Serious question, how do I cope with being black? Considering:
>race/IQ >crime stats >perceptions of blacks >systemic racism
It is the shittiest hand to be dealt in the racial lottery. Literally the most looked down upon and loathed people on planet Earth. My home continent is literally synonymous with failure. How does one cope with such a heritage and still form a positive identity? How do cope with being a nigger?
Uuh dress well, be a nice person, study hard and get a high status job idk
Juan Adams
Africans are in many ways more enlightened than Europeans because they are closer to nature and by proxy closer to ascension.
There is a reason why European nobility always had a fascination with them. Up to and including eating them.
Robert Kelly
Shatter those norms/stereotypes by being intelligent, knowledgeable, and being a polite non law-breaker. Don't dress or talk like a hoodlum, and be a person that others can look up to.
Just be born in America, you guys are celebrated and revered more than any other race. Fucking hell, we even have a month solely to celebrate and bowing down to you. Enjoy it, and be glad you weren't born a pajeet like I was.
Jose Diaz
well at least you have a big dick right?
Josiah Carter
>>race/IQ >>crime stats How the fuck could you be aware of these two things and still pretend "systematic racism" is against you?
Nathaniel Thomas
>born asian >high IQ >low crime >model minority people still treat me like shit dude, none of it matters, literally just be yourself
Matthew Gutierrez
extremely low inhibition , cut him some slack he's a nigger
Joseph Butler
Cuck yourself out much, you tree hugging, hippie faggot?
Liam Lee
Iktf OP. I keep limiting myself because I worry that my IQ is low and I constantly wonder why God made me be a nigger
Zachary Gray
You poor sheep. You are so sure about the knowledge you were handed via a fucking screen lmao.
You dont even know what enlightenment means according to the ancients. Fool.
Adam Hill
Maybe he is referring to how some employers don't read resumes with African American names on them? I'm not sure what he means by systematic racism.
Mason Campbell
Drop the victim mentality. We are ALL in some way dealt a shitty hand. You could always have it worse. Human suffering, like fortune, is not distributed evenly or fairly. The world beautiful as it is, remains indifferent to all of us and your best bet is making a life that's meaningful to you. The sooner you start consciously rejecting negative thoughts the better off you are.
What about negros with high inhibition? People expect us to be able to dance/be funny and not be shy.
Kayden Richardson
>I worry my IQ is low Friend, if IQ was everything you would see exclusive widespread success among those with it. There is wisdom, common sense which is NOT intelligence, and of course how you choose to live your life. Insecure about what may be or a go-getting motivated dream chaser.
Christopher Cox
Well, if you believe in IQ making that much of a difference, it is mostly due too anxiety of you, Basically just ignore the demons and remember that it is mostly due too you being on this board. I mean come on, these fuckers will celebrate anything that normalfags consider controversial, whether it is movies or murder. And besides, when you believe in god, IQ should not be something to worry about, Just believe you fag.
Based post. This is what everyone should should be striving towards. Making the best of what they have and being the best version of themselves.
Lucas Phillips
Race is just used to see what the average person from a group will be like, it's not the end all be all >race/IQ Most blacks will be dumb but there are a lot with decent IQs. The Igbo tribe in particular. >crime stats Disheartening but not something to be really care about if you aren't committing crimes and adding to those stats yourself. Just don't be a criminal and don't encourage others to either. >perceptions of blacks Again just stereotypes you don't necessarily have to follow. Everyone bends over for based blacks these days. >systemic racism Being black has its own perks actually >shittiest hand to be dealth in the racial lottery I don't know I think Indians will fight you over that >My home continent is literally synonymous with failure You just work hard and bring back some of your success to Africa. That's what a lot of Caribbean immigrants do.
Exactly. It's easy to become trapped under the avalanche of self pity and misery, but those who resist always find success and improvement. I don't give a fuck who or what you are, you are capable of change.
