What's up with all the moralfags on Jow Forums nowadays? do you enjoy being fucking pussies?

what's up with all the moralfags on Jow Forums nowadays? do you enjoy being fucking pussies?

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Is this about that thread where that guy told that disabled girl to kill herself? If it is, fuck you. You're a hypocrite, hating women because they won't date autistic men, but then when you robots shit on those you deem lower than yourself, it's suddenly okay? Fuck off with that noise.

Do you enjoy being a fucking dickhead to everyone? Does that make you feel better?

It's about being a decent person. Seems like you're not one and probably why you have a shit life.

>r9k is one person

This board is inundated with retarded orbiters and white knight onionboys who can't read the OP and despite women treating them like shit, they still never learn and grovel and beg for their scraps whenever they actually present themselves, even if indirectly.
Reddit/Discord invasion is the most likely answer. The same trannies and faggots who are ruining this board managed to get that potentially entertaining thread deleted so they had more room to spam their actually malicious "pinkpill" bullshit.

Go to a mirror, reflect on yourself, think about your actions for one day, and you will see what is wrong with you.
Else kys

I'm not saying Jow Forums is one person, but everyone here seems to share one thing in common: hatred of women. Neck yourself, no one would care about your death.

there's nothing wrong with me user, i dindu nuffin wrong today

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Being a pathetic asshole is easy, avatarfag. Not a hard earned mark of distinction like you seem to think it is. You will get no respect for this. Seems like you even fail at Jow Forums. Sad.

yes, being an asshole is easy, that's why im one
>seems like you even fail at Jow Forums. Sad.
why do you cuckchanners talk like this? jeez no wonder this place is the way it is, damn i miss cripplechan

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Either you're so new you don't know that avatarfagging is against the rules, or you just like living life on the edge.

So just because a few women treat you like shit, that's your justification to go treat every other woman in the world like shit, including the ones who have done nothing except be nice and never hurt anyone?

If someone treats you like shit, go treat that specific person like shit. Don't take your anger out on other nice women who did nothing to deserve your wrath and who are literally just trying to fit into society as best as they can.

You are an asshole because someone hurt your poor little feelings. And you never got over it.
And now you post your avatarfag bullshit and want to ralley props for your 0 effort bullshit.
Congrats. You really win at life. Too bad you will never have grandchildren whom you can tell the heroic story of how back in the days you spend your time on Jow Forums bullying people. They'd surely admire you for that.

what's your problem op? i was just having a little bit of fun? why are you this mad?

Except you have absolutely no proof she was "nice and never hurt anyone". Meanwhile you claim OP should be a liar and not deliver on his promises just to sate your desperate white knight persona. Yes, you can say whatever you want to people, unless you go out of your way to directly, physically inconvenience them then they're free game.
The thread had the requirement that he would post whatever post got dubs, regardless of whether it was sucking up to her retarded ass or shitting on her. It just so happened to be the latter. Go back to r/eddit if you want to worship and coddle every female you see.

fuck, i meant user

Is telling a disabled girl to kill herself just for trying to get a date your idea of fun? If so, unironically kill yourself. I'm serious. No joke, no meme, the world would only benefit from your death.

You assume everyone who doesn't start a convo with a woman with the word whore or roastie is a white knight.

What a massive fucking cuck you are.
Go jerk off to your bbc porn

The worthless tranny faggot subhuman calling me a cuck while he prostrates himself in permanent online servitude to every fucking female on the internet, hilarious. You're the type of useless abomination to jump anyone in your little circlejerk orbiter group if they dare to defend themselves against a woman who slaps them, fuck you.

Thing is, assume innocence until proven guilty. Not the other way around, idiot. The girl never gave reason to suspect guilt. Yet you, OP, have proven yourself to be an idiot and an asshole.
And in case you haven't heard, words and bullying can cause similar reactions in the brain as physical violence. So you actually can traumatize people with words in the same way as with physical violence.
Yeah, yo go own and claim that words can only hurt the "weak". But if you'd be honest to yourself, you'd have to admit that words were what fucked YOU up. I bet you never even experienced physical violence. But instead of admitting to yourself that you were fucked up by words, you pretend words don't matter. 100% coping. You're the pussy here, dude.

