I am drinking again.
Any more anons drinking right now?
I am drinking again.
Any more anons drinking right now?
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nah but I wish I was
fuck kindling man I wish I could have a drink without worrying if I'll end up having a panic attack or not
made a vow to not drink until 5 pm to limit drinking. just took 2 shots (its 1 PM)
Of course I am it's Friday, Luigi and I's quality time
Not yet, but I will be since I have the day off tomorrow
Here, here, brother. I got beer, an empty bottle of scotch, some gin and some rum. I'm broke and should've saved the money for food, but fuck that, I'm getting drunk instead.
Had 6 drinks since 12pm and I'm feelin bretty good
My nigro.
How much will you drink?
What will you drink?
I can't imagine having no food. Think carefully.
gotta drink so i can shower, then hopefully get out of the house to buy more vodka, and to get food and juul pods
Oh, I don't eat much anyway. Once a day, plus maybe a snack. Kinda used to being hungry now lol
No money, expensive everything and alcoholism, god bless eastern Europe
Just came home from work so I've only had 2 beers so far. Working evenings with a one hour commute sucks ass.
Aren't Juul pods overpriced compared to regular e-cigs, user? And I hope you drink your vodka neat like a man.
>have graveyard shift tonight
Ugh I wish I could join the drunk threads but they're always on fridays
Then drink as much as you can my good friend!
There'll be other opportunities my good man.
vodka mixed drinks
I've been getting tired of drinking beers lately
>Any more anons drinking right now?
Of course I am. The sun is shining, isn't it?
Me too. But tridestiladas kills.
Oh yeah I do. Having a little drinking binge for the last week, every night. Not getting shitfaced, but getting myself to that tipsy, light-headed state makes some good time.
>drink as much as you can
Well, that's the plan. Or drink as much as I have, anyway.
>Or drink as much as I have, anyway.
Just finished my third screwdriver while watching Taxi Driver. Looking for similar movie, some tips fellow fire water frens?
had a few beers on an empty stomach, have no appetite since it quit weed
alcohol is like a substitute but i fear i'm gonna relapse, any advice?
It ain't similar, but I've a feeling you may like Brazil
So you're a faggot. Is that what you're saying to me?
I think you'll be good.
Kek. My nigro.
I saw Taxi Driver and I don't felt so good. So I don't know if my movie will please you: Harsh Times.
Just relapse homie. We're all suicidal.
Why do you drink? This question goes for any other anons that wish to answer too. I'm no stranger to drug abuse but alcohol just never appealed that much too me. Maybe because I've always relied on other substances that have less side-effects
>So you're a faggot. Is that what you're saying to me?
Bro, I think that guy is calling you a faggot.
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is kinda good
>So you're a faggot. Is that what you're saying to me?
You talkin' to me?
Cheap, available anywhere, socially acceptable, doesn't show up on a drug test, doesn't cloud my mind as much as weed does.
And I say this as someone who smoked weed for something like five years straight after getting out of college, which was many moons ago.
Just two pale ales, i want to ride my bicycle in the morning.
It makes suffering easier to carry. In a words of classic:
>"Self destruction on a daily basis, intoxication is my only oasis"
And what this user said
i drank early early this morning because i couldnt sleep, but even after i was intoxicated i still didnt sleep. Now i have no money and i wish i were drunk.
I'm not suicidal but weed makes me stupid, if I'm stupid I won't get my degree, school starts in a week, thanks for the motivation to not smoke.
gives you confidence, makes me jolly, and helps me sleep easier
Have you guys ever heard of kratom? If it's legal where you are, it's very cheap and it's not really harmful at all. I used it to get myself away from benzos and opioids. It won't help with the alcohol withdrawals but it will definitely help with the itch to feel something other than sober
>Have you guys ever heard of kratom?
No thanks, I already like booze, weed, and nicotine and all three are bad for you. No reason to add another poison to the list.
I am only drinking soda my friend
not because I'm a prude but because I'm a hipster
I think alcohol and weed is overrated
This, my alcohol doesn't like company.
