Who get's more sex?
Self improvement is a meme made up by people with no father figure
Who get's more sex?
Self improvement is a meme made up by people with no father figure
whichever one of them approaches more women and has better conversations skills will get more sex
No one is having sex with the right
Cope harder retard
>mfw 80% of women are nobody
I dont get it. Much uglier men have lots of sex
I'd fuck senator Armstrong
>He said specifically not to fuck with him
>He played college football
>You think you're going to pressure him into it
Not when you're packing that nanomachine, son
the thing is that there are different demographics of women and they tend to like different types of dudes.
In the countryside, or the hood, maybe even in suburbia if he played his card right.
Dude on the left would do well in a college setting or afluent artsy eras in NYC or LA.
It's all about demographic bro.
Left attracts women, right attracts gays.
if the guy in the right got a better haircut and dressed better he would be just as much a pussy slayer than the one in the left
that's why having fashion awareness is just as important as your body
what are fags talking about; guy on left looks like a total pussy.
Women like faggish men. Ever noticed how they flock to pretty boys but avoid ogre looking men.
Yes however looking like a pussy is better than looking like an intimidating creep
The image shows how important your face is
You'd be surprised. A dimepiece chick will probably not date a guy like him but plenty of hot chicks will lower their standards significantly when they are horny at the end of the night. It's all about putting yourself in the right circumstances to succeed and not hesitating when you sense an opportunity.
Then she regrets it the day after and calls rape. If she is wasted and you fuck her the laws says it's rape so have fun in prison
more sex idk but im sure who gets more of that sweet endorphine rush only a good workout gives you
I have considered such situations and protected myself against them with hidden recording equipment in my apartment. I suggest anyone picking up girls from bars/clubs does the same.
>I have considered such situations and protected myself against them with hidden recording equipment in my apartment.
Careful with that. One of the co-creators of the original Counter-Strike is in prison right now because he had a set up like that and unknowingly slept with a 17 year old and thereby created a child porn in the eyes of the law. Make sure you don't fuck any suspiciously young chicks.
If you lie about your age you deserve to be arrested too for ruining someones life
that's illegal though, filming someone having sex without their permission
Embarrassing. Jow Forums is nothing like it used to be
You can't even see what the one on the right is wearing and the one on the left is wearing a wrinkle oversized white T. Only a Chad can pull that off
guy on the right would be hotter if he stopped wearing glasses (or at least got better looking frames) and started going to a real hairstylist instead of doing a buzz. Hes not that bad and the things that are bad are fixable
obviously there are limits to self improvement, but it is definitely a real thing. The dude on the right is much more likely to get laid than this guy
lmao where do these people come from. red pillers seriously need to leave. muh conversation skills muh muscles muh hold frame. fuck off holy shit you all sound like 50 year old divorced out of touch boomers. girls will flock to the left and be creeped out by the guy on the right and no amount of fucking conversation skills will make a difference.
now go ahead and post about how you "know some guy" that doesn't look like a chad that gets tons of pussy. we all know thats coming.
Women dont "flock" to anyone idiot. 90% of them are social cowards and will do nothing but sit passively and wait for a guy to approach them.
they flock to hot models all the time i dont know what the fuck you're talking about. they don't approach men, but they make it extremely obvious when they want to show the guy that they want to be approached. that's the little trick, and if you never noticed it then you just aren't good looking enough to experience it.
this is a good example that shows self improvement isn't going to do much. that guy is ugly as fuck, a ripped body wont help him, and a good haircut wont fix him either. he just has a doofy face and a doofy frame.
These are a few ways you could improve the guy in the right:
>remove the glasses
>get a good side cut/wear a stylish cap
>let his beard grow (this one is important)
>wear a sweater or a sleeveless shirt
>change his expression and posture
He could easily pass for a 8+/10
If the guy in the right had all these problems he wouldn't look good either.
correction: in the last sentence I meant to say the guy in the left
the one on the right is probably happier. self improvement isn't just about looks. it makes you happier and healthier
the one on the left is probably depressed and stressed
You're supposed to do a before of the guy on the right retard.
And anyone who isn't always actively improving themself isn't a man. So it seems like you're the one with no father figure
How do you even know if he can grow a beard or has the hair to pull a stylish hairstyle? maybe he buzzed his hair because it was thin and shitty. And even if he could get rid of the glasses (lmao just stop being blind, bro), it wouldn't change the fact that his face is rather goofy. Small eyes, weak bone structure, too round, etc. He doesn't look masculine, but he's trying to put on a macho look.
