Out of curiosity, do any of you non-white bot's preference for white girls originate from a place of insecurity?
Out of curiosity, do any of you non-white bot's preference for white girls originate from a place of insecurity?
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Yes, I do not date many black girls because they remind me of my ex wife.
theyre a status symbol to shit coloured people
the only honest good answer that will be on this thread.
No, I just like them
They have the least amount of baggage compared to brown women
and also this pure joy and innocence of just wanting to have fun
brown girls never wanna go do shit and complain about everything, everywhere, at all times- it's fucking annoying
Asian male here. They're sort of like a fantasy for me. It's not a healthy way to approach a potential relationship. I think I'll just stick to Asian girls.
Grew up in a predominantly white area so I've always liked white girls. Wouldn't write off a person because of her race though, I'd date any woman provided we share values and I find her attractive. Asian, Indian and Latina girls are great too. Dated this petite mixed Asian/white girl in highschool with a fat ass. She was one of those alternative counterculture types, a hipster bombshell. I was lucky she didn't get snatched up yet, easy 8/10 but then again I was working out and swimming so I was buffer than most of my Male peers.
Greentext time. What happened?
I actually have preference for darker skin, but ironically the only gf I have ever had was white with blonde hair.
Lol that would be the worlds longest greentext, but in short we dated since we were twelve and just seperated last August. That is a lot of time and memories accumulated so it is difficult not to be reminded of her so I do what I can to mitigate it
I'm not non-white, but I long for a Northeast Asian or Ashkenazi Jewish girl and view reproducing with them as an upgrade for my genes since they genetically have higher IQs than whites.
Blackbot here.
I'd prefer a traditional white girl that wasny mentally ill and strong on raising family/had a decent career. But trad white girls go for white guys so that will never happen
Asian bot. I used to like white girls, not out of insecurity, just my type. I liked girls that looked like Rose Byrne types. Mousey chicks with brown hair and the like. Now I like pale skin and black hair, which is usually Asian or halfus and I like this a lot better
Damn user. What caused the separation? Complacency from being together so long?
All women are like that. You can see plenty of shitters on Jow Forums and Jow Forums saying that but in reverse.
Nah a lot of drama and a nasty marriage rife with argument, we should have waited to tie the knot or never had, we had a lot of fun during that time but in her words for every brilliant memory there were three really hard ones. Neither one of us treated the other very well and I'm not sure when that started for either of us
Make a thread about it and greentext it. We havent had a good story time since Pizzafag. Or Pizzanon, whatever he was called.
black girls have baggage out the ass in wayyyyy higher numbers and volume
the average white girl leads a way happier life and always a much nicer disposition
As a pajeet I gotta say white women disgust me, and pretty much everyone in my family agrees. Looking forward to my arranged pajeeta wife.
Maybe one day when I feel like I can make light of it, it is still too fresh for me.
I dont prefer white girls , I'll be with any one who accepts me
60% of black women are sexually abused by black men before the age of 18.
baste. I dont get interracial dating. I want my wife and children to look like me
im black and im not into white girls but i really like asian girls
i hit puberty around the time all these asian girls transferred to my school, they were all very beautiful
>B.E.T. self-reported study
>believing retarded foids
Not really. I'm south Asian and lost girls of my ethnicity are either fobs and remind me of my mom, huge cunts, too nice, too white washed and like niggers and whites.
I don't have a preference for whites. I actually really like Colombian and Italian girls. The only whites I really like are European whites. Fuck American white women, I can't stand them.
Not him but there's some study out there that says most black teen mothers have a baby daddy over 25, I would say from personal experience that sexual abuse is rampant amongst black communities. Mike Tyson did a great interview on this awhile back
honestly i hope this is true, more foids need to be raped/abused/victimized
>Asian male here. They're sort of like a fantasy for me.
I guess same could be said about white guys with yellow fever. And you know what to tell them right? That not every asian girl is that cute/beautiful. Most white women aren't like your pic related.
Offenders target boys as well, but for black males coming forthright about such abuse would make you weak in a hyper masculine culture, which I suppose is why the abuse remains so rampant.
>Most white women aren't like your pic related.
Could've fooled me. I'm at a school where most (white) girls look like this.
i also hope this is true, fuck basedboys and faggots for enabling foids
Not him but am I foolish to believe most every white woman has the potential for great beauty/to be very attractive. Certainly more black women would be attractive if they were privy to how to care for their hair, skin and bodies. But if most white girls had great skin, hair and were thin I could not think of many that I would deny.
Most black girls I think would still not be very attractive if they were at their best just due to facial features/skin color.
