"Men" by ContraPoints

For this video she is speaking directly to her cis male audience, that means YOU Jow Forums (including faggots)


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Other urls found in this thread:


Dang. Where is her dick? Did I miss something?

Yeah, I'm sure I will listen to an advice from a mentally ill faggot.



I looked through that comment section and literally nobody referenced a single thing he said in the video. Do fans of contrapoints even listen to what he actually says?

Considering the video is 30 minutes long and it was released less than 30 minutes ago....

the whole thing is convoluted fap bait

who's contrpoints?

Gimmie a tldw.

Philosophy digest tranner

She defends Men's Right Activists

I definitely want to hear from an alcoholic agp tranny

what a pointless video

Why is it pointless user? She literally acknowledges what Jow Forums says on a daily basis.

its actually not bad, 18 mins in and she understands a lot of points made by red pillers

will update on end

that's a dude you retard

And she quite literally says that she's got no solutions.
>i guess men do need a positive ideal after all and the modern left doesn't really have one lol
Props to her for being honest, at least.

>So while feminism tells women "you hate your body and you're constantly doubting yourself because society did this to you, and society needs to change", we kinda just tell men "you're lonely and suicidal because you're toxic"
Tell me she's wrong

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>her [...] audience, that means YOU Jow Forums

Why isn't she a her user? You know she's right about what she said in the video.
If you disagree, then you agree with feminists. You can't have it both ways

That's because she's never been involved with MRA. She's a tranny. Trannies isolate

is he always this unfunny


fucking fuck the fuck off

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You're not used to wholesome leftist humor that lacks edge

yeah, guess im not used to urine, dick and fart jokes

He's a he. I don't know if any of what he said in the video is right, because I didn't watch it, I'm not his audience.

I watched the entire video and i feel like a learned nothing. What was his/her point even?

Can I report this for sexual content because this bro is straight up just in fucking lingerie

he never said he disagreed with what they said in the video, hes saying that its a he not she. Fucking retard

Men have no positive role models
Masculinity is important
The left has no solutions for these problems and will make them worse but keep being an antifa cunt anyway and donate to my patreon

>Can I report this for sexual content because t
is basedboy offended by man showin a little skin?

but that doesn't make much sense. Why should you continue to be an antifa cunt if your not helping?

>needs careful angles, colored lighting, and ridiculous angles to look even slightly female

Damn, when did Contra start passing? I wanna breed her so badly...

Never lol

>no boobies

Trannies can't be bred either

He also basically said incels are right about women but never offered any solutions other than sucks to suck pay me money

>cis male audience
so himself?

I think she's spot on, but I don't know. I'm just an alcoholic on Jow Forums

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Why does he talk like that? At least put some effort into doing a female voice. I can do a better female voice and I'm not even trans.

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i may be a fat degenerate, but at least im not a tranny.

This. One thing that I love about ContraPoints is that she actually tries to understand both sides. She's done more to understand incels and at least try to articulate, in reasonable arguments no less, why they feel the way they do than most people would even consider doing. This video in particular I really needed to watch because it went over a lot of shit that I've been feeling lately.

There's a part towards the end where she notes that while the feminist movement has pushed body positivity and argued that women experience anxiety and shit because of the male patriarchal society, these same people just tell lonely, broken, insecure men that they're shitty and to just stop and change without ever telling them exactly HOW to do so or suggest that maybe societal expectations for men (that women also enforce just as much as men do) may have had a negative effect on these same 'broken' men. I have been waiting so long for someone to actually just come out and say this. I really think we need some kind of male movement, even though she did make the good point that the current Meninist movement is basically just misogyny and sexism wrapped up in a facade of false equivalency and is just a reaction to current feminist movements.

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Sometimes I'm impressed by how smart and well read she is for a woman, then I remember that she's a woman(male).

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>tfw you get destroyed so hard by alternative hypothesis you have to deny his existence and neither you or your comrads can make any successful counter arguments



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ContraPoints did exactly the same himself, he criticized incels heavily and how acts like "society" does it, no his friends do it.

