Live life on easy mode

>live life on easy mode
>still become robots
How do fembots exist?

Attached: 2019-08-07-twitch-breastfeeding.jpg (1300x3130, 1.39M)

they don't. Camouflage is used by predators to hunt prey, not to find a place to belong to.

>tfw ywn have a cute girl see you as prey

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>implying what lurks is even female to begin with
when a female sees you as prey, you are prey and will never be more than that

wow, this is what it would look like if me and my big sis would fuse together.

But no user. Those twitch thots are total Stacies. I don't think even your regular Stacie could amass thousands of followers who would be willing to pretty much seppuku for you.

How it happened for me was pretty much that I got disgusted of my family's females since birth. Without divorce and taking to custody this pic would probably be me this day.

Sucking on your mom's fat tiddies included?

She is a fucking psycho that ruined my life. I don't know what sort of MK-ultra bullshit she would have to do to pull that out. From this point where I am today I cannot see myself doing this and thought of doing it makes me wanna vomit.

Shit user what did she do?

Just joking around, sorry to hear that user. My relationship with my mom isn't great either, but I'm stuck with her for the next couple days till uni starts up again.

oh, no, what a tragedy
Where do i donate?

They dont exist user. All of them are just attention seeking whores

This image makes me horny. Pls post more

Because my family and I moved country constantly when I was growing up to the point I entirely stopped trying to make friends. I probably have worse social skills than most robots.

>be me
>be fembot
>a mythical creature
>never had any male friends
>tfw all girls around me are future roasties
>have basic social skills but no friends all
>can't go to work
>have to stay home all summer to take care of ill relatives
>tfw nothing to do
>go to 4chins
>get trashed on by faggot virgins
>still better than being on Instagram, Tumblr or Twitter

Attached: honklhonk.jpg (800x450, 47K)

>be me
>be fembot
Prove it.

I am happy you are happy, i hope the HRT goes well and you don't neck yourself in 5 years.

They dont exist
Women cannot be lonely

>That comic
I legitmately fear that'll be my daughter one day, I can't get this kid to ease off and wean.


Attached: constanza.jpg (601x601, 68K)

I'd actually be really proud if I had a daughter that lazily played vidya and succ'd money away from horny betas with next to no effort.

She means the breastfeeding bit, mate.


Sucking money off the betas and sucking off your wife's teats.

Based and father cuck pilled.

I wish I had a daughter that could suck cash out of my tits

Good thread, user, Really quality.
Post more Man of Shad, I feel like getting off. Thanks.


How this fuck is this comment unoriginal kys robot

Do you get trashed on? By people doubting your female?

god what a piece of shit, how does anyone pay this asshole to keep drawing the worst comics in the world

you conveniently leave out that you could easily get a doting boyfriend who would give you attention and money any time

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Ahhhhhhhhh it's not fair I want to suck on some lactating tits ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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post your tits on soc and i'll buy you uber eats

ooga booga fembots dont exist

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You'll have better means of negotiation and behavior correction than most parents, given how she depends on you, raise a cutie that could never be a Stacy.

Attached: cd96dbdf53e8af9a6624d71ae286bed6d374d1c9d57d7c1851cc273bb5c52c31.jpg (900x600, 89K)

>easy mode
more like tutorial mode

No that's rich people.

I'm not even a footfag but that's some horribly drawn toes

Attached: fire-in-the-sky-9.jpg (1284x856, 146K)

Truly the fetish of kings

Welcome to shadbase though I kind of like his newer art style, but I just like comics in general.

So what are rich females? Does game hand everything to you on a silver platter?

The equivalent of waiting a half hour at the start of Far Cry 4; you win without lifting a finger.

Sometimes you just got to walk away user.

Joseph seed did nothing wrong.

>The equivalent of waiting a half hour at the start of Far Cry 4; you win without lifting a finger.
>the 'wait-around' ending is the only good ending of FC4
>actually playing the game in any way results in a bad ending
Scarily realistic. Please don't tell me these things.

Sure being a girl grants some advantages, but it doesn't exempt you from becoming an asocial trash

Did that cat fucking die?

One of those advantages is that you can easily land a boyfriend even if you are asocial trash.

The mother clearly gives into tantrums and doesn't seem like she pushes her daughter to be independent, could anyone shoop a diaper on that gamer grill since a potty break would clearly interrupt her streaming time.

>that cat in the background

please dont post furry porn, shota, gore, scat or shadman outside of /b/

OP's pic isn't either

Every day this board gets worse

God I wish I had a submissive mommy gf to feed me whenever I wanted