As a fellow black gentleman, I'll give you my modest point of view : >race/IQ I have a high IQ, successful in my studies and life in general. I have no care for the intelligence of others. Dumb people will stay dumb no matter what you try to do. >crime stats I never committed crime so I'm good. And instead of focusing on the skin of the criminals, focus on their minds. Most black people are dumb, live with an over aggressive culture that encourages you to be a degenerate hedonist. Put any other retard of any race in this situation and what happens? Jail time as well. The questions you need to ask is how and why did this subculture develop. >perceptions of blacks I do not care for people who do generalisation without knowing you. Actually I'm glad I'm black because I can detect them almost instantly and thus ignore them. Being surrounded by a bunch of fools would be hell. >systemic racism Only thing annoying and it's hard to prove. My solution is just to act as cleanly and lawfully you can and if you feel being discriminated, confront the person by asking them why they refuse to give you the job or whatever. They already despise you so you lose nothing and if they make a slight mistake, you can sue them.
Henry Moore
dude just STOP being black wtf
Levi Davis
He is saying that the qualities Africans are born into have caused them to be hated. He never implied the hate was not warranted. The fact he listed the IQ and crime before that implies otherwise. It is like he knows his people are incapable of thriving and he understands the resentment whites feel towards blacks yet it still hurts him when he is discriminated against because even though he knows why, he is still only human.
Robert James
Same guy as But I wanted to say make sure you are eating well. No processed garbage. Take care of your body. Take things one day at a time. Make sure you have at least a few friends. Practice being the best person you can be. Remember you were born into this by chance and none of us picked or worked for our races.
Jacob Martin
the self hatred is so fucking cringe.
Im a nigger and I could give two fucks what online degenerates think of me and my race. Im a good person and I act properly.
I like to lurk in nigger hate threads and laugh/rage. I understand that theres black people and then theres niggers, two different things. Just like theres white people and theres hicks.
Its not about biology its about how much youre willing to learn and invest in yourself. There are people born without arms or legs so stop acting like a bitch youve been delt a basic hand like everyone else.
You're probably not even back, just another snow cuck starting a nigger hate thread.
>I understand that theres black people and then theres niggers, two different things >Im a nigger
the self hatred is so fucking cringe
Nicholas Davis
White People still treat black people way better than they deserve. must be because of their colonial genes making them love being around dark skin
Josiah Carter
>Cant accept seeing a proud nigger
The absolute state insecurity.
Dont worry, ill be sure to look at cucked Europe with pride from now on massa. I feel pride when I see 50 of your gunless cops get held off by a migrant with a machete.
Colton Baker
>his people are incapable of thriving Respectfully disagree. Africans might not make giant skyscrapers but the cultures they've established in their tribes are good enough for survival in Africa. I think Africa's biggest problems are overpopulation, corrupt leadership, and over-dependence on aid. If OP is concerned with the state of Africa then he should consider going moving there and build some farms or maybe teach some sex edand show support for good leaders. Just do fucking something for your homeland instead of sulk over it. That's why blacks get so much even if they recognize the problems, they do fucking nothing about it. Believing things like "incapable of thriving" is just begging for pity and gibs.
If youve got a triple digit IQ and arent absolute scum then you have life on easy mode as everyone will lower the bar for you. Thing is most blacks cant do the first two so the preferential treatment doesnt go very far
Juan Edwards
just go get your free white girl and shut up, 100% of them want black guys and nothing else
Gavin Sullivan
You see all those white bois making daily threads about black GFs. I think you know what to do, user. Take the pill.
Colton Rivera
black men are more desirable than asian men and indian when it comes to dating so you have that perk i suppose
Juan Powell
Don't concern yourself with any of that shit and live as an individual from a loving but dysfunctional family. And stop coming to all these white boys to tell them about how dysfunctional your family is like a fucking cornball.
