Ok robots I think this is it for me, my oneitis just announced that she's going to get married WITH A FUCKING RICE DICK MANLET DOG EATER, how is this even fair? Is there literally no hope for white men anymore?
Ok robots I think this is it for me...
hello RAD poster haven't seen you in a while
Salty retard bitter that he didn't have the balls/good enough personality to talk to and develop a good rapport for a girl he wants to fuck; now venting it to strangers online; banged up job ehh there dipshit/faggot?
more pics of your onetitis?/?
back to r/asianmasculinity with this b8 faggot
everything with an asian in it has to be from there. genius. absolute genius.
Is that her because she's clearly fucking ugly.
if you don't like the inane venting then maybe you should go somewhere else.
do what most white cucks do and find an asian girl and have an elliot rodger son who will mass murder AMWF couples.
There isnt any reason to get mad at AMWF. I dont get why r/AsianMasculinity thinks white guys care about these couples. Most of us have yellow fever and dont give a flying fuck what white women are doing. Just give me an asian qt
He's a better man than you. He focused on creating a life for himself, you focused on video games or anime or porn or Jow Forums or whatever your vice is. He felt like he deserved a woman, you feel like you're entitled to a woman despite not doing anything to justify feeling that way. He looks like a pleasant guy with a charming personality, he has at least a bit of fashion sense, he probably has his own life outside of that woman. All you have is your skin. And you probably don't even have that because this guy is probably the same skin color as you. You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!
>be white
>start pulling out cherry picked stats about how white women only choose white men
>have an entire arsenal of "research" backing up how black / asian men are absolutely inferior
>oneitis gets riced / blacked
>Is there literally no hope for white men anymore?
every fucking time
How long did you date her and why'd you break up?
He didn't, user. He had a crush on this girl for years and never did anything about it. Then this fucking CHINK comes along and fucks this girl within a week of meeting her.
that asian guy has a big head, robust features, ais actually fairly handsome, isn't balding, etc.
I'm confused. Then what is there to possibly be upset about?
This belongs on r/asianmasculinity not on Jow Forums
wow you sound like Suucchhh a better candidate
OP is white so he's entitled to a state mandated at innocent gf. Asians were supposed to stay virgins. If they want sex, they can hop on the next flight back to China, but they're supposed to be unfuckable in the US. To find out that an Asian guy is having sex, and not only having sex, but having sex with a white man's property, and not only a white man's property, but a piece of property that OP claimed for himself, is absolutely outrageous.
obvious asian man larping
>obvious asian man larping
pretty much
>implying OP is not asian from aznidentity
Genuine question : how is it possible unless you have a special disability to be white and virgin? Whites are literally praised everywhere
he probably makes $200,000+, and OP is a penniless NEET.
what was the question here?
her expression
i unironically look like him
It's the deal we have with them user, it goes both ways and is a mutual deal to keep the other two groups out, didn't you get the memo? I'm sure we even brought it up again on the last meeting if you were paying attention