ITT: reddit whiteknights

>Thing is, assume innocence until proven guilty
In a court of law, yes. This isn't a legal issue. You just automatically assume she's innocent with no evidence at all while you tell OP to kill himself for delivering on the original thread topic. I'm not the OP either you fucking retard.
>And in case you haven't heard, words and bullying can cause similar reactions in the brain as physical violence
Which is entirely your own problem and has nothing to do with whoever triggered it, especially since weak-minded people get hysterical over literally everything. I could start bitching about people using a "trigger word" if I wanted even if it was completely harmless just so I roleplay as some PTSD sufferer. They can only hold themselves accountable. If you want to talk real trauma maybe you should address your rampant brainwashing of robots here to become self-harming trannies, something that isn't just a hypothetical, unsourced reaction and clearly evident.
>I bet you never even experienced physical violence.
I did actually and I responded in kind, I also experienced "mental warfare" in the form of insults and they had absolutely no effect. Worthless abortions like you casually tell people to legitimately kill themselves for not being lying sacks of shit who can't deliver on a statement and then deflect any potential argument against them as "coping" like the little newfaggot flavour-of-the-month meme spamming piece of repulsive shit you are.

>is telling disabled girl blah blah blah
yes it is and you can't do anything about it faggot hahahaha
yup, its pathetic

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This is how courts of law work because it is the sane way to think. thinking the other way around is illogical and borders mental illness.
You are not bound to keep dumb promises that hurt others. Grow up.
I never told anybody to kill themselves. Would not do that. Yet OP did. Just saying.
And the violence you experienced didn't to the fuck up we see in front of us right now. The words did. You are just too proud to admit it. Because it would make you look weak, right? Nah dude. You cannot "decide" if words hurt you. Your brain registers them as injuries, if you like it or not.
And some people are more easily hurt than others, so what? Why should that make them deserving of pain? Should every guy who is physically stronger than you be allowed to beat you up because you deserve it for being such a weak pussy?
You are just a hypocrite. And a dumb one. Your worldview is a constant dance around the almighty cognitive dissonance. Your inconsistencies show, dude.

>do you enjoy being fucking pussies?
no, but I do enjoy having a future ahead of me.

I swear to fucking god, if I have a kid in the future and they turn out to be like you, I am absolutely cutting them off. Out on the streets they go. If they're underage, they go with a relative. Ain't dealing with that noise, and I hope your family (because you're absolutely a neet) does the same with you.

i didn't do anything user, the other OP did it, im innocent, stop sperging out pls
what are you implying? i hide my power level from everyone irl and i already have a job

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normies come here to show off how edgy and transphobic they are

you reckon its reddit and their hurrdurr incels posting?
if only there was a comfier duplicate of r9k but with the quality and good jannies
you have trannycord? shit app but theres no other good choice where we could talk about it in private

>everyone who disagrees with me is a neet and should kill himself

>muh transphobia
we already have so just fucking go there

>This is how courts of law work because it is the sane way to think
Ah, so you're a retard who thinks the legal system is always moral, figures. No one was being "hurt" by that promise since text has absolutely nothing to do with injury and if you were weak-minded enough to have a fucking mental breakdown at being told to kill yourself then you're a waste of oxygen and likely an attention whore to boot.
>I never told anybody to kill themselves.
Of course, which is why 90% of the thread was vicious insult hurling streaks against OP and multiple orbiters telling him to kill himself, I'm sure you weren't among them despite your zealous defence of this nobody.
>The words did.
Armchair psychology time with you is it? I can barely remember the three or four times I was insulted in my life and if it had any effect on me at all then all it served to do was harden both my mentality and my morals. You can decide if words "hurt" you actually. When you choose to be the sort of person who lives off sympathy and attention you'll almost convince yourself to become hysterical and overdramatic at even the most inane, generic insults. If you somehow think the person throwing them out is at fault when they have no means of knowing whether or not they're talking to a delusional mental case then you're in some warped state of mind yourself.
>Why should that make them deserving of pain?
Where exactly did I say that they deserve to be in pain just for being impressionable? I didn't, especially since pain can only be universally, knowingly transmitted physically. If you're insulted or offended by anything then you're the only person who needs to hold themselves accountable and grow some fucking balls.

>go there
nah, maybe normies should leave instead

>using the word normies
look at this normalfag

thats the exact same mindset that /b/tards hold- look how much porn there is now

>projecting this hard

Yeah except there's lines you don't cross and they're there for a reason. OP shouldn't be delivering on his promises at the risk of seriously hurting someone. You think only physical violence traumatizes people? Like other user said words can do it as well, especially to people who are already disabled and just doing their best to try and fit in.

