How are your sibling(s) doing compared to you?

How are your sibling(s) doing compared to you?

i myself am mostly a shut-in neet that watches Netflix all day. my older brother died from a heart condition a few months ago..

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are you a femoid? Want to watch stuff together? It's all I do all day anyways.

My younger half brother is going to army.
18 and no gf pfff
Big sis, haven't heard about her in a long time.

He's becoming a normie. Going on dates, hanging out with friends, etc. And the worst part is he's my younger brother. I know he looks down on me because I just sit in my room all day shitposting and pretending like people in various threads are my friends.
Sorry about your brother, user.

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the girl who was my first kiss had her brother die at 21 years last year from a heart attack due to being incredibly fat. I don't think she's a shut in neet though, she's pregnant with her second kid, while her bf, I hear, is on the online dating websites, attempting to cheat on her. Big OOF. Sorry for your loss though.

As for me, I am strictly inferior to my sister, who is married with her own second child on the way, and a stable career path that she is being promoted through. Meanwhile, I had a 4 year stretch at a startup company that ended in May, and I'm currently underemployed as a waiter. I own my own home but I live alone and haven't been in a relationship for several years.

My brother is in rehab halfway across the country
Once I get disability I'll be flying over to him.
My brother is my only true friend.

Brother 1
>work as accountant making six figures
>wife and kids
>nice house
>nice car

Brother 2
>works as a delivery driver at UPS
>makes ok money
>mostly stays at home playing vidya or watcing tv
>no friends or gf
>complete loner

>in community college for worthless degree
>no accomplishments
>no hobbies
>no goals or future plans
>general anxiety disorder and mild depression
>porn addiction

Both of my sisters are doing decent enough. One graduated college and the other one will graduate before me even though she started later. Im glad my parents only have to deal with one disappointment out of three.

I'm guessing you're closer with brother 2 than brother 1?

yes, brother 1 barely talks to me

One is a homeless drug addict with like 10 kids (last I heard, could be more)
The other is a depressed suicidal lesbian with 2 kids from different fathers
I'd say I'm about in the middle here

No siblings, the weight of my family line rests on me. I'm in Uni for Biochemistry, looking to get a Ph.D. down the line or if that doesn't work out I'll get an MBA and become an accountant like my old man. Compared to the rest of my family in my generation, I suppose I show the most promise. But that could easily change.

Sister one
>4.0 GPA, many AP classes
>in a metric shitton of clubs, plays a sport, president of at least one club, I think
>very emotional, cried over getting a B- once
>used to throw fits a lot
>the kind of person who always wants the newest thing
>beta to the max, gets bullied by our cat
>very christian, hates gays, thought gay was a swear word
>once told me she wanted to kill all the gays
>obsessed with asians because they're the smartest or whatever
>watches anime from time to time
>still makes fun of me for watching anime and putting four years into studying japanese
>plays violin and piano, loves music theory
>watches pewdiepie play minecraft a lot
>sometimes watches me play minecraft
>planning on going to an Ivy League college

sister two
>16 ( I think)
>4.0 GPA
>pretty chill
>bantz with me sometimes
>still pretty religious
>watches anime a bit with her sister
>plays cello and piano
>like pewdiepie as well

>about to turn 19
>supposed to be really smart, but get meh-tier grades (As and Bs. Maybe two Cs in my life)
>many AP classes in HS
>going to local not-very-prestigious campus of semi-prestigious uni, sister thinks she's better than me because of me
>put four years into learning japanese, study every day
>closeted atheist because of how religious family is
>don't care about gays, sometimes feel things for dudes
>gun nut, much to chagrin of entire family except chill sister
>work part-time KFC
>seen as cold by family
>seen as antisocial by family
>have tried weed and alcy before, while the rest of my family thinks they'll turn you into a homeless junkie if you even do them once, but not hard into them
>messed up sleep schedule because of work and studying japanese and exercise, which bothers family a lot
I think my family would be very disappointed in me if they knew everything about me. They'd hate this site, they'd hate the anime I watch, and they'd hate the fact that I listen to music besides christian music.

was it from using cocaine
theheart condition
are you still sad
I can make the sad go away

Why does your family care so much about gay people?

Did you start with an undergrad in biology, or chemistry? Frankly I couldn't pass calc classes without tanking my gpa

They're religious, so they think being gay is wrong. My dad is disgusted by gay people's actions, but doesn't hate them as people and wants them to "realize that what they're doing is wrong", even though he's by far the most religious person in my family. He also thinks that gay is caused by demons. My mom and sister seem to hate them because they were told gay = bad, and that's about as much thought as they're willing to put into it.

they're obviously super religious, and being gay offends nearly every existing religion.

you sound like a fucking normie, list some fetishes so we know you are one of us

Was originally going for compsci then changed when I transferred from community college to a university. Calculus after Calc1 is tough, but not impossible. Also, don't let setbacks crush your spirit, I failed Chem2 but retook it and got an A. Also got As in Orgo1&2, you just gotta put the time into practice and study. Also if you're planning on going for a Ph.D. make sure to get some research under your belt.

