she is so fucking disgusting how can she be a thing with some of you here
She is so fucking disgusting how can she be a thing with some of you here
she cheats on her boyfriends and can't commit. slut.
Have you seen what Jow Forums will fuck?
she has the big boobies
She got a nice rack
Girls that look filthy like her with massive tits are my ultimate turn on. I think it's the complete natural look that does it. They aren't wearing make up, have unkempt or greasy hair and in some cases don't even wash stinking of BO. Much, much better than some ugly whore having to use 10 tons of make-up just to make herself presentable. If she looks this good as a tramp then she's going to look like a 8/10+ if she bothered to put any effort into her appearance.
Worst of all she's a coal burner.
>they aren't wearking make up
lmao are you retarded or just this naive
I listened to her music cuz of the rack and it ain't bad. It's like linkin park/evanescence shit mixed with a little Taylor swift
>They aren't wearing make up
Billie Eilish definitely does though.
isnt this a dude
>linkin park
>taylor swift
there's exactly 0 of those in billie's music
No, I just leave the basement once in a while. It's like you can't conceive that some women don't require clown makeup to look attractive and can look good going natural. Even if she's wearing make-up in that image it's pretty obvious it's minimal at best, her blemishes are still clearly visible.
She has "three-whites" eyes. You can see the the white of her eyes around both sides of the pupil and also under it. People who have that are cursed and horrible shit happens to them. There's a high chance that she will die young.
I'd fuck her but being in a relationship or getting married to her is a trainwreck waiting to happen
Well, she's got natural D-cup tits and dick sucking lips to go with them. She actually looks decent in some pictures.
>bottom left
She is far too young for me, I would never imagine fucking her face till her angsty eye makeup ran down her face
>tfw I have the same thing
That would explain a lot, lmao.
y'all keep talking about her giant tiddies but she wears too many baggy clothes someone start posting her milkers
This some schizo shit. Take your meds, the way your eyes form doesn't determine your fate.
need i say any more? i think not
Except everyone who has ever had visible sclera under their irises has suffered a horrible fate or been through some fucked up times at the very least.
See also:
>nic cage
Except the probably billions of people through history who haven't, dip shit. Listing a bunch of famous people doesn't account for all of the non famous people who have it
>look up without tilting my head
>am now cursed for life
>probably billions of people through history who haven't
I didn't fucking say bad shit doesn't happen to non-sanpaku-eyed people, you fucking imbecile. They are just more prone to tragedy and death. God, you're such a fucking moron. Asshole. Die.
Here, bitch. Have another one.
>travis alexander murdered by jodi arias
>tilt head down
>eyes pointing up
>wtf I'm cursed now
Your reading comprehension skills are that of kindergartener, you mong. The people who have who haven't suffered are in the billions. You're just pointing ar famous people and saying "look muh curse" and not counting for all the non famous people. The fact that I had to explain this twice is proof that you're iq is room temperature
Im a nigger. She gives me hope at a big tiddy goth gf
>looking straight at the camera
>You're just pointing ar famous people and saying "look muh curse" and not counting for all the non famous people
No shit, how am I supposed to know the lives of billions of people? Anything to be contrarian, right? Dumbass.
those fuckin fish lips, give it a few months and she'll be spouting anti-male, SJW bullshit
Why does her left eyebrow do this? Mine does it too.
i have sanpaku eyes as well. been through some shit. whether theres some validity to that voodoo shit who's to say. always felt a connection to jfk.
Oh shit, i have similar eyes. How are they called?
She looks very weird. The constant tired eyes, "I'm on drugs" look is making me wonder what the fuck is physically wrong with her.
Tbh tho, the only people I've seen talk about her are you faggots, so clearly you are in cahoots with the normalfaggots and should subsequently separate yourselves from my motherfucking board. NOW!
idk but mine does too
weird. Maybe we are the missing link
ehy is her nose so red on the top
Billie Eyelash