>Feels thread general
you know the drill, drop em
>Feels thread general
you know the drill, drop em
Other urls found in this thread:
I remember it being even shitter when I was a kid because I had no money, and a garbage PC that could barely run the game.
Now I have a sweet setup, no school, work part time and have no expenses. Actually learn more studying night courses than I ever did at school.
Then again pic might not relate to me since I have a job, class, drivers license and car.
I'm sick of being a masturbation addicted degenerate
I'll post once for you OP
I hate myself for being a spineless retard too afraid if rejection to even try forming connections
got my first gf this time last year. she dumped me about 2 months ago, over text, a couple days before my birthday. she'd dumped me twice already because she was depressed as she'd just split with her partner of 5 years about 3 months before we got together. the only reason i gave her another chance is because she came to my house and hand delivered a letter of undying love, saying that she wanted to start a "new life" with me, so i guessed she actually decided to get serious. dumped me before my birthday 2 weeks later. wouldnt even do it in person despite the fact i live 10 minutes away.
hate myself for wanting her back, even though she toyed with me and dumped me in the most callous way possible. then i realise that how shit i feel must be dwarfed by how the ex feels, after they split up after 5 years.
and now im paying the price for falling for a woman i should've never had an opportunity to be with. even if i want her back, there another giy with 4 more years of chemistry, and a far bigger incentive to want her back. if she doesnt want him back, why would she want me? why should i want her to want me, she fucking played me
jesus christ lads i fucking hate this shit. better to have loved and lost my ass.
I turn 21 in a few days and I'm still a friendless hugless kissless virgin. Where did I fuck up so bad?
tell us your story user, how did you end up like this?
>tfw Britbong and no qt southern gf to go noodling and hunting with
whyat you're feeling is perfectly normal, love needs a long long time to heal, you'll get over it one day
>when you get up but it doesn't really matter what time it is
This was me for a year. It was not fun.
Fucking kill yourself zoomer.
i didnt get my first gf till i was 21. she was 6 years older, and she'd been with her partner for 7 years and married for 2 of em. she split up with him and 3 months later asked me out over facebook.
i stumbled my way through my first date, my first kiss, my virginity, etc, with this technically still married woman. bout 6 month in and i asked her why she decided to hit me up when she had a bunch of 8/10 guys hitting on her every day at work. "because they just like my tits. you're nice, you're funny, and you talked to me with no ulterior motives"
this is 100% not true. i talked to her because she was cute and had big tits. but i guess for whatever reason she thought i was sincere. the moral of the story is, act like everyone is your friend. aim to be people's friend. that way, friendzone is actually what you want, and people who want to take it further, probably will. and if they're too shy to do so, hopefully you can pick up on this and hit on them, finding solace in the fact that they're more nervous than you.
Spent most of my childhood playing video games, had a few friends then but at some point they just forgot about me. Last time I "hung out" with them was in the 5th grade
I have never even talked to a girl casually outside school work, and none of then have ever talked to me either, even on the internet. I don't use social media.
I have serious issues with eye contact and I can't hold a conversation for longer than 20 seconds so I just tend to stay out of sight. I have a constant feeling of being a burden to other people so I don't even try to bother them when I'm out in public.
I quit playing wow and got a drivers license and a job. Worst decision of my life. Now It's all overtime, taxes and union dues. Christ playing Wow with my guldies during TBC was some of the best memories of my life, better than my first girl or that time I raced my Volvo 940 Ltt against a Porsche 944 Turbo and won.
Warcraft 2 Battle.Net edition was the shit. And Diablo, the original one. Those skeleton guys was creepy as fuck and the butcher used to scare the shit out of me. Usually killed him by locking a door and shooting him with a bow trough those walls with bars.
