We are at stage 4 now
This place used to be worth something but it degenerated way too far in the last few years
We are at stage 4 now
We're already at stage 5, lots of contactfagging non-robots that are looking to hook up with """""fembots"""""
>used to be worth something
Well, better post some more "females aren't human" threads then, maybe that'll drive them away and we can regain our home.
Jow Forums as a whole is at stage 7.
There's other imageboards that haven't been tainted with normies yet.
>he thinks we're at stage 4
Nigga we're full on stage 6-7 at this point. This place is mostly unironic normieposters these days. You can tell by the sheer amount of bullshit clueless pseudo-Jow Forums threads we get on the daily.
Jow Forums is a fanbase/hobby of what?
Suffering? Oregano
please stop, it wasnt supposed to be this way
it translates pretty well to internet communities in general. Think of stage 1/2 as the old days, stage 3 as the habbo hotel era where Jow Forums started gaining in popularity, stage 4 as the scientology raids by which point it was already too late to stop the impending tide of newfags. Stage 5 would be when newfags started trolling old users about the "sekrit club" mentality and so on.
nope clearly on 7
OGs killed themselves already
is the dudebro Jow Forums?
i want to migrate to wizchan but i held hands and kissed a female like one time
i'm nearly 28, highly autistic, friendless and will never lose my virginity and all is ask is to have a home on the internet
was there a time people actually liked being here?
actually, fuck that, i don't want to go through the process of being a complete newfag all over again
i think this is where i get off the ride
i did when it was just a place i visited for some light discussion in between school, anime and MMORPGs and not my prison and final resting place
We are at stage 7 actually as most robots left and this board is just /b/ mixed with /lgbt/ mixed with Jow Forums now with a heavy dose of reddit
maybe Jow Forums can be fun again one day and not just physical proof that XKCD doesn't actually know shit
Please make Jow Forums great again we need it
only way to save it is to focus on the positives instead of the negatives, and no by that I don't mean to trivialize the negative thoughts and opinions of others like the normalfags do. Just make threads about the shit you like. Talk about games without fear of being called a casual, anime without being shat on for not liking the right genre or generation, tv without them trying to act like hipsters, /mu/ without them actually being hipsters, etc.
Also remember Scientology raids and Gamergate. Whatever you do. Never and I mean NEVER participate in public affairs ever and always shit on those who do for they are magnets for the exact type of shit all of Jow Forums doesn't need.
but those imageboards only have like 20 anons on each one. Ive been to them, theyre totally dead. part of the fun of Jow Forums always was the speed.
We were at stage four in 2015, and that's considered the good old days by some
well, maybe you should invite people to those chans then
these threads are degenerate. made by literal women who bitch and moan about the way things should be instead of identifying what was good about the board in the past and making interesting threads in a similar vain