Why is this the ideal and most feminine body type?
Why is this the ideal and most feminine body type?
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Just look at her massive curves
because you have shit taste for girls op
Not this. Next thread
who is that op?
its women built like this that force men to become competitive amongst ourselves.
i breed her with my 8" dick to dish out at least 10 kids from her.
a woman built with hips and ass like this.
just imagine the waves generated from pounding her ass deep and hard.
Extremely fertile and many places to grab and have fun with. Big ass, big boobs, cellulite and stretch marks...god I might just bust
I thought that was reddit, I'm glad you niggers haven't found the new places.
Reminder to always sage this nigger tier shit.
i have a gf with an ass built like that, but i honestly still want her to be more wider like just so that i can rest my hands on the side of her ass and use them as leverage to pull her fat ass down on my dick.
The body type is good, but it needs a lot of body hair, which girls like this rarely have.
Cause harpooning whales has always been great.
Post more op.
It's certainly not anything like this ahuman amorphous blob.
A skinny woman with a narrow waist and wide hips and modest breasts, maybe a B or C cup is by far the most feminine, at the height of her femininity, where you can see her very fertility because of the shape of her body.
Obese women have no such shape, the fat around the waist ruins anything. The breasts on a fat woman are pointless because the waist is wider. Same for the buttocks and hips. They just become saggy balloons or beach balls.
its not she is fat.
who is this behemoth holy shit
pic related is peak feminity
More to hold
Fug why am I turned on by this?
We all are it's not just you
Because cuddling with her would feel godly. Women are supposed to be soft. Maximum penis stimulation right there.
Absolutely disgusting.
I would not even want to touch her for all of the money in the entire world, or if you promised me I could become a god or get superpowers. It's just not worth it, that is hideous.
Ah so this explains why so many on Jow Forums are chubby chasers and I prefer slim svelte women who look like humans.
I am wealthy and not stressed.
The cope is hilarious.
Pic related is the ideal female body.
So this means that I've been stressed out my entire life?
I demand you to STOP posting images like this. I am not into fat women and cannot be "converted" into liking fat women. """BBWs""" are disgusting and there is no amount of pictures, gifs, or webms showing their gigantic, slappable asses or huge, jiggly tits that will convince me that these type of girls are worth anything more than my contempt.
Kindly cease this activity and have a blessed day.
You bitching and throwing temper tantrums about people liking things you don't like changes absolutely nothing and their enjoyment of said thing affects you in no personal way. So why bother posting this shit? You're not the opinion police.
>t. coombrain
Notice how in 2d they aren't willing to make the neck and head look anything like 3d's morbidly obese counterparts.
that last post was likely meant to be a sort of reverse psychology thing, wherein it would bait OP and others to post more.
imagine not having enough test to want to breed these women oozing of fertility.
Less competition for me as I know for a fact my dick can reach inside of her pussy easily.
I'll take it easy on you and post a little one
honestly, if she lost just a tad bit of weight and that gut on the right, she'd be exquisite
>oozing of fertility
Crushing babies as they leave the womb sure sounds nice.
But then the soft and cuddly will be gone. We need to go bigger
I do not like gigantic, hanging, jiggly tits in my face. I do not want to suck them, squeeze them, fondle them, or cum on them.
I do not want to slam my dick into huge, wide asses with all my might, nor do I want to make red handprints in them from slapping and caressing them, nor do I want to dump thick loads on such massive cheeks. I do not love fat women and never will. All I want is for you to cease such activity and refrain from this in the future. Please do not try to bait me by posting more images, and especially not gifs or webms. This is my last warning. Thank you and be blessed.
Let me send in the BIG gunz.
worry not she gets bigger and more feminine.
If this doesnt make you want to lay your head on her tummy, your day
So fucking sexy, how can you not like this you faggot
Imagine fucking her belly.
Ass of boberru
Cleavage and roll shot.
I want to fuck those fat thighs!
Big girls allways have the biggest crushes on men.
these niggas really want a girl whose killing herself? you guys arent grounded in reality.
Why does evolution have to make sexy so unhealthy?
there's actually a very interesting, primal reason for it
fuck why she had to delete her profile fuck
fat women disgust me but get my dick hard