These you have been visited by xxx are the most basic facebook NPC post and the whole of the internet would be better off if every retard that responded to them was killed
Do you believe in magic
>move to new country to do phd
>everyone's really nice to me
>people I'm working with have similar interests
>beautiful weather
>live in incredibly beautiful town
>feeling confident in my ability to tackle life alone
Still khv though
Now and then I come back to Jow Forums to find a feels thread. I remember there being more
I could go for some buttered biscuits rn no lie
Fuck boys, how do we stop game adiction
>get depressed
>video games no longer bring any joy
>finally kicked the addiction
its all so exhausting bros
Then stop. It's hard and you will be miserable, but it's worth it
Don't be. Rejections only hurt in the moment, afterwards you'll fell much better
"Act like you are everybodys friend" only works if you are a normie on the outside and not overtly autistic. Otherwise you'll just come off as desperate or creepy
I kept my 3-4 close friends from 6th grade on
Same for the latter part. Try to look at the eyebrows. Really helped me
Confidence is important user. Keep it up!
"Video Game Addiction" is just the absence of literally anything else fun to do
>tfw im finallu a bloomer
My life is still shit but i just dont give a fuck anymore
Keep fighting the good fight robots you are not alone
Sympathy and tears. Guys grow the f up stop complaining and start focusing on moving. Just do it. Move away from it
idk what to do with my spare time now. i've spent the last 3 months going to the gym 6 times a week. maybe i should get a hobby. i dont know anyone, my work is a generation older than me, and all my friends from school are shut in rejects that dont have social lives. imagine if i'd just played with the football kids at school. how would life be different.
do normal people have to try so hard for meaningful relationships?
Notice this for what it is. You don't like games anymore because your brain is convinced you're wasting your time for whatever reason. Just put it all on eBay right now. You'll then be bored. Then you can work out what you want to fill that time with.
This picture is depressing to me, I don't know why.
protect this little sperg princess
Let me tell you right now user it would ptobable be the same. When i was a kid i was retarded inside but a normie outside. I literally used to play soccer and rugby with chads and brads but at the end of the day you still feel lonely. You can lie to everyone except to yourself
t. robot who can lie perfectly to fit in every group
There will never be games like those 2 ever releases again. WC2 was unbelievable incredible and diablo somehow gave off a genuine dread auro from being a birds-eye-view hackandslash. It was so incredibly terrifying and fun.
>Got a job in the big city starting soon ... too autistic to contact people for housing
>Actually worked up the courage to send an email asking out a woman, the draft was in my folder all week, and shes busy before I leave
Want to just keep smoking pot and sitting in my cave but I also feel pathetic. I do nothing but smoke and browse the internet.
yep thats 100% me. Turning 30 in October
Was a virgin till 23, it really didn't bother that much in the end.
Its really only when "you put yourself out there" that you can meet friends or women. Becoming social enough to do that though will take some time and effort.
Try find a hobby or something, where you can meet people with a similar interest.
>You will never again be young and play Diablo 1 for the 1st time
>diablo 2 demo
>went out and finally got a car for a new job I've started working at
>it's a 2013 GMC terrain
>it drives really fucking well despite me being a nervous and jittery fuck
>it's comfy as fuck, has heated seats, rides incredibly smoothly and isn't a screaming metal death trap like my mother's car where the steering wheel is misaligned and you can feel the car rocking between driving left and right
>drove it home as the sun set
>got a bit lost and turned around because I couldn't make a left turn with how fucked a road was and ended up taking a scenic route near a bunch of houses
>didn't get home until it was dark
>legs are still fucking shaking from my nerves but I did alright considering I haven't driven in 4 years
>hell I actually avoided multiple idiots on the road that didn't even use their damn turn signals
guess it's time to finally upgrade from nightwalks to nightdrives
we're all gonna make it lads
it's a shame that gas is so fucking expensive though
come on I live in the south, I fucking talk like this, WHERE IS MINE!? I NEED ONE NOW THANKS 'PPRECIATE Y'ALL
origerino niggernio
I really do hope the witch king is doing okay. Behind those flowery words lies a man that's probably really smart, never figured out how to not accidentally come across as a dick about it, considers everything with an appropriate amount of respect, and probably tells some good jokes consisting of single syllable words like "fuck".
