Do short guys actually like tall girls or am I being fooled?
Do short guys actually like tall girls or am I being fooled?
It's a vocal minority of guys who aren't as ashamed of their height because it's easier looking for a girl taller than them. Most men universally prefer shorter girls, it's just human nature.
Slightly above average in the US here, and I'd like a taller gf.
I like tall girls and at 5'5" I'm a short guy
Its not a meme but a lot of short guys are insecure about their height so the relationship may become toxic if his insecuritues aren't managed
Men are generally less selective about height then women. Women are more selective and more individual in their selectiveness. Based on how trait neuroticism is different gender wise
It depends on the individual, obviously. Use your head. I am 5'8" I find tall girls about as attractive as short ones, I just dont bother with them because most of them wont date short guys.
Sure, attractive women are attractive, full stop. There was a 6'3 barista at a coffee shop i like that I thought was a total babe, my friends and I would joke and call her our friendly neighborhood amazon. We make fun but only because we all liked her a d it was a reason to talk about her. A girl being really tall is intimidating from the relationships perspective but only because of the social pressures and insecurity it breeds, not because they aren't attractive for being tall.
No you've got it completely wrong. Height is not an issue. It's simply not an obstruction for ANY guy. That doesn't mean a guy will like you just for being tall. Many times fags like this want to be dominated. There even fewer kind are those who actually like a girl for being tall (such as myself). It's not too uncommon, but the femdom fags are roaches like footfags.
I'm a manlet 5'4" who wants a taller gf
A girl's hight does not matter unless they're absurdly short or tall
I'm in the same boat as this guy
>Be me
>Like girls who are taller than me
I'm 5'6 and I don't have any issues with a girl being taller but I prefer someone either around my height or shorter. I always have to resist the urge to headpat short girls kek.
>be me
>be 5'8"
>go to wedding
>very cute bridesmaid is there
>we talk and joke and hit it off
>talk on and off during the night
>be later
>walking to car to pickup stuff at hotel after wedding
>she appears next to me
>starts talking
>hit on her
>she laughs
>rolls her eyes
>tells me she has tried short guys before but it never works
>looks at me
>you logistically cannot give me pleasure
>laughs at me
Why couldn't she just say she wasn't interested
Opposite, why are short girls interest in me and I can't find the top or bottom heavy one ?
Also in before I doom my male offspring, half will be 5'11 and others over six foot.
I'm 1.85 meters tall, which might be considered tall depending on the region, and I find taller girls extremely attractive. I was friend with one in high school, she was taller than I was then, played volleyball and she had astonishingly harmonious features, her face had strong angles, but not in a roided up east german female athlete way, her breasts were small, upper body well toned, and her legs were absolutely glorious. I never got beyond friendship with her, but just seeing and talking to her made me happy.
I honestly don't mind height as long as the girl looks good. She can dwarf me or I can be taller than her for all I care. But the most important thing is personality. Otherwise she can fuck off.
What does it matter?
Tall girls don't like short guys.
But to answer your question:
Yes, there are lots of guys attracted to tall girls. Most guys are attracted to the vast majority of girls. For you to not be attractive to a male you'd need to be obese or severely deformed.
I like girls who are taller than me but I'm like 6'3. It sucks bros
I'm 5'11 and that's the most average height ever, you can't compete.
I'm 5'7 and have a strong preference for tall girls. I want them to be AT LEAST as tall as me, but significantly taller than me is way better.
Well I'm a tall guy that likes tall girls so presumably there are also short guys that like tall girls
Like other anons, i'm a bit over 6' and like tall girls, even if she's around my height that's already tall for a girl and i consider it a plus. Even more if tomboy, though i'm not sure a tomboy would like a lanklet. Not a fan of huge size differences, i think if she's shorter than my chin it would be awkward.
Most guys are too scared to ask out taller girls or aren't attracted to taller girls, when most girls aren't attracted to smaller guys it creates a gap, many short people are happy to feel.
>fetish for tall girls
>have to resist the urge to headpat short girls
senpai, you ARE the short girl
That's a lanklet virgin meme. Only a few short guys are insecure about it, the majority aren't.
>Tall girls don't like short guys.
You are factually wrong.
Only femdom cucks really _want_ a woman who's taller than them.
Turbomanlets might settle for one anyway, because if you're a 5'4" man it's not that easy (in America) to find a shorter woman than you and you're probably not desirable enough to be picky.
If she looks good and is nice and not too heavy to toss about I don't care. Do have a bias to shorter girls but the taller ones have their own charm.
For a girl to be attracted to a short guy, she'd have to be mentally ill.
Guys have preferences, not requirements (unless you count not being obese or deformed as requirements), they are meant to be attracted to the highest % of girls possible.