Julian Adams
the american government and media are doing every fucking thing they can to make sure black citizens are integrated well into the country and treated fairly but its just never enough is it. they will never be satisfied. they just sit there collectively with their arms crossed, tapping their foot, saying >naw bruh that aint good enough we want more nigga you gots to gib me dem gibs and they keep getting rewarded for this behavior as a whole. its like a pushover mom giving her whiny son whatever he wants from the grocery store while he sits comfortably in the cart seat. its never going to end until the rest of the citizens say "enough".
best thing you can do is stay away from rap culture garbage. maybe trace back your family tree if you can and see how your own ancestors survived. maybe embrace what they did or at least acknowledge it rather than just accepting black american victim culture. pretty sure thats what basedpanther was all about
Julian Cox
>>race/IQ It's more about upbringing. People like Neil Tyson or Obama dont come off random. In their childhood, they were destined for greatness. If a person was raised with a functional family with stable income, around a good neighborhood, good school, and good dieting and playing activities, that person is bound to have higher IQ than the average person. Most schools with high number of black students are really shit and public school's administrators tend to have a racial bias against them. I'm not saying blacks in schools should get special treatment better than others, but when black students need help doing better with their work, teachers either don't give a shit or dumb them down putting them in retarded classes.
>>crime stats Whites kill their own people or do drugs just as much as blacks do. Only difference is that blacks get arrested for it more. Besides, crime rate in pretty low despite a high number of prison inmates. >>perceptions of blacks Not really your fault, bruh. >>systemic racism Again not your fault.
Nothing really stops you from being a good person.
Carter Wright
>they are closer to nature and by proxy closer to ascension That's the opposite of how this works. Nature is base, shit, and ugly. The lower the lifeform, the more "natural" it is. The lowest and most natural being bacteria, and the most supreme and least natural being humans.
Ryder Lopez
Being black and smart is hell on earth, you have to constantly pretend you dont despise the sociopathic criminal culture in your race, then pretend as though the thugs in your living area arent dangerous evil pieces of shit who should all die. Worst of all you must try your hardest to never admit that black people cause alot of fucking crime even after you get repeatedly robbed, beaten up, held up at knifepoint/gunpoint, your car being jacked, and even almost kidnapped when you were only 6 years old by only black people.
Henry Nguyen
"The Ancients", for all their communion with nature, and the pedestal onto which you've placed them, are no longer here, having been replaced by a superior hominid breed. But keep drawing on that pipe of yours. I'm sure you'll feel better.
Jaxson Anderson
You're not black if you think this is true. Talk to anyone black and listen to how they hate the retarded gangbangers in Chicago making us look bad, or how they're annoyed by the stupidity of rappers who go in and out prison every year. I fucking hate the niggers on this board because you perpetuate false stereotypes in order to get a pat on the head from white robots and be told "you're one of the good niggers. But you're still a nigger so stay away from me"
You're pathetic.
Charles Ramirez
The the people who try to push the nigger distinction are forcing an irrelevant meme by Chris rock. The word is inseparable from black people. It means black.
Alexander Roberts
>>My home continent is literally synonymous with failure >You just work hard and bring back some of your success to Africa. That's what a lot of Caribbean immigrants do. Why not rather work hard to improve one's country of orginin from WITHIN their country of origin. Bloom where you're planted and all that. If places like Africa and whatnot are shitholes, it's because all of the "good" people fled like cowards and left their countrymen to burn.
Chase Gutierrez
Based negro right here
Blake Perez
you'll probably still get arrested >thinking doing no crime = innocent
Lincoln Foster
>You're not black if you think this is true. See what I fucking mean? They even deny you can be black if you admit to the criminal behavior of your race. I got banned from thecoli because of this shit. >Talk to anyone black and listen to how they hate the retarded gangbangers in Chicago making us look bad The fuck you talking about? No one in the black community hates gangbangers they love them even though they kill most of us. >good niggers And so what? Its horrifying being surrounded by people who cant fucking read a book or understand most of anything you say because they are genuinely dumb as shit, so you gotta sound constantly mentally retarded around most black people just for them to understand what you are saying. It doesnt fucking matter if Im a good one, this entire race is fucked in a way whining about white people or throwing money at niggas aint gonna do shit and never will do shit either. Oh but thats forbidden you cant even admit it in that shitty evil criminal race Im apart of we always gotta play the victim even when we know in our brains that the reason blacks are shit is because of our fucking behavior in our communities.
