Be depressed

>be depressed
>smoke some marijuana
>not depressed anymore
Thank you marijuana

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wish this shit was legal where I live desu
you can only drink alcohol for so long

Need my brother in law to come help me fix my truck, smoked the last of my shit today I am pretty sure.

just got pulled for "speeding" when i was only going 15 over the limit after a long 12 hour shift. i was just trying to get home the cops found my weed and arrested me. i didn't even have a lot it was just a grinders worth of weed. i just felt so powerless like these guys could really kill me right now and i couldn't do nothing about it. fuck the police.

I should be getting some weed later too. It's good user :) helps my PTSD.

what are you going to do when you get sober?
or run out of money for weed?

this is not a good longterm plan

i'm high, weed is neato

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got busted with .25g in ks, had to pee in a cup once a week for two years. fuck the flyovers

You dont need to be high 100% of the time it's not heroine you faggot

damn thats terrible. its just so insane to me that we're treated like violent criminals just because some people sperg'd about it over 60 years ago. im moving to LA.

just because there are no withdrawals doesn't mean you won't get fucked when the high dies

especially if you are using it to run from problems

>be depressed
>smoke marijuana once
>instantly develop panic disorder
>hasn't gone away for 4 years
thank you, marijuana

Shit, its legal here, does it actually help with the blues?

I hate its smell and all the people involved with that plant, but I would take anything to help in the worst episodes.

yeah it can. The issue is that it sort of depends on the person. Not everyone reacts the same to it. But personally i'd definitely reccomend at least trying it sometime.

Do you think you need to keep smoking 24/7? You just get a good job that can pay for it. EZPZ

>make firecracker edibles (which are easy af and only take 30 minutes to cook)
>eat 2-3 throughout the day
>high in your sleep and high when awake

Just blaze it and watch anime or listen to your fav music. Helps every time.

wouldn't the depression come back when are sober?

lol get fucked on

yeash the people who say it wont are literally just coping. They get up and 5 minutes later they smoke and they stay high until they get to bed.

If you haven't dealt with the reason you're depressed, then ya. But sometimes when you remove yourself from the problem temporarily, the answer can be found. Also, you just smoke more weed lmao.

yeah but OP uses it to cope with depression which just won't work

weed should always be used when you want to have fun, not when you want to run from shit, same with all drugs

>be depressed
>smoke mar-
>out of marijuana
>go to buy mari-
>no money to buy marijuana
>continue being depressed
Thank you marijuana