Women are supposed to be physically attracted to a minority of men, and that minority does not include manlets. If a woman is attracted to a manlet, it's a sign of severe mental imbalance.
Wut. 5'4" is the average female height in America.
How tall was the guy who made your oneitis his gf? 5'6"?
Just don't give it any (you)s it's a larping discord-cel ironic weeaboo who actually knows nothing
isn't 200cm like 7ft?
Man wouldn't it be funny for a tall girl to sexually bully you haha
I'm 6'2 and I dated a girl that was 6'6, felt nice.
>For a girl to be attracted to a short guy, she'd have to be mentally ill.
I'm almost exclusively attracted to short guys (not just because they are smaller than me, manlets usually have much prettier faces) and I am as NT as they come. I know plenty of girls who date really cute short guys
I'm 5"6, pplease mmarry me, I'll be your loving housewife and we can have babies
Not a short guy, but a very tall one, i only like girls that are atleast 180+cm, very hard to come by tho, if i'm towering a girl completely it jsut feels awkward
Just imagine guys. Hahahah. It would be so funny. Who would want such a thing?! Right?! ....right?
I'm 160 cm and I'd be fine with a tall GF.
i once had a very large black woman forcibly have her way with me, shit sucked
yea you are being fooled, there is nothing worse than tall girls. i am 100 percent serious when i say that id rather die a virgin than having to date a taller girl
all women are cruel whores, yes, all of them
take the blackpill
I'm 170cm and I like them. I think most either go for ones that are the same height or shorter though.
Was she f@t?
tall, fat, and stinky. somehow I didn't get a STD
good goyim take the blackpill be defeatist
a bland vanilla hentai
yes, boyim. There's a woman for every man. Just slave until she gets too old for ch-- I mean, realizes that "nice guys" are worth it.
not every woman wants chadwick stormgenitalia
Yeah, I'm sure they want the ugly framelet instead.
>tfw 5'8"
AAggghhhh, I'm too short to be a Chad but too tall to be cute. It's not fair, brehs
>Do short guys actually like tall girls or am I being fooled?
I would like a tall girl in order to have tall children.
But I'm not really small.
i'm not even that short but i'd like the girl to be taller than me while in the end it doesn't really matter tho. but you really cannot generalize it, everyone has different tastes
I unironically like tall girls as a 5'8 manlet. I am just deathly afraid of approaching them cause I immediately assume they think I only approach them because I see them as fetish objects. It's true to a certain extent but I actually would love to have a cute tall gf who would be my wife and bare my children and we spend the rest of our lives together.
Why do you want a manlet bf like me from r9k?
im not a manlet but i wouldnt mind having a gf a bit taller than me, it doesn't bother me. every time i see a guy with a taller gf i think to myself "damn, how did he manage that" and it makes me respect him more. im sure other guys are the same. we dont look down on guys for stuff like this.
I'm normal height (6'0) and I like tall girls, I think they are unique. Tall girls look better in a dress as well.
I prefer tall women, but I'm 188 cm
pretty much everyone loves tall girls, but short girls convinced tall girls that they're inferior, when nothing could be further from the truth
And yet one of the main issues that makes it impossible for guys to get dates is short stature. It's a mystery.
Based user and based manga. I wish I could have a wholesome romance like that; imagine finding a tall girl who really doesn't care about height and loves you regardless of what society expects.
I actually know exactly where my preference for taller girls came from. In middle school, i was the shortest person there. I didnt break 5 feet until high school. Everybody was teller than i was, especially the girls. I am still a manlet, though.
How come men both like tall and short girls but girls only like tall men
Almost all women are NPC breeding chambers.
Not short (5.11) but i think 6-6.3 girls are hot
>For you to not be attractive to a male you'd need to be obese or severely deformed.
This. Also if you are short male, your dating pool is limited anyway, I cannot imagine how picky someone will be to turn down women over hight.
I don't see how being taller than average makes pretty/likeable girls less so
The sexuality of men and women is different. Because women are not men, no matter how much the media tries to hammer that into our heads.
who is this chick that is with Pyra? what is the connection?
Ryza from the game Atelier Ryza.
the connection is they both have great thighs and tits
I love how cute the artstyle is without looking too much like your typical weebshit
the opposites attract so yes
6' foot girl
Everyone shys away from me in favor for the short girls I'll never find a bf at this rate.
How big are your feet?
I absolutely prefer taller girls, especially if they're a bit more leading and assertive in the relationship
Just keep trying and put yourself out there, we exist
>Tfw straight Shota fetish
>Tfw 5'10" King of the manlets
Will only ever get short psuedo-lolis.
I really need to stop coming to these threads, they always just make me sad or disappointed
But I'll keep coming anyways because I continue holding on to hopeless dreams.
tfw no tall gf to pick me up and stuff