I just wanna go back.
^Actually just made me tear up... Why did Blizzard have to die.
I talk to myself all the time. It's like it's nothing. It helps me not care so much about my shitty voice. Anyway.
I'm lonely, suicidal, and angry.
I love you. I want to hug you. Please hug me back.
Its friday night of my first week of college and im in my room alone playing ff7. The only friends i made completely ghost me and my roommate is an asshole. Guys I cant handle another highschool experience
lmao dude third year into this shit and it only gets worse
fix the issues you have in your life that make you want to escape to a virtual world
assuming that you got an assigned dormmate, take it up with the RA if it's that shit
as for friends try joining a bunch of clubs. you aren't going to find a magical group that you'll spend the rest of your life with in your first year, and if you try to force that you'll likely meet nobody at all
>paying to have company
frats and by extension sororities are a complete meme and should be avoided
>fembots thread gets a hundreds of replies
>quality thereads gets barely any replies and attention
What the fuck is wrong with this board. I cant believe people in this board were retarded enough to believe that fembots exist. The state of this board is depressing
feels threads have been on the decline for fucking years user, it hasn't just been because of fembots or random e-girl worship threads
that picture is just vidya in general.
what happened, bros? What happened to us, the people who we used to play with and the vidya?
I honestly think I will kill myself if I go through 4 more years of this shit. I tried opening up and being more social but nothing works. No one ever texts me or likes me. I talk to random people and I can tell they loathe me. I ask people to hang out and they either ghost or plain tell me they dont want to. This shit is worse than highschool because at least you could go home without constantly being reminded that everyone is outside with their friends. At least I had my little sister to talk to. I fucking hate this place.
>get off a 12
>tired as fuck and just done
>breaks on my car break on the way home
>expensive as fuck to fix but has to be done
I fucking hate having to own a car
it's nothing but a giant money pit and you have to own one in muttland to even work a job
I also don't understand how people are able to work 12s and go to the gym either before or after, switching over to 12s has destroyed my gym schedule
You fucked up the second you started listening to your own excuses OP. Stop being a bitch and find your people, and if your first thought is an excuse, get angry. If you're on this board, 99% you're autistic. There's loads of us about, you just have to do tons of shit until you find a few. Go to everything you can that screams autism, board game socials, fuckin' anime lessons in some nutter's garage, nine out of ten of them will be shit and make you want to die, that one where you connect with someone will make it worth while. Didn;t you hear me? Fuck your excuse, and fuck any voice in your head that gives you an excuse not to. Can't is a shit word, can't is always followed by an excuse. And okay, you're autistic, but fuck you, read some basic conversation manuals, relationship guides, any of us actual autistic extroverts have had to do the same thing once we got to your age and realised we were totally alone. I'm running a tabletop session tomorrow, art market with some mates the day after, board games over my sick as fuck house next week, stupid fuckin meme film for a friend's birthday next month, huge party planned for December where we're going to fuckin Eindhoven. That's from someone who, at your age, was just as autistic, had basolutely no friends and generally wanted to die.
Lose that burglar hat too, it's gay as fuck.
YOu fukin tool OP you just described three huge indicators of autism. Go on the wikipedia page for it and blow yer fuckin mind.
Im sick of feeling like i dont exist. If I were to die now it would be a month before people came knocking on my door asking about the smell. Everybody in my family is better of than me, has goals, partners, dreams, hopes, ideals etc. I have fucking nothing. I work a factory job for slightly above minimum wage and after those 50 soulcrushing hours a week i hop on back to world of warcraft to grind for cosmetics for my characters. Ive been doing this for the past 2 years and jumping from my ghetto flat appartment seems more appealing every day
Worst thing is that i have no confidence in anything i do. I never do anything. Im just so fucking pissed about everything i missed out on in my younger years and there is no way to make up for it. All women at this age have already settled down or have become used goods. Even though i have zero experience with women. For all i know it isnt even true. The most intimate contact ive ever had with a female was maybe a 2 minute conversation at the busstop 7 years ago. I still dream about that girl all the time in 100s of scenarios.