Giving OP a choice of keeping his promise and further hurting someone who is disabled or breaking his "promise" on an internet image board to protect a disabled human being from further harm? I mean yeah, surely he must keep his promise, what a real hero hey? You and OP need a serious reality check.

>do you have trannycord?
>if only there was a comfier duplicate of r9k
cripplechan's r9k was comfier but sadly got nuked and wizchan is way too slow
>using more buzzwords
whatever you say user, you're trying way too hard to fit in

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Disabled or not, women are trash and comparing them to men is apples to oranges. Get dabbed on, moralfag.

>No one would care if you die, therefore kill yourself
If I zero sum, why should I bother?

>The world would be better off if you're dead, therefore kill yourself
That assumes that I care about other people's value of me. I don't. Fuck normalfags. I'll plague you to the last.

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And then you wonder why you will be alone forever.

sigh, if only there was any r9k doppelganger which isnt pozzed/nuked
also, think you (you)ed the wrong guy

read up on this stuff, dude. you are contradicting actual science with your own made up "facts" here.
And "a nobody"??? Are you fucking serious? Who decides who gets to be a "somebody"? You? You are so fucked up in the head, it's not even funny anymore.

>Yeah except there's lines you don't cross and they're there for a reason
Says who? You and your orbiter circlejerk who don't give a fuck when men are being vilified for traits beyond their control while women are off bounds? This is open warfare, women need to realise they aren't superior to men and the best way to go about that is deal exactly the same maliciousness they've been dishing out, back to them. OP wasn't at risk of hurting anyone, only physical wounds actually universally harm, you faggots who work off the "moral" basis of censoring everyone who dares to say or type anything you deem as "wrong" (which is subjective) despite an individuals reaction to it being entirely based on their own collective of thoughts and mindset at the time are practically villains. You can choose to be hurt by words, sure. That's your own fault and your own imperative, if anything it serves as an example to thicken your skin instead of forcing yourself to have some breakdown every time you face any degree of verbal objection.
>Giving OP a choice of keeping his promise and further hurting someone who is disabled or breaking his "promise" on an internet image board to protect a disabled human being from further harm?
What harm, they weren't even harmed initially never mind your baseless assumption that they'll be harmed further. Lying and breaking promises is a much greater sin than hurting someone's feelings with mean words.

Actual "science" is worthless when it comes to psychology and philosophy, since it works off the basis that all humans are universally the exact same mindless automata who can always be carefully designated as experimental lab rats in a variety of different scenarios even without a hundred percent degree of accuracy then the "results" are foisted on everyone anyway, even if they could very well contradict their thought experiments.

groupthink is best think OP fuck u

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neurosciences, idiot. not psychology. biology. hard science. read up, moron.

i don't know what's going on in this thread anymore

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Feel free to point out exactly what deciding factor in a reaction (since you haven't addressed any part of that reply) is dictated entirely by neurosciences then faggot, since I've already axed psychology and philosophy from the equation. A developed mind benefits from either and nullifies almost entirely any instinctive basis you'd have to paint yourself as a victim for one of the most common insults on the planet.

all these normalfags kek op baited them pretty well, go back to plebbit niggerfaggots
unironically this, can someone post some animal gore to make these plebbiters faggots fuck of

I don't hate women. They hate me. I want to worship someone but I am alone.

>This is open warfare, women need to realise they aren't superior to men and the best way to go about that is deal exactly the same maliciousness they've been dishing out, back to them.
I never said women were superior to men. I've had similar discussions with women who jump to conclusions and put men down for no reason. Although what OP did was lot more serious than that. And again, it's not all women, just like it's not all men. If you want to dish out some revenge, do it directly to the women or men who hurt you. Don't go randomly attacking people who have done nothing to you just for laughs or because "somebody talks bad to me so I'm just going to go attack everyone whose similar to them". That's just silly. Then you're just hurting potentially innocent people for no reason and in a round about way, if you hurt them enough then they may get angry and do the same thing you're doing, and then we end up in a downward spiral of everyone hurting everyone instead of dealing directly with whoever hurt you.

>OP wasn't at risk of hurting anyone, only physical wounds actually universally harm
If you think only physical wounds universally harm, then you don't really understand much at all about emotions and mental illness, do you? People don't necessarily "choose" to be hurt by words and telling people to "thicken their skin" is easier said than done. I mean just look at the amount of hate some people have on this board, look at your hate, look at how badly some of them have been hurt and look at what dysfunctional behaviors it causes some of them to engage in and you're trying to tell me that words and emotions don't do any damage? Open your eyes man.

