Tfw can talk to girls easily and make them laugh but none want to get romantically involved because I'm either too...

>tfw can talk to girls easily and make them laugh but none want to get romantically involved because I'm either too unattractive or "too much of a joker" for them

should I start taking myself seriously or something? it's hard for me not to joke about everything, it's just how I am

Attached: wakemeup.jpg (520x424, 34K)

are they laughing or "laughing"?

not sure what the difference is between those two. care to elaborate?

>should I start taking myself seriously
No, if you are the joker, then you just need to be yourself

The right girl will come along

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>that pic
I hate spooks. I ran over a glowinthedark nigger in 97'.

what a goofy larp

Can't find the tweet but i saw one that was basically some thot saying "when he's ugly but funny it's like fine i'll fuck you"
Might not be 100% but you've got more of a shot than alot of ppl.
Godspeed user.

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imagine actually taking anything a Twitter thot says seriously

had 40k+ likes
imagine not being so bitter.

nah I just don't believe everything I see on the internet. fire up those brain cells sometime man

you shouldn't have done that, they'll be back

ur saying u dont believe me but ur only reason is cause u don't like the person who said it.
nice try tho.

>changing yourself for women

god spoke to me through whatsapp and gave me the nuclear codes in case they pull up, so I'm good
get back on the short bus

>Calling me a retard cause ur wrong
k lul.

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nuclear codes aren't gonna stop whats already 2 steps ahead, you're fucked.

I can smell the urine dripping down your legs from here...

are they laughing because they feel its the right thing to do or are they laughing because they think youre actually funny

what are they gonna do, send me to guantanamo? do one of their cute little assassinations? they gonna go jfk on my ass? they gonna waterboard me? lol

you'd like that wouldn't you, daddy-o ;)

Maybe......just a sip

they're gonna possess your mind bro, keep your wits about you. i'm telling you this from the otherside.

you don't know it yet, but they will strike in due time user.

maybe we can help each other. Girls have told me I look too seriously much of the time and although I try to make jokes nobody laughs.

If you're a joker, keep as a joker. The world needs people like you.

There is actually technology like that which was used in Afghanistan making enemy soldiers drop their weapons by beaming the voice of Allah into their heads reciting verses from the Quran. Spooky

Next time you fall asleep, they will come