Mason Hughes
well being a pajeet is objectively worse than being a nigger so...
Angel Morris
>See what I fucking mean? They even deny you can be black if you admit to the criminal behavior of your race. I got banned from thecoli because of this shit. No one denies the toxicity of some of our race's behaviors. That's why I say you're lying. People talk about it all the time. I can talk freely about problems in the black community on Boxden and I don't get banned. Maybe you got banned because you said shit that you say here. You come off like a racist white guy. >The fuck you talking about? No one in the black community hates gangbangers they love them even though they kill most of us You're a fucking out of touch idiot. The music is entertaining but the lifestyle isn't anything black people respect. >And so what? Its horrifying being surrounded by people who cant fucking read a book or understand most of anything you say because they are genuinely dumb as shit, so you gotta sound constantly mentally retarded around most black people just for them to understand what you are saying. It doesnt fucking matter if Im a good one, this entire race is fucked in a way whining about white people or throwing money at niggas aint gonna do shit and never will do shit either. Oh but thats forbidden you cant even admit it in that shitty evil criminal race Im apart of we always gotta play the victim even when we know in our brains that the reason blacks are shit is because of our fucking behavior in our communities. This is why you got banned. Your racism toward your own.
David Lee
>No one in the black community hates gangbangers they love them not that guy, but you clearly haven't talked to many black people. did you grow up in a white neighborhood?
Luke Gonzalez
>I like to lurk in nigger hate threads and laugh/rage. I understand that theres black people and then theres niggers, two different things. Just like theres white people and theres hicks.
red pilled
Dominic Brooks
it's okay to be black. just don't be a nigger, and everyone will respect you. wear a belt. don't talk like ayyy yoo mang basically just be normal
Alexander Ward
You have been brainwashed by now Nazi propaganda. The amount of below average iq white children I see each day begs to differ. They are stupid and they have no history whatsoever.
Jaxon Morgan
>ayyy yoo mang No, fuck you. I speak how I like. I'm from the South. I have a southern accent. It makes no sense that whites are allowed to have accents and slang but blacks aren't. I'll speak however I fucking want to. Go fuck yourself. Illl also wear my pants wherever I want. I personally don't sag but if I wanted to, that's my business. I don't need nor want everyone's respect. I don't care about the approval of an autistic virgin who hasn't left the house since last spring.
William Long
>good enough for survival in Africa
inb4 ebola, the next famine, or the next Joseph Kony wipes out tens of thousands of people before anyone outside of Africa takes any notices
Colton Martin
If I was black and still aware of how pathetic the race is, I'd cope by thinking about myself as some kind of noble demon, who knows how shitty my kin is but still defies and opposes it.
I'd hate niggers more than the racistiest neonazi out there, despite being one. No "black man vs nigger" cope either, as I know my offspring would have like 99% chance of jumping into niggerdom no matter my efforts, as it's genetic. Thus I wouldn't want kids, because in one or two generations it would all be the usual niggery anyway.
You know as a young boy I grew up sawing teenage niggas do nothing with their lives other than get girls pregnant, and kill each other behind the scenes. Now they taught me white peoplec caused that and you know me being a young black boy had barely any rational reasoning so I went with it, I hated white people alot when I was younger because I was stupid when I was younger. You know all the white people cause this they enslaved us and they made us like this. As I grew I realized thats a load of shit these mothafuckers are just evil bastards thats what. Point this out and you get beat up in the black community so much for self improvement am I right? We love gangbangers to the point we dress like them, sure some of them bitch about them but they aint doing shit about them so thats all it is just bitching basically stockholm syndrome. >People talk about it all the time. No they dont you gotta act as though we are squeaky clean people. >The music is entertaining but the lifestyle isn't anything black people respect. Man you dont know shit of course they respect gangbangers, easiest way for a young mothafucka to get respect is to be a gangster. >This is why you got banned. Your racism toward your own Yh its forbidden to criticize this race, no wonder it cant get its shit together.We are perfect we are angels we can do no wrong at all FUCK THOSE WHITE PEOPLE THEY ARE THE REASON EVERYTHING IS SHIT IN OUR LIVES FUCK THEM. Those same white people that freed us, fed us, and dont do anything when we beat the shit out of them for fun THEY ARE SO FUCKING EVIL AND RACIST THEY ARE SCUM!
