Is it that bad to smoke weed all day everyday?

is it that bad to smoke weed all day everyday?

I was already lazy and depressed anyway. and I still exercise daily

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idk man, same situation here.

Who cares, do it until its a problem then stop, it's not hard

what does that mean though? half my behaviours or more would be deemed a problem by normalfags

>is it that bad to smoke weed all day everyday?
How do you do that without going insane

Do it until you think its a problem, not what you think other people think of as a problem

One of my friends has recently started smoking weed regularly and she's convinced that she behaves the same when stoned but she really doesn't. She's obviously slower, less talkative and kinda stuck in her own world. So as a result it's not as fun to hang out with her - which seems like a downward spiral to me: smoking weed because you're depressed might cause you to lose the few social interactions you have and is gonna take a lot of money away from you, which you will not be able to spend on concerts, travelling, etc.

Dunno, a man on the internet told me it creates braincells so it must be good

you get used to the insanity

I was insane before, I'm a different type of insane now

I do it and have two jobs in addition to school and exercise, still can not stop thinking about the same old shit but it is okay

I smoke all day every day, just waiting for classic wow, gonna stock up on food and meal prep and not leave my neighbourhood for 2 months before I gotta get a job again, would be cool if i could figure a way to make rent in game
Meh, i started when i was 22, now im 25 and all my friends are gone and since im intrinsically unattractive i wont find a partner, this is pretty much the best thing i could be doing in the peak capitalist society, i mean like in the scope of history, neets that live in mmos are an ultra high tier of aristocracy

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Word, I just smoked the last bit of my weed but feel like I built up a tolerance that quickly already (two weeks) just do not feel very high. I had just been on a three month tolerance break as well

Wait, I could have written that exact post. I just didn't smoke for three months too, and I've also been smoking for two weeks. I feel like when I smoke now I'm high for like 30 minutes and that's it, just like before. That guy you were replying too is right though, at the end of the day in the scope of history, with porn, weed, videogames, and reliable, varied food and air conditioning and shit even for all problems and miserable loneliness and lack of pussy it is actually pretty based.

I'm trying to cut back on smoking to save money so now I drink alcohol while I smoke, it helps!

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Yeah but dude what the fuck do I have to take another tolerance break now? I smoked two fat flowers right before I came inside and I feel like I could give a full speech presentation in front of all of my crushes in life ever right now, and not even chuckle or fuck up one time.

I have barely been smoking for two weeks (only when I was not at work) and now I can't even get high? After three months of being sober as fuck and miserable? This is bullshit

look man i have no advice to give you, I'm pretty miserable too. All I can say is wait for the environment to go to shit, the economy to go to shit, society to go to shit, our resources to go shit, someone important drops the ball in a way with permanent consequences and then hopefully the totality of sheer existential and non-existential misery the human experience creates can finally be put to a screeching halt.

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Damn that is brutal, when I had been on a tolerance break for like nearly a year and started smokin again this summer I truly felt like life could be decent again despite being in the most miserable portion of my life thus far.

Now I realize weed is only good in contrast to everything else going on so I would need to be sober and miserable to enjoy that two week high binge watching the Boondocks on Hulu, again.

Strangely enough I feel like weed makes me not do/say autistic things. I've seen enough professionals to know I don't actually have autism or anything on that spectrum, just depression and anxiety, but my lack of interacting with anyone outside of the internet obviously causes me to fuck up and be weird all the time. Weed stops that, I'm able to have pretty good social skills by just emulating the manuerysms and speech patterns of e-celebs to act pretty chill.

i'm in the same boat, my tolerance is very high after 3 months of smoking daily that i can't get high unless i smoke a large amount of good weed.
that's why i moved to smoking hash, it's a lot stronger. a tiny bit of hash is enough to get me fucked for the whole night.

I am pretty good with social interaction, one of my exes described me as incredibly smooth, I do not know how I think it comes with being an alcoholic's son (Reagan had thought the same thing) so you get used to putting on a show to avoid getting your ass whipped. Either way I am pretty depressed and have anxiety as well, not social anxiety but like extreme paranoia and physical anxiety.

Weed helps for sure but I am going to have to smoke a fuck ton since it only last like an hour now.

My problem is that jerking off while high out of my fucking mind can sometimes feel genuinely sexually satisfying in the same way getting laid would feel, but without weed I feel almost nothing. It's terrible.

Shit now I have to figure out where to get hash, I know my dealer does not have that shit

I never get that, jerking off while high as fuck feels good but sex encounters almost always feel better. I hate that post fap feel anyways whereas I always started giggling and shit when some slut from tinder keeps sucking you off once you've nutted (routine for them)

Well, I have sex a couple times every few years, Chad. And it's been about a year, so speak for yourself :(

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It has been about a month or two for me I am pretty sure, my Tinder has been dry as fuck this month. I still would rather wait out or just fap when I am absolutely exhausted than have a vivid imaginative fap during the day and feel like shit right after, but that is just my own personal guilt not related to fapping or weed.

this but unironically. being sober and being high are just two different types of insanity for me. being high is slightly crazier but much more enjoyable

Make some firecracker edibles
Takes like 30 min and are really easy to make with small amounts of weed
Just google it
Youll be high as fuck all day

I started to protest but I googled this and I have all that shit (except weed) so I am going to pick up today and try this. I love to be high as fuck

I'm going to make those today too, thanks dude.

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>be stupid nigger
>smoke the green jew
>now you're stupid and broke
>still depressed
>still can't do shit in your life
weed lmao
Stoners need to be rounded up and shot

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I tried this twice and I felt no different, I think it is safer to just smoke it and save dibbles for when you have enough to make butter

I have never had these but my neighbors in college used to sell weed brownies, not sure how much they used per brownie but it would take forever to get high as fuck and it was possible to totally sleep through it.

The last time I took an edible, with a big fat white boy, we were complaining about them not working one minute then when I came to we were watching World Star Hip Hop fights which I kept referring to as "gorilla wars" and the Italian guy (who was known for his kindness/jovialness) asked me if I would explain the difference between an n word and a nigga