I watched a couple of this /baldfag 's videos today on his YouTube channel and he isn't mentally healthy

I watched a couple of this /baldfag 's videos today on his YouTube channel and he isn't mentally healthy.
He keeps telling guys to shave their head even if they don't need to. This is letting everyone know the baldness got the better of them even though nobody notices a thin crown, for example.
He's clearly butt hurt that he's ugly receeding hairline bald and was cornered into shaving his head.
Litterally use Breezula for a month and you'll regrow dead hair back.

Attached: baldy.jpg (320x320, 10K)

Baldie haha l;mao

Attached: woohoo.jpg (458x407, 16K)

watch his videos and you'll see he is insane

third time i have seen this thread. advertisement, fuck off.

What is his channel
Sounds like he just wants to level the playing field between him and other guys

He is basically pissed off he shaved his head, realized people are treating him differently and is trying to normailse it but getting vulnerable men to shave their head.
He got a guy with a thinning crown and no frontal baldness to shave his head. Like a thinning crown nobody fucking notices unless its shiney to the extent you're running monkgame.

What is the channel name

you don't need to worry about your balding head user, you're ugly as fuck and no one cares about you as it is

not balding m8 but I am over weight

>not balding m8 but I am over weight
now thats one really bad lie lmao

excuse me?

its an advertisement, user. this thread has been posted a couple times. he's trying to sell you something.

yes but what is he trying to sell me?

Sorry m8 lmao

I bald like bowling ball

This man has hair. It's just not on the top of his head. Therefore he isn't bald.

It's topical finasteride, it regrows dead hairs. doesn't affect the bodies hormones just prevents DHT from attacking follicles

>It's topical finasteride
it also seems to be in the trial stage still, so why are you shilling it?
where are you buying it?

he's frontal balding, shiny bald. The ugliest kind.

You can order it on the trial basis and then you will be part of the research. It should be available by January 2020 in pharmacies throughout the world.

what a fucking shill wow
fuck off

>You can order it on the trial basis and then you will be part of the research
so let me get this straight, you are shilling for anons to become guinea pigs for some obscure drug... on r9k

angry bald guy detected

Attached: laughing.jpg (159x250, 6K)

That is up to you. Most guys just use toppik if they're going a little thin. Guys i know have been using it for 10 years and nobody knows. it's like wearing hair gel or wax

go sell your bullshit somewhere else you fucking loser

calm down baldfag, i know you're really angry cuz of all that testosterone in your body, am I right?

Do you like being laughed at by men and women for being a baldy?

Attached: LOL.jpg (462x570, 62K)

bro you have torn me down to my soul. what is that product you were just shilling called again? i am totally going to buy it now!

He somehow talked this guy into shaving his head, like without shinning a fucking light on the top of your head and taking a picture at an angle nobody even sees your head this guy isn't even worth commenting on his hair loss is so insignificant.
He is a product of king baldy roping people into shaving their head

Attached: dude.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Sorry baldy. I know your life wasn't the same since you shaved your head. Girls don't give you the same attention, guys make jokes about you and subconsciously give you less attention and respect. You will always be the bald guy. The ugly one. the non-playable character. Beta.
I feel sorry for you, user.


Attached: baldfag.jpg (480x480, 24K)

what is even the advantage over finasteride aside from being topical?
and toppik just covers up

Finasteride is a pill that must be taking daily and alters your hormones - this leads to sides like man boobs, weight increase, lack of sex drive and non functional penis unable to feel pleasure or cum.
This shit regrows dead follicles like fin but doen't cause the sides. It's also topical so works faster.
80% of men in Hollywood use Toppik. arounf the same amount of Sports people would use it. It enhances appearance just like the guy that uses hair gel everyday

i cant handle this level of destruction i am totally going to buy this Product now, i will finally be desirable again just like you

It's not even ugly on men with a nice face. The guy in OP's pic looks hot to be honest.

I remember a group of guys in their mid to late 20s were laughing at the baldy in the group.
He was taller than the guy that was laughing at him and he got up and said something like "shut up shorty" and the girl in the group turned around and said "at least hes not a chrome dome like you".
Being short is a walk in the park compared to being bald.

>This shit regrows dead follicles like fin
so it's useless as it only avoids the side effects of fin

so i take it youre a manlet too LOL

grows hair follicles and prevents them from falling out, yes.
No sides.
Don't worry user, it will be available by January.

please, no bully.
I look ok tho?

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