Are friends worth getting?
Do you have any?
Are friends worth getting?
Do you have any?
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Definitely worth having, but getting can be difficult. Find people who share things you're interested in.
As someone who has had alot of friend at one point but lost them all after highschool,nah i dont think so.
I used to. Not so much anymore.
They're good for going places you wouldn't want to go alone. Like bars clubs amusement parks, movies, festivals, etc.
I used to have some yes, but one of them betrayed me, having friends is only temporary no one will stay your friend forever
Sad but true only like 1-2 will stick with your life
Definitely yes. My life without them would be a lot more shitty. I have made some of the best memories with them.
>Are friends worth getting?
Idk. It's alright while it lasts, but they will get bored and ditch you at some point.
>Do you have any?
Not anymore.
>Find people who share things you're interested in.
I am only interested in jacking off and mowing my lawn. In the winter I enjoy shoveling my driveway. How I do I find frens
I am unironically being serious
Used to have great friends that filled my life with joy, now I have none
No. They're nice to have when you're still young. But once you turn 25 they'll all eventually amount to a series of losses and separations as they get married, start popping out kids, and making other connections related to their careers and child rearing.
It requires constant investment but if they are good friends the returns are greater than the investment. It's hard to find someone you can rely on nowadays though.
>Are friends worth getting?
>Hey bro, my car broke down, can you tow me home?
>Sure man
>Hey bruv, can I get a hand doing the timing belt on my shitbox?
>No problem
>I'm bored to death, you ever ate at this restaurant before?
>Nah, let's do it
>I kinda feel like offing myself lately...
>Don't do it mane, let's talk about it
>Yo dude, let's hop into VRchat, check out some new worlds and get intimate as a couple of anime lolis
>Sounds good, see you in a bit
>Do you have any?
Yeah, three.
Also fpbp.
> Support (material and moral) when bad shit happens
> You can do a lot of things you don't usually do alone (concert, restaurant...)
> Fun if you're bored
I'm 34 and I still have few friends from high school. It's easier to keep old friends that getting new ones.
Make friends with the depths of your mind. That way you only can blame yourself when things don't go your way.
What's actually the encounter rate for friends in the wild?
>Are friends worth getting?
eh, friends are overrated. All they do is bitch and moan and drop you at the slightest mention of your self-awareness.
>Do you have any?
Used to know a lot of people. Distanced myself because everyone was and is a self-centered narcissistic delusional faggot who dropped you whenever they got their ego boost to cope with their insecurity.
Wouldn't be friends with any of you faggots either, because you retard are even worse than normies.
Yes. I used to have a lot, but I realized that most were just trophies and/or leeches. I trimmed down and ended up with the most relatable ones.
*except for Jesus.
The Lord Jesus forsakes no one
Have a few, it's fun sometimes, but when they got a gf, they'll always ditch me.
Even the one i've been friend with for 15 years.
This is the closest thing to Friends.
find some boomers that also like to masturbate and mow the lawn
>Are friends worth getting?
Nope. The best friends you make are the people you meet in the moment wherever you go, never to see them again.
>Do you have any?
Not traditionally, no, but at least there's always some worthwhile around out in the wild.
It depends on the kind of person you are, really. If you are the kind of person that is prone to feeling lonely then sure. Practically speaking, they are also good for connections to things you might not otherwise have such as jobs or drugs if you are into that.
As for myself, I went out of my way to cut off ties with all of the ones I had years ago and I have done my best to remain friendless since.
Real talk:
Yes get friends but only ones that you can benefit from, not ones you feel comfortable around. Friends are a cost to your time and are an investment.
I have no friends.
Friends can be benefited from and are comfortable to be around with, user.