What's your life philosophy and wisdom, anons?

Here's mine, feel free to call me a retard if anything's off.

>You're not entitled to anything
>You can't expect anything
>Nobody is obliged to care for you

>Given these, you should consider yourself as having the rights to:
>Care for yourself
>Don't care for other people lest it benefit or fulfill you in some way
>Have your own values and principles and act according to these

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Pic related, I have to continue to write words in order to make sure my post is not marked as unoriginal

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I dont have life philosophy.

>I don't know what this means
>Yeah I guess. Too broad, doesn't really mean much either to me
>I mean... I do think we should care about other people. I think it's what makes us tick as a species, so I disagree with that.

Generic but
>Who gives a shit, get a job, build a house, fuck trees.

>What life gives you, you have no control over, but what you make out of it is 100% yours.

>The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. -Albert Einstein my favorite

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>Given these, you should consider yourself as having the rights to:
>Care for yourself
I would like to forfeit this right thank you

>that pic
>albert epstein

Do absolutely whatever the fuck you want. Enjoy yourself by any means necessary. Morality is a meme. Law enforcement can be easily circumvented. Impose your will upon reality.

I would say this sums it up

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Sorry, the ideas are clear in my head but I didn't do too good of a job communicating them
1. Positive rights don't exist. They're an illusion and are a product of systems that might fail. Regarding them as anything else would be wrong.
2. Second point follows the first and one - as a result you can't expect said systems to be there and be functional.
3. You have a point, we probably should care for other people but as seen above it's not a given that anyone will. Few care for people that don't have a particular relation to themselves, meaning the vast majority of people don't give a single shit about you. Even then, there's no obligation for anyone to care, it's another one of those things one takes for granted given one's social role. As a homeless, no-name beggar can you expect anyone to care for you? Why should you then expect the same in your current position?
I'm not advocation for an inversion of social roles or any emancipatory policy, I just personally don't see how you could take it as a given that somebody would care for you. It's an ungrateful and somewhat narcissistic position to take. The novelty and beauty of social relations disappears once you remove it from a position of scarcity.

>Do absolutely whatever the fuck you want. Enjoy yourself by any means necessary
Even if said enjoyment comes at the cost of your long-term happiness? Are you advocating for rampant nu-hedonism or the attainment of real 'meaning'?
Do I do heroin or work out? Both? I'd probably like to do heroin but I'd also like to have a stacked physique, these two are somewhat opposed actions.
This is a vague sentiment. Please elaborate.

Based stoic honestly

Everything you do has equivalent value so essentially it doesn't matter. You can bomb a kindergarten or you can have the best sex of your life. You can master karate or eat yourself into a heart attack. 7.4 billion people have just as much meaning in their lives as you do in the end. It all becomes zero. Two Face unironically has the best philosophy.

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I don't think I believe in rights at all. But I sitll disagree with the framing, somewhat. Because first of all I wouldn't say you can't expect any system to be "there and functional" at any given times. Sometimes they do, for a couple decades, for a couple years, for a cuple centuries and then they crumble. So... I don't know that it matters what one should "expect".

And following from that, I don't think it matters if one should "expect" anyone to care for you or anyone. I care about other people, and I want other people to care about other people, and I want to be alive... and I guess that would by extension mean I want others to give a modicum of care to me even if I don't really feel it in my chest. But it doesn't really matter to me what I should "expect". I want it. So why shouldn't I try to help other people and get other people to care about others? If they don't care then I think they're wrong, and I wanna change it. If I shouldn't "expect" that then I don't see how that just doesn't translate to "don't expect literally anything ever". If I can effect change, then I will try to effect change, whether it's regarding empathy or regarding my employment or my neighbourhood's safety. I shouldn't really "expect" anyone to care about any of that, lest they would be doing it already, but I care and I wanna change it so I will. Hence, what one can "expect" is fairly immaterial. Change an either be affected or it can't, and you can choose to exert the pressures necessary to bring it about. Sure, you can fail at it, but so you can fail at everything so I don't think that's a meaningful caveat.

I don't want to accuse you of anything, user, but this seems less to me like a basis for a society and more you trying to justify your lack of empathy in fancy words.

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>nothing really matters
>still, do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't negatively impact people

Babby tier nihilism, i guess, but whatever

Nobody cares about you
Nobody cares about the truth
Nobody cares about what you have to say
People care about what you do
People care about how they feel
People care about how you say things

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I am a slave owned by my thoughts and feelings, which control my actions and I have absolutely no control over them. They are my masters and they have commanded me to destroy the life only sheer luck provided me. I followed their orders blindly, because that's what I am, blind, and deaf. I don't learn from mistakes. My masters have never changed, and, therefore, neither have my actions.

>Live for yourself and the betterment of yourself
>People will use anything you do or say to fuck you over
That's about it really

Asserting you have no control over them denies the fact that rational and weighted judgement can come as a result from determinism.
>I have absolutely no control over them
In saying this you imply there's a possibility you could've had control over something. In essence you're holding a contradictory position. You're just justifying passivity. Rational judgement and control, even if an illusion is something one can use to one's advantage.

