daily reminder that girls like this are visiting and posting on Jow Forums
Daily reminder that girls like this are visiting and posting on Jow Forums
who gives a fuck you obsessed fucking loser, get a life.
Sure they are OP, sure they are.
I highly doubt any of them look like your pic anyway
>he doesn't remember Brooke
I want tourist and ultra newfags to leave
Post her then, I dont come to Jow Forums often
she was trip-fagging last summer before she got doxxed
Brookes always seem to look a little loose
Brace yourself, /ourfembot/ is starting premium Snapchat and Patreon in October
>tfw no blowup doll-fu to scam me off my betabux
not fair bros
why is her ass so big tho
>tfw no big ass e girl to orbit
Hard to believe there are ""men"" this pathetic.
this, just look at free porn if you must
brooke has such a good body
to bad about her personality
Fuck her personality bitch stole 200 dollars from me and never came to Odessa Texas
women really do infiltrate every crevice of life, that doesn't involve them.
>caring about some ugly literally who thot
She makes an obscene amount of money
she only came to r9k because she was looking to cash out on incels
Unironically one of the best conversations I've had with a woman she's just too tall and kind of a whore
Yeah I know. I've spoken to a few "fembots" off of r9k and they were surprisingly attractive. I don't understand why they come here though. It's a place that explicitly hates them like no other. I asked one of them and apparently she had a thing for robots but fuck knows why.
>Brooke has been knotted by her dog
It has been confirmed on discord numerous times
>Brooke fucks niggers and animals
Guess that's not much of a difference
Bottom left is literally the the only one who's actually hot
Are you trolling? All the pics are the same girl.
Top left is a bad shoop. Brooke is flat as a board.
Didn't realize. Guess it's because she doesn't have the freaky lips in bottom left
she has the thousand cock emcel stare, who cares
based Odessa user. are you the original Odessa guy or the guy pretending to be him
>dat feel when she is sucking some fat BBC turd rn
daily reminder that they're actually not, retard
The absolute state of modern "men"...
Somehow this is not original
I miss Eliza... It's been years. Now, that girl was a real cutie.
Brooke what nigger? Any sauce?