Except she (and yes I mean SHE) admitted that for as much as women like to bitch about being catcalled constantly, creeps hitting them up on dating sites, Tinder, and social media, being almost completely ignored and not being able to match with anyone is probably much worse and it's something that you'll NEVER hear a woman irl actually admit.

I didn't understand your other point.

user, you're chasing the wind. No one here is worth the trouble.
Anyways, I'll watch the video later. I thoroughly enjoyed her video on incels so this one shouldn't disappoint.

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Redpill me on this Contrapoints guy. I keep seeing him posted all over the place recently, I'm convinced it's some autist. Why should I listen to this guy? Because he's some right-leaning tranner? Give me a definitive reason, I'm genuinely curious.

No, he's left wing but he's online and a guy so he sympathizes right wing men and their problems so he can market himself as someone who gets people to leave the alt right

Unironically as a ricebot this is probably the most attractive partner I could get. I know it's lighting and shit but still no natty white girl is gonna dress like that for me.

Well women and men are different, this constant need to enforce equality has got to stop. Women will get treated different than men. But he also hasn't taken responsibility that he was toxic to incels himself in the past, and blames it all on society.

This is fucking Lynchean.

>Well women and men are different, this constant need to enforce equality has got to stop
Here's the thing though: feminists CONSTANTLY push for equality and are always crying about the many ways things might be unfair, however justifiably so, for women, but almost never comment on ways they might actually have an advantage, such as in relationships, dating, and in most social circles in general. Ultimately, these feminists prove themselves to be just as self-serving as the masculine patriarchy they aim to overthrow. They seek social changes, that I'm not even necessarily saying would be bad or that I'm against necessarily, but then turn a cold shoulder to the average man, who might not even benefit from the traditional masculine patriarchy and might even be disadvantaged because of it. That's not even going into how women might actually unknowingly support the patriarchy without ever realizing it and thus, actively harm the average 'beta' male.

Though now I hope this opens a discussion that I always wanted to talk about.
What would be the new model of masculinity? I mean returning to a past pre-industrial/pre-digital ideal is not going to happen any time soon. So what do you want the new ideal to have (hopefully one that doesn't deprive the life and liberties of others)?

>what would be the new model of masculinity?
What about Jesus Christ?

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they tried that in the 60s-70s
people hated it

this shitpost belongs on Jow Forums retarded nigger

To be a man is to create and build. Space is the next frontier, and we should be focusing on building and expanding into space. Asteroid cowboys need to be a thing.

i'd fuck this shit out of this freak

there is no point, nor is there supposed to be - its CONTRApoints, not Points

I second this
We have the internet at our disposal but rather than use it to build shit they use it to suit their arguments (that and porn but porn is very important). I believe the ideal modern man is one that can bring out the true potential of the internet as a beacon of knowledge (and porn). Until the Stars

So what contra is saying is that I should do an incel terrorist attack to help get people to find a solution to mens problems?

It said that it's centrist. It's wrong by default no matter what they say.

there doesn't have to be an epic edit or funny joke every two seconds you freak, also stop shilling your videos here. only a robot could fuck themselves up as much as contrapoints

he's not right wing though, it's some leftist autist that spams this here and on Jow Forums

contrapoints isn't a gamer so I don't trust him. I only trust fellow gamers.

You are right. Gamer that tucks his penis is not to be trusted. Otherwise would penetrate.

Next time your mom starts up her car, make sure you breathe in all the fumes from the exhaust.


>watch content made by the official waifu (male) of the "breadtuber" faggots
Lol no.

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>women have double standards
WOW! What a shocking revelation!

The irony of this dude saying men aren't doing okay while he's irl larping as a woman and has enough female hormones pumping through his veins to turn Mike Tyson into Steve Urkel.

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The entire point is that women need to not only be more consciously aware of these double standards but also to know how harmful they can be to men and to quit acting like they're the only ones who suffer from gender-based assumptions and/or biases. Furthermore, they need to actually DO something about it as well.

Better that than some nazi tube (pewdiepie) Sargon of Akkad and so forth.