Thanks for reading my wreck of a post
If you see a bunch of people gathering around, go see what they're doing.
Also, what college? Are you rooming there away from home? We must know more.
Be the person you need in your life to give you consolation. Nobody wants to be the light in the darkness to someone else - because everyone needs that for themselves. The sooner you start being the pillar of support to yourself, the sooner other people will gravitate towards you because they need that moral center in their own lives.
Anybody here lonely but also actively sabotaging their own chances at having a social life? I don't really make any effort to make friends. Anybody who seems interested in friendship just annoys me and I'm pretty much ignoring this one girl who might be into me. Like sometimes I yearn for the abstract idea of a friend, somebody I could tell about my feelings and problems. Someone to hold at night would be nice. But I recoil from closeness with any actual person. I get the feeling I shouldn't be living this way, like it's going to bite me in the ass later, but I just don't feel suited for being with people. Haven't had a job or earned my license yet, although I can drive, and I'm a sophomore in college. Not sure if achieving these things would make me any better.
Also when I'm in a public area it gets harder to breathe and my jaw muscles start feeling sore. My body never seems to be in a natural position and I'm always walking faster so I don't get in anybody's way or slow them down. Wish I could just relax.
It's your first week, you have plenty of time. Join clubs, talk to people there. Introduce yourself to the people you sit next to in class. If they're not polite, they're not worth being friends with anyway. As someone with severe anxiety in his last year of college I know how fucking hard it is. Go to a gym on or near campus; working out makes you feel like you're accomplishing something, and you look and feel better overall. And sometimes it's okay to play ff7 alone all night. I need those nights to myself, with no studying, no homework, and no people, just a few beers and a good game.
Oh god it's not even about that. You basically had to be around to understand it. I was around for it all. All the way back from Blizzard's conceptions. WoW is what killed the creative Blizzard and instated the finances first Blizzard. WoW is why abominations like overwatch exist. It's why people screech at you if you say bitch in chat now whereas people were unironically ruthless killers back in the old BNET days. lol My god you zoomers have no idea.
How do you find that light though. How do you find a purpose to strife towards if you have never had a goal or a dream or something.
Honestly user, if your workload allows you to work a job then do it. It'll give you at least some semblance of a routine and the chance to make a good impression on a group of people that you know nothing about and don't know you.
you zoomers hijacked a good thread with your normie bullshit. No one gives a shit about you in college or whatever the fuck, go cry about it on fb. Unless you're a dropout you don't belong here. Fuck off already god damn. It's no fucking wonder no one talks to you there, you're making even r9k boring. Jesus fuck.
ive never been to college you tard. im a fucking wagecuck in a factory who lives in a ghetto flat with a schizo eritrean as a neighbour. I have more pissbottles than you are old so calm the fuck down redditnigger
>left job of ~8.5 years last Friday
>a handful of people were pretty sad
>the saddest one was my supervisor
>always treated me really well despite me being a bit of an outcast
>even called me her second son
>have kind of developed feelings for her over the last year, sort of motherly, sort of attracted to her
>the handful of times her and I talked 1 on 1 that night she couldn't even get through the conversation without getting tears in her eyes
>I haven't cried or even come close to it in over 9 years but I was actually getting choked up and thought I would
>we exchanged numbers and she told me that we'd keep in touch and to call her if I ever need anything at all
>all week every time I think about her I instantly get super depressed
>want nothing more than just to go back and work for her but I can't
>kills me inside knowing that I'll never be around her anymore
I want to get in touch with her in the next couple weeks to maybe get coffee or something, but it'll be hard for me. I have crippling social phobia and can't hold a conversation to save my life, plus I get bad anxiety attacks in that kind of situation.