>be egoistical as much as possible
thats sad

>You're just justifying passivity
Spot on
Shrink told me this some weeks ago. The first time I thought about it in my life.
Its not that all these problems prevent me from being active (shyness, insecurities, self sabotage, fear of abandonment and conforming). It's that I created all of those, an illusion, to use as an excuse for my passivity.
But this so called illusion is undistinguishable from reality, for I have maintained it since I can even remember, with examples going back to when I was 7 years old.
I don't deny the illusion theory, but I can't see it as an illusion yet.

>I care about other people, and I want other people to care about other people, and I want to be alive
That's exactly my point. The core insight I wanna put forth, that I'll try explain carefullly lest I be misunderstood, is that most assumptions in modern society that the current social relations, systems, hierarchies what have you, are transient yet still taken for granted. My philosophy is the antithesis of this. By assuming nothing about their ability to withstand the wear and tear of time and other factors you'll be more prepared for the time they inevitably collapse, or take on a different form.

An example could be a kid expecting her parents to be fully functional and perfect human beings. This usually happen to not be the case, disaster might strike. And suddenly the unaware kid is struck with something that she doesn't fully understand that will likely leave her more damaged than had she been less presumptuous. This is an extreme example but it illustrates my case better than anything else I could come up with. It's less a justification for narcissism than it is my personal justification for neuroticism and pessimistic worldview. Although even with this knowledge I still hold that following my principles would bring us closer to functional, long-lasting and real-world solutions than relying on traditional structures functioning forever.

That being said, expecting something to work has its merit in that you remove the burden of taking into account the possibility of a given system failing. It brings with it a tranquil mindspace that allows people to go about their day without spending time considering every single step they take and the consequences. However, I don't think this trade-off is worth it.




>I don't want to accuse you of anything, user, but this seems less to me like a basis for a society and more you trying to justify your lack of empathy in fancy words.
No, that's a fair critique. So far I haven't really done anything to defend my own stance with regards to people. I'm not devoid of empathy, and I know the people around me aren't either. I partake in fairly regular social relationships although I'm somewhat secluded and reserved. While you might interpret these as empty words I'm not, at least consciously, trying to justify a narcissistic power-trip of any sort, only that the lazy assumptions regarding most of what we take for granted be subverted and that we become more aware of the possibility of collapse.

Trust and love can exist even if you don't expect it. In fact, it's the lack of expecting these things that make them what they are as I said in my reply earlier. What IS narcissistic is assuming these are a right, a given, something you're entitled to and something people are obliged to give you. This also applies to myself, I use the pronoun 'you' here cause it comes naturally in a debate but switch it out with 'me' and 'I' and you'll have something more emotionally palatable and more akin to what I'm trying to live out.

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>What need is there to weep over parts of life? The whole thing calls for it
>To accept without arrogance, to let it go with indifference
Neitzche also has some pretty solid views on having a meaningful life it's just a shame that people like to call themselves nihilists when in reality they're just whiny bitches and know nothing about the actual philosophy

Re-reading your reply a second time it seems I also missed out on a few points of yours. You don't seem to hold the views that I've set out to correct, we pretty much agree on most unless I'm somehow misunderstanding you. I'm a pragmatic at heart, meaning I don't believe in most things before I see it, however I think the failure and destruction of most things can be asserted as fact, even if it doesn't happen over the span of one's own lifetime.

You can want things to be a certain way (people caring for eachother), and work toward it being as such (care for others), without it expecting it to be such (assume people might not reciprocate). The upkeep of a system like this kinda requires you to assume it won't be the way you want it to. If you want people to care for you, you usually have to care for them without expecting it in return.

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Embrace whatever happens.

Sorry for the butchered sentence structure, I didn't proof read all that much.
>is that in modern society*

>we suffer more from imagination than from reality
this is especially true if you have ocd, as i do.

I also do as is why I tend toward a stoic view of life. How's life for you recently? What obsessions do you have?

Not really a philosophy but I always drive/cycle at top speed and put myself in danger. My reasoning is that if I make it out alive I still have a purpose to be here.

>Improve yourself so the time you'd spend suffering on earth you'll spend relatively happy
>don't do anything to other you don't want done to yourself
>respect and protect nature

Wrong and right doesn't exist, too bored to explain and expand my argument, you get it anyway if you're not a retard

>Live and let live

Do what you like without bothering other people and let other people do the same.

In the universe there is no good or bad. Everything is exactly as it should be according to the laws of physics.

Embrace Chaos
Embrace the pure absurdity of this existence
The universe doesn't give a shit out you

If there is free will then our minds would have to exist outside of this universe.

as far I can remember this quote is from a vidya called far cry 3

Free will cannot exist. What is it that decides whether or not I make a certain choice - is it a rational choice it an be attributed to determinism and evolutionary psychological mechanisms. Is it irrational, ie. I intentionally choose to not make the rational choice then the "I" in me is a product of randomness, and thus still no 'consciousness'.

>Hope for the best prepare for the worst
That's what I follow all the time.