"hey, what's up? :)"

>"hey, what's up? :)"
>"sorry in a game"
>"talking to someone else rn haha"
>"about to head off srry"
why does no one want to talk to me? is there something wrong with me? i just want company and it seems everyone is unavailable... i cant take it

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Because I'm boring user. Wanna know what would have happened if I didn't make an excuse?
>hey, what's up? :)
>not much. how bout you?
>haha nothing much myself

>talk to girl
>she really likes me
>getting tired of talking
>need to end the conversation quick
>tell her im going to go jack off
>she sends nudes and tells me to take my time

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Maybe they're in the middle of a fucking game and don't want any distractions at that goddamn moment?

People can't see how you feel behind the screen user, I know that feel though, just want to talk and see where the conversation goes but they're too busy and then they go to bed and I sat there, waiting for hours for them to finish and they just drop
>I'm tired, sorry user, I'm going to bed, catch you tomorrow?
but they never do, they never do

You wanna talk op? What's on your mind?

>on friday night
user, are you just crying or asking for someone to talk to?
>being so bad you can't have a conversation while playing bideogaems
lol get good

it's just odd how it happens every day no matter what time i ask them
i feel like they use the "we'll catch up another time" to cut me off...
i dont wanna burden anyone, im just paranoid and i feel like i hurt everyone i touch which is why no one wants to talk to me

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They use it to cut you off, yeah
People cut me off too, there is always something else going on in their life if I write and if I'm online first and show it, they never show up, as if they were away.
If I however stay hidden, suddenly they're online and I show up and well .. you know the rest

I am just a burden so I've stopped trying to talk to them now, don't want to be that guy or self impose anymore, so I just stay hidden, been so for a month and they're online everyday now, I just keep ghosting now

It's for the best anyway

user, you aren't a burden. It's just that everyone in life is an asshole. I'm an asshole, you are an asshole, everyone else is also an asshole. The problem comes when you got people who are an asshole that doesn't give a shit about anyone else. You have to find better people. People who don't have to use excuses because they give a shit about their friends. Friends who will at least give it to you and say to fuck off, but they don't even have to tell you to fuck off because they checked up on you first before you could. Defeating yourself isn't the way to do that.

Asshole move right there. Stop doing that.

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Maybe they've gotten burnt out on whatever you've been doing. It's happened to myself and my nephew. We used to play co-op games every day for hours at a time, but now it's every other month for maybe 30 minutes or an hour.

I don't generally ghost people but if I try for a few weeks with a consistent record of varying degrees of "sorry not right now user" I will eventually end up ghosting to see what happens and as I mentioned it's been a month and I've yet to be contacted by anyone so I might as well be dead and there would be no difference here

>be user
>add Anons from Jow Forums
>99% self-centered normie faggots who can't stop sucking their own dicks
>1% are filthy roasties baiting for betabux
>see 35673r6354634 threads about
>"hurr am so lone plz respawn durr"
i hope the internet gets banned

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If you're talking about guys then definitely you want to come to them with a topic, invitation or a request, guys will only tolerate "hey" from girls they want to fuck and even then we run out of ways to continue that boring conversation very quickly.

>my e-friend doesn't talk to me anymore
>it's going to be my birthday soon
>they won't even send me a message
>i'll send them a card on their birthday in a few months and it will probably be received as some kind of a pathetic gesture
What should I do? I know they'll ignore my birthday, despite me telling them when it was last year, but I don't want to be impolite and ignore theirs when I know when it is.

Hey I would be down to be your friend. Most of the time other people are the ones who comfort me but I think everybody should have the opportunity to have a good friend. And people get tired of talking, most people don't have the energy to talk all the time. It's definitely not your fault user, they just need a little break.

Hey I don't want to sound like an asshole but he has other things in his life except you, don't expect somebody to remember every detail about you. Message him today and say "hey my birthday is soon" so they remember and see what he says.

I get you wan't them to reciprocate but you gotta ask yourself why do you want to do something nice for them? So they can do it back? Or because you're the type of guy to remember a friends bday and treat them. I think it's pretty cool of you to do regardless.

My efriend (egf(male)) got mad at me because I forgot his birthday and he apparently had some expectations. Haven't spoken to him since, the way he reacted really put me off. I miss him but I doubt he has any second thoughts about me.

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idk you probably wouldnt like me

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What's your sexuality? And you sound very open, so I would probably like talking to you

Nah mate, all you are getting done by ghosting is cutting ties. No information exchanged. At least ask why they never respond or tell them they are shit. Also seems like your threshold for expecting a long term friendship is low. Don't go in trusting someone that they will respond to you when you hardly know each other. Years of previous contact is not enough, no time is long enough. Even still people live on and change. Expect people you know to just drop put with seemingly no reason. It happens and it's part of human communications. Not your fault. Are you perfect and not contributing to this at all? Hell no, but you are not the only reason, probably not even one of active though. People are just assholes desu senpai. You are not a burden, and if you are, loads of people carry burdens. Let someone add you into their load, eventually you will find someone who would be happy to help and just talk about shit.

Also sorry if none of this is relevant but seems like a habitual thing.

>what's your sexuality?
Holy shit we are in fucking clown world.

im gay, why do you ask?

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I was curious because all gays I have talked to on this board are all open and nice like you, it's kind of a weird occurence. Most of them are also somewhat socially adept too. Can you post your discord?

post yours, i get really paranoid about my discord ;;

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Why don't you just create a fake discord and post it, then afterwards once you get to know the person give him your original one?

i should probably do that...

Do you just ignore people's birthdays even though you know the date? Who does that, is that normal? Are you supposed to pretend that your brain is not big enough to hold all that information?