>bpd gf calls at 2am
>asks me what love means to me
>tell her its a feeling of wanting to be with someone and help them and be there for them no matter what
>5 seconds of silence
>"do you feel that way about me?"
>tell her of course i love her
>she asks if im going to leave her
>tell her that i will without a doubt always be there for her no matter what
>she starts crying
>begs me to never leave her
>talk for about an hour
>she calmed down enough to go to bed
>tell her to text me as soon as she wakes up
>she starts crying and promises she will
guys i never thought i would feel this way about someone
its such a warm feeling
Bpd gf calls at 2am
Other urls found in this thread:
Now just wait until she starts telling you she hates you for no reason and then stops responding
thats cute my heart hurts for some reason tonight v__v
My heart hurts every night, user.
oh man she cheated on you
Yeah more like wait until she suddenly blocks and ignores you everywhere for almost a month and then comes back acting like nothing happened.
Oh and it will happen again.
Best wishes for you both! Have a happy and long relationship hopefully
Your a good person user every time you post one of these threads it makes me happy knowing your taking care of her
My boyfriend's ex-girlfriend has BPD and so much of our relationship has been me trying to undo the immense emotional damage she inflicted.
She literally cheated on him, tried to kill herself when he broke up, bragged about how hard the other guy smashed her pussy, threatened to kill herself again, drove drunk several times, called him up expecting rides from the hotel she was fucking other dudes in, claimed she was raped and that despite all she put him through expected him at the trial, threatened to "fuck [his] shit up" when she found out he was hanging out with her cousin (male) the week of her trial, said she was "disappointed" in him for blocking her on Facebook after she sent him videos of her cutting unprompted, made him feel like he wasn't enough to emotionally support anyone, and only apologised to him once he stopped responding to her...14 minutes after she made a threat on his life and 26 minutes after she threatened to kill herself.
This girl comes from a super privileged background, is really pretty, and has loving and devoted parents. My family life was literally hell, I'm ugly and have been bullied all my life and I do not act a modicum of the way she does. In fact, every BPD I know is super hot. It's almost as if it's not a real disorder and is nothing more than hot chicks never learning what "no" is.
Anyway OP, I hope it works out well. I don't see that happening, but I hope your relationship encourages her to take productive steps forward in her therapy so that you two can have a healthy and non-co-dependent bond.
you sound like a giant bitch
yeah probably this. this is the beginning of the end my man
The only things I said about myself are that I support my abused boyfriend, had an abusive upbringing, am physically unattractive, don't have BPD, and that I hope OP's relationship works out but that I have reservations about that.
What part of that is bitchy?
This response too, the fucking audacity with this no good bitch
you did good user, BPD is horrific
>so much of our relationship has been me trying to undo the immense emotional damage
Subtle troll. Good work, you got me.
I don't wanna stigmatize people - two really good friends have it. However they're both super hot and generally get whatever they want in life, and only one of them has really worked to do better in life through therapy and medication. As such, I worry about people like the OP who indulge and enable these impulses. I think they're playing with matches.
Thanks for saying that.
Not sure what the reaction image means. If you're sad, sre you an abuse survivor?
serious red flag OP, I don't want to make you paranoid but my lil bro had a GF like this and she insulted him behind his back whilst making him think they were in love, used him and cheated on him for months. it nearly broke my lil bro the night he found out she cheated, he walked around our neighbourhood at 3am ready to kill himself. He truly loved and cared for her, it is honestly sick what BPD women can do to guys
>inb4 your bro is stupid.
I thought this too then read some chat logs/texts she was really fucking good at manipulating like jesus, she had multiple guys going at once too. Gives me the creeps thinking about those messages knowing it is all a paper thin mask. Can't imagine how my bro felt
>so much of our relationship has been me trying to undo the immense emotional damage she inflicted
In what way?
>she starts crying and promises she will
>she never does
>when you ask her what's up she doesn't respond to you
>she starts responding to every 10th message you send
>you press the issue and she tells you she never even liked you in the first place
>My family life was literally hell, I'm ugly and have been bullied all my life and I do not act a modicum of the way she does.
Can I please call dibs on you after you're done with the current guy, thanks.
