
When will you sub species learn? edition

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aaaaany way lads it's my birthday today waheyyy.
pizza wizza tonight with mum and possibly dad. might get pissed but I don't know, I like driving tbqh.

love straight people, love gay people, love bi people, nuff said

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l dont like change

Literally everyone feels a twinge of disgust when they see this, even so-called gay people.

>LOVE BI FAGGOTS - TRUE CHADS with a MASSIVE choice of the population

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She didn't go in for fame, she went in to get her childhood back

Would you say you're a racist? Sure, why not

I'm Finn o Connor, and Sineads my sista!

Was born in Blyth

i do not understand this gimmick

Happy birthday, lad. What kinda motor you got? I like speeding around country lanes at night when I can, running a Vauxhall Corsa SD. Comfy little car, tis.

>My problem with Islam is it's attitude towards women and homosexuality

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So Americans bum some cooking show called Good Eats. Watched a couple of episodes and what a pile of absolute shite. Like 25 minutes to explain concepts that could be boiled down into 2 paragraphs.

mine is praying so often cant be arsed with that

Mine is all the praying, the lack of pork, and giving up your foreskin.

Mine's just 'coz they're wrongun's.

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Had a dream last night that I was in High Wycombe and I saw a sign on a building with the norf fc lad on it. It tickled me so much I just had to take a photo of it. I was so excited about getting home to share the photo with my mates but when I woke up I checked my phone and alas, it was gone.

What did my subconscious mean by this

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nice lad, rocking pic related aha.
lovely set of wheels tbqh, 9.5 0-60,. weighs in at 975kg so flies around country lanes. it's nippy, not quick but I think it makes it just as fun because you need to carry the speed.
raced a few things like a tt on a country lane before. obviously they eat me up on the straight sections but most corners mini gokart doesn't even have to break tbqh.
where you based lad? we should race one day aha.

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why is this panda posted so often

Slap a giant Norf FC bloke on the building you dreamt of.

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American non-fiction tv is bottom of the barrel tier

Car of the /britfeel/ chads.

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Only those of us who are so pathetic we watch shitty e4 sitcoms would understand.

>muh random le epic Brookyln 99
>Sabrina the no-longer-teenager Councilwoman
>Spastic teaches us all about life as a spastic
>le nerdy epic Zimbabwe show

it's a retarded forced meme about pandas being good cars

would fuck Nigella till me nob falls off tbqh

>it's a retarded forced meme about pandas being good cars
And you're a brainlet.
It's the 100hp model you waterhead.

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I've never been to high wycombe though, it was one of those dreams where you dream that you're in a specific place but it's just your head making up what it looks like and it doesn't look anything like the actual place at all

I would so have loved it to be Castle Timmeh but unfortunately it wasn't even involved in the dream

watching rogue traders videos on youtube

spooky was just thinking of nigella posting

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*re-reolls the dogends in the /britfeel/ ashtray*

what a scummy letfy ginger, reminds me of someone

Up in norf, outskirts of Sheffield. Visiting family in Retford at the minute. Nice to get away from busy streets once in a while. I've never actually raced anybody before. Had a run in with a bus stop though, coming round this corner on frosty road. Took the thing clear out the ground I did.

The bug faced man winds me up on that. Sanctamonius prick.

every ginger i've had, had a big cock


She cures my prison gay something rotten.

>tfw you'll never get to strange her like her husband did

my gay mate has said this as well

>overcooked waffles with a random handful of blueberries

Sorry love, try again.

woah a whole hundred horse power? Phwoaar that's almost as fast as my mum's Golf!

it's because she was just on telly, you're probably watching the same thing as me lad

>tfw no nigella sized kitchen with a comfy middle island

shit image for a shit thread
stupid cunt op

>Two couples - each comprising of a teacher and a student - spend a life-changing weekend at the seaside resort town of Scarborough.

need more high rises to sort out the housing issue. make the rooms spacious with high ceilings too

Kinda wanna shag me mate's mum lads. Shes got abs you could grate cheese on.

move over faggots
say no to scea's shit image


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let me guess, drunk falls asleep with cheap lithium battery charging and burns to death

absoIutely based lad thankyou

so pathetic, the occasional shit op image is a staple of britfeel

Virgin lads OUT
Chad lads IN

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>The death in the US is believed to be the first in the world and has raised questions about the safety of vaping which the UK government is promoting as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. The person who died has not been named but lived in the state of Illinois and was aged between 17 and 38. It comes amid an outbreak of lung disease across the US that officials have linked to the use of e-cigarettes.



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>tfw no 15 year old autistic girl with incredibly rich parents to lecture you on how rich people are shit and how climate change is bad

Vapist =/= RAPIST

Her boobs are astonishly small for a 16 year old

>16 yet olds are incapable of having intellectual conversation

Checkmate bazza

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She started HRT when she was 9 I think lad. Lefty loony parents amirit

Don't even care if this ones a larper either.

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>tfw dont hold anything of value
think the most expensive thing i own is my pc and thats mainly the graphics card which sells for 190 quid brand new nowadays

>With people labeling Plymouth as 'The Toilet of England' and the locals as 'scum', I'm sure we can all agree that this is an unnecessarily harsh representation, when our city has so much to be proud of.

one of those things is apparently ending your sentence with a preposition, so perhaps it's what we deserve

I went there yesterday and it seemed quite nice

hope the bailiffs don't know that

has she got downs?
don't mean to be rude

you got that right

no lad she unironically does has autism though.
she's funded by her rich parents to denounce the rich and travel the world without education to 'stop climate change'.
she did some thing where she got thousands of kids to shun school for a few days in protest.

Jow Forums seems to think it's foetel alcohol syndrome

fetal alcohol syndrome face my lad

Her mum is a Swede socialite though. In fact... that makes it more likely haha.

tonight matthew, I'm going to be...

poley is not a fetishist

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>posting in this thread
imagine being this much of a retard


These fucking summer kids fighting over thread man. WHat the fuck.

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>Me? Well I can't wait until the school term starts again.

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stop it or janny will get cross

>4 britfeel threads up at the minute
>3 are mine
wahey lads I'm the britfeel overlord.

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When will janny start mass deleting? I WANT BRITFEEL TO DIE

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first thread is always the accepted one unless it features moni

>first thread is always the accepted one unless it features moni
you mean this one lad?

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Chad thread? Why yes, this is THE Chad thread.

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yes scea

goddamn i thought these were about vvvortic for a second

>2 posts in the last hour

*shouts into the thread*



is anybody in here? ...body in here? ...in here?

Why not download TV shows that are actually interesting instead? It seems like a massive waste of time to watch absolute shit just because it's on.

Same, although they are usually on the thin side. But that ginger length phwoar!

>foetel alcohol syndrome
The default diagnosis of redditors without-a-clue everywhere.

get absolutely sick of hot weather after a single weekend in the summer desu

really can't be doing with this return of the hot sun, I was enjoying the cooler weather a lot.

looking forward to september and october, the best months of the year.

fuck sake lads where are you

don't tell me you're all normans out at the park

Nah mate, rather Insular here.

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