Neets only exist because of charity
pfft, yeah. forced charity
>First time in human history you can get away without working and live an easy life
>Some people don't take it
More neetbucks for me lmao
it doesnt feel good being at the bottom of the food chain living a synthetic unnatural lifestyle that leaves you in a state of unhealth both physically and mentally. you have all the time in the world but youre caged by your reckless intertia. you have all the time in the world and you compare yourself to the wagie. all that time but none spend reading and educating yourself so you wouldnt have to be a wagie.
>Its either neet or wagie
Why do robots complain that women don't want to fuck them, but then proudly proclaim that they're a leech on society?
Neet might be better than wagie, but men need something to be passionate and fight for in their lives. Giving up and choosing comfort won't lead to a fulfilling or even happy life
I'd be a NEET if I could, I hate uni
Why you like this friend? Couldn't get by in life on your own?
> but men need something to be passionate and fight for in their lives
>implying wagies have that.
a magnitude more wagies have that vs a lazy fuckin neets. are you just acting retarded
>Jow Forums is one person
proud volcel neet here
Parasitic species always last longer than the host
>b-but they die if the host dies
Yeah, if they dont look for a new host
this so much
wageslavery is just a distraction from the banality of the being niggercattle
a neet is barely a parasite. its a sloth that leeches off the goodwill of others. to compare yourself to the classification of a parasite is the reason why youre such a dumb fuck. there is almost always some sort of mental convolution associated with being a proud neet. that is until the universe curb stomps you.
I don't want to be a neet anymore. I want a gf and I want to move the fuck out of here.
ok mate.
>Don't care about society despite working in health
>Have a white boss who has a white boss who probably has a Jew boss
>Don't have to worry about female coworkers because I'm not ugly
>Friends with all the guys
>Don't have debt/loans because I live within my means
Find a career/place of employment you can handle waking up 5 days a week to.
no they exist because their parents didn't kick them out (yet)
there's literally no reason to work in retail or fast food
but I do suggest to do the thing you love and eventually make money from it.
I was a NEET for four years. When I broke up with my gf who was with me during that time I realized I'd never get laid again if I was a useless piece of shit. I did menial jobs for about a year and I fucking hated it and wanted to give up. Instead I went back to uni and started finishing my degree. About a year later I got a job in my field that I legitimately enjoy. I'm about to graduate next semester with good grades and real world experience in my field. The future is bright and I'm actually somewhat happy for the first time in my life.
True but you cant forget neet bux
being a leech comes AFTER the complaints. When you realize you aren't going to get a girl anyway you think "wait, why am I caring about societal expectations? I wanted love (or at least sex) and they can't even give me that, fuck society"
>I wanted love (or at least sex) and they can't even give me that, fuck society"
That's such an entitled attitude. Jesus Christ. Sounds like a SJW demanding muh rights. Be a man.
One should not care about a society that demands everything and gives nothing. What's in it for me?
You should look into keeping your society as it is, it's probably worth it if you don't lack anything else so you can worry about companionship.
I can understand them, if they're fucked they might as well work part time or minimal effort their way into a paycheck then entertain themselves.
Keep working wagie, my autismbucks are not gonna pay themselves.
nah, youd be dead in a week
I've been told that for 6 years already, pray harder champ.
My life is good, I dont need no fucking prayers
Our fathers squandered the wealth that their forebearers toiled for, kicking the problems of society down the road like a rusty can. It's only right that we try to enjoy what little pleasures that this dying husk of a society grants us.
Having a Jewish boss would be alright. If you have serious debt or loans though then you are doing something majorly wrong.
>kicking the problems of society down the road like a rusty can
They didn't kick the problems down the road. They made them worse on purpose. Baby Boomers didn't just accept degeneracy. They pushed it.
I laugh at anyone who doesnt have at least a million dollars in their bank accounts. Keep working lol!
I mean, if doing nothing is what makes you happy then do it man.
I'd prefer to grow a skillset in a talent that I'm interested in and make friends along the way.
I have no options anyway. I was always mostly isolated and aimless, and that is realistically how it will remain until I eventually kill myself.
Just because I'm not wageslaving doesn't mean I'm not developing talents. I'm a pretty good pianist and at least a semi-competent kickboxer. The fact I don't have to spend my days in some soul crushing shithole means I can afford to spend more time on such pursuits.
I mean, i don't spend my time in some soul crushing shit hole.
I thoroughly enjoy the work I do and the people I work with. Do you pay for pianist lessons? How do you really improve if you don't work with the best of the best, or at least individuals more talented than you?
>Do you pay for pianist lessons?
Not with money. My neighbour is a retired pianist and I'm a pretty competent cook so we kinda have an agreement. I make more food than I need and he gives me lessons free of charge.
>I thoroughly enjoy the work I do and the people I work with
What is it you do? I worked for a while and found nothing doing. Call me entitled but why would I commit to work I don't enjoy when I have the option not to?
Very true, I just hope I can accumulate enough money to leave before the system crashes hard.
>why would I commit to work I don't enjoy when I have the option not to?
I mean, that's fair. I just wanna make like, a shit ton of money. I don't wanna just coast ya know? I want a bunch of money to do what I want to exorbitant extremes.
>What is it you do?
Software engineer with an awesome company. That last part is important
I've lived both poor and wealthy. Money doesn't really appeal to me anymore as long as I can otherwise pursue my interests.
>Software engineer with an awesome company
I'm glad you've found work you enjoy. So few of us do.
>How do you really improve if you don't work with the best of the best, or at least individuals more talented than you?
I can't understand how people think like this when the internet exists.
Because vaginas are bigger material leeches and also emotional leeches. NEETs consume very little, especially compared to roastbeef.
how do you find a good, non-jewish software company? also what do you actually need on a resume in relation to non-jewish company and not 10 years experience required to unpaid internships
>waggie tears
Kek imagine being a fag so lazy that you live off of other peoples work, I can't imagine anything more gay than letting other people give you free money just so you can buy cheap junk food so you can have a heart attack at 30.