>they weren't even harmed initially never mind your baseless assumption that they'll be harmed further.
Telling disabled people to kill themselves irl isn't cool and can harm them. Many of them already have a fragile self-image and this sort of thing can seriously damage their self-esteem even more.

why are you still blaming me user, blame the other OP for having that idea

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Unfortunately for you, faggot, I have a gf.

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Yeah what I wrote applies to him as well. Yet you were basically approving of what his doing in your reply hence why I replied to you.

>i replied to you
when? im not the one you're arguing with, that's a different user

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You don't need to say it, it's just a truth. Nothing OP did or typed was serious, it was a thread made a thousand times before without pretentious orbiters invading it and forcing their dictatorial enforcement of some unwritten code down everyone's throat. Dishing out the goods to the non-existent woman or man who hypothetically hurts someone is pointless when this is an outstanding issue with the entire concept of the female as a whole.
>Don't go randomly attacking people
No one is being randomly attacked, insults are not an attack and they never were, since it's entirely reliant on the "victim" regarding whether or not they choose to be offended by it. An eye-for-an-eye is not a downward spiral, it's what should be the foundation of morality. If you can't be expected to take even something as banal as "kill yourself" without breaking down then you were always going to be a useless anomaly of just how imperfect the mind can be when it isn't attended to.
>you don't really understand much at all about emotions and mental illness
I do, enough to know that the modern application of mental illness has completely decimated any legitimacy the term had in the first place and that emotions can be both controlled and trained. Anyone "damaged" by words is a complete lost cause who would already shatter into pieces at the slightest provocation, people like that are unfortunate victims of themselves and censoring others for their own over-dramatic reactions is unjustified.
>Telling disabled people to kill themselves irl isn't cool and can harm them.
If you have a personal relationship with them and genuinely mean it then it can (which isn't relevant at all here), but even then it has nothing to do with the person saying it. If you were to hurl some insult now and I were to suddenly have a mental breakdown and kill myself because it was so gut wrenching , I hope you would hold yourself responsible, even though a strangers psychological weakness can't be verified.

>Nothing OP did or typed was serious, it was a thread made a thousand times before
Yeah there's plenty of threads all over the place making fun of someone. That's the norm here. I get it. Can't say I agree with all of it but I get it and while it's contained to this board then yeah it's hopefully pretty harmless. The difference here, and where OP of that other thread crossed the line, is that they went from Jow Forums to irl when they actually messaged her to kill herself for real versus simply joking about it here. By doing that, his now risking actually hurting her for real.

>Dishing out the goods to the non-existent woman or man who hypothetically hurts someone is pointless when this is an outstanding issue with the entire concept of the female as a whole.
I feel sorry for you if you truly believe that. Yeah there's plenty of women who purposely act in hurtful ways just because they can. Yet there's also plenty of women who are wonderful human beings and don't do any of the shit you're talking about. I hope you get to meet them one day. Same thing applies to men.

>insults are not an attack and they never were, since it's entirely reliant on the "victim" regarding whether or not they choose to be offended by it.
Again, you're struggling to understand the impact emotions can have on people. If it was as easy as that, as easy as choosing not to be offended by something, then none of you would hate women at all. You would just "let go" of all the negative emotions you have for women and love them anyway. You could be happy no matter what they did and said because hey it's just words right? You can choose whether or not they affect you. But that's not reality is it? One look at this board and there's venom being spewed everywhere because so many people here are hurting. One look at social media and most of the world and you will see a similar story playing out. Controlling your emotions isn't as easy as you think it is.

>emotions can be both controlled and trained. Anyone "damaged" by words is a complete lost cause who would already shatter into pieces at the slightest provocation
You're contradicting yourself here. On one hand you say anyone damaged by words is a lost cause and on the other hand you say emotions can be controlled and trained so that doesn't happen. Which is it? I actually agree with you here though. I think what you meant is those who haven't learnt to control their emotions can be damaged by them, while those who are trained in emotional regulation and similar are better able to manage them appropriately. The issue? Most people aren't taught this. We go to school and learn how to read and write and do 1 + 1, but aren't taught so many important life skills. Personally I'd think it would be a brilliant idea for kids to be taught how to properly regulate their emotions, control their thinking, etc. from a young age but that doesn't happen yet. The result is a bunch of walking wounded everywhere you look.

