Robot Thread

>tfw my gf
>my friends
>my ex

Can we go back in time a few years, robots? Back to the days where using the word incel would get you laughed off the board and admitting to having a gf would kill your thread

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You sound like you have not yet learned OP, true social outcasts such as ourselves will always be pushed to the fringes, even in the places we created for ourselves.

youtube, r*ddit and twitch made made Jow Forums look like a cool place to hang out, thus the influx of normalfaggots there is barely anything we can do except for blocking the threads

I unironically think the chad/virgin walk meme accelerated the downfall of r9k, it was made here after all

What we need is a thread that bans mentioning these kinds of intimate relationships except in the context of something negative happening.

>What we need is a thread that bans mentioning these kinds of intimate relationships except in the context of something negative happening

t. r/braincels tourist

this is the most cringy image on this board right now

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My ex is what makes me feel like a robot.

>post stupid board idea
>literally designed to create a depressing echo chamber
>brainlet takes it seriously and accuses me of being a redditor
and the best part
>uses reddit spacing
Lmao, nice job outing yourself, btw.

user I completely agree, I miss the board in those days, it's so strange how board memory changes over time. You feel like it's "the board" but in reality it's a fluid group of people

That's such a beautiful post user. It reminds me of this comic. It reminds me of the meme about games of the dungeons and dragons sort being new things at first where everything is beautiful, but then it gets inundated with normies and you have to move on to other autistic stuff

Yes it is. Why did you post it?

>trying this hard to fit in
you forgot to post with le funny meme froge

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>REEEEE you must be completely alone to be a TRUE robot
Being a robot means having feels. Over the years before normalfags flooded this place, there were plenty of people here that had good jobs or had friends or even had good GFs; but deep down they would still feel isolated. It isn't even the normalfags fault that this board is going to shit, because a bunch of retards here enable them with the constant attention that camwhore/orbiting threads get now compared to quality threads.

Jow Forums isn't meant to be some echo chamber for NEETs that piss in bottles and live with their parents while collecting autisimbux, but it isn't meant to be a normalfag haven either with people coming here to show off low quality memes and post politics threads. Not to mention the amount of discord shilling we have going on here either.

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>being this schizophrenic
You're absolutely right, user, I actually love reddit.

good ol' r9gay amirite

>revising r9k history

Utterly false, go back in time to 2015 r9k and admit to having a gf and see what happens. The truth is that you've only been here since 2018, newfag.

>no YOUR history is wrong, I totally didn't come here when tendies memes started blowing up
Try going further back in time amigo. Might as well give the thread another bump for your reddit spacing since that pisses some people off.

There's no point in jerking off how long we've been here though, especially since these days even /b/ has better feels threads.

We should go even further back desu

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You don't even know what you're talking about, the board was specifically brought back for robots.

>especially since these days even /b/ has better feels threads
Most robots have fucked off to other places so it's no suprise.

I'm thoroughly convinced that all original robots already committed suicide at this point

Will there come a point when there are no autistic hobbies left? When everything has been infiltrated by the normalfag hordes?
Maybe then ironically sports and fashion will become the domain of the civilised incel neet aristocracy.

80s and 90s nerd culture was completely different. Nerd culture actually existed for a start.

>I'm thoroughly convinced that all original robots already committed suicide at this point
I think most of them finished college, got jobs and moved out. They work all the time so there is very little free time for shitposting on Jow Forums.

I remember when Jow Forums was focussed on lolcows. R9K now tho is the lowest tier board no doubt,

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You haven't created shit, you mentally ill incel, and you never will. Also, check the board's description, you deluded autist

let me guess, you participate in avatar threads full of attention seeking 16 year olds.

"nerd culture" was something you kept to yourself back in the day because literally everything was lambasted as "gay". i love how everyone attempts to whitewash it and pretends like they weren't vehemently against it as they proclaim "DUDE IM A NERD XDDDDDD" in their anime shirts or whatever the fuck.

/tv/ and /v/ are just barely worse than Jow Forums desu

>youtube, r*ddit and twitch made made Jow Forums look like a cool place to hang out
Did it, though?
The only instance of Jow Forums being portrayed as something other than 100% negative on the internets outside of Jow Forums I've seen is that Frozen fanfic shit that was popular on Tumblr a while ago.

It's called larping, user. Don't take any of this seriously.

Jow Forumsacks, /virging/, /tv/irgins, /lgbt/rannies, and Jow Forums are worst and on par in terms of threads quality. They are literally like dishonorable autistic offsprings in family meeting that nobody wants to talk about.

>Jow Forums isn't meant to be some echo chamber for NEETs that piss in bottles and live with their parents while collecting autisimbux
I would prefer that over the normalfag incel shit we have now. We have the same vapid threads over and over like it's instagram or something.
There is nothing interesting about some plebs weeping over a break up, or pissy over Chads and "femcels". I want to see weird shit like that ogre looking Mad Max fanboy who keeps onions in cages and expands his uncle's basement with a spoon.

There was never a time like that. 5 years ago if you started talking about your gf all the trolls would bump the thread in their rage. The same happens today.

It's a cycle. Once the normies get bored of whatever they are currently ruining they will find something else to ruin and abandon the original.

I think anons should all get Ham Radios and set up a private repeater net, for anons only, would be very comfy and exclusive.

normies have absolutely ravaged this board. Back in 2016 R9K was nothing like it was now. It felt more comfy, the threads felt higher quality. Normies have now infested this board with tranny, muh break up, why doesnt the girl i like like me back threads. Yes people who like trannys and anime are normies.

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>bwaaaaak incel bwaaaak
how does it feel like to have the vocabulary of a tropical bird?