Do you guys agree?

Do you guys agree?

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>paying more than $15 for a haircut
Are you stupid?

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your barber blind? I get left at my local $9 vietnamese barber sweatshop

Do girls love your hair? I used to have shitty hair until I wasnt a poorfag who went to cheap barbers

I want to get good at trimming hair so i can do it for my future bf. i wonder if that would impress him

>Do girls love your hair?
Girls compliment my hair.

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>having a fade
>not just buzzing your hair and then letting it grow for months in a cycle, letting it style itself with the wind and as you sleep.
fades are for gay ass trend chasers.

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fades are for wiggers and mexicans

girls get jealous of my long hair and i don't have to pay 100 dollars a month for some shitty nigger haircut

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Thats great. I support all transgender rights by the way, yew guys are very brave

im not a trannie i just have long hair retard, im 6'2 and also have a beard so i look nothing like a trannie

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Must be a white barbershop. Black barbers will give you a $100 haircut for $20 plus tip.

currently I pay $11 every couple months for a haircut but I'm thinking of trying to cut my own hair

>long hair
Im laughing on the inside but maybe you are in the process of transitioning so its going to be alright

why are 2016 poltard newfags like this?

Poltards wouldnt be very supportive of you wanting to look like a girl

Zoomers have the dumbest fucking haircuts.

$0 for long, flowing hair

OP here. Don't you get that it's fucking ironic? That's not even me, it's a faggot I found online

Hello beta male. Have you come for an autograph?

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yeah, I do the same. I get a cut every couple months when my hair grows way too much and that's all

>wasting $100 for pussy
peak cumbrain

yeah, they do. A lot. But I'm too much of a faggot to even talk with them (that's probably why I'm still a virgin). Anyways, my hair's semi-curly and a bit shorter on the sides

that being said, I get a 15 euro cut every 5 or six months. It depends on the speed of my hairs growth

>paying to get a haircut
Just buy some scissors and cut it yourself you fucking niggers, I've saved hundreds over the years doing this

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I pay $1.50 dollars for my haircut. lol

I envy you guys who still have hair

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Public service announcement, the dollar sign goes before the number.

on the bright side i never have to pay for a hair cut again

not like i was gonna get a gf when i had hair anyway

>he clings onto mere hundreds of dollars

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i get 1 haircut a year for 10 dollars to get my hair back up to right above my shoulders. Why would i waste my money to look like a nigger?

I have big messy hair and have been contemplating the number 2 buzz but scared of looking like a mongoloid. My hair does grow fast but. How long does your hair take to get a bit of volume/energy after going bald spec.

my barber can get me a haircut just as good as the one in the left and fix my beard for less than 10 dollars