>even though a strangers psychological weakness can't be verified.
This right here is why it wasn't a good idea for him to tell a disabled person to kill themselves irl. First, it was in a dating context, and people are naturally more nervous than usual in that. They're more sensitive to rejection and that naturally increases for those with disabilities if they're already worried what others will think of them. Secondly, dating isn't Jow Forums.
Here it's basically expected to hear kys. Not so much in a dating context, hence the shock value alone can increase the emotional damage you can do to someone. So telling a disabled person to kys in a real life dating situation when they're not going to expect it has a much greater chance of harming them. The fact that we can't verify whether or not it would is exactly why you should err on the side of caution and not do those sorts of things.

This feels pretty temporary to me. Especially as summer isn't over yet. I'm sure the majority of them should be gone come October.

You know this is serious how? It's no more a legitimate recommendation than it is on Jow Forums, especially with someone you've only had minimal contact through texting with. It's made even more obvious when it clearly demonstrates a drastic change of tone that even an incredibly retarded girl like that should catch onto.
>Yet there's also plenty of women who are wonderful human beings and don't do any of the shit you're talking about.
False, when presented with the correct situation and scenario, all women will conduct themselves the same way. Even if they didn't then it wouldn't matter because the majority takes precedence over the minority.
>as easy as choosing not to be offended by something, then none of you would hate women at all.
You could also choose not to be offended yet hate them for general slights on others and their manner of conducting themselves anyway, it doesn't have to be interpreted as a personal slight against you. No one here with a brain is actively trying to censor women for offending them either. Unless you're completely logical and you've "completed" your mind (which you should do as an adult) then you're not fit to play the victim when some throwaway derogatory term throws you offguard.
>On one hand you say anyone damaged by words is a lost cause and on the other hand you say emotions can be controlled and trained so that doesn't happen
Because both are true, they're a lost cause because they don't take the opportunity to control or train their emotions, instead society coddles them and leads them to feel sorry for themselves while pinning the blame on the "attacker". There's no physical block on their development. Basic mental development shouldn't require sustained education, it's a normal expectation of an adult to be able to handle an insult without breaking down over it.

>This right here is why it wasn't a good idea for him to tell a disabled person to kill themselves irl. First, it was in a dating context
You're implying she was remotely capable of any degree of introspection or reading the atmosphere, which as evidenced from her texts, she wasn't. Those with less mental foundation like the tard OP was messing with aren't capable of taking any insult personally, they can't process it, especially when it's a drastic, unprovoked change of tone. Some individual with the same mental condition could either zone out when presented that comment and ignore it or burst into tears depending on who it is, which is all the same risk you have with virtually anyone who chooses to go on less popular dating apps. Of course, if they were to use hookup/dating apps in the first place they would be terrible people and for the most part they would warrant some reminder of the real world. No doubt she lived a coddled and protected lifestyle where everyone surrounding her grossly inflated the value and competence of all of her defining features and traits, this is a reflection of the "moral" way of treating these people that certainly harms them more in the long run than a "kys" does.

>False, when presented with the correct situation and scenario, all women will conduct themselves the same way.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree there. I've seen plenty of women who do conduct themselves in very loving ways regardless of the situation. You have either spent too much time around the wrong type of women and therefore have negative lopsided perceptions of women in general and/or you are too blinded by your hate to realize that not all women are the devil's incarnate.

>You could also choose not to be offended yet hate them for general slights on others and their manner of conducting themselves anyway
Hate is just another negative emotion that arises out of Anger. If you had truly mastered your emotions, you could let go of anger and hate just as easily as you could let go being offended or upset at what anyone said to you. You could instead replace all those negative emotions with positive feel-good emotions like love, joy, etc. But just like you and a lot of people here can't let go of your anger and your hate, so it's the same where a lot of people can't let go of their sadness or being hurt either.

>Because both are true, they're a lost cause because they don't take the opportunity to control or train their emotions
Again, learning to control your emotions isn't as easy as you think it is, otherwise everyone would do it and everyone would be happy because they had let go of all their negative emotions. More importantly, not everyone has the opportunity to learn and not everyone knows that you can train your emotions to start with. Personally I wish these sorts of things were taught to kids from a very young age. But until that happens, maybe it's worthwhile realizing that a lot of people don't know how to deal with them properly and therefore maybe we could all be a bit nicer to each other, especially irl scenarios where you wouldn't expect someone to tell you to kys unlike Jow Forums were it seems to be expected.

