Do you watch anime with your friends?

Do you watch anime with your friends?

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I usually watch anime with myself

I don't watch anime period, and I don't have any friends.
So no.

pfft yeah right

>Do you watch anime with your friends?

Yeah, I don't watch cringe faggotry so they like it.

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I don't have friends to watch anime with, so I watch reaction channels as a substitute.

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I want to get my gf into anime but she has slight learning difficulties and can't read quickly so she doesn't do very well with subtitles. Feelsbad

what's it like having a retarded gf? does she drool like the movie retards?

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No, they always have to comment on shit and try to make stupid remarks or be bothered by something happening
just SHUT UP and watch it ..

I don't watch with people anymore, friends is a stretch to call them at this point

She's not a full on retard, she's just not that intelligent or quick. She's still practically normal. I'm an aspie so if anything I'm more retarded than she is, it's just that I put all my points into reading and learning Japanese instead of socialising

My only friend is a /tg/ autist and I sometimes watch anime with him. We marathon CGDCT and generic comedies and get drunk. Watching GuP der Film with him when it got subbed was great.
Was in an anime club in university but it was truly cancerous.

Me and my flatmate have a weekly tradition of ordering takeout and watching anime. Feels good man.

Rarely. The best memory I had was when we watched Gyo the first time together.

>Me and my flatmate have a weekly tradition of ordering takeout and watching anime

Do you wear skirts while watching?

No because we're not faggots.

Years ago I watched Madoka and No Game no Life with friends

Were they still your friends afterwards

Yes, but one of them moved to Italy and the other isn't interested in anime now

I don't watch anything with my friends. Yes I discuss or talk about it with my friends but if I want to actually watch it I don't want to do it with someone I know.
Especially anime or youtube videos, I feel uncomfortable watching with someone

Just want to say I love that image.

I am blessed to have high power level friends. I need to appreciate them more. We have watched a lot of stuff together, for example
>Jarinko Chie
>Pom Poko, Castle of Cagliostro, Nausicaa all in theaters
>New Game! OVA
>Zoku Owarimonogatari
>Walk on Girl
The list goes on. Bless my lads.

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I only watch anime at home with my dick out.