Just got home from wageslaving and picking up a 12 pack. Gona take a lil napski and then boot up the ol pc and a comfy twitch stream and play darksouls or gw2 or PoE. Cheers to friday lads
I can relate. I certainly wouldn't just add it to your arsenal of vices. It took some really active effort to be able to replace benzos and real opioids with kratom. At times I just thought of using it to enhance the benzo buzz but I managed to avoid doing that for the most part. It's a difficult situation but it's not an impossible one. I wish you the best of luck friend.
Here's a song I was listening to while typing up that reply. If you've never listened to Ween, absolutely give them a shot
I really got nothing better to do. I have no motivation for any kind of self-improvement or ambition, and alcohol is a lot cheaper and easier to get than most drugs. I mean, my next door neighbour is a weed dealer, but I ain't much into that anymore. Used to smoke a lot, nowadays, idk, I just don't like it as much.
Heat and Goodfellas for more Deniro kino
The Silence of the Lambs for Jodie Foster greatness
Reservoir Dogs to see some more of Harvey Keitel
Thanks user, but I've seen them all.
You got some patrician movie taste though.
Wild Turkey 101 with gingerale
Since this is Jow Forums and we're all drunk, tell us the story of the last time you bought alcohol
>go to Wawa, of course
>for some reason there is a new policy where a Wawa employee has to open the beer cave
>no big deal, a fellow alcoholic has already requested that a Wawa employee unlock said trove
>door opens, I gesture to the fellow alchy "After you."
>"No, after you." he says
>"Nah, you were here first..."
>"I insist! After you!"
>"You're welcome brother."
>select booze and take to register
>oh damn they have cheddar filled pretzels today, nice
>"HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY" the cashier says at a volume which is, frankly, just too loud
>"Good," I lie, "and you?"
>"Good." he lies.
>I pay for my beverages and pretzel and the cashier uncharacteristically fixes me with an intense stare
>"You...have a good night...OK?"
>Fuck, he knows
>"I'll attempt it.. You do the same."
>proceed out of the Wawa at at least 3 MPH
Holy shit! Priceless!
I drink because I am a suicidal that can't kill himself directly. I'm OP, by the way. I think that if I kill myself I'll go to a place worse than this. So I drink, in hope that I don't die. And have a good time while doing it.
>"Self destruction on a daily basis, intoxication is my only oasis"
Dang sire... That was nice!
What are you going to do? You gotta do something.
Smoking makes me thing I died. It's pretty fucked up. Alcohol is okay.
Dang, sire... You're strong.
Sounds like you've gotta a plan.
Check out The Deer Hunter if you haven't seen it yet
It's prime Deniro, and has a similar vibe to Taxi Driver
>The Deer Hunter
Shit looks good. Thanks user, will do.
drinking to fight boredom and loneliness only to get more lonly cause i have to drink alone..
I work at a brewery part time and dirnk everyday I work. Had 3 ipas today. Just got home and its time to make some mixed drinks! I had enough shitty craft beers for the week
im hoping a fried of mine buys some beer and gets me a couple. they have money.
Watch Night Visitor with Liv Ullmann
or watch anything with Liv Ullmann really.
What's it like working in a brewery?
Is drinking a little at work ok?
That sounds like a dream job.
2 hours til then for me. Picking up some Johnnie blue(first time trying, excited)
drinking until you get shitfaced (as long as you can still do the job) is okay
I graduated in may and didn't have a job lined up so my friend hooked me up with a job there for the summer. I just help out with canning beers. My friend does some of the brewing which is a little more interesting.
The pay isn't great but its perfect for a recent grad/college kid
I'm sipping this
might watch mindhunter
That sounds fun. My old housemate worked as a promoter for flying dog brewery and he was always bringing home free merch and beer. Lucky fucker
Dang! This looks nice as fuck m8.
i drink 2 - 3 shots of at least 80 proof daily.
startin on some 190 proof 95% shit rn
it is pretty good, you can really taste the chocolate
I'm a big fan of dark beers already but some of these flavored craft ones are really heckin good
>80 proof
The fuck is that? Explain, please.
You're goddarn right sire. Black beers are pretty darn good.
>The Deer Hunter while drunk
No, mang.... That's not right.