You got 30+ pissbottles? The fuck you thinking user? Saving them for when the sun goes dark?
I just can't even take this anymore, i want to die so much
>8 years ago
>had a lady I loved, a baby on the way, a job I didn't outright hate, and a few friends
>felt like I finally made it after being miserable my whole life
>she leaves me
>our daughter doesn't like me
>parents both died
>on disability now because sitting causes me agony and I can barely walk so I'm on painkillers basically all the time
>friends all lost touch because "it got weird"
>cat who was my best friend most of my life died
>ex had another kid recently
>few friends I have on social media are also her friends so I keep seeing pictures of her and her new family
>don't want to stop using it because those people are the only reminder I have of that short time I was happy
>just want to curl up into a ball and die
I wish I'd never met her because then I wouldn't know how much better than this things could be and maybe it would hurt a little less.
>I don't really make any effort to make friends. Anybody who seems interested in friendship just annoys me
Introvert behavior. Are you in denial? A self-hating introvert?
Stop pretending you want friends. You've seen too many TV shows where a big group of people all get along and support each other. That's not what its like. Extroverts have to be in those groups or they get miserable.
>Also when I'm in a public area it gets harder to breathe and my jaw muscles start feeling sore
Yes, of course they do. My jaw does the same thing. You're emotionally uncomfortable and subconsciously don't want to be there AT ALL.
Stop pretending today, for your own sake. You don't have to believe this random idiot on r9k but your true introvert life doesn't even begin until you let go of the "friend" shit.
Seriously, its like waking up in a new and better world. That jaw clenching will stop, the weird longing for something you don't even want will vanish, yeah you will die alone one day but anyone who lives long enough to get dementia won't even recognize their family anyway.
It's the sauce.
I am from Georgia. Spent a lot of time in between here and visiting family in Virginia every few years. Ive been around the US a little bit, but yeah live in Georgia. Let me just say that the Deep South isnt really like its represented. Yeah, there are hints of the stereotypes being present, and some of the accents really are that bad. But for the most part, its the same shit as everywhere else, just reskinned.
Maybe you aren't some deep thinking intellectual that can understand things that everyone else can't because you played a gay fucking bideo gaem 20 years ago. Maybe is everything you've just described is just attributes of that game and you want to feel special.
>Tfw you inherited
>Tfw you live off the rent generated by properties you did nothing for to earn
>Tfw you still make more money than most of your old friends
>Tfw you're effectively a neet but you get to call yourself a "real estate manager"
Yet, I still miss the old times. I miss being bright-eyed, getting to discover these things for the first time. To not be jaded and bitter. I miss my grandparents and the time back then. I'd go back in a heartbeat.
I'm reinstalling wow right now for classic after having sunk 10 years of my life and over 2 years of real time played into that game. I had a job and GF but everything there other than the licence applies to me right now, i even moved back to my parents for the month while i find a new place. Feels bad.
>have a nice day at work
Oh man I dont know why but this phrase just fills me with dread knowing that every time I said it to one of my parents their disdain for me grew larger
Gaming was basically a subculture back then. PC gaming was extremely restrictive when WC2 and Diablo came out. A gaming PC would set you back $1800 for a shitty one (That's in 90s money. Gas cost 1.75 per gallon back then.) and good fucking luck dealing with Windows Ninety-god damned-five.
Now there's a 0 barrier to entry for PC games and five year olds and grandmas are playing them now. It'll never go back to the way it was.
I don't think WoW "killed" old Blizzard any more than the dev and creative teams getting old and moving on (it's been 25 years now) did. Samwise and Metzen are both pushing 50, its like expecting the Beastie Boys to put out a new hit album.