Basically just feeling like he's inadequate. We were talking and I'm having some troubles right now (school, work, landlord) so I was calling him a lot. I apologised and said I hope I wasn't taking up too much of his time. He said with me I have some very serious problems right now and all I want is a little attention and I'm okay. He said she would suck up all him time dragging him into a pit of nihilistic despair because her dad said something politically incorrect at the dinner table and after hours and hours on the phone he'd still feel like he made no impact and guilty that he wasn't a better boyfriend. Just made him feel completely impotent. The infidelity did not help this.
Haha, you might have to wait! I'm planning on marrying this one.
In all seriousness, most people with actually fucked up lives are good. Not necessarily functional, but suffering builds character and unfortunately there's lots to go around.
>He said she would suck up all him time dragging him into a pit of nihilistic despair because her dad said something politically incorrect at the dinner table and after hours and hours on the phone he'd still feel like he made no impact
Did she do this often? like reveling in her own despair constantly, no matter what it was about, and just complain for hours about it on the phone? was she almost always pessimistic about everything too? my current GF is like this among other things, i think she may have BPD. BIG YIKES
>suffering builds character
I'm almost 40 and if you're not lying you're the first woman I've ever met, seen, or heard about, who's actually experienced this effect.
>encouraging BPD
f for OP
My BPD gf just tricked me into impregnating her after weve been together for three months. Im fucked.
>its such a warm feeling
Wait for the splitting
wait till she goes awol and decides that she doesn't love you anymore. and no amount of talking or bartering can get her to change her mind
"come on sweetheart, think about this, are you sure thisbisnt just your bpd talking"
>no get fucked user i never really loved you
itll end you user
Not OP, but speaking from experience being in an abusive home either breaks you or makes you a better person. Think my situation did a bit of both.
She's going to break your heart man, "BPD" hoes are bad news.
he probably doesn't want to hurt your feelings, but i'm willing to bet he liked fucking her more than you because bpd girls are fucking wild. thats why a lot of guys end up with them.
You're such an amazing boyfriend OP. She's very lucky to have you. BPD women may be wild sometimes but they deserve love as well. That's so nice to see you're helping her and being there for her. I'm sure she really appreciates it even if she can't always express that to you. Hope everything goes well with your relationship.
Oh yeah. When my boyfriend and I were still just friends and hanging out, she'd call constantly.
I've definitely had bad moments. My apartment has rats and my landlord was actively refusing to help, my best friend basically mocked me, I didn't get into my PHD program, I was very much a fembot (25 years old, single, virgin) and I started crying at his apartment about how happiness was going to be impossible for me and I was going to die alone, etc. However this was one time and I've worked hard not to get sucked into despair again.
However the incident (which was partially induced by my fears of remaining single) actually scared him a lot because of how much it reminded him of his ex's behaviour (even though she was set off by infinitely more trivial shit). He said the whole situation of a husterical crying woman sobbing nightmarishly about her troubles essentially triggered him. Thankfully the fact I apologised and this is abnormal for me allowed him to mentally untangle the association between us.
Haha, well, maybe you've been unlucky or haven't talked to women worth talking to.
Yeah, I'm a little mad I'm a virgin and he lost his virginity to her, but I don't think that's necessarily true. He admitted she played to some of his fetishes, but I also share those same kinks so.....
We haven't fucked. And there relationship was long distance, so there wasn't necessarily much fucking there either.
But yeah, while I don't think that was necessarily his driving factor (my sex drive is higher than his) my friend who dated a BPD definitely fits what you're saying to the absolute letter.
>liking women with BPD
>Haha, well, maybe you've been unlucky or haven't talked to women worth talking to.
I miss my fiance too. Also I got bpd too. Just got drunk yesterday after some argument. Now I miss him.
>tfw miss my bpd ex so much
>she would be clingy like that and beg for my love
>only time I ever felt happy was with her
>she ended up cutting all contact and moving back with her parents
>tfw will never get her back and no one else will ever love me
I hope I die soon
>ask ex if im being too clingy
>no not at all
>breaks up with me for being too clingy
She's going to leave you and it's going to hurt you more than you've ever been hurt before.
That's how BPDs are, just learn to recognize it early on and throw them in the trash.
she probably cheated on you and feeling guilty about it.