>instead society coddles them and leads them to feel sorry for themselves while pinning the blame on the "attacker".
I agree with you here. Slightly off-topic, but imo allowing people to be victims and the whole "safe spaces" thing is sending our society backwards. I agree with you that we can't control what happens to us but we can learn to control how we deal with it and feel about it. Unfortunately for those people who see themselves totally as a victim, they're usually not willing to help themselves and learn how to control their emotions or anything like that. My experience with safe spaces then has essentially been a way for them to escape reality, rather than training grounds to better prepare them to deal with reality so they can become stronger and more capable in the world. Again though, none of this is easy, so I feel sorry for those who get stuck in this space and hope they can find the courage to get ahead eventually.

>it's a normal expectation of an adult to be able to handle an insult without breaking down over it.
Yes & no. Mental illness aside, perhaps you would expect that. Not everyone has finished developing emotionally though, that's another issue. And really, insults can break someone down over time. One insult fine? But just go look at some of the statistics of what ongoing bullying or cyberbullying, etc. can do to people. Even the strongest armor can eventually break down over time if it takes enough damage. So don't underestimate the long-term impact of your words on people, especially outside of Jow Forums in irl situations where people aren't expecting it (unlike here where it's the norm and everyone expects it if they've been here for longer than 30 minutes).

>Those with less mental foundation like the tard OP was messing with aren't capable of taking any insult personally, they can't process it,
That's possibly true. Like you said though, we can't know for sure, so why not err on the side of caution and not do it?

im amazed that this is still going, im going to bed now take care anons, may our paths cross again

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>I've seen plenty of women who do conduct themselves in very loving ways regardless of the situation
Anecdotal, they always have an ulterior motive and have no emotional consistency, they need to be taught to subvert this through throwing their impulsiveness back at them.
>If you had truly mastered your emotions, you could let go of anger and hate just as easily
You can let go of any emotion as long as you're logical enough about it, but you're acting off the assumption that anger is inherently negative when it actually serves as a driving and invigorating force. Replacing negative emotions with positive emotions when the situation doesn't befit positive emotions is pointless.
>Again, learning to control your emotions isn't as easy as you think it is,
It really is. In a way you unconsciously control them by being an adult who doesn't immediately become inconsolable the moment you have some opposition thrown your way. If I were to tell you to kill yourself right now and you didn't do it, or weren't personally offended then you're already controlling them in a basic sense. I never implied learning to control your emotions means you can force any feeling you want at any time, rather that you can meld them into logical thinking and become more fluid and adaptive, thinking around said prior opposition instead of immediately victimising yourself and falling into a rut over something you really should be able to deal with even as a pre-teen. You stab a child or you stab a hulking beast of a man and either way you know you've personally intruded on their personal space, objectively wounded them and can observe this afterwords. You can't account for how a stranger reacts when you hurl an insult at them because all of the deciding variables lie on them, not on you. How do you know people on Jow Forums aren't actually broken inside by a "kys" and they're just waiting dormant until their IP never shows up again, indicating they've acted on their "breakdown"? You don't.

>Again though, none of this is easy, so I feel sorry for those who get stuck in this space and hope they can find the courage to get ahead eventually.
Notice this is still only addressing the "victim" and assuming they take notice of, understand and react to that "kill yourself" text, that is already a step in educating them regarding that exact topic. If their guardians, parents or whoever else I'd imagine is caring for that high maintenance individual hasn't taught them to deal with that kind of insult then they could function as just as much of a scapegoat as anyone else
>Not everyone has finished developing emotionally though, that's another issue
It is, which makes it their own problem if they're fractured by such a common insult on all forms of online communication. Bullying is arguably beneficial, it can either harden an individual socially and mentally or reveal their weakness, either way it brings the type of person they are into light and they can approach their further walks of life according to how they adapt to bullying. Cyber bullying does not exist, the internet provides more than enough availability of means to not have to even recognise you're being "bullied" online, especially when the weaker-minded could interpret something as simple as a volatile insult exchange as cyber bullying. Often it's because they decide to stupidly reveal personal info to people they shouldn't and they pay the price for it, even more in the way of indirect learning for them.
>That's possibly true. Like you said though, we can't know for sure, so why not err on the side of caution and not do it?
Because it provides as much entertainment and time-killing, as much beneficial as it could potentially harm others (if at all). From a utilitarian standpoint it's more than acceptable. If you constantly take no risks with reaction online then you've significantly narrowed your available outlets for enjoyment, why do you think lolcows exist?