Yh and so fucking what? You dont see the dumb crackas killing as much as our gangbangers now do you? Yall niggas just dumb as fuck when you pull these kind of silly comparisons. Shit man why no dumb cracka area as dangerous as Baltimore, Detroit, Philly, Miami Gardens or Atlanta huh? Dumb crackas barely cause shit in black areas to begin with its always niggas doing that shit. So your BUT BUT THERE ARE DUMB CRACKERS WHO ARE JUST AS BAD is just nothing but pure bullshit. Hell man dumb crackas act harmless compared to most niggas to begin with.
you can be black and have a southern accent, or a northern one. you can even have a ugandan accent if you want. ebonics just makes you sound retarded. it's good that you don't sag otherwise people would think you're even more retarded. nothing makes you look worse than not having an ability to speak coherently or wear basic clothes. it's okay that you don't care what us whiteys think about you, you're free to live in your bubble. just don't wonder why all the whites look down on you for doing dumb shit and call it systemic racism
Nathaniel Reed
Go back to Africa, except for Bostwana, South Africa, Nambidia and Zimbabwe
Kevin Robinson
>We love gangbangers to the point we dress like them There's no such thing. Unless you're wearing a blue flag out of your back left pocket, you're not dressed like a gang member. There is hip hop style of dress that is also worn by gangmembers. Would you say that someone wearing a suit is dressed like a mafioso? >No they dont you gotta act as though we are squeaky clean people No you don't. Literally no one pretends we're perfect. You're out of touch as fuck and you're making shit up to make us look bad. Watch this video, a very well respected black man talking about gangsters >Man you dont know shit of course they respect gangbangers, easiest way for a young mothafucka to get respect is to be a gangster Shut the fuck up dumbass and stop trying to speak jive in order to show me how black you are. No one respects gangs except gangbangers.
Again, watch this incredibly critical speech on black gangs coming from a well respected black leader, because I know you'll ignore it as it doesn't fit into your narrative.
Easton Rodriguez
Go ahead bruh think Im white you are just proving me right that this race literally hates being criticized. You know man it gets really tiresome seeing you niggas care about black lives then start defending gangbanging murderous scum like Trayvon Martin just because the niggas black and got killed by a mexican who looks pale enough to be confused as white. Police brutality aint even comparable to niggas killing each other but but racism and oppression what a load of shit I hate white people for even teaching you niggas these excuses for our dysfunctional behavior in America.
Justin Walker
>ebonics just makes you sound retarded Ebonics aka AAVE, is a dialect. Just because you think it sounds retarded doesn't mean I have to give a fuck. It's how I speak to other black people or people from a background similar to mine. Fuck off and don't worry about how I choose to express myself.
Gavin Harris
then don't come to an advice thread
Angel Martinez
>There's no such thing. Unless you're wearing a blue flag out of your back left pocket, you're not dressed like a gang member. There is hip hop style of dress that is also worn by gangmembers. Would you say that someone wearing a suit is dressed like a mafioso? Bruh dressing like a thug is dressing like a gangbanger. I mean look at how crackas dress its an alien manner from us because they dont mimic the fashion of their criminals. >No you don't. Literally no one pretends we're perfect. Course we perfect cuz that imply somethings wrong with us and that aint true or ever will true either. Nigga I dont give a shit what a couple of mothafuckers say GET IT IN YOUR FUCKING HEAD THE MAJORITY OF THIS RACE THINKS WE ARE PERFECT. >Shut the fuck up dumbass and stop trying to speak jive in order to show me how black you are. No one respects gangs except gangbangers. Everyone respects gangsters, our fucking culture is controlled by them you dumbass mothafucker
>Again, watch this incredibly critical speech on black gangs coming from a well respected black leader, because I know you'll ignore it as it doesn't fit into your narrative. Man thats just one nigga we got like 42 million mothafuckers in this continent and most of them call him an uncle tom so yh.