What. Are you a fucking normie? Huh? Are you!

hella autogynephile

Spot on, but still not giving a fuck about the norms and roles of society.
In fifty years I'll be dead and I won't spend the time whining.
Why do people give so much fucks about abstract concepts, why the need to classify ones self and put in in a drawer, why the need for a role model, can't we just be individuals instead?
I dunno, people and society are fucked in general.
I know I technically qualify as people too, and this post is retarded.
Watching this video just makes me question if I'd hit it or not.
I'd probably hit it. Does it still have penis? Now that are the real questions.

What does she say? Female voice upsets me, so I can't watch it.

Him, every man needs to aspire to be strong and arrogant

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Man in drag making video about men, you'd have to be pretty depressed to subject yourself to such trash.

Well, I've got nothing better to do.

Pretty important message for leftypol to hear desu, the kinds of people who watch this videos have no male role models.

The mens right activist have the same view of gender as the feminist. Contrapoints comes out with yet another subversive video claming to "sympathize" with the other side but the other side is just another gender critical progressive. Both claim men are opressed by patriachy.

I watched the whole video and I honestly don't understand what her point was.

Lmao, why is he dressed like that? Does he think I'm gonna get a boner from this? Dude, you're a fucking man, look at your fucking face, you're disgusting, you're not tricking anyone.

I made it in about 10 minutes before I couldn't fucking stand it anymore. I don't know why I hate the humor so much, maybe it's the lingerie, maybe it's the conceited tone, who knows. Reading through the thread hopefully gives me most of the points.
I get what s/he's saying, dudes have no place in society now that women have been pushed into being both 'breadwinners' and 'caretakers'. Men, of course, because of this, feel alienated, and instead of trying to give them some support, like they've gotten over the years, women decide to berate men and tell them to 'shape up', 'men don't cry', 'how toxic', and so on.
I don't get what the big deal of the video is. This is what Jow Forums has been saying for years. I agree with it, but so would everyone here, I would think. Even with his/her 'wider audience', nothing's going to change either. It'll just be another controversial video on the channel. IF, and that's a big IF, anything happens, it'll be labelled as a 'trans victory', and we'll be back where we stared.

>as a group, you guys kind of seem like you're not doing okay
the delivery on this line is really good and it actually kind of hits the nail on its head
But, I guess if anyone "gets it", it's a transsexuals. Because they actually understand. And honestly, it's good that the platform is used like this.

There isn't one. And this is the core problem.
People are obsessing over notions of masculinity and femininity when both ideals are essentially antiquated in an era where the medical sciences and neoliberal capitalism have made any physical gender differences obsolete. Sure, women still birth babies, but that's just 9 months and it's not gonna be happening forever.

And the big problem with modern progressive thought is the fucking trannies. Sure, they may be mentally ill, they may not be well and that's great and all and we should probably help them
But they are not helping one bit with this large-scale systemic problem of obsolete gender roles, because their goal is not to reject the system or change things meaningfully, but to just be the other thing. To reject gender roles as a concept, after all is to reject the existence of transsexuals.

fuck men, fuck women and fuck trannies
The new model of masculinity is that there is no masculinity. Just like the new model of femininity is that there isn't one.

I wish she could just explain her points and would stop trying to interject this unfunny humor. I liked her better on destiny's show.

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The entire point of the jokes is appealing to people who can't handle dry political discourse for 20 minutes straight, also I'm sure it's fun to dress up and build elaborate stes and all that


that dude looks more masculine than half of Jow Forums

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>here's what r9k have been saying for years aka women have kinda destroyed mens place in the world[/spoiler[
>oh but i'm trans so that makes it right this time

taking mental health advice from a tranny is like getting reading lessons from a dyslexic dude.

Found the angry feminazi who doesn't want her position in society taken away lmao

he looks like the muscle girl slaps you on the ass and calls you her new boyfriend meme

This is a bizarrely good take. Huh. That's a really good way to put it.

This is one of the most sane posts I've seen on Jow Forums, I'm beyond surprised to see this kind of thoughtfulness here

Leftypol hates hontra

>a man talking about men