Do you actually have over 300 of those pictures?

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Being a moralfag triggers people more than being edgy.

i don't know man, if that was the case this thread would have died hours ago

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fuck the last part was meant for this user

>Anecdotal, they always have an ulterior motive and have no emotional consistency, they need to be taught to subvert this through throwing their impulsiveness back at them.
You could say the same thing about men. Many men have ulterior motives, can be emotionally unstable, can be impulsive, etc. You're still painting every single women with the same brush and I'd encourage you to try looking beyond that to realize that not every women is as bad as you think they are. I can't remember the name of the movie but think it might of been American History X. If you've seen that, imagine that but with a woman instead of a black guy, because that's basically what's happening here. You're so stuck on all women being "bad" that I hope one day you get to have an experience with a good woman will change your perception of them. You'll be much happier for it.

>you're acting off the assumption that anger is inherently negative when it actually serves as a driving and invigorating force. Replacing negative emotions with positive emotions when the situation doesn't befit positive emotions is pointless.
Yes and no. Yes, you're correct that negative emotions can serve useful purposes. Anger can get you into action, just like guilt can be a big "turn around you're going in the wrong direction" sign. However, once you're aware of the negative emotion and taking action because of it, you don't need to keep feeling it forever. That seems to be the trap you and some others here are falling into... you feel angry, you use that anger to drive you into action to correct whatever wrongs happened. But then you hold onto the anger instead of letting it go and then it just causes you to hate and then act in rather dysfunctional ways that ends up hurting others as well. Once you've been driven into action, then you can let go of the anger and the hate. You can still continue to take action without it.

>It really is. In a way you unconsciously control them by being an adult who doesn't immediately become inconsolable the moment you have some opposition thrown your way.
Yes, that's true, provided you're not mentally ill in a way that makes that either impossible or extremely difficult. That's still only a very basic level of emotional regulation though.
People can be taught to go much further than that but aren't, hence why they may not have a breakdown over a comment but it still affects them emotionally. The biggest issue is that the emotional damage can build up over time and that's when it causes the damage.

>How do you know people on Jow Forums aren't actually broken inside by a "kys"
That's the sad part... you don't. Hence why I said earlier that it isn't the nicest thing in any context. For the biggest difference is that Jow Forums has a rep for this sort of thing so people very quickly realize what they're getting into and leave if they can't handle. I've shown some of these boards to a few non-tech people before who have never been exposed to these sorts of things and their eyes just go wide and they never come back. So generally speaking, I'm working on the assumption that most who stick around can handle it. Now contrast that to people letting themselves be vulnerable in dating situations and I don't think the average person is expecting to be told to kill themselves. Hence, it's not a very nice thing to do to expose them to it just for your own enjoyment.

>assuming they take notice of, understand and react to that "kill yourself" text, that is already a step in educating them regarding that exact topic
Just remember they didn't ask you to help toughen them up. And by providing only the abuse without the means to deal with it, you're not really helping them because you're potentially exposing them to something they A) won't be able to handle and B) won't know what to do about it. Instead of putting the onus on them to educate themselves, why not take the responsibility on yourself to learn to better control your own emotions so you can let go of the hate you feel and therefore telling people to kill themselves no long seems like a good idea?

>it provides as much entertainment and time-killing, as much beneficial as it could potentially harm others (if at all). From a utilitarian standpoint it's more than acceptable. If you constantly take no risks with reaction online then you've significantly narrowed your available outlets for enjoyment
If you just want enjoyment, you could get plenty of enjoyment by laughing at her in a Jow Forums thread where she has no idea that's happening. That's still cruel, but at least she won't be on the receiving end of it and therefore not going to be affected by it. My biggest issue is that OP went ahead and actually messaged kys to her instead of just joking with those of you who were encouraging him to do it. That's where imo your enjoyment crossed the line into potentially hurting someone else for no good reason.

And again, have you asked yourself why do you enjoy such things? Why do you get so much joy out of seeing how a disabled woman will react to a potential date telling her she doesn't deserve to live and to go kys? Is it because you haven't trained your own emotions enough to let go of your own anger and hate and so you're still stuck in those emotions and therefore expressing them in rather unhealthy and dysfunctional ways that can potentially hurt others?

