I sincerely hope you dont consume products from this evil company
I sincerely hope you dont consume products from this evil company
>WEHHHH who something i hate lets take it to x board
Jesus go back to Jow Forums keep your bullshit there faggot
Do black people really care about LGBT whatever rights?
Now I definitely will eat there
chick fil a doesn't exist in my country but they seem based, is the food good?
Wtf I love Chick-fil-A now
I already knew this and I ate there last week. I might go today before I move out of state next week.
calling anti evil act evil. only in clownworld.
I don't exactly agree with it, but their food is too good for me to not eat there.
>This one's not hard gang
Don't tell me what to think Ben.
If I lived in the US I'd be even more inclined to go there, kill all faggots.
Who gives a shit about the political angle? They're the best fast food around. The only reason why I don't eat there more often is because they're pricey. Which makes sense because their food is so much better than their competition and they hire people that actually give a shit about providing good service.
it's okay for murrican fast food. They have cloning vats that generate cute blonde girls who smile at you when you're ordering, which is what makes them great.
better than telling vulnerable kids to change their gender
Yeah if the LGBT knows about anything it's about those vulnerable kids lol
>don't shoot yourself in the foot
>stop telling me what to do
Is that suppose to be a gotcha moment?
I'm going to eat at Chickfila and no fag can stop me.
it's a good thing that the rich white people who actually run the company and make these decisions are protected from any real consequences by an army of retail slaves, middle managers, PR lizards, etc
It's all a scam to get conservatives to spend money at their establishment as opposed to any other. If Chick Fil A really gave a shit about the fag menace plaguing the human race, they would be funding death squads to exterminate the homo pests.
>tell vulnerable kids that homosexuality is wrong
As opposed to telling vulnerable kids that homosexuality is right?
The food is apparently the healthiest among any of the major American fast food chains (which isn't saying much).
It's pretty good, one time they fucked up my shit and burnt it but I love it, I'm a fag and eat there becuz no one gonna stop me from getting my tendies
the employees are very nice and make you feel special. its the only fast food restaurant that my anxiety can handle.
Heh fuck you their chicken is great I don't give a shit what they do
I agree, it's the only place where I was comfortable enough to walk and order in person. I can't do it anywhere else, the low paid, low respect employees at say, Taco Bell or McDonalds always exude an aura of contempt and self-loathing that they take out on the customers (I don't blame them). At Chick Fil A they seem genuinely happy to be there and it comes across.
You are literally giving money to evil people who prey on our lgbt allies.
what is wrong with you?
Never ate there before but after seeing this, I might move to a place that has one. Based. I hate faggots, I wish I could kill every single one of them.
no we dont want cringe leftie larpers in /po/l
Lmao who cares. Chick-fil-A is like a number 2 for best chicken I've had in my state. Literally cannot make chicken better than Krispy crunchy chicken in the Everglades city marathon.
It's the best chicken I've ever had.
>Company does what it wants with its profits
Why should I care? Doesn't affect me anyway.
Of course, it's one of the most hateful, evil, entities in existence
>our lgbt allies
go back to your tranny discord faggot
Every homosexual I've met has been a drug abusing, manipulative, hateful, degenerate, and all-around failure of a human being. Can't hold relationships because of their toxic personalities so they just all fuck around to get one over on eachother, talk shit about eachother, lie and steal from eachother. Nothing is sacred to them. They are literally a poison upon humanity that cant snuff itself out due to infighting, disease, and addiction soon enough.
>You are literally giving money to evil people who prey on our lgbt allies.
Because the food is good.
And unlike fags, I actually have to eat.
its pretty decent but more than anything they put the cutest girls in the front working the counters and train them to be extra nice and make excessive hand contact when giving back change and receipts
>>Good customer service
>>Good food
>>Hates fags
I literally drive 45 minutes out of my way almost every day just so I can get Chick-fil-A for dinner.
I'm not stopping because some fags are mad that their hedonistic lifestyle is getting called out.
Failing to see a downside here.
>Have to work with fags all day.
>90% of all drama is fag-related in origin.
>Get Chik-Fil-A on the way home
>nice little "fuck you" for making what should be a simple job into a fucking soap opera
No, as opposed to telling them it's mandatory.
