
It's just another night - edition

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First for walking the turtle to the pub and stamping all over plumps balls

first for timmyyyyyyyy

first for timmyyyyyyyy

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another night another dream

i'm gonna walk both my turtles to the pub

Ready for another weekend of bank holiday madness

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Fucked up another gold medal
Might just abandon this trophy desu

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Are teenage dreams so hard to beat
Every time she walks down the street
Another girl in the neighbourhood
Wish she was mine, she looks so good

seen that furry lad who had to have both his hands amputated because of some bondage dry ice shit gone wrong?
degenerates man

Yeah, it was pretty bad. But then I looked him up and he's got body dysmorphia for sure. I wouldn't be shocked it was entirely on purpose.

has tim killed anyone yet?

When I was 19 I went to the cinema with some friends. It was right after the wave of terrorist attacks a couple of years ago. Before we went in, a friend and I smoked some shit weed in the car. I remember trying to pay for the tickets not knowing what the fuck was going on. We went into the cinema and I lost my phone in the chair. At that moment a group of our Pakistani friends walked in carrying rucksacks. I shit myself. I was very very stoned and a group of Asians carrying rucksacks walked in after a wave of terrorist attacks. I said to my friends: I'm not getting blown up today and went and sat in the toilets for about half an hour.

It must be horrible being a paki.

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It's common in Columbia to have sex with a donkey to 'practice' for sex will a real women.

Why don't we have something similar?

Not 'yet' thankfully, he's doing alright. Building site's almost finished I reckon.

Would anyone care if I posted old pictures of my travels.

probably in a hit and run. The thought of Tim being on the road genuinely scares me.

Lord Lucan walking into a casino with 50p, bankrupting it by the end of the night, and buying the casino with the winnings he made from it

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Just his boiler.

Watch Hereditary (2018) lads.
Cracking scary film it was. Pooftahs would shit themselves watching it. Hereditary is for hard lads only.

I wonder if Brian snail was already there when Tim moved into his rented flat

plenty of sheep shaggers about

he was a shit gambler m8.

Probably, I don't remember a brian snail at spracklen.

are you the user that would go around posting pics of night time town centres?
if so, go for it. was thinking about you the other night!

Seen and enjoyed it m8. Some good spooks in it for sure

We could do something similar with trans-sexuals. Lets get Moni to offer herself up as practice for all the britfeel incel neet virgins.

in bed lads wahey.
dont lift up my covers, i'm naked under here!

I'm not trying to sound hard, but I hate scary movies and found Hereditary somewhat lacking. Maybe it's because I watched it with a friend whilst a bit sleeply, but I only found the scene where the mother bangs her head on the ceiling wall somewhat disturbing. The scene where the little girl dies and gets fucking yeeted out of the car was shocking but not spooky.

Only poofs sleep naked lad. I wear full Newcastle kit to bed.

They only have sex with female donkeys pftahahaha

Lad you should have seen my face when I was on a plane flying to America and the Captain announced on the PA system that his name was Captain Ahmed.

Not a fan of sleeping naked. Pants is the best

whose the biggest alki in /britfeel/?

Im watching Newcastle get smashed on Sunday.

I just looked in to this and it's horrifying, look how he instinctively tries to use his hands due to muscle memory


I watched Hereditary (2018) and I didn't fucking get it

Sleeping with clothes on just means more washing tbqh

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>I'm not trying to sound hard
Don't worry there's no chance of that. Kek.
>but I hate scary movies
>found Hereditary somewhat lacking
You have to appreciate the characters and the buildup. It is best watched in the dark and alone with no cunt friends talking.

I think it's unnatural to think this way. We must go back to how things were before.

I am so hungry but I have no food in the house

Meanwhile my fucking neighbour is cooking BACON and the smell is wafting in like mad

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I would literally just either isolate myself with some sort of alexa ai to operate everything in my house, or kill myself

>Would anyone care if I posted old pictures of my travels.
I would, for sure. I like your posts. I don't always reply because I don't have original enough reactions (and I hate doing the 'oregano e12e114' shite) but I do enjoy your posts.

>kill myself
how though

guessing you saw that grand tour clip too

What didn't you get lad? What confused your tiny suvvan pooftah brain?

Sleeping with clothes off means more washing of your sheets which ia far more of a hassle.

Being terrified of irish blokes with beards instead of brown blokes with beards? I think it just might be the beard us brits are afeared of.

Stuck in East Devon and that wage slave who lives near me doesn't want me to kick my ass at pool


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jump off a car park innit

>he doesn't have a personal maid to do all of his washing
Are you a council estate chav or something?