Enjoy that feel. It only last from this life.
>mixed drinks
Tell me more, sire.
And you don't?
Black and white my dude?
Johnny Walker? Sorry, I don't know a lot about whisky.
You're all set my dude.
I salute you and your everclear
80 proof = 40% alcohol (most liquor)
so 190 proof = 95% alcohol (rubbing alcohol)
>No, mang.... That's not right.
Taxi driver is a pretty bleak movie too
While drunk?
40% is good.
95% alcohol... The fuck? Absinth? Sounds like death.
My man.
Fuck food, it's not like you need it.
Let's drink as much as we can
I actually quite enjoyed it, even when drunk.
>>mixed drinks
>Tell me more, sire
vodka and lemonade. Pretty tastey
Based. Vodka and juice of your picking here.
Damn right, my man. I don't really need food anyway. What I need is alcohol.
I used to trink vodka and groselha. The base of drinks. Worked for me. Until I vomited cement.
Yo homies... Do you guys feels hangovers? I already took a Dorflex to avoid it.
Tito's and cranberry is my go to drink
After last Friday I woke up with a half numb left ring finger and bruises on my forearms. I was in a hotel room alone. Don't know what I did but I get blackout drunk way too often. Vodka, even mixed, seems to provide scarier blackouts. I got kicked out of my apartment after a blackout last night where neighbors saw me stabbing my front door from outside with a key. Location history is really helpful as is recording myself. It gets to be like sleepwalking sometimes.
last month I meant
Yeah vodka is always a solid choice. Sometimes I'll drink whiskey and ginger ale
damn that's scary user. The only time I blacked out I walked into this girls dorm room across the hall and passed out in her bed, without her being there lol. Good thing her roommates were also fucked up and didn't say a thing
That's the proper way to drink sir.
Yeah, it was inevitable really.
Last Sunday I drank more than I have drank in years. I've been using an app to track my drinking because I know I drink too much, and it said I would be drunk until 5pm the next day.
So I went to work on Monday and yeah it sucked.
I felt really bad about it and managed to last until Wednesday before I drank again, then I've drank every night since. Tonight it's Friday so I'm celebrating and getting drunk.
number 6 vodka lemonade is coming up CHOOOO CHOOOOOOOOO
Yep boys its till TIME TO START
user did you like this chicko?
I mean i thought she was attractive but never had a crush on her or anything. The only time I interacted with those girls was when I was fucked up on the weekends. I still have no idea how I ended up sleeping there
had 8 drinks in the last 4 hours and it feels like nothing. I measured it out with a shot glass
Now what? Granted I've been drinking for the last 4 days
8 annon ive had maybe 2-3 shots im fuckin gone
My tolerance has skyrocketed this summer. I'm even a 6'2 150lb skelly with like no body weight
I'll have to take a break once I get back to school
2-3 shots is barely getting warmed up
I have that much every day when I get home from work.
2-3 just takes the edge off for me
Imma lightwight 80 proof/ 40% of 3 shots im pretty much gone but once im gone i can go for a while
my niggas
it's cool right?
what do you mean? my dude
Getting 2-3 shots to warm up or take the edge off.
For a normal person 2-3 shots would get them drunk. I dunno... I think/know I drink too much but was looking for reassurance, but probably in the wrong place.
Meeeeeeeeeeeee ;) about 1 for buzzed 2-3 for good ol wasted tipsy
no 2-3 shots is the perfect warm up desu
At least for me and my college degenerate friends
I had crema de orujo today
Bit more than a bottle of wine a night.
How bad it is? Tell me.
staying hydrated will also allow to consume more drinks anons. Just an fyi
Depends. Is it a 1.5L or 0.75L? You may run into some troubles if it was 4L Carlo Rossi. I've downed a whole 5L Franzia box over the course of 24 hours and believe me I felt it the next 2 days. I want to limit my binges to 15 std. drinks. Franzia is 26-34 depending on strength.
More than a bottle of wine per night is too much.
Have you tried drinking stronger wines, like 14%? Maybe you can have 50-75% of a bottle?
It just causes me to piss more
im always drinking or drunk