The only change gaming has undertook is quality. Everything is rehashed on a model that was complete garbage to begin with. Blizzard did not need an mmo, but it knew it would cash out if it made one. Warcraft was my all time favorite pc game. Played the original and the second on an IBM Aptiva back in '95. The family computer. Me, my brother and my father all got hooked and we stuck with Blizzard up until Warcraft 3, which was a disappointment but at least tried to keep some semblance with the glory days. It was RTS and ARPG done the best way ever. It was only accessible to hardcore gamers, whereas WoW was basically a chathub with shiny buttons. Though since the cash started flowing in record breaking numbers they lost sight of what it meant to create quality entertainment, or at least the heads of the company did and Blizzard north ceased to be. Now games are about inclusion, about friends, about streaming, about all this bullshit that never had a place back in the day. It was about story telling and pushing gameplay and what could be done.. WoW did to Blizzard what Myspace did to the internet. Also the beastie boys were never good.
I feel numb but I'm not sure if its depression. Each passing day has been the same but I'm worried about breaking the cycle. Aside from that, my brain fog is getting worse due to my lifestyle. Should I try getting fit,finding a job and going to college? whats the point? what if I fail?
I don't know what to do anymore OP
same but i'm 26 lol
I can't even look my parents in the eye anymore. I actually feel like I want to work, but I can't bring myself to go through the process of looking for a job. I wouldn't say no to anything, which you'd think would make it easier, but I also have no particular desire to do anything. My degree is a fucking waste, just like me.
>Anybody who seems interested in friendship just annoys me
I feel the same way. I think it's just because, for the vast majority of people, if you become friends with them it becomes a job to stay friends with them.
I failed at uni again
I feel that everything I slowly built until this point is falling appart, that it doesn't matter anymore, I'll always be the same retard.
It feels like absolute shit to let things to get to this point, I can't get it out of my mind, everytime I see someone else I can't stop my insecuirities from eating me
>go through 11 years of school never struggling, never having to put a real effort in.
>last 2 years shit the bed
>its cool tho, got my qualifications and into my preferred course
>start on course, obviously it's still hard work, pass first year basically 100% completing my deadlines on the day of submission
>go into 2nd year
>my brain can't handle working hard, anything that doesn't give me instant gratification instantly shuts me down
>back home, apply for another course here and get in.
>have 0 interest in the course
>almost failed my first year
>don't find joy in vidya, only really watch the occasional movie and listen to music
I had plans for this summer. Did not follow up on any of them I had set myself.
same but i'm 31 lmao yeah I was 21 in 2009
>go through 11 years of school never struggling, never having to put a real effort in.
Whatever multiple choice, no one left behind, thoughtless exercise in busywork that public schooling has become is wasting so many people's time.
Not just wasting time, but putting smart kids on a path to failure by giving them A's for essentially no effort.
The minute a young person leaves that coddling idiot factory and tries to do anything in the real world they get the rudest awakening possible.
Its like training someone for a fight with Mike Tyson by having them punch pillows and playing nerf dodgeball for a decade. The day they step into the ring they will get massacred.
>tfw when I told mom about classic she started to cry and knew it would drag me back to neethood again.
she's right, quit my wageslave job earlier this week and plan on neeting again as long as I can.
Just do it user. Give it one try.
I'm at a point where I'm legitimately considering suicide on the daily. My life thus far has been a complete shitshow. I've been beaten, neglected, molested, told from almost birth that I was worthless and have received nothing but scorn for trudging through it. Recently turned 21. I've been stagnant for the past 3 years, completely paralyzed by my experiences and wallowing in the relative comfort of NEETdom. For the first time in my life I've been allowed to breathe and even then I'm still mocked, belittled and prodded at for it. My family keeps this facsimile of almost pretending that nothing has happened and routinely gives me grief for my complete inability to keep social relations, work a steady job or go to school. Tried therapy for a year and a half, didn't work. I'm at a complete loss of what to do as the walls of my life closing in around me as I just watch. I'm so lonely. It all hurts so badly. I've been good, I haven't succumbed to drinking or abusing drugs. I just placate myself with menial tasks and sleep. I haven't heard "I love you" in almost 12 years. Going to stop now because I'm in physical pain from writing this.