Did you seriously just downplay the experience that black women go through?
they wouldn't have that experience if they stopped fucking and shacking up with tyrone the rap music video larp-er
Why do black women even give those guys the time of day? Why do they support a culture/music/people that seeks to destroy them?
Absolutely. Im whitewashing my asian genes or trying to. See we are all equal, huehue
no. white women exclusively approach me for whatever reason. im playing the hand i was dealt.
White women -never- approach me.
Oh you're Asian?? Wow, I would've never guessed.
what kinda school. i'm actually curious
no im not "Asian", im asian.
HAH gottem good . Tamsin posting is now resuming
I could say the same about asian women by watching kpop all day long. Reality is, white women are materialistic whores with slavery guilt communistic nature ready to whore themselves on black dick just in spite of evil white men. They age like shit, they gain fat in all the wrong places.
>I'm at a school where most (white) girls look like this.
you should get banned for being underage then. White women don't look like that past 18
White women are goddesses, they are like angels who fell from the sky, i see them as celestial beings
Yeah the really pretty ones look otherworldly to me, like angels like you said or elves.
don't know. i'm asian and used to think asian girls were the best, but seeing how self hating they were and how much they hate asian guys, i started to see asian girls as unattractive and started seeing white and hispanic girls as the most beautiful
White girls ARE mega cuties. but race-mixing smothers their cuteness.
i will love White girls from afar, theres room in my heart for them and my best friend.
you wont catch me with a white girl i only have love for girls that are my race
yeah man women have no pride or integrity for their race
I date mostly black women sometimes white.
T. Bean
>yeah man women have no pride or integrity for their race
yeah, asian women just completely turn me off at this point
based lmfao. best friends are more redpilled than gf
no they're just objectively more attractive
and much room in my belly for wine and chipotle
Nordic>Celtic>Slavic>Mediterranean>Korean>Japanese>Chinese>Latinas>Arabs and Persians>Jungle Asians>Light skin Indians>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Niggers, dark skinned Indians and Abos
based. whatare you tho
Wine or Tamsin?
sandnig + french mutt, basically an orc
got good taste in girls so it's fine
Similar. I don't date White grills because of my mom. Only Asians.
No, I'm just very originally racist.
I'll chime in. It's not about insecurity, but I worry about if we (hypothetically, I'm kv) had children, and they got picked on like I did. Or if I can't see the other person past their looks, then it would feel like I'm taking advantage of them.
On a wired thought, I can't feel attraction to most blondes, for some reason. Probably the same reason as Elliot Roger, but in reverse and without the edgy plot twist.
No offense, but I don't date Celtic women unless they can prove to me that they're not an ill-tempered bitch. My dad's got Celtic ancestry, and to me they're no more highly evolved than an Arab or a Turk.
No. I just think they're QT as fuck. I like brown women as well.
Insecurity in what way? I'm black and just find them more attractive
What race is this origonoly
>I'm black
Welp, I guess that explains it. OP is probably referring to Asian bots or something.
>They have the least amount of baggage
OH! That's where you're wrong bucko! That's where you're VERY VERY wrong!
I love all women especially the ones that make my pp hard
No because they fuck dogs
NA "blacks" they're a mix of predominantly northern european and africa admixture
Pic related is 100% African. She's even gone as far to say that she's more black any any NA black who thinks she's a white person dipped in chocolate.
yes, they are delusional race traitors who think they have a chance, lmao.
>100% anything in the current year
Shitty bait
Mother Nature can be a bitch at times. I'm only wanting to pick up the pieces of what my screwed-up ancestors damaged.
never considered white women, too wild, always prefer sticking to my own race, Chinese girls
they give off a more feminine feeling
I'm also bi though, and I prefer white men on this aspect since they give me a protective feeling so I guess its somewhat related to my insecurity?
Not really. I actually tried dating a black girl. She was ghetto and I couldn't have any deep meaning conversation and her general intellect not only was naive and uneducated, but seemed to lack a very basic understanding of metacognition and critical thinking. I did not have this problem with the Cuban girl I dated, the plethora of white girls I dated, and certainly not one with my current Nippon girlfriend, who I will most likely marry.
>tfw asian and developed a crush on pic related because of some guy who kept spamming her on Jow Forums
thanks a lot, asshole
Asian women are equally as materialistic, and expect men to be sole providers. You are fucking nuts if you think they age significantly better, the reality is we all age like shit without a very healthy/privileged lifestyle.
I was with around 30 Japanese girls while I was there, and a few Koreans/Chinese, I only properly dated maybe 6-7 of them, but they're not all that different to white girls I've been with here in the UK. American women are fucking atrocious though, I spent 5 months in LA and 2 months in Texas, and they're trash humans.