Maybe instead of expecting her to do all the work, you can as well. Sure, if those comments did hurt her, she could learn how to deal with them better. At the same time, you could learn to let go of your own negative emotions so you no longer feel the need to say these sorts of things to random dates. Then she can handle it if it happens and you're now in a better place so you can get your enjoyment in healthier ways without needing to even make those sort of nasty comments in the first place. Then everyone wins.

Otherwise, you're just going to continue to endlessly get enjoyment from acting in dysfunctional ways and then you're not really any better then those women you're complaining about. Now you're continuously accusing women of acting in unhealthy ways while you're doing the same thing back to them. Eventually someone needs to take responsibility and do something so they no longer feel a desire to participate in that otherwise the negative cycle just continues.

>any men have ulterior motives, can be emotionally unstable, can be impulsive, etc.
Some can, not all of them. All women display these traits though, every second thread here serves as a prime example as to why you shouldn't bother with them if you value your agency and happiness, even with the ones that appear harmless enough, like the tard in the last OP.
>However, once you're aware of the negative emotion and taking action because of it, you don't need to keep feeling it forever.
Sure, but in this instance as long as the issue remains regarding the initial topic that induced anger or hatred in the individual, then it may as well be "forever" for as long as that subject remains unsolved. You should adapt your opinion on a topic appropriate to the easiest to relate to emotion befitting it, if it's something you'd have a positive reception for then there's no reason to force yourself to be irate over it, likewise if you have a negative perception of something and try and force yourself to ignore the issue just to be happy about some aspect of it.
>People can be taught to go much further than that but aren't, hence why they may not have a breakdown over a comment but it still affects them emotionally.
That foundation is all you need to progress, it's a cakewalk after that, if you feel the need to adopt a consistent personal philosophy. I managed to as much without that same education. Sure the "damage" can accumulate, but in that case then it's even more the fault of the insecurity and weakness of the subject rather than any one person or cause. By coddling them and shying away from insults for fear of mentally damaging them you're just delaying their inevitable breakdown.
>So generally speaking, I'm working on the assumption that most who stick around can handle it.
Which would be more accurate, but since it's not a forgone conclusion then by your logic would you not stride the boundaries of caution regardless of the community?

>Just remember they didn't ask you to help toughen them up.
They didn't ask for anything, the moment they jump onto a dating site where they connect with strangers then they're already playing with individuals they can't control or account for, they're taking a risk that they can't always expect to go there way. Hardening their resolve is very much something they will barely notice and not something they could possibly interpret as harmful to their person. If they can't handle the "abuse", then they'll more than likely reveal that aspect to whoever they interact with publicly. If they can, then there is absolutely no harm done. Having to pussyfoot around everything you say and type just to avoid being censored or blamed for some loose cannon overreacting is absurd, people should be able to say what they wish.
>If you just want enjoyment, you could get plenty of enjoyment by laughing at her in a Jow Forums thread where she has no idea that's happening.
What if she coincidentally happens to visit the site or a friend or associate informs her of it? These people have likely received much more specific, personal insults than "kys" before and they still persist, why take any risks or liberties at all when there remains an even nominal chance of them taking everything to heart? Deriving enjoyment from content that isn't openly feel-good bullshit is a long standing tradition, which is again why some less self-aware people who make the mistake of advertising their shamelessness online get laughed at, because they deserve it. If it doesn't affect them then there's no change, if it does it reveals the truth, which is always a positive result. It benefits everyone long-term, it only harms when you look at it from a short-term, projective perspective.

>you can as well
Why? I'm not responsible for anyone but myself, I don't owe strangers anything and vice-versa. It had nothing to do with negative emotions, the OP stated that he would text her whatever the dubs was, it happened to be an inflammatory remark. It could've just as easily been some suckup orbiter remark. None of the people who legitimately requested (and even reiterated that they genuinely wanted OP to kill himself in turn) that OP back off or harm himself seem to have grasped that.
>Otherwise, you're just going to continue to endlessly get enjoyment from acting in dysfunctional ways and then you're not really any better then those women you're complaining about
Not everyone can force themselves to find enjoyment from the absolute pinnacle of altruism in every given scenario and opportunity to do so. Even controlling your psyche only provides so much leeway, people are different enough they need other outlets for that. My treatment of women in unhealthy ways is very much a repeat of the "eye for an eye" philosophy, which I've always held myself to. I should also mention I didn't actually do anything other than defend OP, so I'm not actively treating anyone any way.

>i didn't actually do anything other than defend OP
i like you too user

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