The problem with him is that he has the body of a chad, but the face of a pasty nerd, so it just makes him look weird.
its pretty funny how everyone always says "just get a stylish haircut bro"
some people just have shitty hair. even if that guy had good hair i can't really think of any style that would actually improve his look at all. if he did his hair like the guy on the left he would look like a gay guy... i dont know what these people are thinking when they write this shit.
You can always improve.
well that was eye rolling. do you put up motivational posters on your walls too?
they are also forgetting the fact that he is clearly balding and that women don't like being "hat frauded"
No matter how much the guy on the right improves he will still be a loser compared to the left
You can only improve so much. Some people just get lucky and win the genetic lottery
Sorry you'd rather be lazy and pretend you can't. I guess that's easier than effort.
Why do other people matter? If you are concerned with what effort someone else puts in, you're doing life wrong.
and here comes the typical edgy red pill bullshit lmao. you people seriously all argue the same, you have nothing to say other than "put in effort"
if all the effort you put in lead you to here then it was fucking useless, i hope you realize that
Because statistics show that lonely people have much higher risks of early death and mental disorders, and are far more likely to be less satisfied with life
what are these retarded boomer talking points? how about you just go isolate yourself and live in the mountains with no internet if people don't matter.
I have a wife and also nothing I said was redpilled. Two strikes there bro.
You need to live your own life and not worry about what other people have to do. That's how chicks think. I know incels have feme brains so you can't help it. There's absolutely nothing edgy I said.
>land of the free oregami
I think you need to reread what I said.
Then why choose to be alone? Men pursue women therefore we can only be alone by choice.
you have a wife and you still ended up here? and you think i want to be like you and take your advice?
we all know you don't have a wife, you just used that to try and win an argument. you're a fucking loser just like i am
Well at least you admitted you're a loser. That's the first step. Why choose to be a loser?
>Self improvement is a meme
Only if you do it for pussy. I got into self improvement when I was joining the army but something about being the best "you" you can be is appealing to me, like maxing out stats in a game or whatever. It was something to aim for and I can honestly say it's been a good experience, even if women don't appreciate it.
Nice sentiment but far from reality. Women aren't going to the club in tight skirts and crop tops to have sex with your conversational skills. Incels aren't 100% on the mark but you couldn't be further from it.
jesus christ it really is the same argument every time. now i'm going to say "i didn't choose to be one" and you're going to argue about how it's a choice and everything is about choices and effort lmao.
you are an embarrassing stereotype and you have absolutely nothing i want
OK you can spazz out all you want to remain lazy but we both know I'm right and you're life is the result of your bad choices and probably too many video games.
But it did help him. He fucks a lot of different kinds of women while the skinny ugly guy gets nothing. Actually ive seen a lot of skinny ugly guys with cute girlfriends but r9k is kind of stupid so I wont get into it
you incels know that minoxidil exists, right? ffs, I'm telling this guy can look good from experience, I know guys uglier than him that got to 8/10 from sheer self improvement
about the glasses, a lot of people can live without them for social events, and even if they don't there are a bunch of glasses that would look better on him than that one
you people are fucking retarded
yep, same tired crap once again. lazy, bad choices, video games. you seriously sound like a total moron. your larping boomer shit is really cheesy and doesn't work
in LA the guy on the right would just need to take his shirt off on the beach or wear a muscle shirt in the sun to mog the fuck out of the guy on the left, who is using style to cover up his 12yo body.
if he grew out his facial hair a bit and dropped the mass shooter glasses he'd look fine.
minoxidil doesn't work on everyone... it also doesn't fix shitty hair if you have shitty hair. do you think everyone has model tier hair or something? some people just have ugly as fuck hair and thats it...
Work out enough to look good naked and that's it if you're being superficial about it.
They can't accept that some things in life are dictated by genetics, because that would mean they are not in control of their lives. Not being in control is scary.