Hmm not really
Depends how much you sweat tbqh
I change them every week regardless

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>Alita battle angel is real

dont know what i didnt get lad. was just sat there for 2 hour wishing it would end so i could go back upstairs
i was watching it with my mum and sister and they were talking over it and the soundbar was shit and voices were just fucking muffled

being a brainlet really limits what films/tv i can watch and what vidya i can play

why do planes even need pilots these days, i saw a documentary on how planes are flown and its fucking automated. they dont need anyone 'flying' it. the most involved part for a pilot is the landing and you could easily automate all of that too

I haven't changed my bed sheets since I moved now nearly a year ago

I wash my bedding the same amount if I sleep naked or not. Once or twice a week depending how much time I have and who has stayed over.

If I wear something to bed that's an extra something I would have to wash, and it would also be uncomfortable as fuck sleeping in clothes. There just doesn't seem to be an upside to wearing anything.

mate we cant even automate cars properly I'd trust some boomer pilot over a machine

I believe I am, nice to see you care and remember.

That genuinely means a lot, more than you think. Don't worry about not replying I know you're there lad.

Great lads

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>i was watching it with my mum and sister and they were talking over it and the soundbar was shit and voices were just fucking muffled
Sounds like your mum and your sister are cunts. I fucking hate people that talk during films; you miss all the key plot developments. You always know a thick cunt is a thick cunt when they talk through films; it means all the films they watch are shit and stupid.

Don't beat your self up lad. It sounds like you couldn't focus on it because the females in your family are subhuman scum film taker scum.

>who has stayed over.

All those cum and shit stains, Chika?

>what vidya i can play
Come on lad, vidya is already the most brainlet entertainment medium. No matter how brainlet you are you can still play 99.9995% of all games.

I didnt post that you eediot

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No money buy food lad?

most people dont change their sheets nearly as much as you two.

I usually sleep in a t shirt with no underwear

Fuck me lad this is the definition of seething over nothing.

you don't have to say mean things about my mum and sister its really uncalled for

Playing Shadow of the Colossus for the first time despite already having watched a let's play of the original years ago

This game is damn beautiful but my word the controls are fucking clunky. I know this is a remaster of a 2005 game but still

a machine is already flying 99% of your flight while the boomer pilot sits there doing jack shit, only waking up for the landing. cars are harder to automate because of just how many more variables there are with other vehicles, pedestrians and the huge variance in the types of roads

film talking is not nothing lad. I have always hated film talkers and wanted to physically hurt them .

>you don't have to say mean things about my mum and sister its really uncalled for
But both your mum and your sister love it when I call them dirty suvvan whores whilst I fuck them hard from behind lad.

Go on lad. Have a wank to that image. You know you want to.

Funny how easily some people on Jow Forums get offended.

Tbh I am an OCD type so I overdo these things anyway

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The average couple changes their bedlinens every two weeks, 2.5 weeks for a single woman, and the average incel changes theirs four times a year.

Anyone having casual fun with someone from tinder or the pub, or someone with multiple FWB will change it more often.


we should just automate everything and make everyone unemployed

are you OCD about cleaning your bf's penis?

You're just proving my point lid. It didn't even happen to you and you are frothing at the mouth at the thought of some lads ma and sister talking. Get a grip of yoursen.

"I'm so OCD xD!"


>aunt messages me out of the blue trying to nosy into my life

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Hes not seething hes just clearly autistic.

For this, I didn't realize at the time how 'awake' everyone was. Lights were on, I was thick etc.

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what did i even do?

i know i'm in my mong singleplayer fps campaign phase but i always struggle with games that require you to think to navigate/solve puzzles
i only grew up playing racing games

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He isnt infirm so no I dont bathe him
You dont even know the half of it lol so dont be so assuming

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i canny believe they remastered that shit. such overrated shit.

I know there is a 99% chance you don't have OCD

*farts in your face*
bathe in that

That's pretty much where we are headed. Amazon have said they want their warehouses to be fully automated by 2030. Others will flow soon after, poof there goes god knows how many jobs in just one area.

Well believe that if you want lol
Doesnt matter

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A guy and a kid travelling around I think the dude was a nonce dunno it was boring

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Nah lad. I'm autistic, he's talking about how he wants to physically hurt people who talk during films. That ain't autism.

I've always liked the concept and story, but the gameplay isn't really appealing to me much. First few colossi in and I still feel like I'm waiting for the game to get good

Only 1/3 of people changed the sheets after someone else had slept in them.

*farts in your face*
Hows that for remastered shit


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Fuck I had sex like over 2 weeks ago and I still haven't changed my sheets. She had her bum on my pillow and everything

>Mr Shekelberg messages me begging for me to come into work tomorrow
>offers ne double pay and my holiday back
>still refuse
I've legitimately started to hate wage slaving that much I turned down a 200ish quid shift.

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I know how you feel. Exeter is such a boring, soulless shithole. I hate it so much.

quick rundown on what the hell actually happened ?

why the hell was he putting his hands in dry ice

i feel like its a game everyone pretends to like just because its all arty farty. the remaster came out and then a week later everyone forgot about it because they remembered how boring it actually is

kek, this reply to the furry guy's tweet

is this an intentional pun?

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Soon the only low education jobs will be those that require humans because having servers you control makes you look classy and of high status.