Nicholas Bell
It's not us hating being criticized, it's us hating how you portray us to be crime loving psychopaths. >gangbanging murderous scum like Trayvon Martin This is why you got banned from a black forum. Trayvon Martin wasn't from a gang and he didn't murder anyone. He had gold teeth. That's something that's been a part of Southern black culture for centuries.
>us to be crime loving psychopaths. Because we are you dumb mothafucker, how else can you explain WE ARE THE ONLY FUCKING RACE IN THIS COUNTRY WITH A LITERAL CRIMINAL WORSHIPING CULTURE. Fucking shit if you are black and against crime most niggas think you weird as fuck if you gonna rob a place, or beat a random nigga to blood for fun. >This is why you got banned from a black forum. Trayvon Martin wasn't from a gang and he didn't murder anyone. He had gold teeth. Nigga was on his way to being a gangster so needed to die, I dont even get why you niggas show mercy to these mothafuckers that would light your ass on fire for fun just because they are black. Stupid fucks you have any idea how many niggas get killed by gangbangers every year in this country HOW MANY BLACK CHILDREN GET killed by their stray bullets? Man fuck that shit yall full of crap nothing but a race of unhinged psychos who want to just commit crime infinitely then whine about oppression when a race that hate this behavior aka crackers tries to stop you.
Ian Johnson
>Bruh dressing like a thug is dressing like a gangbanger First of all, stop trying so hard to sound black. Second, what is dressing like a thug? The reason our style is considered a thug style is because that's the label whites put on it. The same way black and Hispanic girls wearing hoop earrings is considered slutty and them wearing dukey braids is considered ghetto. White people tell us that our culture is bad. >they dont mimic the fashion of their criminals We don't mimic the fashion of criminals. Black criminals are black, therefore they dress like black people. Jordans are fashionable basketball shoes. Just because some asshole shot a guy while wearing them doesn't make them thug shoes. Durags are there to protect your hair while you sleep, later it became fashion. Just because some criminal got arrested while wearing a durag doesn't make it thug clothing. Suits are suits. Just because some mafioso killed someone while wearing one doesn't mean anyone who wears a suit is a thug. >Course we... user stop trying so hard to be black. First of all, I can barely understand what you're typing since you obviously don't speak AAVE. Secondly, you have no idea what the majority of my people think. You probably can count on two hands how many black people outside of your family you know. Stop acting like the ambassador for black people. Most black people don't like that gangbanger shit outside of rap music. >Everyone respects gangsters, our fucking culture is controlled by them you dumbass mothafucker No it's not you liar. >Man thats just one nigga we got like 42 million mothafuckers in this continent and most of them call him an uncle tom so yh No one calls Louis Farrakhan an Uncle Tom. No one calls anyone an Uncle Tom. Only white people say Uncle Tom. Black folk stopped saying Uncle Tom in the 60s, this is how I know you're out of touch. Farrakhan organized the Million Man March in 95. It was the largest gathering of blacks in the history
Those stupid mothafuckers you know what I mean, but yh being intelilgent and black is hell on earth cuz you gotta put on act or you deal with this kind of shit most of the time. All I can see is mexicans or jews enslaving our asses in the future aint no way in fuck this dumb ass race gonna run shit in America once the crackers are gone.
