Homeless Sweden

Hey, I'm looking for someone homeless, preferable in Gothenburg to talk to as I'm going to be homeless soon, for tips etc.

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Go to reddit's homeless subreddits or financial subreddits they have better advice

how do you become homeless in Sweden ? doesnt the government provide free housing and welfare? or is it all taken away by the African immigrants?

give some more background please op

the free stuff comes with lots of conditions

>get a mcslave job
>public housing or rent a room in someone's house
it isn't hard

Thanks, didn't think of that, guess I'm damaged from all the common reddit-faggot stuff on Jow Forums hehe
Pretty much, don't want to blame immigrants etc but its impossible to get help with a Swedish name in a big city like Gothenburg, I've tried

I'm looking for tips how to survive the winter. I'm adept at woodland survival, but not in winter conditions so that's mainly what I'm looking for tips about. I can offer no more than 40sek if we can meet up irl

Hard because of typing via cell phone but I trusted the wrong girl who made me quit my job to study with her support a while ago, and now the relationship ended and she has a new guy and kicking me out, boo hoo. My own stupid fault as im not great socially and i was naive. I dont want to give a sob story as im to blame for being naive.

I want to add that there was alot of info here, thanks again, feel so stupid for not looking at reddit first

being homeless in sweden you will die in the winter dude get a plane flight to somewhere warm year round and be homeless there

If you go to uni then they might have a housing guarantee, with CSN and a student job you'd be alright for a while. Good luck.

>don't want to blame immigrants
typical swedecuck
enjoy losing your home and heritage

Already hsve a csn loan so i cant reapply, tried that too, tried everything. Think i have to just accept that ill be homeless for a while atleast so , mainly looking for tips to survie winter, but thanks anyway user.
Warmth will only be a problem during night time so warm clothes and shelter should be prio

I know what you mean but our goverment is more to blame

This, hitchhike to southern france or spain or something.

Unironically seek asylum in Norway.
t. Norwegian

I guess this is the best option. I know there is a lot of homeless swedes in spain especially, people who traveled there to party and ran out of money, guess ill add to the problem hehe

Get a gym membership, you can work out there, but most importantly you have access to their showers. Try to buy a solar charger for a fews of your electronics, I'm not sure how effective they would be in Sweden, but I know jap homeless use them. If all else, get a crank charger/radio combo. Also try to find a job right now.

Throw away my passport and dye my hair? Or do you accept migrants because of our neglegant goverment?

The gym thing is a really good idea, as finding a job as an unshowered bum is hopeless, just need the money for it

I am an hour away, what is it?

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Begging for change to get laundromat stuff should be easy as well.

One swedish asylum seeker is one less sandnigger asylum seeker.

Surviving winter?
Move too skane/malmo
More southern
Less cold
Steal crops from peasents basements.
Not sure
Or you could get too the closest fralsnings arme where they will give you shelter and food in exchange for politeness. Gl hf

Are you homeless? From what ive gathered so far surviving till 23.00 isno problem in malls etc but after?
Food and water isnt a big problem but the cold is, fralsningsarmen gives you shelter? Will have to look into, should be an office here

Only way you can be homeless in Sweden is if you are a drug addict and/or mentally ill. No thanks.

What about faking addiction to the socialkontoret? How would you go about?