>tfw I was born with Vegeta's hairline
>even my mom used to make fun of me by saying I was balding when I was like 10
bro just have 10/10 hair
it doesn't but that's like saying you shouldn't work out because you might have shit genes that will give you small gains
somethink will work, something will stick and improve you, that's the truth for 99,99% of people, and you only find out what works by trying, no one is 100% flawed in every way
and this is coming from someone that had more acne than anyone else I know, crocked teeth, started balding at 19, is 5'6, was fat untill my 20s, has ADHD, has deep scars on my face, and the list go fucking on
and I fucking fixed everything aside from my height and some of the scars
What's the point of making money when there's billionaires? Might as well pack it in and move to the mountains
don't show this picture to geneticsfags
You will never feel joy if you don't drop your crab mentality
so it's friday night, you're posting here, and you say you fixed everything? ugh. i think you're just overrating how much you have improved. you probably work out sometimes and have a better body, but it probably hasn't done much. you have to keep up with this just world optimistic crap because you need to keep deluding yourself. also i dont want to be you, and i have no interest working out, i already have a hobby
my life goal is to be just like you user, im sure you are an extremely happy confident and outgoing person. lmao
guy on the left is skinny twinkboi with a non s oi beard, guy on the right is based minus the body proportrions with his head looking weird, maybe its just the pose or he has a long neck idk. but id have to say if I were a woman id go with the semi chad on the right since he could protect me from anyone whereas the twinkboi could get rekt by a 5th grader lmao
this, the buff guy just has bad face genetics, not ugly bad, he just looks creepy. no glasses should be enough and maybe a different hairstyle bur not a beard those are for so1boys
I swim 3 miles everyday, my neck hurts from pushing myself, if anything I need to rest tonight, because guess what, I have a date tomorrow, isn't that lovely?
But oh no, he is on the internet, he must be a failure! Yeah, nah. Also, just a tip, you can have a social life any day of the week, and most people that have a real job are tired by friday night, not that you would know that, wouldn't you?
>Oh no, he is a normie, he shouldn't be here!
Again, nah, Jow Forums is the only place with my type of humor, I'll be here for a while.
lmao holy shit what an embarrassing person. you are pretty much everything this board can't stand and you're trying to act like you belong here. get the fuck out, you can't relate to shit. you're a normie idiot throwing out vapid advice because that's all you are. i bet you tell yourself you totally relate to the posts on this board too
>implying I care if anyone likes me or not
cry me a river boy
that makes sense considering youre a manlet, your date tomorrow is only going out with your for the free food
youre paying, right? lmao
Would minoxidil fix a naturally uneven hairline?
That truly would be a shame, wouldn't it? Fortunately, for me at least, I've been banging this chick for a month now, so no need to worry about spending 5 dollars on an ice cream for her.
But you must feel horrible if a manlet like me can get pussy and you don't. Maybe you wanna talk about it? Feeling a bit insecure?
If the unevenness is caused by a receding hairline than it's possible. But if not, I wouldn't be able to tell you for sure, best you can do is talk to a doc.
No its been that way all my life. I don't want to admit my insecurities to my doctor but I guess I have no choice. But if it only works on receded hair, how could one grow a beard with it?
Glasses matter bro, thin glasses repel bitches, gotta get some hipster specs.
What I am saying is, the dude on the left would be much more sucessful in say an art gallery or some convention rather than the dude on the right.
It's all about demographics and setting.
goddamn you are one creepy person hahahahha. you think you're being insulting but it just doesn't come off that way, i suggest working on that
every post is more proof that you don't belong here. you are simply here to gloat, and use people like me to feel better about your low tier normie life. i'm going to take a page from your book and go to a forum filled with people with downs syndrome and make fun of them to feel better about myself. you set a great example, thanks bro
because it will force to grow hair on places that should be growing hair, but isn't for some reason. I can use myself as an example, after I started using minox a few strings of hair started to grow on the outside of my ear, normally it shouldn't grow any hair there, but it's a place that has pores with potential to grow hair. One thing you will notice after using minox is that every hair on your body will start to grow faster and thicker, not just the area that you applied the product, so you kinda have to shave more often and on more places after using minox for a while. Now, your cheeks and jaw, why would it work there, because for most men it's the area with the biggest potential to grow hair consistently, that's why you have a bunch of dudes balding but with strong beards, the pores there never stop having potential for hair.
guy on thhe right needs to grow his hair, grow some beard, and remove his glasses. you happy now faggot?
Nah dude, I never came here to make fun of anyone, my first post was about giving solid advice, but two of you started refuting my advice. The funny part is that the moment I start giving reasons on why I'm right you go full "yOu DoN't beLOng HEre"
I know your rhetoric very well, you want everyone out the moment they don't agree with you. Tough luck dude, I already said before, I'm not leaving.