Hi everyone, I'm making a Jow Forums clone. What would you change about Jow Forums? Also, what would you change about this site style wise?
Hi everyone, I'm making a Jow Forums clone. What would you change about Jow Forums? Also...
ban hate speech lmao and make it have updoots so we can make it all the best posts and le epic maymays teehee.
I would take all faggot normans and kill them with fire
I'm looking for style changes like this
tranny as fuck, suicide immediately
No more captchka
what would you replace captcha with?
Ban inlecls
All you need to clean a filthy board is dial soap.
ban female and trap posters
There are no female posters on the internet, nevertheless Jow Forums
>ban female and trap posters
how do you detect if someone is female?
Do you guys have any design changes? Would you prefer content to be more towards the center of the page, like how blogs serve their content? Would you prefer threading like reddit does? Would you prefer a toolbar at the very top, or a toggle sidebar with options?
This is the first and last bump on this thread, thank you anons for being patient with me.
I received a recommendation to add Emoji support, what do you guys think?
FUCK NO user DONT ADD EMOJIES.emojis remove creativity from people, why post a well though post when you can post laughing emoji, bad idea
to be honest most people already reply with "based" or "based and redpilled" or "kek"
I don't see why emojis would be any different
well if they are custom emojis like in discord then maybe, but non of those cringey yellow chink emojis
i just wanted to have my own board and an upvote system
Add a suicide button, so that every retard from this board clicks it and a black midi plays until they die.
Just spammy repetitive threads, wish they would take the "quality of posts" rule more seriously
1 thread per day will not kill you
sounds fun user if your not memeing then i would love to see it, when do you think you gonna set it up ?
more referring to 24-7 nonsense/trolling threads
Cut the other shit but leave being able to buy Jow Forums pass
That's be funny as fuck, and a good way for Jow Forums to afford to make the site better