Time to go to meme fill-a
Now I feel bad there aren't any of those in my country
If you fucking morons could meme, they wouldn't have seen record growth the last 5 years since you first lost your shit over their Anti-Homo stance
>Anti-Homo stance gives chicken restaurant record growth the last 5 years
>tfw Popeyes and Chick-fil-a opened up here
>only eat at popeyes
yeah i agree with this guy. never post anything here related to something you dislike, even if it is in reaction to that very thing. everyone knows all boards have a rule against that.
based weeb tranny
Evil people get your money no matter where you spend it. In fact, it's not even the money they're after. It's the labor it represents. They don't give a shit about you giving them slavebucks that they're just going to reintroduce into the system through their own slaves, they give a shit about you remaining a slave.
Good one, user. Took me a second to appreciate that one
thank you everyone, if i ever visit the US im going to eat at Chick-fil-A
"Evil people" is code word for "capitalist Jews"
I will now eat there as much as possible, and take this shit thread to Jow Forums faggot
homosexuality isn't evil.
>I will now eat there as much as possible
Who knew it was so easy to influence others?
It's also codeword for communist jews, socialist jews, and all other -ist jews. They're going to find their way to the top no matter what system they're in.
Where did pol touch you, sweety
Because the communist and socialist Jews did so well after WW2.
I already eat there user but now ill eat there more
They did as well as they could. Communism and socialism are flawed systems, so they crashed regardless of the jews.
Chick-fil-a is fucking good food though. I don't give a shit about their politics, they have the best chicken nuggets I have ever eaten in my life
>self hating gay
>chikfila hates gays more than I do
I guess it's time for another visit.
Imagine not eating somewhere because of their values. I bet that CEO is really scared to lose your precious $10 when they are already too big to fail. Millenials man, I swear. You are a droplet against the tidal wave by boycotting.
homosexuality is wrong in a population crisis. we dont have one of those, in fact they're helping by not increasing it more.
It's some good shit and the cashiers give out free blow jobs
I think of this the same way I think of Pokemon.
My money won't make a difference, and I'm bored/hungry, Im gonna buy it.
True, another thing is that we were given adam and eve not adam and steve
Yeah what are those CRINGE libs thinking?
>we dont have one of those
the only ethic group that's increasing significantly is the african one, which will keep on multiplying indefinitely, while environmentally conscious ones are dropping like a stone
Quit posting Jow Forums shit, faggot.
This is a right wing website you stupid piece of shit
The fuck are you talking about?
>This is a right wing website
then why is the overlwhelming majority of mods and janitors hardcore leftists?
And asianmoot is a left libertarian
hope you make it here someday. despite how awful people make it seem, america is actually really cool.
>I sincerely hope you dont consume products from this evil company
Shut your piehole loser. Noone cares what you think
I'm going to get some Chick Fil A tomorrow now. All of that tasty anti-fag chicken
Please post your food here when you do
Reminder to be an ally and support companies which are pro-LGBT
Based. Do they operate in Canada?
Cringe and bluepilled. GTFO
Guess I'm going to buy more nugs and sandwiches if they're going to keep doing God's work like that.
Why are you so triggered user? I'm just supporting the right side of history and supporting companies that are anti-mass shooter.
Imagine being anti-mass shooter.
Either bait or complete retard. Too late
Based, I love dick and kill all faggots
Facts don't care about your feelings user. Sorry about that~
I go through the drive through to talk to the least amount of people as possible and these bitches are out there asking what I want when I am too far away from the ordering menu. I just want some damn food not someone to be nice to me. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Cookie cutter tranny. Not surprised, this is r9k after all
I am gay like most robots but I still love their chicken. Politics are retarded, if someone makes good chicken I dont care if they are normies
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a TRANNY
Yet if someone says "nazi" or "Jow Forumstard" you complain about them stereotyping you lmao
Actually we have actual racist nazis on this board
>literally posted the tranny flag
I also dont care if I'm called a nazi or a Jow Forumstard. I don't see why you're acting so smug.
>actual nazis
"Nazis" who defend capitalism and think it's "based" to support a corporation just because they make their public image align with typical right wing values. LOL
I'm acting smug because you people have been engineered to give rich people money, and you take pride in doing so. How cucked can you be?
who gives a shit about company politics if they are one of the best fast food restaurants if not the best by a wide margin.
We're not talking about White Castle user
Are you seriously sympathizing with nazis? Who hurt you.
No, I just know what actual nazis believed, such as the idea that capitalism is a Jewish economic system that benefits the rich (Jews and wh*tes) at the expense of everyone else. One of the few things they got right. Too bad about the ethnostate nationalism though. That's what killed em.
Dude, white caste sucks