you want. Look at people with these qualities. Act like you have those qualities. They'll eventually become your personality.
Thanks for the advice so far everyone.
Same i'm always in the background most of the time, girls don't think i'm creepy and faggy and only just see me as a cool friend, but never a love interest.
Just don't be a fucking asshole. If you need to figure out when to not be an asshole, you're just an asshole pretending not to be, and the only people who will like you are other assholes. Have fun.
And don't overdo being pushy/assertive/opinionated, it gets attention and at times help you succeed, but overdo it and you're just asshole lite.
Respect people and don't be judgmental, while not taking any shit. Just remember that people who are crap or weird are often that way because of issues, so don't just write them off as "inferior people".
Get some hobbies that actually interest you. Ones that interest others are best, but being passionate about anything at all will add to your personality as long as it's not MLP vore hentai.
Or basically just be a decent person, be yourself, have interests, in that order.
Is there any way to find interests despite depressive anhedonia?
Live outside the routine you've got, do new things. Anhedonia's tough shit and you'll probably not enjoy much, but you need to change things up if nothing in your life is good enough to avoid it.
You can socialize with people without having interest, being a good listener and empathetic/honest can go a long way provided you go out of your way enough to meet some worthwhile people.
Social isolation really will eventually kill your ability to be interested in things. People are social creatures.