User, you drank water from the tap?

user, you drank water from the tap?

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It's filtered

Yes? That's where water comes from.

No, I drink bottled water.

Tap water is for up the butthole

I have a water filter desu

At least boil it up jesus you fucking subhumans

try not living in a shithole nigger

Not only do I drink from the tap, but it's well water, son! I drink that shit like it was as sweet as Spanish wine. Bottle water is for easily manipulated tools of beverage companies. I suck on a metal spigot like a third worlder.

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Unless you're chinese (or otherwise a third worlder) you don't need to boil your water.

reverse osmosis here fren

Do you boil all your water, troglodyte?

nope, i drink from a water dispenser, only niggers and poorfags drink from the tap

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Fuk u op I drink my tea strait from the spout

Implying that isnt just tap water

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Post more of her.


woah you sure showed me iToddler

Thats rude I was just criticizing respectfully

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the house i grew up in had a well and a water softener. Best tap water in the world. I miss being able to drink a tall glass of tap water without worrying about heavy metals and sewage

Sorry Rem, you are very cute.

Fuck off I have a filter

I distill my water.
>inb4 thats bad for you
Maybe in a survival situation where you arent eating properly, but a normal person gets more than enough electrolytes from food.

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I forgive you and would like to make sweet love to you

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of course
you think I'm going to pay for bottled water?
fuck that shit
tap water is perfectly fine

i have filtered well water fren

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If youre fucked up to the point where tap water has an effect on you, you have a lot more problems to deal with than Tap water

You absolute trashcan of a human being.
Forgot you live in the fucking congo.

user that's not me

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Well now I dont know what to think. Forget it I still want to make sweet love to you

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Yea I live in a first world country that doesn't need to chemically treat its water

yeah but i use a brita filter because im a poorfag. heres literally the tea i made from the filtered brita water im LITERALLY drinking right now

and ive seen some studies that show that a brita filter is one of the most cost-effective filters on the market. regardless of how hard you contest this claim, i think its fair to say that filtering water is better than not filtering it

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You probably get sick from going outside don't you? Grow a pair dude.

Ah good to see you tea man

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i have a well that goes 500 feet down into the side of a mountain, cleaner than bottled water. goes to my house only so im basically just flexing on all them city slickers

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sorry user but you have to be a biological girl for that

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>third worlders can't drink tap water because they'll literally die
Man sometimes I take for granted the fact I live in a first world nation.

All my water gets filtered through a beautiful fembot's kidneys and dispensed from her bladder yum yum

Who here /britawaterfilter/?

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