Jaxon Cook
>The reason our style is considered a thug style is because that's the label whites put on it. You got problems being criticized mana proving my point. Crackers, asians, and everyone else dress decently niggas dress like attention seeking assholes all the time, they dress like children. >We don't mimic the fashion of criminals. Black criminals are black, therefore they dress like black people. Rap music is the creation of criminal niggas in the Bronx. >user stop trying so hard to be black. First of all, I can barely understand what you're typing since you obviously don't speak AAVE. Secondly, you have no idea what the majority of my people think. You probably can count on two hands how many black people outside of your family you know. Stop acting like the ambassador for black people. Most black people don't like that gangbanger shit outside of rap music. Man you dont know shit probably an act gotta make the race look perfect to the crackas on this board. >No one calls Louis Farrakhan an Uncle Tom. No one calls anyone an Uncle Tom. Only white people say Uncle Tom. Black folk stopped saying Uncle Tom in the 60s, this is how I know you're out of touch. Farrakhan organized the Million Man March in 95. It was the largest gathering of blacks in the history Lying ass nigga
Ay thats enough already with you man you clearly got this victim complex shit downpack you know WHITE PEOPLE WHITE PEOPLE WHITE PEOPLE. Shit man how the fuck bitching about crackers supposed to solve anything? Solve what? There are no problems in the black community high crime is our natural behavior so stop pretending like its an alien concept you never heard about. Shit man look at fucking West Indies, fucking Africa same old dumb shit niggas causing lots of acrime relative to the non nigga minorities in said nation. Fuck man I cant even find a single cracker crime in most African countries fucks up that with that.
Juan Foster
>Because we are you dumb mothafucker No we're not >WE ARE THE ONLY FUCKING RACE IN THIS COUNTRY WITH A LITERAL CRIMINAL WORSHIPING CULTURE We don't have a criminal worshipping culture. We have a criminal element to our culture. Just like Italians, Irish, Mexicans, Central Americans, etc. >Fucking shit You wanna know how I know you're not black? >if you are black and against crime most niggas think you weird as fuck No they don't >Nigga was on his way to being a gangster so needed to die You're not black. You don't even know the kid, stop acting like you can see the future. >I dont even get why you niggas show mercy to these mothafuckers that would light your ass on fire for fun just because they are black You're not black >Stupid fucks you have any idea how many niggas get killed by gangbangers every year in this country HOW MANY BLACK CHILDREN GET killed by their stray bullets It's very sad. No one likes this. No one respects this. Remember Boyz N The Hood? The message of the movie was to "Increase The Peace". Pic related is an anti violence march in one of Chicago's worst neighborhoods. >Man fuck that shit yall full of crap nothing but a race of unhinged psychos who want to just commit crime infinitely then whine about oppression when a race that hate this behavior aka crackers tries to stop you I recognize your typing style. You're that psycho who types in all caps and spews nonsense when he gets angry. I dropped that "psychopath" line because that's a word you used before. I wanted to see how quickly you took to it. You're not black lol
You're trying so hard to sound black, sis. Stop lol. I know it's you. You should just namefag from now on because your incoherence and love for the capslock button exposes you every time lmao
>be black >IQ of 112 >very stupid and lazy >worthless degree >just sit at home playing vidya all day
Chase Turner
>tfw white people have a desire to larp as black people what do they mean by this?
Kayden Phillips
>No we're not Yh we are man >We don't have a criminal worshipping culture. Nothing but criminals in the NBA/NFL/ Black record labels..... >ou wanna know how I know you're not black? Shut up nigga >No they don't Yh >You're not black. You don't even know the kid, stop acting like you can see the future. Ay what wrong with me wanting a nigga dead fuck that nigga I dont know him he dont mean shit to me bruh fuck him he deserve to die evil motherfucker >It's very sad. No one likes this. No one respects this. Remember Boyz N The Hood? The message of the movie was to "Increase The Peace". Pic related is an anti violence march in one of Chicago's worst neighborhoods. That aint do shit all blacks care about is commiting crime and bitching about crackers, go on your little gay ass march against violence then get shot the fuck up hours later by niggas that didnt even register that shit in the slightest. >I recognize your typing style. You're that psycho who types in all caps and spews nonsense when he gets angry. I dropped that "psychopath" line because that's a word you used before. I wanted to see how quickly you took to it. You're not black lol Crazy ass nigga Fuck off cracker this is between men of african heritage.
