>tfw born with the "doesn't need sex or intimate relationships" gene
Tfw born with the "doesn't need sex or intimate relationships" gene
>tfw you left a mark that changed the course of history,and a legacy that will be remembered for ages
Same. I do not feel sad about disinterest towards relationships and sex. Its merely gene thing.
OP I think you lie to yourself, I think ver night when you go to bed you imagine a female lying next to you.
>I think you lie to yourself
Not op but id be more miserable in relationship.
how shit the levels of projections in this one
Hell yeah I've done that, I'm not saying having a gf wouldn't be nice, I just don't need it. Recently Ive even given up fantasizing about it and feel better for it, I really haven't been taking full advantage of this gift though.
Seeing as genes are the base unit of evolution, how would such a gene propagate at all? Surely it must be a more complex interaction than a single gene, no?
Didn't he write pining poetry about how all the 19th century jocks are getting getting all the 19th century thots when he was in high school?
>gene that makes you not desire sex or reproduction
something isn't adding up here
have you ever actually had sex or been in an intimate relationship?
I think I may have that gene, I stopped having random casual sex on Tinder after having done so once or twice per week over the last year after discovering I really do not like sex with anyone.
I do miss my friendship with my ex wife, at times. I think I am better off alone for quite some time.
Me? No. Never felt a need.
That might have something to do with it, can't miss what you never had. And when you read a lot of redpill/MGTOW rhetoric is really fucks up your perception of dating, you begin to feel as if you're better off without it.
>never had a crush
>never felt like I wanted a gf
>feel everyone around me trying to force me to have gf/friends
>not sperg, can maintain relationships, people don't find me weird
>miserable when was hanging out with "friends" all the time
>happy when I'm alone
>all relationships I had were me pretending to care about the other person while in reality being indifferent, tired or disappointed with them
>daydream about living in a comfy unabomber cabin innawoods
>the concept of having a gf and spending time together is just weird and alien to me
>had "friends" I made by pretending to be extroverted and outgoing
>made friends back in HS so parents and teachers wouldn't worry about me being a school shooter and bother me about it
Very similar to me.
When I imagine the future, I see myself alone standing on top of the world in an expensive penthouse in a big city.
No gf, no one messing with me.
>unabomber cabin
>penthouse in a big city
>very similar
are you retarded?
Probably occurs as a random mutation. Whether it propagates or not is inconsequential.
>tfw born with the "COPE" gene
FTFY edge lord-san
There is nothing in this world that is more lonely then being alone in a big city
The gay also exists somehow
Not OP but I have plushies and that definitely feels better than a hard boney meat bag