My parents are boomers so I doubt they'd even comprehend this website. Kinda wish I'd end up a naive conservative like them instead of whatever the fuck I am now.

up until pretty recently I was scared to make eye contact with people and pretty awkward and antisocial. I used to be into stuff like futa and femdom, but I don't really like that kind of stuff anymore. Also, only normans say normie. Say normalfag or normalnigger or something.
I referred to tanktops as wifebeaters once in front of my mom and she got really mad and ranted about "internet chatrooms", but that's about it. She also goes on tangents about me "wasting my time reading what people say online" when she's a facebook addict. I am not a fan of my mom.

i work from home and make just enough money to live in my $2000 one room apartment

my brother (5 yrs older) smokes weed about 7 times a day, and hasnt had a job for 3 years

my other brother (4 years younger) is failing high school because he has (i think) an untreated mental condition that no one seems to notice. its not like he's a full on tard or anything, but he just never seems to focus on something for more than half a minute or so before fucking off to something else. either he has a mental issue or hes just a fucking idiot

my sister (20 years younger) is pretty good, though then again she cant even talk yet so maybe she isnt good.

Have a younger brother that 16 y/o, not sure entirely about him, but i think he's doing way better than me, although he's on holidays from school now, he was working first month of summer, was taking a walk with his bicycle and friends, although now he just mostly sits and playing minecraft/playing dnd with me and my cousin. Had a few serious talks with him that he need to be more sociable back in the days, they went well, i know that there was even a new girl in his class that was interested in him, but they didn't got along. Hope that he would become a normie with a gf and a job that he likes.
However i'm being a neet with a rare occasions of talking a walks with my best bud and helping my family here and there

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No sibblings

I like my parents, and as long as I do well academically I expect that there'll be no problems between us. The only thing we really disagree on is their naive optimism for this country.

>brother is married, 3 kids, 750k house in the best part of town
>I share a one bedroom apartment in the worst part of town with my friend from HS

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What country are you in, user? Also, how well are you doing academically?

thanks for the contribution, user
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

The U.S. I'm doing well enough I suppose 3.75ish GPA

Ah. I assumed you were in a different country for some reason. Why do you think they're too optimistic?

To list all the reasons would take a while. But the notion that things will be as good as they were in their time is just not true.

I guess I can see it. Would you mind greentexting a couple of them points, or nah?

>tenure track positions being killed so more worthless administrators can be hired.
>degree inflation so that MBAs entering the workforce have less purchasing power than my dad did with a hs diploma
>student loan bubble well over a trillion dollars
>the opening of the job market to international markets, crushing wages and allowing unqualified workers in who fake certifications. Also, the surplus of labor and capital has allowed corporations to treat workers as disposable.
>death of the middle class in general

you get the gist, and that's only economics. I could fill a thread on the death of western culture.

Most of this is hearsay from my parents because I only really talk to the oldest of my brothers and our baby sister. Yes, the ages are far apart. Our parents started young.

Big sister
>turned 36
>whored around all through her 20s after getting a worthless degree from the local uni
>married a doctor and had two kids with him
>from what I hear she mostly sits at home drinking wine and watching tv while the kids and hubby are out
>lives in a nice fancy house

>going on 29
>dropped out of high school
>do computer repair in a hole in the wall shop for less money than I would like, also do web design and programming stuff on the side
>rent an apartment with a filipino girl I used to play a lot of video games with
>have a friends with benefits thing going with her
>probably going to eventually die alone

>turned 24
>department manager at a Wal-Mart
>has a computer networking degree from the college (not uni, the college is a lot cheaper than where our sister went)
>rents a house with his fiance and a couple friends

Next brother
>going on 22
>I barely talk to him so fuck if I know who he's dating
>lives with our parents
>trying to make a career out of his band which is not very good

Little sister
>previous brother's twin
>stripping "just until I'm done college"
>it's an art degree
>living with a barely understandable jamaican dude she's been fucking
>pretty sure he has like 5 other roommates so it's probably not a great situation

Baby sister
>just turned 16
>extremely autistic
>shut-in, talked our parents into letting her finish high school online
>doesn't work or really leave her room I'm told
>really likes watching video game speedruns and tech videos

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your big sister really got hard carried in life

Yeah, as long as I can remember she's gotten by on having a nice body. I'd probably do the same if I was in her place, though.

you need to save your imouto my guy, shes gonna turn into a stinky fembot

>Worthless BA in political science from state flagship university
>live with parents
>Have had like 10 different minimum wage jobs since graduating 10 years ago
>no friends or gf

Younger Brother
>slightly better BA in business from mediocre state school
>lives with like 5 room mates
>makes like $20/hour
>some friends but no gf

I'm trying to at least get her to open up a little. Doesn't need to give up her hobbies or anything but I think she should open up a little bit, and I think she'd actually benefit from college. Has a real passion for computers and knows her way around them. She could do something with that. I can relate to her fear of people and stuff too, though. I usually just end up indulging her hobbies when I visit.