Liam Sanders
If I'm Dominican do I count as a mulatto or a taino? Always wondered and my family is pretty hush hush about race so I never asked them.
>he's still pretending user stop. Nothing you're saying comes off as natural. As an actual black person, I know when I'm talking to one. >didnt even register that shit in the slightest Like what the fuck does this even mean? Lol why would you put "in the slightest" right there? Do you think black people just say "in the slightest" for no reason? >Fuck off cracker this is between men of african heritage Any black person would just say black men. But this obviously isn't between men "of African heritage", since I'm of African heritage and you are not.
Man I aint no larper I got genuine west african more than this nigga cuz my family came from west africa I was never a slave like this mothafucker but I still had no choice but to assimilate with these american black mothafuckers. Yh man my parents from Nigeria we sold you niggas to these crackers how you feel abou that thats right Im your real master you american mothafucker your great grandparents were bitchs of my ancestors but shit that dont matter right my nigga what matters is you american mothafuckers are screwed in the head and need help lots of help like lots of bullets passing through your cerebrum. Thats your opinion man but I can see the melanin flowing through my skin and my blood and my dick too you understand me, Im a motherfucking black man blackest than your mixed american ass you stupid mothafucker. White genes ass having ass nigga complaining about he know shit about the black struggle move ya tupid american ass to Nigeria and see how it feel to really be poor and not get them handouts from crackers you american mothafucker.
Tyler Cooper
>I can see the melanin flower it through my skin and my blood and my dick too you understand me God it's so cringey to hear white people imitate the way we talk. This is worse than when white people use our "be" wrong.
The best way I learned to cope was realizing that everything around you is just want big kabuki theatre, and you are simply the audience. Enjoy the show
waaaaaaaaaahh the white man was mean to me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh shit man you ever had your family killed by an insurgency you aint oppressed you just stupid as fuck all yall american niggas sutpid as shit. You got these crackers catering to you like slaves and all you do is make this criminal culture THE ONLY CRIMINAL CULTURE made by african descent people in fact I mean really compared Nigerian culture to this garbage you american niggas have made its just disgusting. Not even the west indians did this I mean they copying you now cuz influence from America n shit but I mean it says alot that it was only YOU WHO MADE THIS CRIMINAL CULTURE out of all the slave spawn in the New World. You really are the shit of west africa it was so good to get yall asses off that continent before you ruined itaa like Liberia no one told yall asses to come back here stay in America and die there fuck you we dont like you go back and stay there ok please fucking stay there no one likes in Africa ok no one likes you, I bet those Wakandans if they were real they would probably shoot you stupid mothafuckers for fun I mean because you are just trash ok you are just pure fucking trash. I dont mean to be rude n all buta you are shit. Imagine a shit that could talk and say shit shit shit shit shit shit shit thats you american niggas.
Josiah Hughes
>No one calls anyone an Uncle Tom. Only white people say Uncle Tom.
And with that one boldfaced lie, you've sold all of your credibility down the river.
Caleb Collins
YouTube comments in reference to a rapper going to prison
So you got one two three four one hundred niggas and that means anything? No no no no no. My nigga you american shitpile lets look at those academics damn yall american niggas dumb as shit I bet the crackers are behind this shit too. Well they are its their fault its all their fault. Look american nigga ahem you are dumb as shit and need to realize that or nothing is gonna change. How can dumb as shit niggas ever amount to anything if they are dumb as shit you need to think about this nigga. I mean you know Africa got terrible scores too but unlike you mentally ill white breeds we dont really give a fuck or blame it on some imaginary evil cracker race even though crackers are the biggest fucking pussies in existence.