Anyone notice how much the group dynamics of a bunch of guys changes when a girl joins in? Holy shit talk about thirsty...

Anyone notice how much the group dynamics of a bunch of guys changes when a girl joins in? Holy shit talk about thirsty, everyone tries their best to impress her and one up each other and become ridicoulsoy competitive with one another, friendship be damned. I don't blame the girl really, orbiters gonna orbit but man it's fucking pathetic.

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I've never had this problem we had a girl in our friend group who was just one of the boys but we drifted apart after school

>Hanging with guys at work talking about vidya and animu
>Girl comes near
>Immediately cease discussion
>Maybe mention a made up visit to the bar

lol the guys i hang out with, doesnt give a shit at all, maybe treat her as a boy a bit too much. you are just hanging out with insecure faggots

I had one girl that hung out in my group of friends which are all guys. She dated every single of them.m which all ended in disaster. The "i'm one of the guys!" trope is a meme bros she just wants cock.

Absolutely, I've always hated it. Many times some guys who I thought were bros turned into complete bitches the moment a 5/10 girl entered the group.

I always fall but then realize whom I am and what I have to offer and stop giving the attention, basically ghosting her until she gets bored with the rest and leave
Can't help it bros but I do a preemptive ghost since if I don't feed attention I'm not part of the orbiter group that gets to take turn being the e-bff
It is rough and quite cringey to sit on the sidelines and watch them fight each other though, pathetic even

>everyone tries their best to impress her and one up each other and become ridicoulsoy competitive with one another
i literally exit friend circles when people start doing this. it's pure cringe and i really don't want to observe every single one of them get btfo repeatedly

This. People on here often blame women for having life on easy-mode. While this is often true, it's not their fault most of the time, it's the thirst beta-orbiter types (which is most men realistically) who do this shit for them. Without men, women lose alot of their worst characteristics.

anyone thats played games online has seen this bs play out

>Holy shit talk about thirsty, everyone tries their best to impress her and one up each other and become ridicoulsoy competitive with one another, friendship be damned
My friends and I are the opposite.
Whenever there's a roastie, we just become hostile and cold to her and mostly do private jokes so she leaves away.
We're almost all volcel.

Wow so cool very epic gamer

>Holy shit talk about thirsty, everyone tries their best to impress her and one up each other and become ridicoulsoy competitive with one another, friendship be damned. I don't blame the girl really, orbiters gonna orbit but man it's fucking pathetic.
imagine being this retarded...

No because I don't go out and socialise or try to pick up girls. Stopped giving a shit like 5 years ago, no regrets.

Not a virgin, just don't like socialising, including with potential gfs.

You can say that again. I remember when I used to play Halo 3 with a group of people. Then one guy in the group got a gf, and insisted that she play with us. We were cool with it at first, but then it would turn into "Guys, quit killing Kirsty. She's getting upset!" and, "Everyone, watch Kirsty's back while she get the objective.". Shit was annoying, and she couldn't even play. It was like when you give a 70 year old a controller. Eventually we all held a meeting and kicked them out after he accused a few of us of trying to get with her (obviously some fake drama she was trying to cause). Never let chicks into the group, if possible.

What a faggot.
I'm just talking about roasties, we don't mind talking to girls if they're decent.
But as soon as you hear some faggotry and a girl just here for attention, we don't tolerate this bullshit.
Nor weak WK cunts either.

Wait until you are 30+ and most of your friends bring their wives or long term gf. There is nothing more miserable. Best part. Most of the don't like like each other to hand around all women so everyone just sit on the table women spitting passive aggressive comments at each other unless single male calls out their bullshit, then they put all difference aside to gang him.

OP hangs out with gaylords

>be me years ago
>fall in with a crowd of autists
>we're all pretty damn close
>girls joins
>somehow assimilates perfectly and doesn't gain orbiters, becomes a core member on personality and attitude, not gender
>sometimes other girls come cuz outer members bring them, gets awkward cause they dont get our tism, still no orbiters
>sometimes girl brings a normie she's dating so we can judge him and shit test him

I miss that group a lot but it fell apart over time
Girls joining doesn't always ruin it and when they dont it's pretty nice

>it fell apart over time

Nah not cause of the girl, people moved away, one of the core members fell in with a crowd of absolute shitheads and started acting more like them, and eventually the guy that hosted everything moved to a different state for work

I've fell out with every friend I had over this shit. Sick of it desu.

I agree, OP, it makes me sick. This is the exact reason why I've never had a gf too... because I thought I was too good to degrade myself. Who's laughing now? Not me ;_;

A hard redpill to swallow. But you're correct.

Got something else to say?

Reminder that on this very site there was once a rule that women weren't allowed. The quality of the site then vs now is incomparable. Betas kept breaking the rules and here we are in this shit show of a human swamp.

It's dead bro. Half the threads here is discord drama and e celeb shit

aka zoomer trash

Everyone else is gone. Even Moot is gone. We should be gone too. The fact that we're not is telling of many inabilities.

it's a clear benefit to the girl; it becomes obvious which male is the most competent socially. I wouldn't be surprised if some are consciously aware of this and take advantage for easy pickings.